Fake-NickServ bot [version 1.01] by Ang3ldust Purpose: -------- This bot collects passwords from unsuspecting idiots on IRC (usually gets chics) and records them. 'What?'. Well, when you ask it for help, it goes 'Please give your internet e-mail address and password. Example: /msg NickServ REGISTER john@foobar.org john1'. That fools some people :). If the idiot sends something like john john1 and no hostname, not to worry, nickserv will get the hostname automagically. Solution: --------- "You can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can never fool all of the people all of the time!" -From some lamer, heard it on the radio like just now, thought i'd include it! Of course, NickServ has /kill protection (It will wait a few seconds and reconnect to IRC if it gets disconnected). That's because you can't fool all of the IRC OPS all of the time :). Anyways, the basic way to use this bot is NOT TO USE THIS BOT. I wrote it so I can use it and enjoy it, laugh at the lamers who give out their accounts, but it's just an example. Expect nothing the first few times you run this bot if you do plan to run it. Most of the time, nobody bothers to use NickServ, and when they do, they don't give their passwords. It only works for me on the weekend!! :) Notes: ------ I think my NickServ is a very clean bot (e.g. the code) and the way it logs files. Of course it is very simple, as you can see, and I like it that way (no C code used, to confuse me :). main(){printf("This is the extent of Ang3ldust's C programming ablility");} Log Files: ---------- Why does this fake NickServ keep logfiles? because I want to know 1] - Who 'registerd', and, of course, what they registered 2] - What people are doing with NickServ anyways. If I am going to run this, I might as well see what people are doing with it, without irc -l ns -b >shittylogfile and logging the whole fucking irc session! 3] - User @ Host for certian commands given to NickServ (well, you can change what commands too, read the code and figure it out, I commented parts on how it works...) Sample log files follow: nslogfile: ---------- *** NickServ LogFile Startup: Fri Aug 30 08:22:10 BST 1874 Nick: Ang3ldust Function: HELP Nick: Nickname User: User Host: Host Other: Name Nick: Ang3ldust User: root Host: rewt.ida.org Other: 0 Chinese Water Torture Nick: Ang3ldust Function: REGISTER Nick: Ang3ldust User: root Host: rewt.ida.org Other: 0 Chinese Water Torture *** NickServ LogFile Startup: Fri Aug 30 12:28:53 BST 1874 Nick: bugs Function: HELP Nick: bugs User: cs911094 Host: iris.ariel.fscanf.ca Other: 2 MATTHEW M-F NG Nick: Nickname User: User Host: Host Other: Name Nick: BigJ User: jdsnow Host: sacobeans.oren.oval.edu Other: 0 IRC maniac Nick: Nickname User: User Host: Host Other: Name Nick: d_dBot Function: HELP Nick: Ang3ldust Function: HELP Nick: Nickname User: User Host: Host Other: Name Nick: d_dBot User: rewt Host: king.mcs.podunk.edu Other: 2 !id xTc Joe User xTc Nick: Nickname User: User Host: Host Other: Name Nick: Ang3ldust User: root Host: rewt.ida.org Other: 0 Chinese Water Torture nspasswdfile: ------------ *** NickServ PasswdFile Startup: Fri Aug 30 08:22:10 BST 1874 Nick: Ang3ldust User lamer Password: lame!! Other: *** NickServ PasswdFile Startup: Fri Aug 30 12:28:53 BST 1874 As you can see, no passwords or such today (err.. actually.. a couple years ago :)... To see how this works, READ THE CODE. It's so simple and i'm sure most of you know how to do it, but for those who don't, learn a little more about ircII scripting and then ..hey, read the code! If you notice the lines in nslogfile that say 'Nick: Nickname User: User Host: Host Other: Name', that's some shit from the client that you get then you /who, and it's unavoidable. Release: -------- 1.0 = First fake nickserv... 1.01 = Oops! fixed it (register didn't record anything to nspasswdfile!) .