[Never finished, was posted early by an overzelus follower] The following text is the work of very insane people that decided to be very annoying to some people in a nice and large computer cluster. Please ignore all attempts by the people in the cluster who wish to beat the authors of this here text and all bloodstains that may be spotted on any printed documents of this text --that is if you can find it after the people who are not amused about the authors writing this do. Sit back, and enjoy. TTTTT his is the story of Spam. The authors of this T program wish to make it perfectly clear that this T file is meant to be absolutely harmless to most and T specific individuals. However, this file in its T previous forms has been known to cause serious side effects to the people who happened to pick up this document that was lying on some coffee table in the middle of nowhere. All of the side effects are not known at this point as half of the population that actually experienced these side effects would not possibly dream to actually admit to these side effects. Some of the side effects that actually been reported are as follows: ~ Serious Addictions and cravings to demented sodas such as Mello Yello and Moxie. We, of the Church of Spam, can completely understand this cravings but we cannot be responsible for any illegal trades for these substances such as siblings and Kmarts. ~ Answering the phone "Yellow?" ~ Prasing other lifeforms and the start of a major movements that are meant for the preservation of rare and endangered life forms such as cows. ~ Going on demented rampages throughout the neighborhood paintballing cats. ~ We are not going to mention any more side effects, as we actually WANT YOU TO READ THIS AND SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!!!! [...we apologize for our last typer as he had drunk too much mello yello before he got this. He has been severely flogged and dragged out and pseudo-shot. Again, we apologize for the interruption...] HAIL Gavin! Gavin "S.F.A." Healy, the previous Head Pope of Spam, has been promoted to god-status within the parameters of the known universe and now walks the earth with his never-ending curls of hair that still give him the Nat-X look that he is and always will be famous for. He is known for the tan and brown sweater that he always has donned ever since the beginning of time when all there was was Gavin, Arjaii, and Spam. Arjaii, also known as Raphael Dareau and other various names that he is called by his girlfriend and his anti- girlfriend. He can be easily identified by his tall and normal heights and always carries a mysterious blue backpack that he calls "Ton O' Fun". No one really knows what he carries in there except for the "Avant Cow" hat and another hat that no one has ever seen him wear yet. He has also been known to paintball cats within his local neighborhood and cause some anti-peaceful activities. Other than the unknown, Arjaii carries copies of his programs that he is proud to call his own (although some people are quite mystified about why .