----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBV Hackin By PiNK ToRPeDo Original File Date: June 7, 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You might be saying to yourself... now PiNK - How do I get through those CHeeZY CBV's that everyone uses. There are at least six (6) wayz: 1: Deception 2: Brute Force (easiest & quickest) 3: Tones 4: Loops 5: VMB's 6: Dialouts =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DECEPTION: The first is tricky because it envolves Social Engineering methods. There are numerous wayz to do this, but I will only go through a small portion of techniques. If you can't figure out the rest - YOU SHOULDN'T BE READING THIS!!!!! The first, is blatent use of a friends line to verify CBV. This poses problems because if you intend on hacking a board, they might call him up and ask him why he has been hacking their board. If he has any brain he might realize it is you. You can also use your work number (if you work on a computer). This method can also pose problems because you could fuk up your work by getting A.G.T. up their asshole or maybe some mad sysop. If you have a laptop... use a fortress fon and your homefree! You can also try to deceive the sysop and try to get him to voice verify (fortress fon) ect. All of these methods take time, patience and some good ol Social Engineering, so lets move on to more plausible methods........ BRUTE FORCE: This one is fun... and most every good hacker knows it but I will go through it again for those that haven't leanred it. What is a CBV? A CBV, is called a "Call Back Verify" and is used by sysops on boards, so that users can't get multiple accounts. Now if they have two individual lines in their homes, then YES it is possible to get two individual accounts. It calls you back at a specified number to verify your location. Now, to get through them using BRUTE FORCE... it requires only little knowledge and a fon plugged into your modem. Call the board and leave FAKE information. IE: Name, number, Age ect... Write your new info in a memo on your termial program or write it somewhere as some bbs's ask for your birthdate and the last four digits of your fon number. Then when you are done, register by going into the CBV. When the komputer has asked for all info to be correct and just when it is going to hang, pick up your fon line, so that your computer disconnects and your fon doesn't. So now, your komputer is disconnected and you are sitting there with a Data transmission of CBV on your line. Hit "ATA" Thats it! Some CBV's are that shitty and won't look for Dial Tone, so it will think that it has called you back, when you have never left. This method works about 80% of the time! Tones: This is similar in content but adds a new twist. You can achieve this two wayz... 1: Use your fon to generate garbage tones. 2: Use a RED BOX (Tone Generator) Let me explain Follow the same guidelines as mentioned above. When the CBV is about to hang... pick up the fon line. Some CBV's try to hang, so when you here a "click" hold the button "1" down until you here it dial. If it doesn't work try the number "2" ect ect... then hit "ATA" This sometimes (on some CBV's) will generate the needed Dial Tone and the CBV will call you back. If this doesn't work.... Try a RED BOX. This can generate a multitude of frequencies, including Dial Tone (2600 MHz). When you are generating a DT, you will hear a "click" "click" "click", usually three then it will dial the number you left. Very fukin easy. Loops: Now, if you havn't a clue what Loops are get a good file from your local H/P BBS and learn. For those who know... you should be getting ideas. Call the bbs, get the CBV going and put in the Loops, low end line number. Then quickly call the high end and wait... when it calls just hit "ATA" VMB's: Again, if you don't know how to use them... go get a file and learn. After hacking a codeline, you will gain certain access to the VMB. If you have a diverter number (used by that certain VMB) enter that number for the CBV to call. Call up the Diverter and use Call Forwarding on the VMB (*72) You might be saying "Well, PiNK - how can I use CF on some other line? Doesn't the VMB have to suscribe to it? Well yes, but in some business areas certain codes are free! If you happen to have a VMB with this option -----> USE IT. If not, then look for one. When you enter the VMB line for the CBV and use CF, then it should call you back. Just type "ATA" If you are also wondering "Well PiNK... how do I get from Data to voice and voice to data? Command: ATX1DT This is so that when the CBV calls you can quickly get into and out of the Data mode. (Voice to Data) Dialouts: This is pretty self explanatory. Call the bbs, enter the dialouts number, then call the dialout and wait. It will call. At this point... you should be able to get into any komputer using one of these methods! NO MORE CBV VERIFICATION FOR YOU! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thanks to everyone who helped me... No one! Except for the original makers of the file "CBV hackin". Vince Neil of course. To all those who came before... your knowledge wasn't wasted. To all those who come after.... live, learn and hack. Cheers! PiNK .