Psalm 23 1992 Version Bush is my shepherd, I shall not want He leadeth me besides the still factories He maketh me to lie down on Park Benches He restorth my doubts in the Republican Party He guideth me to the path of unemployment for the Party's sake I do fear evil, for thou art against me Thou annointh me with income taxes, and my savings and loan runneth out Surely poverty and hard living shall follow Bush, and I shall live in a rented house forever Five thousand years ago, Moses said: "Park your camel, pick up your shovel, mount your ass and I shall lead you to the Promised Land." Five thousand years later, Franklin D. Roosevelt said: "Lay down your shovel, sit on your ass and light up a camel: This is the Promised Land." Today, Bush will tax your shovel, sell your camel, Kick you in the ass, and tell you there is no Promised Land. I'm glad I am an American ... I am glad I am Free But I wish I were a little dog ... and Bush was a tree -/Vuarnet International/- 617/527.oo91 24oo-16.8k HST/V32bis .