Computer underground Digest Sun June 21, 1992 Volume 4 : Issue 27 Editors: Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET) Associate Editor: Etaion Shrdlu, Jr. Newest Authormeister: B. Kehoe Ex-Arcmeister: Bob Kusumoto Downundermeister: Dan Carosone CONTENTS, #4.27 (June 21, 1992) File 1--RFD: File 2--Changing CuD to a Comp Usenet Group (Moderators' view) File 3--CFP'93 Call for Participation File 4--CPSR membership info File 5--CPSR New Managing Director File 6--Gore introduces Senate version of WINDO File 7--NY Telephone Cuts Int'l Service At Some pay Phones (NEWSBYTES) Back issues of CuD can be found in the Usenet news group, on CompuServe in DL0 and DL4 of the IBMBBS SIG, DL1 of LAWSIG, and DL0 and DL12 of TELECOM, on Genie in the PF*NPC RT libraries, on the PC-EXEC BBS at (414) 789-4210, and by anonymous ftp from ( and European distributor: ComNet in Luxembourg BBS (++352) 466893. COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. CuD material may be reprinted as long as the source is cited. Some authors do copyright their material, and they should be contacted for reprint permission. It is assumed that non-personal mail to the moderators may be reprinted unless otherwise specified. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles relating to computer culture and communication. Articles are preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts unless absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Digest contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1992 04:06:09 GMT From: (Chip Rosenthal) Subject: File 1--RFD: (Moderators' note: Chip Rosenthal has been instrumental in advocating changing Cu Digest from an alt to a comp group in the Usenet hierarchy. He posted the following on Usenet's news.groups list). (moderated) CHARTER:The Computer Underground Digest SUMMARY: The proposed newsgroup will be used to distributed the Computer Underground Digest. The CuD is an open forum for issues relating to the phenomena of computer cracking. It has been in publication since 1990, and is widely distributed in a number of electronic forms. The Computer Underground Digest began publication in early 1990 to discuss the issues related to computer cracking -- and the crackdown on cracking. Shortly thereafter, a gateway was instituted to distribute CuD via If this proposal passes, the gateway destination will be changed to and the newsgroup will be decommissioned. Since the CuD is an edited periodical (a la RISKS Digest), it is best handled as a moderated newsgroup. The editors of the CuD are reachable via Internet mail at the address . That would be used as the %mailpaths' address for the moderated group. If you have never seen the CuD, volume 4, issue 26 was posted to recently. You might want to check it out. I asked the editors of the CuD to contribute a brief description for inclusion in ths RFD. This is what they provided: | Computer underground Digest (or CuD) began in March, 1990, to continue | discussion of so-called "hacker crackdowns," especially the | Phrack/Craig Neidorf indictment, that Pat Townson (moderator of | Telecom Digest) was unable to publish. CuD's editors, Jim Thomas and | Gordon Meyer, assumed that CuD would be a temporary forum. But, as | articles came in and the scope of the discussions expanded, CuD has | become an established electronic journal. | | Although classified as a "hack-symp 'zine" by The Village Voice, CuD | encourages articles that reflect a diversity of opinion, politics, and | ideology. CuD is an open forum dedicated to sharing information among | computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. | Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles relating to | computer culture and communication. Discussions of the legal, | ethical, social, and political implications of "cyberspace" and | computer culture provide the core of CuD articles. The editors | strongly encourage debate over the content and direction of computer | technology in contemporary society. I am not involved in the production of the CuD in any way. I merely operate the gateway to distribute CuD via USENET. This proposal is being made with the knowledge and support of the CuD editors. I would be glad to answer questions regarding this RFD or the USENET gateway. Questions regarding the content of the CuD should be directed to the editors at . Followups have been directed to news.groups. Mail replies have been directed to an alias which reaches both the moderators and myself. If there is consensus that this proposal is reasonable, I will bring it to a vote in approximately two weeks. *** Chip Rosenthal 512-482-8260 | Let the wayward children play. Let the wicked Unicom Systems Development | have their day. Let the chips fall where they | may. I'm going to Disneyland. -Timbuk 3 ------------------------------ Date: Sat 20 Jun 92 10:21:39 CST From: Moderators Subject: File 2--Changing CuD to a Comp Usenet Group (Moderators' view) Thanks to Chip and others who have suggested and supported changing CuD to a comp group. The advantage of changing is this: The current readership is between 26,000-30,000 (about 16,000 on usenet as and the rest on GEnie, Compuserve, BBSes and news-feeds and a large mailing list. The number of sites carrying alt groups seems to be diminishing (according to usenet stats), and a shift to comp would enable us to reduce the mailing list (and thus bandwidth), expand the access of to CuD a significant number of readers who lacking access to alt groups, and to improve the quality of articles by expanding the pool or readers (and presumably contributors). CuD focuses on computer issues relevant to scholars, researchers, and the media in much the same way as other comp groups (EFF, Telecom Digest, RISKS) does. The primary difference is that we encourage articles (rather than sort posts, although we try to include as many posts as space allows). Our primary interest is on the legal and cultural aspects of cyberspace, and we try to keep readers informed of relevant computer conferences, computer-related news, book reviews, and summaries of research on computer culture. The current mailing list is about 50 percent computer professionals and academics, 30 percent media, law enforcement, government/military agencies and non-computer professionals, and 20 percent students. Although we have no hard data, we assume that the usenet stats correspond to the mailing list (judging from responses). For those unsure of what CuD is: CuD stands for Computer underground Digest, a name that was given to the first issue by a poster and the name stuck. Recent issues have included transcripts of the PHRACK trial, the Playboy/Event Horizons' suit, summaries, transcripts, and the text of the FBI's proposed wire tap legislation, and attempts to make presidential candidates aware of the power of electronic media as a "town-hall forum." Subscriptions are available by dropping a one word "SUBSCRIBE" note (with address included underneath): example: SUB CuD gayle jones Mail the requests to or TK0JUT2@niu.bitnet We appreciate the support we have received for re-naming, and we encourage readers to vote in support of the change in two weeks. Discussions and other relevant information on voting can be found on Usenet's news.groups ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Jun 92 11:48:16 -0700 From: Bruce R Koball Subject: File 3--CFP'93 Call for Participation Call for Participation CFP'93 The Third Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy Sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM, SIGCAS & SIGSAC 9 - 12 March 1993 San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel, Burlingame, CA INVITATION This is an invitation to submit session and topic proposals for inclusion in the program of the Third Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy. Proposals may be for individual talks, panel discussions, debates or other presentations in appropriate formats. Proposed topics should be within the general scope of the conference, as outlined below. SCOPE The advance of computer and telecommunications technologies holds great promise for individuals and society. From convenience for consumers and efficiency in commerce to improved public health and safety and increased participation in democratic institutions, these technologies can fundamentally transform our lives. At the same time these technologies pose threats to the ideals of a free and open society. Personal privacy is increasingly at risk from invasion by high-tech surveillance and eavesdropping. The myriad databases containing personal information maintained in the public and private sectors expose private life to constant scrutiny. Technological advances also enable new forms of illegal activity, posing new problems for legal and law enforcement officials and challenging the very definitions of crime and civil liberties. But technologies used to combat these crimes can threaten the traditional barriers between the individual and the state. Even such fundamental notions as speech, assembly and property are being transformed by these technologies, throwing into question the basic Constitutional protections that have guarded them. Similarly, information knows no borders; as the scope of economies becomes global and as networked communities transcend international boundaries, ways must be found to reconcile competing political, social and economic interests in the digital domain. The Third Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy will assemble experts, advocates and interested people from a broad spectrum of disciplines and backgrounds in a balanced public forum to address the impact of computer and telecommunications technologies on freedom and privacy in society. Participants will include people from the fields of computer science, law, business, research, information, library science, health, public policy, government, law enforcement, public advocacy and many others. Topics covered in previous CFP conferences include: Personal Information and Privacy International Perspectives and Impacts Law Enforcement and Civil Liberties Ethics, Morality and Criminality Electronic Speech, Press and Assembly Who Logs On (Computer & Telecom Networks) Free Speech and the Public Telephone Network Access to Government Information Computer-based Surveillance of Individuals Computers in the Workplace Who Holds the Keys? (Cryptography) Who's in Your Genes? (Genetic Information) Ethics and Education Public Policy for the 21st Century These topics are given as examples and are not meant to exclude other possible topics on the general subject of Computers, Freedom and Privacy. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION All proposals should be accompanied by a position statement of at least one page, describing the proposed presentation, its theme and format. Proposals for panel discussions, debates and other multi-person presentations should include a list of proposed participants and session chair. Proposals should be sent to: CFP'93 Proposals 2210 Sixth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 or by email to: with the word "Proposal" in the subject line. Proposals should be submitted as soon as possible to allow thorough consideration for inclusion in the formal program. The deadline for submissions is 15 August 1992. STUDENT PAPER COMPETITION Full time students are invited to enter the student paper competition. Winners will receive a scholarship to attend the conference and present their papers. Papers should not exceed 2500 words and should address the impact of computer and telecommunications technologies on freedom and privacy in society. All papers should be submitted to Professor Dorothy Denning by 15 October 1992. Authors may submit their papers either by sending them as straight text via email to: or by sending 6 printed copies to: Professor Dorothy Denning Georgetown University Dept. of Computer Science 225 Reiss Science Bldg. Washington DC 20057 Submitters should include the name of their institution, degree program, and a signed statement affirming that they are a full- time student at their institution and that the paper is an original, unpublished work of their own. INFORMATION For more information on the CFP'93 program and advance registration, as it becomes available, write to: CFP'93 Information 2210 Sixth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 or send email to: with the word "Information" in the subject line. THE ORGANIZERS General Chair ------------- Bruce R. Koball CFP'93 2210 Sixth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 510-845-1350 (voice) 510-845-3946 (fax) Steering Committee ------------------ John Baker Mitch Ratcliffe Equifax MacWeek Magazine Mary J. Culnan David D. Redell Georgetown University DEC Systems Research Center Dorothy Denning Georgetown University Marc Rotenberg Computer Professionals Les Earnest for Social Responsibility GeoGroup, Inc. C. James Schmidt Mike Godwin San Jose State University Electronic Frontier Foundation Barbara Simons Mark Graham IBM Pandora Systems Lee Tien Lance J. Hoffman Attorney George Washington University George Trubow Donald G. Ingraham John Marshall Law School Office of the District Attorney, Alameda County, CA Willis Ware Rand Corp. Simona Nass Student - Cardozo Law School Jim Warren Microtimes Peter G. Neumann & Autodesk, Inc. SRI International Affiliations are listed for identification only. Please distribute and post this notice! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1992 12:25:53 PDT From: Nikki Draper Subject: File 4--CPSR membership info COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY is a public-interest alliance of computer scientists and others interested in the impact of computer technology on society. We work to influence decisions regarding the development and use of computers because those decisions have far-reaching consequences and reflect basic values and priorities. As technical experts, CPSR members provide the public and policymakers with realistic assessments of the power, promise, and limitations of computer technology. As concerned citizens, we direct public attention to critical choices concerning the applications of computing and how those choices affect society. Members of CPSR believe that computer technology should make life more enjoyable, productive, and secure. We are working for a world in which science and technology are used not to produce weapons of war, but to foster a safe and just society. These concerns impel us to many forms of action: o We encourage public discussion of and public responsibility for decisions involving the use of computers in systems critical to society. o We work to dispel popular myths about the infallibility of technological systems. o We challenge the assumption that technology alone can solve political and social problems. o We encourage critical examination of social and technical issues within the computer profession, nationally and internationally. o We encourage the use of computer technology to improve the quality of life. CPSR HISTORY ------------ Since its beginnings as a small discussion group formed over a Palo Alto computer mail network in 1981, CPSR has grown into a national organization with 21 chapters throughout the United States. We are also affiliated with similar groups in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Germany, Finland, and Italy. Membership is open to all. CPSR PROJECTS ------------- Risk and Reliability: Overreliance on computing technology can lead to unacceptable risks. This project analyzes application areas in which those risks seem particularly serious: o SDI software problems o dangers of autonomous weapons o the inadequacy of simulation as a means for testing complex systems o the potential for software failure in life-critical systems Civil Liberties and Privacy: The growing use of computers for record-keeping has brought with it the danger that the vast amount of information maintained about individuals threatens our privacy. Centered in our Washington D.C. office, the Civil Liberties and Privacy Project is concerned with such topics as: o the FBI National Crime Information Center o the growing use of databases of personal information by both government and private industry o the right of public access to government information o extension of First Amendment rights to electronic communication o establishing legal protections for privacy of computerized information The CPSR Workplace Project: By the mid-1990s, most U.S. workers will use a computer on the job. The increasing use of computers in the workplace raises important social issues, and CPSR believes that it is important for computer professionals to be involved in this debate. CPSR's Computers in the Workplace Project has concentrated on the following topics: o design methodologies for workplace software o electronic monitoring of workers on the job o health problems associated with computer use The 21st Century Project: Since the Second World War, most U.S. research in science and technology has been funded by the military and directed toward military needs. With the end of the Cold War and the changes that have swept Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, it is time to refocus our scientific and technological research toward the problems that society faces as we enter the next century. The 21st Century Project, led by CPSR from our Cambridge office, is a coalition of professional organizations working to redirect national science and technology priorities, so that they more closely match social needs. Grassroots Projects: CPSR's chapter-based projects and national interest groups span a wide range of issues, including: o computers in education o computers and the environment o viruses and threats to computer security o computerized vote-counting systems o status of women in computer science o implications of speculative technologies such as nanotechnology and virtual reality HIGHLIGHTS ---------- In the ten years since CPSR's creation, CPSR has been effective in alerting the public and key decision-makers in the U.S. and abroad about the impact of computers on society: o CPSR published the first papers and held the first public debates on the computing aspects of the Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars." o CPSR members testified before a U.S. Senate subcommittee on the feasibility of SDI. o CPSR/Boston produced an award-winning slide show and videotape called "Reliability and Risk: Computers and Nuclear War." o CPSR members produced the first book for general audiences on the ways in which computers revolutionize modern weapons systems, *Computers in Battle: Will they Work?* o At the request of a House subcommittee, CPSR studied the FBI's proposed National Crime Information Center upgrade (NCIC 2000). CPSR's report was widely credited for the FBI's subsequent decision to drop a proposal to track individuals who had not been charged with any crime. o CPSR co-produced a "Special Report on Computers and Elections" for the 1988 Presidential Campaign, highlighting the potential for errors in electronic vote-counting systems. o CPSR filed lawsuits under the Freedom of Information Act to force the FBI and Secret Service to reveal whether they monitor computer bulletin boards and electronic mail. o CPSR/Portland hosted a conference on Computers and the Environment. o The CPSR Workplace Project organized PDC'90--the first U.S. conference on participatory design, in which users work together with software designers to ensure that systems meet workers' needs. o CPSR helped lead a successful grassroots campaign to convince the Lotus Development Corporation not to release their proposed Marketplace: Households product, which would have included data on 120 million Americans. o CPSR/Berkeley organized a media campaign to register our concern over the deadly role of computing technology in the Persian Gulf War. MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS ------------------- o The CPSR Newsletter--a highly regarded magazine with reviews of CPSR's activities and analyses of issues of concern to CPSR members. o Invitations and discounts to CPSR events, including the annual meeting, our biannual conference on Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing, and various special events. o Notice of new CPSR educational materials, including videotapes, research papers, and books. o Automatic membership in a local CPSR chapter (if available) and notices of chapter meetings and activities. MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES --------------------- The attached reply form lists several categories of membership. The $40 "basic" membership covers only the costs of sending you the newsletter and the basic administrative services we provide. If you want to help support CPSR's program work, please consider joining at the $75 "regular" rate, or at whatever higher level you can afford. CPSR's accomplishments during our first ten years were possible because we had strong membership support. Such support will continue to be critical as we try to make our second decade even more successful. PRIVACY NOTICE -------------- The CPSR membership database is never sold, rented, lent, exchanged, or used for anything other than official CPSR activity. CPSR may elect to send members mailings with information from other groups, but the mailings will always originate with CPSR. ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION -------------------------- CPSR National Office P.O. Box 717 Palo Alto, CA 94302 415-322-3778, 415-322-3798 (FAX) E-mail: CPSR Cambridge Office P.O. Box 962 Cambridge, MA 02142 617-497-7440 CPSR Washington Office 666 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 303 Washington, DC 20003 202-544-9240, 202-547-5482 (FAX) Staff Gary Chapman Cambridge Director Marc Rotenberg Washington Director Evelyn Pine Managing Director Nikki Draper Assistant to the Director, National National Advisory Board Herbert L. Abrams Richard Karp Anthony Ralston John Backus Barbara Liskov John Shattuck Paul Brest James Martin Herbert Simon David Burnham Elliot Maxwell Robert E. Tarjan Dorothy Denning Eli Noam Robert W. Taylor Douglas Engelbart Karen Nussbaum Lawrence Tesler Admiral Noel Gayler Severo M. Ornstein Sherry Turkle Adele Goldberg Board of Directors Eric Roberts President Jeff Johnson Chair Todd Newman Secretary Rodney Hoffman Treasurer Ronni Rosenberg Director-at-Large Dan Williams Director-at-Large Paul Hyland Middle Atlantic Director Lesley Kalmin Western Director Patti Lowe Midwestern Director Ivan Milman Southern Director Douglas Schuler Northwestern Director Coralee Whitcomb New England Director Terry Winograd Special Director Cathy Cook Special Director ============================ clip and mail =========================== CPSR MEMBERSHIP FORM Name ___________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________ Home phone _____________________ Work phone ______________________ Company ___________________________________________________________ Type of work ______________________________________________________ E-mail address _____________________________________________________ CPSR Chapter __ Acadiana __ Austin __ Berkeley __ Boston __ Chicago __ Denver/Boulder __ Los Angeles __ Madison __ Maine __ Milwaukee __ Minnesota __ New Haven __ New York __ Palo Alto __ Philadelphia __ Pittsburgh __ Portland __ San Diego __ Santa Cruz __ Seattle __ Washington, DC __ No chapter in my area CPSR Membership Categories __ $ 20 Student/low income member __ $ 40 Basic member __ $ 50 Library/institutional subscriber __ $ 75 REGULAR MEMBER __ $ 150 Supporting member __ $ 500 Sponsoring member __ $1000 Lifetime member Additional tax-deductible contribution to support CPSR projects: __ $50 __ $75 __ $100 __ $250 __ $500 __ $1000 __ Other Please add $10 for memberships outside the U.S. Total Enclosed: $ ________ Make check out to CPSR and mail to: CPSR P.O. Box 717 Palo Alto, CA 94302-0717 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1992 12:23:23 PDT From: Nikki Draper Subject: File 5--CPSR New Managing Director FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE contact: Nikki Draper (415) 322-3778 COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY NAMES EVELYN PINE NEW MANAGING DIRECTOR PALO ALTO, Calif., June 5, 1992 -- Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR), the national alliance of professionals concerned with the impact of technology on society based here, announced that it has named Evelyn Pine as Managing Director. Pine, who reports to the organization's Board of Directors, is responsible for the overall administration of the national organization, including coordination with its offices in Cambridge, MA and Washington, D.C. In addition, Pine will be responsible for the design and implementation of a long- range organizational development plan. "Whether fighting to protect civil liberties in the information age, or forging a non-military agenda for American research and development, CPSR will continue to challenge both government and industry to insure that technology serves human needs," Pine said. For ten years, Pine has worked to ensure that Americans make meaningful use of electronic technology. She comes to CPSR from a stint as the Executive Director of The Community Memory Project, the first participatory, public access computer network in the country. While there, she encouraged seniors low income families and at risk youth to use the network, located in Berkeley, California, to share information and discuss crucial issues. As Deputy Director of the Foundation for Community Service Cable TV, Pine worked with local governments, schools, and community organizations to create local cable programming. "CPSR is extremely fortunate to have someone of Evelyn's caliber to oversee and direct our national effort. Over the last ten years, CPSR has established itself as a critical voice in the public debate over technology," said Eric Roberts, president of the board of directors. "Evelyn brings considerable talent and experience to this position. We feel that she is the right person to lead CPSR into our second decade." Founded in 1981, CPSR is a public interest alliance of computer scientists and other professionals interested in the impact of computer technology on society. As technical experts and informed citizens, CPSR members provide the public and policy makers with realistic assessments of the power, promise, and limitations of computer technology. CPSR began as a small discussion group formed over a electronic mail network. Today it has grown into a national organization, with 21 chapters in the United States. The organization also has program offices in Washington D.C. and Cambridge, MA. The Washington D.C. office is the focal point for CPSR's Civil Liberties and Privacy Program. This effort is concerned with equitable public access to government information; protection of First Amendment rights in electronic communication; and rights of privacy attached to computerized information. The Cambridge, MA office is the focal point for the organization's 21st Century Project. It is a coalition of professional organizations working to redirect national science and technology priorities, so that they more closely match social needs. For more information on the Civil Liberties and Privacy Program, contact Marc Rotenberg at (202) 544-9240. For information on The 21st Century Project, contact Gary Chapman at 617-497-7440. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1992 17:06:02 EDT From: James P Love Subject: File 6--Gore introduces Senate version of WINDO - Gore, Ford, Sarbanes and Simons introduce Senate verions of GPO WINDO. - Name of bill is changed to GPO Gateway to Government - Fiscal note is $3 million in fy 93, $10 million in fy 94. On June 4, 1992 Senators Gore, Ford, Sarbanes and Simons introduced S. 2813, the GPO Gateway to Government. The text of the bill was printed on page S. 7599 of the Congressional Record. The bill, which I haven't seen yet, is reportedly very similiar to Rose's hr 2772. All four cosponsors are democrats. It was a pleasant surprise that Senator Ford, who chairs the Senate Rules Committee (where the bill is referred) was among the sponors. Unfortunately, Senator Stevens (R-AK) was not among the originial cosponsors. As readers of this list may know, the GPO WINDO (HR 2772) and the GPO Gateway to Government (S 2813) would provide one-stop-shopping online access to federal government databases and and information systems. The service would be free to 1,400 federal depository libraries and available for subscriptions in homes and offices, priced at the incremental cost of disseminating the information. The service would be available through the internet and over ordinary telephone lines using a modem. For more information, contact Anne Heanue, American Library Association 202/547-4440; Bernadine Hoduski, Joint Committee on Printing 202/224-5953; or James Love, Taxpayer Assets Project 609/683-0534. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, Jun 18, '92 (21:45) From: John F. McMullen ( Subject: File 7--NY Telephone Cuts Int'l Service At Some pay Phones (NEWSBYTES) NEW YORK, NEW YORK, U.S.A., 1992 JUN 18 (NB) -- As part of its effort to figh phone fraud with stolen calling card numbers, New York Telephone is blocking international calls from most of its public phones inside the Port Authority Bus Terminal and at surrounding sidewalk locations. The company said it would also target other high-fraud areas throughout New York City. New York Telephone will rely on technology developed by Mars Electronics International, based in Pennsylvania, which blocks international calls attempted through any long distance carrier or private business phone system. New York Telephone said it would implement the program at selected public phones so as not to inconvenience legitimate callers. This is the second time that phone companies have limited service at pay phones as an anti-crime move. A few years ago, some phones were switched from touchtone to rotary dial service, to keep people using them from reaching beepers allegedly used by drug dealers. Now the problem is "sidewalk surfing," where thieves listen to callers giving their card numbers to operators, or peer over their shoulders when they take out calling cards. The numbers are then taken to a pay phone, where services using them are sold to all comers. Frequently, the services are sold to drug dealers, who can then make untraceable calls to their overseas contacts. Some observers claim that the numbers are also used by illegal immigrants calling their families back home. Telephone fraud is estimated at more than $1 billion a year nationwide. New York Telephone operates more than 57,000 public phones in New York City. (Dana Blankenhorn/19920618/Press Contact: Maureen Flanagan, New York Telephone, 212-395-0500) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ****NY Police Responds To Blockage Of Int'l Phone Calls 06/18/92 WASHINGTON, D.C., U.S.A., 1992 JUN 18 (NB) -- New York State Police Special Investigator Donald Delaney, in a conversation with Newsbytes, strongly supported the move by New York Telephone Company, blocking calls to foreign countries from pay phones in New York City's Times Square , Port Authority Bus Terminal and other midtown locations with a history of high credit card calling fraud, as reported elsewhere by Newsbytes. Delaney said: "I think that it is about time that such action was taken. Telephone fraud in New York City is out of control and that is why that New York Telephone took the action" Delaney continued: "I think that this should be just the beginning. It is not only in midtown Manhattan that we find this fraud. From one end of Broadway t another, there is heavy incidence of fraudulent calls through pay phones. You will also find neighborhoods that have high incidence of the same type of crime. I would like to see the same type of blockage on all pay phones." The Port Authority Bus Terminal has long been identified as a major scene of telecommunications fraud encompassing not only call selling by the collection of valid credit card numbers from unsuspecting users so that numbers may, in turn, be used for fraudulent calls. The numbers are generally taken through "shoulder-surfing", a term for simply looking over the shoulder of an unsuspecting caller and recording the keystrokes made while entering the credit card number. According to Delaney, shoulder-surfing in the Port Authority takes in a whole new dimension with people using binoculars and telescopes from positions in Port Authority's balcony to see the numbers and voice-activated tape recorder to record them. (Barbara E. McMullen & John F. McMullen/19920617) ------------------------------ End of Computer Underground Digest #4.27 ************************************  .