...How About A Nice Game Of Chess... The Ultimate In WarGames Dialers -------------------------------------- U L T R A - D I A L -------------------------------------- VERSION 3.0: THE FINAL FRONTIER! = By: Paul Levy = /**\ \ <******> / <********> - - <********> / <******> \ \**/ Software Creations For The IBM-PC The author of this software takes no responsibility for what occurs during the use of this program. It is distributed completely free of charge and nothing is expected in return except that you follow the following guide lines: 1) This software is not to be distributed in a modified form...including any and all documentation that comes with the software. 2) This software is not to be distributed for any fee. It's author has chosen to distribute it free of charge. 3) This software was not intended for malicious use. Do not use for any type of illegal computing...under penalty of law. If you wish to get in contact with the author of this software or any of the Com-Worx software, you may contact the Com-Worx RBBS Bulletin Board system in Southern California at (818) 986-1673. If you find this product well written and user- friendly, why not try some of the other Com-Worx software such as Super-File, the "People-Information" manager. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The idea of writing a WARGAMES dialer was inspired by Steve Klein who wrote the original DIAL.BAS. I took this program and proceeded to cre- ate DIAL1 and DIAL3 (Steve Klein took DIAL1 and enhanced it to DIAL2). I began to get sick of constantly updating so I decided to write the most incredible dialer around, and I think I have succeded. In the first version of ULTRA-DIAL (ULTRA.EXE), there were many problems, in- cluding the fact that it did NOT support the Hayes External Modem, this minor error was fixed and a few other features were added into ULTRA2.EXE, the next version. I though I had it all down pat with this version, but my "good ol'" users clued me in to some problems...and here it is folks, ULTRA3.EXE. I would like everyone to know that this will be the last version of ULTRA-DIAL, UNLESS I find some incredible error or some new incredible request for a feature is made. So, you'll have to live with this one. REMEMBER: This program is for the IBM Personal Computer PC or XT (not AT or any compatible). You must have a Hayes modem (an Anchor Signal- man may work, it has not been tested) to operate this program. There is absolutely no exceptions to this...sorry. Now we'll cut the lecture and start the documentation! --------------------------------------------------------------------- ** MINIMUM HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS To operate UltraDial 3.0, you need at least the following: An IBM Personal Computer 64k Memory One Floppy Disk Drive A Hayes Auto-Dial Modem To operate UltraDial 3.0 with optimum performance, add: An 80 Coulumn Printer 128k Memory A RAMdrive Program ** TO BEGIN To start UltraDial, place the disk that contains ULTRA3.EXE in drive A: and type: A>ULTRA3 Within a few moments, a text screen should appear telling you the rules of Com-Worx. Press a key and you will see the title screen begin. After the "COM-WORX Presents..." portion, you will be asked to select COM1: or COM2:, that is communications port number 1 or communications port #2. Enter the port to which your modem is connected to (enter a 1 or a 2). Then you will see the main title screen...press any key to go further... The program will then ask you to set the time and date. If it is already set, simply hit at each of the prompts. Finally the menu screen will appear and you will have the following options: [B]egin a dialing routine [S]can/Dial found numbers [P]rint a copy of numbers [C]ontact the author [D]elete old numbers [Q]uit to DOS These options are explained in detail on the following pages of this documentation... ** BEGIN A DIALING ROUTINE This command is the master command of the entire program, it sets the dialing in motion. You will be using this command whenever you wish to start dialing... Your first prompt will be "Do you wish to delete old numbers that have been found?". This simply means, do you want to erase the file that contains the previously found numbers with carriers and start with a fresh one, or do you want to save them. Answer "Y" to start a fresh new file, or enter "N" to save the old one (remember, Ultra3 can only handle 18 numbers per file because of some problems, print out the file often and start a fresh one when possible). The second option is simple, "Do you want the modem speaker on?". Answer "Y" if you want the Hayes internal speaker on, and answer "N", if you want it off (this is also togglable during the program operation). Ok, now you are going to enter the vital numbers that will make this program run. The next prompt, after the speaker prompt, is the "PRELIMINARY NUMBER" prompt. This is a new feature to ULTRA DIAL and I will try to explain it the best I can. Whatever you enter at the PRELIMINARY NUMBER prompt will be dialed before EVERY number. This can be helpful for obtaining an outside line (i.e. hotels and buisnesses sometimes require you dial a "9" before dialing the outside number you wish to reach). If you have no use for this, simply hit , if you do want to use this function, enter the number(s) you wished to be dialed before EVERY number in the dialing sequence. Now you are going to enter the starting and ending numbers! Your first prompt will be to enter the area code, if you want to dial local simply hit , if not, enter the three digit area code. The next prompt will be for the beginning number, this will be the first number to be dialed. Here are some examples of the right and wrong way to enter numbers: RIGHT: 9861673 WRONG: 986-1673 5205547 5,205547 *** REMEMBER: DO NOT USE HYPHENS, COMMAS, ETC. JUST ENTER THE NUMBER! The next prompt will be for the ending number, the last number to be dialed. Use the same format as you saw above. Now the dialing begins...Your options are now held in function keys (the darker keys on the left side of the keyboard). There func- tions are described here... [F1] - SKIP # - allows you to skip on to the next phone number. For example, if the computer is on 986-1673 and you hit [F1] then it will skip to 986-1674 as soon as you hear the beep. [F2] - MAIN - takes you directly to the main menu and stops all active dialing. (Quits to the menu) [F3] - QUIT - ends the dialing and returns you to DOS. [F4] - PAUSE - pauses the timer so as to allow more waiting time and continues to hold the timer until you hit any key (remember to re-start it with any key). [F5] - SPKR - toggles the speaker on or off. When pressed, the screen will clear and you will be asked if you want the speaker on or off, then dialing will re- sume from the number you left off on. *** REMEMBER: THE FUNCTION KEYS TAKE A FEW MOMENTS TO RESPOND! If the dialer finds a carrier at a certain number, it beeps, saves the number to disk, and continues dialing. If it completes the dialing routine by getting to the last number, it sounds an alarm to inform you (until you press any key). You are then returned to the main menu. ** SCAN/DIAL FOUND NUMBERS This function allows you to see up to 18 of the found numbers in the file NUMBERS. You can select a number with the up and down cursor keys on the right side of the keyboard. If at first the arrow does not move when you hit the cursor up or down, try hitting . When you have the arrow pointing at the number you wish to try, hit . The computer will enter a terminal mode. Anything you type now will go straight to the modem. The computer will dial the number you selected and wait for a carrier. When it receives a carrier, it will connect at 300 baud, even parity, 7 data bits, and 1 stop bit. To exit the terminal mode and return to the main menu, hit the key, up in the left hand corner of the keyboard. It will ask if you wish to dial another number and you may respond accordingly with "Y" or "N". ** PRINT A COPY OF NUMBERS This function will print a copy of all of the phone numbers onto the printer. Also, the dates and times that the numbers were found will be printed. When the printing is complete, the computer will return to the main menu... *** CONTACT THE AUTHOR This function was just "an idea" that I thought would encourage people to report errors more often because it would be so simple to conatct me. This function will simply enter the terminal mode and dial The COM-WORX RBBS...Hit to hang-up and exit... ** DELETE OLD NUMBERS This function will erase the file NUMBERS which contains all of the phone numbers that have been found. You should use this at least every 18 numbers found. ** QUIT TO DOS This function drops you into DOS (use only when you are finished using Ultra-Dial). ----------------------------------------------------------------- THIS SOFTWARE WAS WRITTEN BY PAUL LEVY...A PROGRAMMER WITH OVER FIVE YEARS OF BASIC PROGRAMMING WITH MICROSOFT BASIC. IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS FOR ANY PROGRAMS THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE, PLEASE CONTACT PAUL LEVY AT HIS BBS, 818-986-1673. ENJOY... ----------------------------------------------------------------- EASE CONTACT PAUL LEVY AT HIS BBS, 818-986-1673. ENJOY... ----------------------------------------------------------------- .