I figured out that the numbers at the end are the social security number. (not that long though). Nice now that I am in Johns account, what should I do.I tried a few bum keys. Here are the keys that work : a s qw qu x b t t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 o o1 p pd l lx gr acc bi int ne There are probably a lot more. Lots more. They are 1 ,2 or maybe 3 letters long. An interesting one is the following sp it will then ask for the following l: you type in a number say 1 then it will ask... en: you type in another number say 3 then it will ask ... de: you type in 10245 (remember john's number) what you are really supposed to do is type return, but I found this more interesting. it will then put show: wait. then you look at john's account. you will see that his account total with be in the range of $200,000 or so. He only had $1100. what that set of stuff did was skimm off the extra 100th's place of the decimal point and total it all into john's account. ie: $100.21231 the 231 is less than a penny. but if you total all of those things, they can add up. by the way $200,000 is a bit far fetched. It was in the range of 13,000 or so. I got carried away. At least that is my theory on what it does. who knows, it might of transfered a persons bank account (but that is another trick). anyways, it doesn't matter, it gave john 13000 bucks. one thing though: I got so scared I logged off. I didn't call for a while January 12, 1985 I called and looked at john's account, it was back to 1100 dollars. three things could have happened 1. the bank saw the error and fixed it. 2. the transaction lUs not saved. 3. john withdrew the cash and bought a car. I think that either 1 or 3 is the correct thing. anyways,...here are a few more commands u tr sc. cc. this one is neat (ever want to put someone on a black list) well that is all for now.. oh, i almost forgot, the banks number is in the "numbers of the month" section of Airwolf. It is the one called Citibank, DC" also try the other banks. if you get into one, maybe you may get featured on the magazine rack.  .