C H O O S I N G M O D E M S O F T W A R E A modem needs some kind of telecommunications program to make it work. Some commercial online services, such as America Online and Prodigy, require special software to obtain access. Most BBSs and other online services can be accessed by almost any telecommunications software program. There are dozens of good general purpose telecommunications software programs available. There are also some real lemons. There is a Terminal program that comes with Windows 3.1. It is what is called a "bare bones" telecommunications program. In fact, in my humble opinion, it should only be used to download another telecommunications program. The Windows Terminal program has Xmodem and Kermit as the only transfer protocols. That was fine ten years ago but will not do in today's world of high speed modems. Below are a few features you should look for in a telecommunications program. WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE ZMODEM PROTOCOL The Zmodem protocol has become the industry standard. You will want this feature in your telecommunications software. Zmodem has excellent error checking and can even resume an interrupted file transfer if you select this option on your communications software. This ability is sometimes referred to as "crash recovery." SCREEN CAPTURE The telecommunications software that you select should have a screen capture feature. This is often called a capture log. With screen capture turned on, your telecommunications software saves whatever scrolls across your screen to a text file. Then, when you are off-line, you can use LIST (shareware), an editor, or a word processing program to review the screen capture file. A screen capture text file is often called a capture log file. SCROLL-BACK BUFFER A scroll-back buffer allows you to review past screens. This feature is real handy when important information has passed by, and you need it immediately while online. Often, a scroll-back buffer is activated by pressing a key combination such as B. Then, you can use your arrow keys to scroll-back. A good scroll-back buffer will also have a search feature. TERMINAL EMULATION TYPES Terminal emulation is the ability of your telecommunications software to emulate different types of terminals. This peculiar term comes from "dumb terminal" which consists of a keyboard, a monitor, and no brains (or memory). These dumb terminals were used to connect to mainframes and minicomputers. These often required a particular manufacturer's dumb terminals. Hence, the term "terminal emulation." Your telecommunications program has different terminal emulations, so your computer can talk to a variety of host computers. Almost all telecommunications software will emulate TTY, ANSI, and DEC VT100/101/102. It is nice to have even more. If you want to connect to the Internet, it is important to have VT100 (or VT102) terminal emulation. MACRO CAPABILITIES A macro is a series of keystrokes that are executed when a certain key or key combination is pressed. If the telecommunications software has macro recording capabilities, it can make it much easier for you. You can store data such as your name, password, etc., as a macro. Suppose you assign your name to the function key labeled . Then, you can press to type your name. SCRIPT LANGUAGE A script file is a collection of commands, instructions, or text that can be executed by your telecommunications program. A script is particularly useful when you want to log on automatically to a BBS or online service. Often, the better telecommunications programs have an automatic script writing feature. WINDOWS OR DOS? If you are primarily a Windows user, you will probably want to use a Windows based telecommunications program. Some people, who like DOS, think that using a Windows telecommunications program is a little like turning on a light switch with a broom handle. It is really a matter of personal choice. If you are comfortable in DOS, you may find that you can get online work done faster with a DOS based program. COMMERCIAL, SHAREWARE, OR FREEWARE? Commercial software programs are sold by traditional software vendors. You will find commercial software at your favorite super computer store or software specialty store. However, some of the best telecommunications programs are available for trial use as shareware. Shareware is a method of marketing software for the program's author. Shareware programs are copyrighted. The manuals for these programs are usually found on the disk in the form of a text file. You can print the manuals, using your printer. You can obtain these programs for trial use from shareware distributors for a copying fee of just a few dollars per disk. You can also download shareware programs from BBSs and online services. Shareware programs require a separate payment to the author if found useful. The wonderful thing about shareware is you get to try it out before you buy it. According to Boardwatch magazine, the majority of modem maniacs use shareware terminal programs. A freeware software program has copyright restrictions; however, the author is not requesting a registration fee. Freeware programs can be found from the same sources that offer shareware programs. Here are some of the better full- featured DOS-based telecommunications programs available in shareware: Telix, Qmodem Test Drive, and Telemate. Ripterm is an easy to set up freeware program. If you are looking for Windows shareware telecommunications programs, you should take a look at MicroLink for Windows. Some commercial DOS-based telecommunications programs that are excellent include: Procomm Plus, Qmodem Pro for DOS, and Crosstalk Mark 4. Some of the best full-featured commercial Windows telecommunications programs include Procomm Plus for Windows, Qmodem Pro for Windows, and Crosstalk for Windows. =========================================================== .