RELAXATION TECHNIQUES October 8, 1989 RELAX.ZIP is a group of text files that will guide you to complete relaxation, and the techniques of such. This file is an alternate relaxation guide, designed to compliment AP_PREP.ZIP, which is available on this BBS. Either technique can be used with the same results, choose the one that works for best for you. I suggest trying all of them... The Wizard Ariel> This .ZIP archive should contain the following text files: RELAX1.TXT - Text on Relaxing The Body RELAX2.TXT - Text on the methods of Deep Breathing RELAX3.TXT - Text on How To Prepair For Astral Projection/Remembering EOF> RELAXATION TECHNIQUES I October 8, 1989 RELAXING THE BODY Close your eyes. Get yourself comfortable, and concentrate on your breathing. Pay close attention to your breathing. Recognize how slow and deep breathing will help to induce relaxation. Exhale. Then take a deep breath in through your nose and blow it out through your mouth. Breathe from your abdomen, deeply and slowly. As you concentrate on your breathing, focus your attention on an imaginary spot in the center of your forehead. Look at the spot as if you were trying to see it from inside your head. You will begin to realize that your eyelids have become tense. Get a sense of how tense the eyelids can become as you stare at the spot that you can compare this feeling with relaxation. When your eyelids become strained and uncomfortable, let them drop. Notice the feeling of relaxation that radiates all through and around your eyes. Allow that feeling of warmth and relaxation to move out to the temples and across the forehead. Let the relaxation then radiate to your scalp, to the back of your head, to your ears, temples, cheeks, nose, then to your mouth and chin. As you feel all the tension leave your face, relax your jaw muscles. Let your jaw open slightly, so that all the tension can smoothly flow away. Relax the muscles in your neck. As you do, let your head tip forward gently so your chin just about touches your chest. Let this feeling of relaxation flow down into your shoulders and from there into the muscles of your arms and hands, then down your back, over to the front of the chest, on down to the abdomen, and then allow it to reach all the way down to the base of the spine. Let the buttocks go completely loose and limp. Allow the warmth and relaxation to spread to the thighs, on down the legs, down to the ankles, and down through the feet to the tips of the toes. Now you feel completely relaxed. Take a moment, starting from the top of your head and working down, to check to see if any part of you is not yet fully relaxed. If you find any part of your body not fully relaxed, simply inhale a deep breath and send it into the area, bringing soothing, healing, relaxing, nourishing oxygen to comfort that area. As you exhale imagine blowing out right through your skin any tension, tightness, or discomfort. By inhaling a breath into that area and exhaling right through the skin, you are able to replace tension in any part of your body with gentle relaxation. When you find yourself quiet and fully relaxed, take a few moments to enjoy it. RELAXATION TECHNIQUES II October 8, 1989 DEEP BREATHING Close your eyes...Get yourself comfortable. Pay careful attention to your breathing. Recognize how slow and deep breathing will help to induce relaxation. Exhale, then take a deep breath in through your nose and blow it out through your mouth. Breathe from your abdomen, deeply and slowly. Allow your abdomen to rise and fall as you breathe. With each inhale and exhale, count your breaths. count ONE on the inhale and TWO on the exhale. Focus only on the breath and your counting. If a thought comes into your mind which causes you to lose track of your counting, just return to the count. If a thought comes into your mind, look at it as though it were someone else's. Neither grab hold of it nor chop it down. Neither stop it nor pursue it. Simply watch it come into view and disappear. Then continue your counting. Count your breaths until you feel deeply relaxed. Breathe in and out slowly, counting each breath, until you feel quiet, relaxed, and still alert. EOF> RELAXATION TECHNIQUES III October 8, 1989 BEGINNING THE AP EXPERIENCE / REMEMBERING Stretch, take a good deep stretch, all through your body. Slide down in the afterglow of that stretch, into a relaxed position. Holding that afterglow feeling, reflect back on how it feels to be relaxed, as if you were in bed at night on the edges of sleep (though this time you stay AWAKE and don't miss the fun). If you are already trained in some form of meditation or Astral Projection, reflect back on one of your BEST experiences of meditation or AP, and how that felt. If you are religious, reflect back on how it feels to listen in prayer. Whichever experience you reflect back on, remember it more and more completely. Remember more and more clearly what it feels like, what elements in the experience go along with that feeling. Remembering an experience re-creates the mental and physical basis of that experience. This is why you are already virtually back in the quality of this experience you are remembering, this experience you are remembering more about, more and more clearly. While remembering the feeling and quality of this experience, now slowly breathe in deeply and breathe out deeply...3 to 5 times, and just let your muscles go a little more with each breath out, relaxing more deeply. Become more aware of what you are feeling and experiencing within you, and become more aware of your surroundings. It's surprising how much of a mental picture you can build up of your surroundings, just from what you can hear. Taking about six seconds to do so, breathe in slowly and very deeply. Exhale as slowly and deeply. With your lungs empty, try to blow out an imaginary candle a foot in front of your face - that's how deeply you should exhale. Go on inhaling and exhaling as deeply as you can, very slowly, six seconds or longer each way. May you find the joy and happiness that you deserve...and also utilize this text to your advantage. If you know someone that could benefit from this text, please feel free to give them a copy. EOF>  .