What is a Real Software Engineer? (Downloaded from The Cave, Wgtn.) Real Software Engineers Don't Read Dumps ---------------------------------------- Real Software Engineers don't read dumps. They never generate them, and on the rare occasions that they come across them, they are vaguely amused Real Software Engineers don't comment their code. The identifiers are so mnemonic tat they don't have to Real Software Engineers don't write applications programs; they implement algorithms. If someone has an application that the algorithm might help with, that's nice. Don't ask them to write the user interface, though Real Software Engineers don't eat quiche If it doesn't have recursive function calls, Real Software Engineers don't program in it Real Software Engineers don't program in assembler They become queasy at the very thought Real Software Engineers don't debug programs; they verify correctness. This process doesn't necessarily involve executing anything on a computer, except perhaps a Correctness Verification Aid program Real Software Engineers like C's structured constructs, but they are suspicious of it because they have heard that it lets you get "close to the machine" Real Software Engineers don't play tennis. In general, they don't like any sport that involves getting hot and sweaty and gross when out of range of a shower. (Thus mountain climbing is Right Out.) They will occasionally wear their tennis togs to work, but only on very sunny days Real Software Engineers admire PASCAL for its discipline and Spartan purity, but they find it difficult to actually program in. They don't tell this to their friends, because they are afraid it means that they are somehow unworthy Real Software Engineers don't write in languages that have not actually been implemented for any machine and for which only the formal spec (in BNF) is available. This keeps them from having to take any machine dependencies into account. Machine dependencies make Real Software Engineers very uneasy Real Software Engineers don't write in ADA, because the standards bodies have not quite decided on a formal spec yet Real Software Engineers like writing their own compilers, preferaby in PROLOG. (They also like writing them in unimplemented languages, but it turns out to be difficult to actually RUN these) Real Software Engineers regret the existence of COBOL, FORTRAN, and BASIC. PL/1 is getting there, but it is not nearly disciplined enough - far too much built in functions Real Software Engineers aren't too happy about the existence of users, either. Users always seem to have the wrong idea about what the implementation and verification of algorithms is all about Real Software Engineers don't like the idea of some inexplicable and greasy hardware several aisles away that may stop working at any moment. They have a great distrust of hardware people and wish that systems could be virtual at ALL levels. They would like personal computers except that they need 8 megabytes to run their Correctness Verification Aid packages Real Programmers Don't Write Specs ---------------------------------- Real Programmers don't write specs - users should consider themselves lucky to get any programs at all and take what they get Real Programmers don't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand Real Programmers don't eat quiche. They eat Twinkies and Szechwan food Real Programmers don't write in COBOL. COBOL is for wimpy applications programmers Real Programmers' programs never work right the first time. But if you throw them on the machine, they can be patched into working in "only a few" 30-hour debugging sessions Real Programmers don't write in FORTRAN. FORTRAN is for pipe stress freaks and crystallography weenies Real Programmers never work 9 to 5. If any Real Programmers are around at 9AM, it's because they were up all night Real Programmers don't write in BASIC. Actually, no programmers write in BASIC, after the age of 12 Real Programmers don't write in PL/1. PL/1 is for programmers who can't decide whether to write in COBOL or FORTRAN Real Programmers don't play tennis, or any other sport that requires you to change clothes. Mountain climbing is OK, and Real Programmers wear their climbing boots to work, in case a mountain should suddenly spring up in the middle of the machine room Real Programmers don't document. Documentation is for simps who can't read the listings or the object deck Real Programmers don't write in PASCAL, or BLISS, or ADA, or any of those pinko computer science languages. Strong typing is for people with weak memories Real Programmers can recite powers of 16 up to infinity, write language translators in SNOBOL to produce COBOL source code, use FORTRAN only for tricky little programs, never drink lager, never drink decaffelnated coffee, never smoke low-tar cigarettes Real Programmers explain their work (if ever) to their managers in baby-talk so they will understand it Real Programmers don't talk to support center 2nd level people. (Their working hours are mutually exclusive) Real Programmers start assembly of the whole system at 9AM at high priority so it will be finished by their evening stand-alone time Real Programmers don't write in APL Any fool can be obscure in APL Real Programmers think structured programming is a Communist plot Real Programmers don't use schedules Schedules are for managers toadies Real Programmers like to keep their man suspense Real Programmers do it middle out Real Programmers enjoy getting CP/M to work on 370 machines and MVS on their ZX81s Real Programmers write their own assemblers, preferably in LISP Real Programmers know that good human factors design requires only the application of common sense. Besides, no one cares about users. Programs are written for aesthetic beauty Real Programmers do not wonder where the bits went following a shift operation. They do not care Real Computer Scientists Don't Write Specs ------------------------------------------ Real Computer Scientists don't write code. They occasionally tinker with "programming systems", but those are so high level that they hardly count, and rarely count accurately. (Precision is for applications) Real Computer Scientists don't comment their code. The identifiers are so long they can't afford the disk space Real Computer Scientists don't write the user interfaces; they merely argue over what they should look like Real Computer Scientists don't eat quiche. They shun Szechwan food since the hackers discovered it. Many Real Computer Scientists consider eating an implemenation detail If it doesn't have a programming environment complete with interface debugger, structure editor, and extensive cross-module checking, Real Computer Scientists won't be seen tinkering with it. They may have to use it to balance their checkbooks, as their own systems can't Real Computer Scientists don't program in assembler. They don't write in anything less portable than a Number Two pencil Real Computer Scientists don't debug programs; they dynamically modify them. This is safer, since no one has invented a way to do anything dynamic to FORTRAN, COBOL, or BASIC Real Computer Scientists like C's structured constructs, but they are suspicious of it because it is compiled. (Only batch freaks and efficiency weirdos bother with compilers) Real Computer Scientists play Go. They have nothing against the concept of mountain climbing, but the actual climbing is an implementation detail best left to programmers Real Computer Scientists admire ADA for its overwhelming aesthetic value, but they find it difficult to actually program in, as it is much too large to implement. Most computer scientists don't notice this because they are still arguing over what else to add to ADA Real Computer Scientists work from 5pm to 9am because that's the only time they can get the 8 megabytes of main memory they need to edit specs. (Real work starts around 2am when enough MIPS are free for their dynamic systems.) Real Computer Scientists find it hard to share 3081s when they are doing "real" work Real Computer Scientists only write specs for languages that might run on future hardware. Nobody trusts them to write specs for anything homo sapiens will ever be able to fit on a single planet Real Computer Scientists like planning their own environments to use bit-mapped graphics. Bit-mapped graphics is great because no one can afford it, so their systems can be experimental Real Computer Scientists regret the existence of PL/1, PASCAL, and LISP. ADA is getting there, but it still allows people to make mistakes Real Computer Scientists love the concept of users. Users are always real impressed by the stuff computer scientists are talking about; it sure sounds better than the stuff they are being forced to use now Real Computer Scientists despise the idea of actual hardware. Hardware has limitations; software doesn't. It's a real shame that Turing machines are so poor at I/O Real Computer Scientists love conventions. No one is expected to lug a 3081 attached to a bit-map screen to a convention, so no one will ever know how slow their system runs Real Computer Scientists don't run IBM hardware. If someone will fix it when it breaks, it's not spacey enough Real users Don't ---------------- Real Users don't define requirements... ....If these computer folks are so smart, they should KNOW what we want  .