****************************************************************************** How to work in television. -Or- Hand me that piano. by The Great Crumal Uploaded to The Fifth Precinct...[502] 245-8270...By Richard Lindop/SKG ****************************************************************************** Television is a strange medium. (Actually television is a small, but that's a different story.) Many people complain about the program content. But if they only knew what went on behind the scenes, they would probably die of shock. You typical television employee is highly educated and just this far off his/her rocker. So here are some tips on what to do if you want to fit in. 1.) Show up for work at least half an hour early. (Let's say this is 8:30 AM) Basically, this time is used for the "ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT". This is your last chance at sanity a chance to chicken out and go home. This is also a good time to drink mass quantities of cafine, the most widely used drug in television. Most stations are run on cafine. Next, read the funnies in the lousy paper that is mistakenly thrown on your doorstep. If you don't get the paper delievered, go next door and STEAL IT! It is vitally important that you have a newspaper later in the day! 2.) Play time! It's 9:00 AM and your air-shift starts! Run right in there and go to it! Check your EBS reciever. Check all the machines. Sign the program and transmitter logs. Make sure that you are in fact on the air, and then.....SLEEP. That's right, sleep. Because the guy ahead of you is so slow that he will take up 15 minutes of your time that finish HIS work. 3.) 9:05 Am. Someone from the traffic department will come in to take yesterday's log. This is a good time to ask embarrasing questions about their mundain sex life. (This will also make them leave that much faster, leaving you free to do more important things, like SLEEPING.) 4.) By 9:30 AM you should have total control of the station. (Yes, they're at your mercey!) By 10:00 AM you have set up programing and comercials up to 3:00 PM which means you have very little to do so...leave the control room and roam the station in search of the meaning of life. flirt with the receptionist. Bug the production manager. Tell the production assistant that he is a major geek. This will take you up to about 10:45 AM at witch time you will probably have a major phone call on your BATPHONE (Red hotline direct to you that is ALWAYS the station owner calling you to tell you that he thinks you are an asshole.) Always answer the batphone greeting the station owner by his first name. "Hello, Jimmy!" This will startle the owner. "How did you know it was me?" In fact he will be so confused that he will end this call very quickly, and leave you alone. 5.) 11:30 AM Time to bullshit with the engineer you gave a copy of TAIPAN to. He'll walk in and you'll say, "Good Morning, Pete." "Who the fuck says so?" "Are we grumpy today?" "I'm gonna kill you!" "Something wrong?" "That fucking disk you gave me kep me up ALL NIGHT!" Then he'll tell you what a great score he got, and you'll wish you hadn't given it to him. 6.) 12:00 PM Lunch. The social event of the day. One of the best things to do is to take your lunch into someone else's office and make a huge mess. They won't do anything about it because people who work on air, and allowed to do anything as long as the air looks good. 7.) 1:30 PM Contest time! You have to find someone to answer the phones while this happens. So you page the entire building. "Denise, there's a very important call for you in the men's room!" Repeat this a few times and poor Denise, (Of course she is the one that has every guys hormones working overtime.) will run in and tell you to shut up and volenteer to answer the phone. 8.) The afternoon is usually boring so make long distance phone calls using other pepople sprint codes. (Air doesn't have a code, it's hard wired in for ease, and air also has no restrictions on long distance because you have to call the networks a lot.) If you use your own code, it's not nearly as fun as using the production assistant's code. (Production assistant, SLAVE of everyone, he doesn't do anything right and can be blamed for anything.) Call all the networks and ask how they are. Are there any job openings? Then call seattle. If you brought your computer, you call some AE lines that aren't local. (never run up your OWN phone bill.) 9.) 4:00 PM it's getting close to quiting time, so start getting thinks ready for the next person. At 5:02 you want to be out of the building, not like the geek you releived at 9 who took half an hour and still didn't remember everything. Four PM is also great because MISSION IMPOSSIBLE is on. If you have already scene this episode you can read the ANARCHY INC. files you got last night. (If you're gonna read files, read the best.) 9.) 5:00 PM. The death come back to life! You start the next show. sign off both logs, up date the commercial machine. give a status report to next next guy, and then...IT'S MILLER TIME! That's a basic day in television. Some day's differ of course. It is strongly recomemded that you consume mass amounts of pain killers during a shift. You can also get people off your case if you only talk in pig-latin to them. I don't guarnatee this will help, but it can't hurt. Just remember, everyone else in the station is just a crazy, that's why they are there! Though up during a major hang over by The Great Crumal (Interdimensionally) Call The Works BBS - 1600+ Textfiles! - [914]/238-8195 - 300/1200 - Always Open X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .