CHEAT: Secret Backdoors and Debug Codes the Programmers Don't Want You to Know About By Mike Zier, Fido 1:272/169 Mike Zier P.O. Box 546 Smallwood, NY 12778-0546 ** What is CHEAT? CHEAT is a listing of cheats for IBM/MS-DOS computer games. Debugging commands, secret commands, and whatever else can enable you to cheat in these games. However, you won't find any level codes or trainer-style programs here... they aren't real cheats. ** How do I load the program? At the command prompt (that thing that looks remotely like C:\>) type CHEAT and press enter. On screen instructions are given from that point on. I hope it's self-explanatory.... ** Where do I report bugs, comments, suggestions, and ** submissions? The official support BBS is The Cult of the Tentacle. A 28.8k modem is online 24 hours a day to serve your gaming needs. You can also freq CHEAT from 1:272/169. ** Disclaimer I cannot be held responsible for the results of any cheats described in this list. In most cases, the game companies intended these cheats for internal use only, they have the chance of being destructive. Known limitations are listed, when possible . As for this program, if it blows up your computer, I am not responsible for that either. Sorry. ** Copyright statements and what-not This program, documentation, and all related services are (c) Copyright 1993-1995 Mike Zier, All rights reserved. I have no problem with the spread of the information contained within, but if you are using them in your own project please inform me. You may NOT duplicate this work or a large percentage of it for your own personal gain. .