"WOMAN CLIPS OFF SLEEPING HUSBANDS PENIS, THROWS IT FROM MOVING CAR" ...... Don't laugh!!!! It could happen to you!!! Right now, thousands of agitated, irate women have read that headline and are contemplating that course of action the next time their men make unwanted sexual advances, look at them the wrong way, or just generally piss them off. That is, not to mention the hazards of PMS. MEN!! PROTECT YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!!!!! If you find yourself the victim of the "CLIP AND FLIP SYNDROME," could you be sure that the appropriate authorities would find your dismembered member in time and intact? Could you also be certain that the penis part they re-attach is your own? Our new low cost PENIS PROTECTION PLAN will give you peace of mind. We'll register and tattoo your penis and scrotum with their own unique registration numbers. In case of separation, you're insured a perfect match every time. For just a bit more, you can be ahead of the game and guarantee accurate replacement by choosing our JURASSIC PRICK PLAN. One cell sample from your penis allows us to clone replacement parts in the event that your manhood is run over by a tractor trailer, falls into a storm drain or is destroyed by local fauna. DON'T GET CAUGHT SHORT! SIGN UP NOW! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip this coupon and mail to: JURASSIC PRICK 444 Short Arm Drive Mannessas, VA 22110 Or call 1-800-AAARGH Name: ______________________________ Phone: (____)_____________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _____________ Measurements: Flaccid: ______________ Erect: _______________ CHECK ONE: _____ Penis Protection Plan ($89.99) _____ Jurassic Prick Program ($119.95) OPERATORS ARE STANDING BY. CALL NOW AND RECEIVE A SET OF GINZZU KNIVES OR A RONK-O CHOP-A-MATIC FREE WITH YOUR ORDER. MAJOR CREDIT CARDS GLADLY ACCEPTED. OFFER NOT VALID IN SOME STATES. .