Jason, Butterflies in my stomach as I saw the name Bit Bucket for the first time in 23+ years. I'm referring to a mid-80s BBS in Portland, Oregon. You do have a Zeppelin BBS in the Oregon list, but a different SysOp, and listed as existing many years after the first one that I'll tell you about here: It's definitely fuzzy, but here's what I'm absolutely positive about: The FIRST "Zeppelin BBS" in the Portland/Metro area was run by SysOp Bill Bigoni. I was only 14yo in '85, but I was also a member of the board, and Bill, although he was several years older than I was, allowed me to hang out/spend at least 1 or 2 weekend evenings at his home in Metzger- where the system operated. I recall Bill wore glasses & had a mustache(?). I also recall that he'd scored a phone number that ended with 7625 bc that spelled ROCK. Honestly, I'm only positive about the area code & ROCK re: phone number. I assure you that so far, Bill's mustache is the ONLY detail that I wouldn't bet my life on. I also ran a BBS in '85, callled Pythonware BBS (Gresham, OR), which was far less popular than Zeppelin. Zep had at least 250-500 members- mine almost hit 100 (for a week or so). My father worked as a "higher up" for a large cable company in the late 80s, and bc he was privy to some investigation into stolen/cracked cable boxes being sold on the black market, he mentioned Bill to me one last time around 1989 or 1990 (dad met/checked Bill out before allowing me to spend the night with Bill & his fascinating computer getup. Sadly, the update about Bill that my father was allowed to divulge to me came bc Bill was discovered tied to a chair inside the same house I once spent evenings in. Apparently, Bill was beaten to death by intruder(s) after either refusing or being unable to divulge the location of whatever they were after. I heard more than one explanation - since I'll never know what they were truly after, it's most appropriate/fair to Bill that I leave speculative details about "the goods" out of this story. Bill was a nice guy. He was funny, and he was generous. He had to be to put up with a 13 or14yo kid like me who was begging to spend time at his home ie computer HEAVEN on weekends. One more I interesting story: I could also tell you about Bob- a teenage programmer/SysOp who lived w his parents in Milwaukie around the same time. I remember vaguely where he lived, but not his last name. He was my age. I met him via user meets/other BBS'. It's a ridiculous, boring story - read it anyway :). My pirate/gaming friends & I were quick to express out irritation when Bob suddenly stopped "playing" with the rest of us. He showed us WHY he didn't have time for us - that's what made us sure that he was both stupid & sort of a prick. Bob, you see, had become obsessed (out of nowhere- no warning) with designing code that drew boxes inside of and overlapping other boxes. All you could do w them was enlarge or shrink them. They were just lines on a black screen. Stupid, boring, empty boxes. Funnier still, Bob wouldn't call them boxes. As we were shown these things on the screen in his bedroom, he insisted that we refer to his empty, boring, overlapping "box thingy" demo as "Windows - NOT BOXES!". Bob was convinced that the guy in Seattle, who we blamed for creating some of the worst video games in existence at that time, was going to pay him for or buy outright that stupid, overlapping box coding thing. Why Bob wanted to work with such an idiot, I will never know. Regards, Lee Manning Portland, Oregon .