. .:::::. .::::::::. ...:::::::::... :::::::::::: ..:::::::::::::::::.. ::::: :::: .::: ::::::: :::. :::::. : :: ::::: :: :::::::. : ::: : :::::::::. ::: :::::::: ::: ::::: ::::: : :::: ::::: oxic :::......:::: hock .:::::::. ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: presents Fuck You Too: I Hate Your Guts Toxic File #49 by Gross Genitalia Centre of Eternity 615.552.5747 HQ of Toxic Shock and The Esoteric Society -!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!- The following is no doubt a follow-up of "Fuck You". Fuck the world, it's too damned fascist and conformist. If you don't like this file then FUCK YOU, I hate your guts. Yes, I'm an egotist, and damned proud of it. Have a fucking shit-filled awful rotten pathetic sleazy fetal day you donkey fucking idiot. -!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!- It had been at least six months since Jim had killed his wife and performed the bedroom abortion of their child with his hand. Jim was in prison now. But Jim had given the fetus to Fetus the Almighty Destroyer, and Fetus came to Jim's aid. Jim sat in his prison cell, thinking about how nice it would be just to get the hell out of this shit hole. Fetus heard him; Fetus rescued him. A mighty voice boomed inside Jim's head. "Alright you lousy son of a bitch. I'll get you out of this mess. All you humans are so fucking pathetically stupid, but you did give the fetus in My Name. I shall grant you freedom; the minds of everyone will be completely erased of your careless events and of your deceased wife's name. So be it." Jim fell to his knees and his surroundings began to swirl. A high pitch buzzing formed in his ears, and he felt something tugging at his groin area. He could no longer see, and everything was completely black but a white sensation of piercing light was striking at the backs of his eyes. All of a sudden he had the rush that some big bitch with a vacuum cleaner mouth was giving him damn good head, and that someone had smacked him over the head with one hell of a sledgehammer. After the invisible pain and dizziness subsided, Jim could make out his surroundings. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Jim was standing at the altar of a church, in arm with some pretty decent looking bitch. The priest said, "You may kiss the bride." Jim stood, stunned, trying to comprehend all this in his still dizzy brain. Moments passed, Jim did nothing. He thought, "Fetus must have given me a new life, a fresh chance to get married again. Hmm, this babe looks fuckable" and Jim kissed the bride harder than he had kissed his dead wife in his "previous life". He picked her up (what the hell?) and ran down the isle with her. He was so happy that Fetus Almighty had given him freedom, a clean slate to work with. They got in the stretched limousine that was waiting for them outside the church. Fuck again. Fuck fuck fuck again. What was this bitch's NAME? "Well dear, wher are we going?" seemed to be the first question that popped up in Jim's head. The girl just looked at Jim as if he were a complete dumbass fuck. "Uh, JIM, honey you know we've been planning all along to go to Hawaii for our honeymoon!" Jim sat stunned. "Oh, okay, that's cool by me." The girl just gave Jim a funny look. "What in the FUCK is her NAME?" thought Jim. None the matter, they kissed and fondled and just plain almost fucked on the way to the airport. Her name was not needed for the tickets had already been purchase. They hopped on the plane and were off for Hawaii. When they arrived at the hotel, Jim was up shit creek. He didn't even know how to tell the people their names to get a room. "I'm Jim Steiner and I have a room reserved." Damn. She didn't buy it. "Honey? Fine, don't even TELL them my name." Oh shit. "Heh heh sorry dear. It's the honeymoon suite for Jim and... and..." The Loud Voice boomed in his head again. "Jennifer you dumb ass, your wife's name is Jennifer." "heh heh...Jennifer Steiner. We've just gotten married and we'd like our honeymoon suite." Jim was of a bright red color and felt pretty low. * * * * Jim was leading a fairly normal life. If a sticky situation arose, Fetus would help him out and fill his mind with knowledge of the past. Jennifer was pregnant now, they were going to have a child. An amniocentesis test showed that it was to be a baby girl, and they were both ecstatic. They would have a happy family. Jim knew he could lead a normal life. A normal life it was, for Jim at least, because his violent nightmares had not disappeared from his previous life. The nightmares occurred frequently, and they tormented Jim until he could finally take control of them. And as always, he loved to scare the living shit out of himself. He dreamt that a large man was chasing him; Jim could not make out his face in the blurriness of the dream. He ran from the man just to get his scare up. He grasped control, turned, and said to the thing, "I am just so happy that you could fucking be in my fucking dream! But I hate your guts now, you fucking BORE me! FUCK YOU BASTARD!" Jim felt at power in his dreams when he finally took control of them. The figure spoke. "Fuck you Jim, you fucked up in your last life, and now you're going to die. Again." "Fuck you too asshole. Gee, I sure do hate your guts. They disgust me." Jim reached with razorlike fingers into the figured abdomen and made way to the guttal area. He ripped out the man's stomach and a large section of his small intestine. He shoved as much of the gut pile into his mouth as he could and ate away, bits and pieces and drops of blood drooling out of his mouth. "Now you sorry fucker! How does it feel for someone ELSE to be in control?!?!" Jim raged, the dream getting continually blurry. "Fuck you Jim. Just fuck off." The man puked a violently acidic puke all over Jim's torso. But Jim's ultimate rage kept him pumped up, he was not phased. "I hate your guts you bastard! Fuck off!" With that Jim conjured up a double-barreled 12 guage shotgun with the control he had within the dream and blew the figure to hell. No, that was not good enough. He reloaded. He fired again. No satisfaction. He shot repeatedly, but no joy came to sooth his adrenaline-pumped soul. Jim turned the gun on his own head and screamed with excitement. Yeah, this was it. This was the feeling. He pulled the shotgun trigger a number of times and rejoiced in every blast. He felt himself being ripped apart and just fucking LOVED it. "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! I HATE YOUR GUTS!" He blew his own guts out onto the floor of his imaginary psychopathic dream world. With a final blast he felt something crash down over his head. He awoke. Jennifer stood there beating the hell out of him with a pillow, screaming, "JIM DAMNIT TO HELL WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS WRONG WITH YOU? JIM! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" "It was just a bad dream dear, I'm sorry. I think I'm under alot of stress." "Alot of stress you pig fucking bastard? STRESS? THIS is STRESS!" She lifted her large nightgown to reveal the large protruding stomach, of which the baby was contained within the mound. "THIS is fucking stress. Waking up every morning, puking all over the fucking place, ripping into raw meat and food out the ASS, I FEEL like SHIT and YOU think YOU'RE under STRESS? Well FUCK YOU!" Fuck you. Fuck you. These words lingered and rang in Jim's mind. Fuck you, he thought. "Yeah, fuck you too bitch. I hate your guts. You're all the same. Bitching about how BAD you feel and how MORNING SICKNESS gets you down. PMS, periods, I'M FUCKING SICK OF IT!" He went to his closet. "Jim honey, I'm sorry, really... Jim, what...what are you doing...oh NO!" Jim pulled, from his closet, a double-barreled shotgun from his closet. It was strikingly similar to the one he carried in his nightmares. It was already loaded, and he pulled back the pin on the left chamber. "This, you bitch, is stress." He poked the shotgun into her stomach and fired once. Jennifer screamed a deathly scream of horrifying pain. "THIS, you BITCH, is the STRESS I'VE GOT!" He pointed the shotgun at her head. "You think you can just go out and FUCK WHOEVER YOU WANT! Well you're WRONG, BITCH! I bet you were out last night sucking a NIGGER'S DICK, RIGHT? My white cock ain't GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU! Oh yeah, I bet you were out with some DIKE, LAPPING UP HER CUNT JUICES! YOU LESBIAN! FUCK YOU!" He pressed the barrels to her eyes and held them steady. "THIS, is the STRESS which YOU, YOU WHOREMONGER LESBIAN, don't think that I'VE GOT!" He pulled back the pin on the right chamber. With a last might of strength Jennifer mumbled. "Jim, oh dear merciful God DON'T DO THIS!" Boom. Jim fired the last shot and lay Jennifer and their baby to rest. The dead fetus could be seen through the large open rapidly-bleeding wound in Jennifer's stomach. Jim flashed back on his previous life, for he had not forgotten any of it. He had sacrificed the fetus to Fetus Almighty, and he was blessed and helped. So would he do again. With demon hands Jim ripped the fetus from Jennifer's womb and held it above his head, just as he had done before. "I appeal to you, O Fetus, deliver me from this mess I'm in, for here is another of your Followers. Take this our fetus, and use it well." Jim threw down the shotgun and slumped to the floor in a happy and content sleep. -!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!-!TS!- (c)1990 Toxic Shock. By Gross Genitalia. The Followers of Fetus Almighty Are: Bloody Fucking Afterbirth Gross Genitalia Fetal Juice Have a rotten fucking day. X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .