SB DX @ ALLBBS $OPDX.148 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 148 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 148 BID: $OPDX.148 February 21, 1994 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, ARRL DX Bulletin, DL7VEE & DXNL, DF4RD, ON7GB, VP2ML, NT2X, K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster Group, WA6YOU and AH9B for the following DX information. 3Y0PI, PETER I ISLAND (UPDATE). (ed.- A DXpedition of "EXCELLENCE") Now that the 3Y0PI operation is history, there is only one word to describe this DXpedition, "SUPER". Making 60,000 QSOs, the Peter I DXpedition team (Ralph/K0IR, Tony/WA4JQS, Bob/N4GCK, Bob/KK6EK, Terry/W6MKB, Willy/HB9AHL, Peter/ON6TT and Martin Tosseyn, a Belgian, who is a non-ham, but acted as campsite manager looking after the tents, food and generators.) should be commmended for a well organized operation despite set backs, such as being hit with major snow storms, equipment being damaged during their landing on the island and the storms freezing generators and damaging antennas. But members of the team were technical enough to repair some things so all operations were not lost. The operation has officially gone QRT February 16th, but as this bulletin was being written during the weekend some of the team remains on the island. Extremely bad weather has hampered efforts to get the team off the island. A fax sent to WA4JQS's mother, Ada, from the Russian ship which is picking up the 3Y0PI operators indicated the following: At 2315Z February 18, only two operators (K0IR and HB9AHL) had made it to the ship via only one helicopter run. 1. Very slow evacuation from the island because of bad weather (too much fog). Helicopter flights very risky and difficult. 2. Two operators are already on board the Russian vessel. Only one flight was possible yet. 3. Everybody is OK and waiting for better weather. Once the 3Y team is safely aboard the Russian ship, they will be taken to Puntas Arenas, Chile to take flight home, instead of a long sea trip home. (UPDATE February 20th at 0001z: Operators still on the island and they are now in a middle of a tremendous blizzard. Currently, very little equipment has been taken to the Russian ship and all are doing fine. In case of extreme emergency, they will evacuate the island leaving all equipment behind.) (Another UPDATE just before going to print: A fax sent Sunday morning indicated that 5 of the operators and half of the equipment from the DXpedition are now safely aboard the Russian ship. Tony, WA4JQS, and 3 others operators still remain on the island, but all are expected to be completely off the island by 1700z Sunday.) OH YEA! There is one more group to be commended during the 3Y0PI operation and that would be the amateurs (DXers/Non-Dxers) all over the world. The amateurs of the world were on their best behavior, EVER, during this DXpedition. There were no real major problems of deliberate interference or an overabundance of policemen on patrol (only a couple of minor infractions). This can be attributed to the amount of 3Y0PI stations operating at the same time and the amount of spectrum they used. It is a shame that most DXpeditions are not well thought out (ORGANIZED) and planned like the 3Y0PI. HS, SAMUI ISLAND - IOTA AS-101 (THAILAND). A group of Thailand amateurs will activate this island sometime in March, no specific dates were mentioned. Samui Island is located in the Malay Peninsula North East group and has not been active for two years. During the operation the operators will pay special attention to the WARC bands. Operators are only allowed to operate on these bands with a special licences and can only obtain these licences for special occasions (such as an IOTA activity). KH8, AMERICAN SAMOA. Andy, G4ZVJ, will be active from February 16 thru March 16, as AH8F. He will be active mostly on CW, only little SSB and RTTY. KP5, DESECHEO ISLAND. Bad news! The ARRL DX Buletin and other sources report that the upcoming DXpedition for the SSB weekend of the ARRL International DX Contest has been cancelled. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has denied landing permission because a group of Haitian squatters are on the island. The Coast Guard was unsuccessful in removing them, and reports are that the U.S. Navy may be called to remove the group. Until this situation is resolved, no landing permission can be given. AB4JI and crew hope to make last minute arrangements to operate from another island. PY, BRAZIL. PY0A and PY0B will be active from Abrolhos Archipeligo (IOTA SA-019) from February 23-28. This island is located in the Bahia State South group and will only count for Brazil. Activity will be CW/SSB on 10-80 meters. QSL to Roberto Stuckert PT1GTI, P.O. Box 09647, 70001-970, Brasilia DF Brasil. T5, SOMALIA. Ron, WA6YOU, will be active from Mogadishu from February 24th thru March 4th (Information was not clear. It may be March 24th thru April 4th). He will sign T5YOU and will be active on a time available basis from 1800-2000z daily. Due to location constraints, his rig will be an Icom 735 and a dipole antenna. Ron will attempt to operate on the usual DX splits on 15/20 meters SSB only. QSL to WA6YOU direct. TI9, COCOS ISLAND (UPDATE). Members of OKDXA and the Young Gunners DX Foundation are in the final stages of planning a May 94 DXpedition to Cocos Island. The trip will last for 10 days beginning around the 2nd week of May. Transportation has been obtained, permission to land and operate has also been granted. This will be a full-scale, multi-national effort with about 12 ops. There will be six stations, including one dedicated satellite and another to RTTY. Heavy emphasis will be given to CW and WARC bands. The co-leaders of the team are Javier/AH6MM and Craig/AH9B. Other operators include V73C, AD1S, TI2JJP, XE2CQ, NH6UY, N5MIH and Dr. Pete/N0AFW. QSLs will be handled by OKDXA, Box 88 Wellston, OK 74881. WORLD NEWS: A rumor is circulating around 20 meters that Voice of America had a report on the air that all BY hams have been rounded up and sent to labor camps. Apparently, they were charged for "listening to unauthorized frequencies". No more info is available on this one, but there has not been any BY QSN reports on the Ohio/Penn Network since February 1st. Hope it is not true. (This information from KN4QS.) According to Ed, NT2X, the Reuter news agency had a report on the Spralty Islands (which are contested by several nations). The report states that two of the countries which contest the islands, China (PRC) and Taiwan (ROC), will have a joint scientific expedition that will explore the Spratly Archipelago. A Chinese oceanographic vessel will carry a team of scientists, including 9 ROC citizens. This is a first such joint trip since the end of the Chinese civil war in 1949. There were no details when all this takes place, and obviously, this is not amateur radio related, but perhaps the BV and BY stations may find a way to put a different twist on a Spratly DXpedition in the future. XF4, REVILLA GIGEDO. Hector, XE1BEF, and others plan to activate XF0C, from February 18 thru March 4. Activity will be all bands 160-6 meters on CW/SSB/RTTY. QSL via XE1BEF. ZS0, PENGUIN ISLANDS. Just a reminder to begin looking for Baldur, DJ6SI, and others as ZS0X, February 23-28. This will probably be the last ZS0 operation to count for DXCC. Word has it that Baldur and crew will stay after the 28th and use V5 callsigns. FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! Faxing is available Mon/Wed/Fri from 0430-2330z only. The number is 216-237-8208 and the FAX card is sharing the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS at 216-237-8208 and leave a message with the Sysop or send email to: via BitNet: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm or PRODIGY:DFJH48A or via packet KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA /EX .