THE PUSH A broom handle or similar object is held parallel to the floor. Two or even more men grasp it palms up. Drop a piece of paper onto the floor and instruct the men to touch the end of the broom handle to the paper. Of course they do this effortlessly. Then challenge them. State that with only two fingers you can prevent them from doing that again. After they laugh and accept your challenge, place two fingers just inside the hand closest to the end intended to touch the paper. When they attempt to touch the paper, they will instead find themselves moving across the room. The secret? Instead of pushing up as everyone will expect. you push forward, redirecting their force. Practice a few times at home first. Variation: Challenge a person as follows. Have your victim take a broom handle or similar object and hold it in front of them, parallel with their own body, handle end pointed downward. Tell them to grip it with both hands and push it to the floor. Again, this is done effortlessly. Now tell them that you can stop them from doing this with only two fingers. Explain to them that they cannot jerk the broom or use any quick motion. Just a steady pressure. When they accept the challenge, just place your two fingers near the bottom of the handle, closest to the floor and when they begin to push down, YOU push to the side, once again re-directing their force. The handle goes everywhere but down. Another great one: Pick the largest person in the room for this one. Hold a broom handle in your hands, parallel to the floor at about chest height. Grip the handle about even with your shoulders. Challenge this person, saying that no matter how hard they push against the broom handle, they will not be able to move you backwards. Have them grasp the handle just on the outside of your hands and explain that they must push with a steady pressure, no quick motions, jerks or shoves. When he begins to push, you simply redirect the force either upwards or downwards depending on the height of your challenger. Gets them every time! - END FILE -  .