Computer underground Digest Thu Aug 19 1993 Volume 5 : Issue 63 ISSN 1004-042X Editors: Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET) Archivist: Brendan Kehoe Shadow-Archivists: Dan Carosone / Paul Southworth Ralph Sims / Jyrki Kuoppala Ian Dickinson Copy Ediot: Etaoin Shrdlu, III CONTENTS, #5.63 (Aug 19 1993) File 1--Frequency of CuDs and Mail Service File 2--Akron BBS Update 6/30/93 - Seeking Equip't Return File 3--SAVE SIMTEL-20!!! File 4--UPDATE #23-AB1624: Clarification of Bill's Obstructors File 5--Digital Library Use (DLU) Project Information File 6--CPSR's 1993 Annual Meeting Cu-Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are available at no cost electronically from The editors may be contacted by voice (815-753-0303), fax (815-753-6302) or U.S. mail at: Jim Thomas, Department of Sociology, NIU, DeKalb, IL 60115. Issues of CuD can also be found in the Usenet news group; on CompuServe in DL0 and DL4 of the IBMBBS SIG, DL1 of LAWSIG, and DL1 of TELECOM; on GEnie in the PF*NPC RT libraries and in the VIRUS/SECURITY library; from America Online in the PC Telecom forum under "computing newsletters;" On Delphi in the General Discussion database of the Internet SIG; on the PC-EXEC BBS at (414) 789-4210; and on: Rune Stone BBS (IIRG WHQ) (203) 832-8441 NUP:Conspiracy; RIPCO BBS (312) 528-5020 CuD is also available via Fidonet File Request from 1:11/70; unlisted nodes and points welcome. EUROPE: from the ComNet in LUXEMBOURG BBS (++352) 466893; In ITALY: Bits against the Empire BBS: +39-461-980493 ANONYMOUS FTP SITES: UNITED STATES: ( in /pub/cud ( in /pub/CuD/cud in /pub/mirror/cud ( in /pub/eff/cud AUSTRALIA: ( in /pub/text/CuD. EUROPE: in pub/doc/cud. (Finland) in pub/cud (United Kingdom) COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. CuD material may be reprinted for non-profit as long as the source is cited. Authors hold a presumptive copyright, and they should be contacted for reprint permission. It is assumed that non-personal mail to the moderators may be reprinted unless otherwise specified. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles relating to computer culture and communication. Articles are preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts unless absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Digest contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thur, 19 Aug 1993 04:21:09 CDT From: CuD Moderators Subject: File 1--Frequency of CuDs and Mail Service There were be three CuD issues this week because of the volume of material in hand, and two next week. We hope to resume a weekly schedule eventually. We've received few complaints about "too many CuDs," but if two or three a week is an overload, we'd appreciate hearing from readers. Sometimes mail to those on the mailing list bounces for no apparent reason. If you suspect that CuDs are not arriving in a timely fashion, or if you receive them only sporadically, let us know and we'll try to track down the problem. The CuD data base on "hacker crime" remains small. We're dependant on readers for local information in their area (including, if possible, a complete cite to the pointer). There appear to be many cases of "small time," teenage phone phreaking, minor intrusions, and other "juvenile mischief," but little substantive "hardcore" crime. This means either that we (and media such as the LA Times, NY Times, or Chicago Tribune) are not reporting it consistently, or that there is not as much "hacker crime" as often alleged. This is an empirical, not an ideological issue, and without the facts it's difficult to make an accurate assessment. If readers have any thoughts, or better--any data from their local papers or police blotters, please pass them along. ------------------------------ Date: 13 Aug 93 09:38:20 EDT From: David Lehrer <71756.2116@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: File 2--Akron BBS Update 6/30/93 - Seeking Equip't Return Below is the letter sent to the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation, and Stahl's lightning-fast reply to his letter. Stahl was sent virtually the identical letter, with a copy sent to the mayor (he's Dir. of Public Safety). Stahl seems to be very proactive in attempting to deflect any potential publicity or further involvement. (Strange, last summer he couldn't create *enough* publicity about what he had done!) ************************* Mark Lehrer P.O. Box 275 Munroe Falls, Ohio August 2, 1993 Mr. John Lenhart, Superintendent Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation P.O. Box 365 London, Ohio 43140 Dear Mr. Lenhart: On May 5, 1993, and June 10, 1993 I was notified by the Munroe Falls Police Department that certain computer-related materials seized from my home on June 18, 1992 were available for me to pick up at the MFPD headquarters. On June 18, 1993, I appeared at headquarters to pick up those materials. I was handed a carton containing 53 diskettes and a cold drink coaster, and signed a form acknowledging their receipt. A copy of that form is page number four of this letter. Upon examining the diskettes that were returned to me, I discovered that they constitute only a relatively small proportion of the materials to which I am entitled under the terms of my plea agreement. There should have been approximately 350 floppy disks returned of 1.2MB and 1.44MB size. According to the agreement as specified in open court and documented in the transcript of the hearing of case 92-07-1789 of March 8, 1993 at pp. 4-6, I am entitled to all of the diskettes seized from my home except those that contain sexual material, i.e. approximately sixty-five percent of those taken. I have been advised by Steve Stahl, chief of the Munroe Falls Police Department, that the materials in question were turned over to the Ohio Bureau of Investigation. Stahl's advisement letter was unsolicited, and for your elucidation is page five of my letter. Inasmuch as the index file of all of my diskettes and their contents was among the files seized by the MFPD, I am not now in a position to specify all of the diskettes to which I am entitled that have not yet been returned to me. I therefore request that that index file, which was stored on the fixed disk of The Akron Anomaly bulletin board system at the time it was taken, be returned to me as soon as practicable but not later than August 27, 1993. I further request that the following items, which contain no sexual materials and which are not among those already returned to me, be returned to me as soon as practicable but not later than August 20, 1993: Page 1 of 5 +++++++++++++++ A. The following items, as they are described by MFPD chief Stahl on his inventory list during his seizure of The Akron Anomaly bulletin board system on June 18, 1992: 1. Line Item 10: 1-5 1/4 Disc w/ viruses [note 1] 2. Line Item 11: 3-3M DC 600A Data Cartridge Tapes [note 2] 3. Line Item 12: Letter w/check (fee) 4. Line Item 13: OS2 IBM Operating System [note 3] 5. Line Item 14: 1-Notebook w/documentation 6. Line Items 15-18: 5 diskette storage cases [note 4] 7. Line Item 19: 1 bag w/misc. records [note 1]: antivirus [note 2]: containing 60MB each [note 3]: this is IBM REGISTERED software [note 4]: line items 15-18 also comprise the bulk of diskettes taken; these storage cases and paper bags were used to convey them from my home B. The following data and files taken by, but not documented by, MFPD chief Stahl during his seizure of the Akron Anomaly bulletin board system on June 18, 1992: All data and files seized, from The Akron Anomaly bulletin board system and those diskettes, tapes, and printed matter, that comprise electronic mail between users of the The Akron Anomaly bulletin board system. C. Disclosure of, the location of, and the return of, all data copied from The Akron Anomaly bulletin board system, diskettes, tapes, or hard-copy records. Additionally, I request that a good faith, diligent effort be made during the same period to identify and return all other diskettes not containing sexual material. Upon receiving the file containing the index mentioned above, I shall prepare and submit to you a list of the diskettes that, according to my records, remain in the possession of the authorities and do not contain sexual materials. In case there is any doubt about the need to comply with these requests or of their urgency, please note that the materials in question were used in connection with the operation of a computer bulletin board enjoying the protection of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech and of the press, and the Article I, Section 11 of the Ohio Constitution, which contains similar guarantees. Page 2 of 5 +++++++++++++++++++++++ It should also be noted that certain of the materials in question, such as files containing electronic mail between users of The Akron Anomaly bulletin board system, constitute electronic communications protected under the federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act. Each additional day of delay in returning those materials exacerbates these violations and increases the exposure of the responsible authorities to liability, including personal liability. I look forward to your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, [signed] Mark Lehrer cc: S. Steele, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Wash., DC ******************************* This letter was delivered via U.S. Mail on Friday, August 6, 1993. ************************************************ August 4, 1993 Mark Lehrer 58 Bermont Ave. Munroe Falls, Ohio 44262 Dear Mr. Lehrer, In response to your letter of August 2, I would offer the following: Items 3 and 7 listed in section A are currently in our evidence room. Though the Court's order may not require the return of these items, you may schedule an appointment to pick them up. The other items are neither in our possession or control. As I previously advised you on June 21, 1993, everything else was turned over to BCI, P.O.Box 365, London, Ohio, 43140. You will have to contact them for further information. Sincerely, [signed] chief Steve Stahl ************************************************* Items 3 and 7 in Stahl's 4th letter above reference Section A from the letter dated August 2, 1993 (received by Stahl on August 3, 1993) from The Akron Anomaly sysop Mark Lehrer. Items 3 and 7 identify line items from Stahl's inventory list that he wrote on June 18, 1992 during his Akron Anomaly seizure. (search warrant execution) Item 3 %Line item 12: Letter w/check (fee)% Item 7 %Line item 19: 1 bag w/misc. records% Please note: 1) The pick-up process has changed. No longer come in any time between 7:30AM - 3:30PM to pick up and sign for your property. Now it's "schedule an appointment to pick them up." 2) Stahl's 3rd, and unsolicited, advisement letter said he had "no more of the equipment that was seized. The rest of it was turned over to BCI." While he may or may not have any more 'equipment' than he yet again states, Stahl specifically left unaddressed both Section B: [email], and Section C: [any copied data remaining in his possession]. 3) Stahl states "The other items are neither in our possession or control." 4) Stahl states "As I previously advised you on June 21, 1993, everything else was turned over to BCI, . . " 5) Let's repeat that one more time: ". . *everything* else was turned over to BCI, . . " Regards, David ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1993 12:32:06 -0500 From: tlawless@WHALE.ST.USM.EDU(Timothy Mark Lawless) Subject: File 3--SAVE SIMTEL-20!!! (Ralph Sims) Newsgroups--comp.dcom.modems Date--5 Aug 1993 08:37:33 -0700 The tremendous resources of the SIMTEL-20 archives are in danger of being eliminated. SIMTEL-20 has been the premier repository of public domain and shareware files for most operating systems and is scheduled to be dismantled (for economic reasons, I'd imagine). The following is offered in an attempt to provide information on how we might be able to "Save SIMTEL-20". IF YOU WANT TO KEEP SIMTEL20 ALIVE AND FUNCTIONAL BEYOND SEPTEMBER * ******************************************************************** The following are things that you can do: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you are using SIMTEL20 from a University site, private site, other government site, or anywhere EXCEPT a MILNET site: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Write *your* congressman, with copies to your state senators, and to Senator Domenici. Senator Domenici is the Senior Senator from New Mexico. SIMTEL20 is located at White Sands New Mexico. Sen. Domenici did not make this decision, but he is concerned about events that affect others' perceptions of New Mexico and may be able to help in this matter, if asked nicely. You might also send letters to Vice President Al Gore and President Bill Clinton. Pete V. Domenici Vice President Gore U.S. Senator VICE.PRESIDENT@WHITEHOUSE.GOV Dirksen #434 Washington D.C. 20510 President Clinton PRESIDENT@WHITEHOUSE.GOV or Pete V. Domenici U.S. Senator Room 10013 Federal Building and US Courthouse Albuquerque. N.M. 87102 Ph: (505) 766-3481 FAX: (505) 766-1443 Clearly state how you as an educator, student, taxpayer, businessman, etc., have used SIMTEL20 and how you have benefitted from it. Refer only to yourself and/or your organization or company based on first-hand knowledge. Include your complete name and the name and address of your organization, as well as your e-mail address. Do not include any second-hand information. Keep it strictly factual in a calm, rational, non-abusive tone. NO FLAMING! Flaming is not helpful in making the point. Choose your words carefully. 2. Consider if you or your institution would pay a small fee to have access to SIMTEL20, for example, $100 per year for large Universities or companies -- say >10,000; $50 per year for smaller institutions or companies; free to K-12). If you think this is true, send a message to that effect to: Technet, a self-funded non-profit organization, is trying to determine if it could recover its costs if it took over SIMTEL20. 3. Pass this message on to others that you think may feel the same way you do - but have not seen it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you are using SIMTEL20 from a MILNET site - ONLY: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Send a message to: COL Ronald R. Boykin 505-678-1131, DSN: 258-1131 COL Boykin has been told that it is not part of WSMR's mission to continue SIMTEL20. He did not make the decision. Clearly state how you as a military person or military support person have used SIMTEL20 and how you have benefitted from it. Refer only to yourself and/or your organization or company based on first-hand knowledge. Include your complete organization name and address, as well as your own name and rank/position. Do not include any second-hand information. Keep it strictly factual in a calm, rational, non-abusive tone. NO FLAMING! Flaming is not helpful in making the point. Choose your words carefully. 2. Consider if you or your organization would pay a small fee to have access to SIMTEL20, for example, $100 per year for large sites -- say >5,000; $50 per year for smaller sites. If you think this is true, send a message to that effect to COL Boykin and to: Technet, a self-funded non-profit organization, is trying to determine if it could recover its costs if it took over SIMTEL20. 3. Pass this message on to others that you think may feel the same way you do - but have not seen it. ++, Public Access Internet (Mi T-1 es su T-1) Seattle, +1.206.382.6245, Everett 672.4554 (login: new) NWNEXUS, Inc., P.O. Box 40597, Bellevue, WA 98015-4597, +1.206.455.3505 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 17 Aug 1993 14:08:07 -0700 From: Jim Warren Subject: File 4--UPDATE #23-AB1624: Clarification of Bill's Obstructors ((MODERATORS' NOTE: Jim Warren has been instrumental in pushing for enactment of California legislation that would make state documents electronically available to the public at no cost. THIS IS NOT simply an issue for Californians. Not only would out-of-state persons benefit from the availability, but the legislation could stimulate routine electronic access to other local, state, and federal documents as well. Further, the obstacles to such legislation in California provide lessons for those engaged in similar projects elsewhere. Jim has been meticulous in sharing both the strengths and weaknesses of his lobbying efforts so that the rest of us can design strategies accordingly. Why is non-commercial, no-cost electronic access desirable? FOR INTERNET users, this means that government information can be easily accessed, stored on ftp and other sites, and distributed across the nets. FOR BBS users, it means that documents can be up/downloaded to a favorite BBS and shared as needed. For both, it means increasing the availability of public information. One danger of commercial or other for-fee services is that, while the information may be "available," distribution can be restricted by copyright or other protections that would inhibit general distribution. As a consequence, it means that they entire cybercommunity should support the California legislation and urge that state and local electronic access be implemented in their area as well.)) ++++++++ Political cynicism and distrust may be amply justified, rampant and in vogue, but they can muddy accurate information and harm good judgement. Legi-Tech and State Net are the two largest online distributors of computerized California legislative data - AND, in addition, of major value-added related information. In past postings, I have [at least!] implied that (a) they were [probably?] opposing AB1624, because it might harm their high-priced info sales and/or (b) they - especially State Net - [might?] use their significant "insiders'" connections to oppose the bill behind the scenes. (At least three officers of State Net have been high-level legislative staffers and two currently hold powerful appointments outside the Legislature.) I THINK I WAS WRONG I am now reasonably convinced that I was wrong; that I did Legi-Tech and State Net and some of their principals a dis-service. I was led to believe that they were opposing the bill because a legislator had reportedly said their lobbyist had contacted him/her, opposing the bill. I now believe that was either an incorrect impression by that legislator, or the communication was inaccurately reported to me - by the time it passed through several parties. STATE NET AND LEGI-TECH ARE "ON THE RECORD" BASICALLY SUPPORTING AB1624 Their only on-the-record public statements were at the May 24th Assembly Rules Committee hearing. There, the President of State Net explicitly said (1) they supported public access and the intent of the bill; (2) their only concern was that it not preclude their continuing to have the access they currently have - for which they have and would continue to pay (i.e., via overnight magtape copies for outrageously-excessive state fees); and, (3) if they eventually use the online access proposed in AB1624, they did not want to be charged for that use if others were getting/using the access/data for free. An imminently-reasonable position. At that time, the director of Legi-Tech explicitly agreed that this was also exactly their position. Before and since then, I have had conversations with Legi-Tech folks, and more-recently [finally] with State Net volks. I shoulda called, earlier (o' course - heh! - they also have phones and could get my number :-). IN SUMMARY - ASSUME THEY'RE NOT OPPOSING AB1624 In spite of the possibility that I'm being misled [now, rather than earlier], my operating assumption now is that (1) I was wrong; (2) my earlier source was wrong; (3) Legi-Tech and State Net are *not* opposed to AB1624 and are *not* working against it; and, (4) their positions are exactly as publicly stated in that May Committee meeting. Not a problem. SO - WHO *IS* THE PROBLEM? (WHY HASN'T AB1624 SAILED THRU THE LEGISLATURE?) I am now convinced that the *only* problems are coming from two (and perhaps three) of the Legislature's top [unelected] administrators - who *clearly* want to charge for at least some users of electronic public records and who *may* be opposed to "loosing control" of "their" public data. The known problemvolks - as evidenced by their writings and/or statements by them, directly, or by their staff are: 1. Chief Legislative Counsel Bion Gregory, in charge of the Legis.Data Ctr. 2. Assembly Chief Administrative Officer Bob Connelly. [May have more to say after I speak with the third person, if and when he returns my call.] I apologize for [probably] misleading you and [probably] misrepresenting Legi-Tech and State Net. With telepathy and perfection, I will not make such [probable] errors again. --jim Jim Warren, columnist for MicroTimes, Government Technology & BoardWatch -or- P.S. - I have prominently reported that Legi-Tech and State Net collected %$285,000 in 1992 for "distributing legislative information" to state agencies, and another $300K or so from cities, plus another %$300K from counties, for the same service. From two different sources - one of them independent of these companies - I have heard estimates that only 5% to 10% of the data they sell is directly public records covered by AB1624; that the large majority of what they sell are a variety of value-added services. I have no way of checking it - especially relative to sales to state and local agencies, as opposed to sales to corporations, lobbyists, etc. But, I *am* certain that much of the data those companies peddle is in value-added services and information beyond that covered by AB1624 - indexing, cross-referencing, automatic notification, hand-keyed reports, customized information, political-contributor data, etc. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1993 15:18:03 -0700 From: Rob Kling Subject: File 5--Digital Library Use (DLU) Project Information -------- Digital Library Use (DLU) Project ___________________________ University of California, Irvine August 1993 DLU Focus The expanding Internet is rapidly evolving into a pervasive national infrastructure which supports "digital libraries," among other key services. Digital libraries include an array of commercial and public on-line information services which provide citations, abstracts and full texts of diverse materials including newspaper and magazine articles, journals, books, reports and similar materials. Learning from current experiences with electronic libraries would help technologists, scholars, policy-makers and other interested parties make the best use of scarce human resources and equipment. The main alternative to learning from experience is the much riskier and more costly strategies of technological push and informational imperialism (using the assumption that more information is necessarily better). There are rich enough digital library sources available in the major universities from which to learn about the conditions that foster their effective use and their value and costs as seen by the institution and end users. These services include journal and news files on commercial services like Dialog, abstracting services like Eric, and distributed information archives like the rapidly expanding Internet Gophers. We will use a variety of assessment criteria in addition to measures of the amounts of information available, numbers of people who have potential access, and simple usage statistics. The DLU project will examine the use of specific digital library facilities in specific academic communities to identify and understand their value to and effective use by different groups. DLU Project The DLU Project will consist of several substudies of digital library use: % A description of groups and subgroups of faculty and graduate students who are aware of and make use of digital text sources. % An examination of the ways that scholars and students use digital library sources in the context of specific activities, and relative to their working conditions, availability of other source materials, their skills, and computing support. % An assessment of what kind of information is wanted and accessed through digital networks. % An analysis of criteria of usefulness and effectiveness of potential and actual specific kinds of systems and their relationship to teaching, study and scholarship. Surveys of the faculty and graduate students in a university will be helpful to learn about scholar's awareness, exploratory use, and routine uses of specific digital library services. Intensive interviews and observations of a small, but diverse group of faculty and students will help learn about the ways that conceptualize digital libraries, find them relevant to their work, use them, and have computing resources to support effective use. By developing sound methods to examine these issues, we hope to inform both users and the system planners about effective use of emerging information services. We also hope to better understand how the expansion of online information services will affect our changing society. DLU Participants The DLU Project is being conducted by faculty and students from UCI's Department of Information and Computer Science. Professor Rob Kling is coordinating the project which will be administered by UCI's Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations. We are currently seeking research support. For more information about the DLU project, contact Professor Rob Kling Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92717. Telephone (714) 856-5160/5955. Fax (714) 856-8091. Internet: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1993 23:12:31 EDT From: Nikki Draper Subject: File 6--CPSR's 1993 Annual Meeting COMPUTER PROFESSIONALS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ANNUAL MEETING October 16 - 17, 1993 University of Washington, South Campus Center Seattle, Washington, USA Envisioning the Future: A National Forum on the National Information Infrastructure and Community Access Co-sponsored by the American Society for Information Science Pacific Northwest Chapter (ASIS-PNC) ************************************************************************ Saturday, October 16th 8:00 - 9:00 Registration/Coffee & Tea 9:00 - 9:15 Welcome to the CPSR Annual Meeting - Aki Namioka 9:15 - 10:15 Keynote Address - Bruce McConnell, Office of Management and Budget "Shaping National Information Infrastructure Policy" Bruce McConnell, Chief of Information Policy at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), will present his views on the major NII issues now facing the administration. He has been with OMB since 1985 and became head of Information Policy in 1992. He now chairs the inter-agency task force responsible for developing federal information policy for the Information Infrastructure Task Force. 10:15 - 10:45 Break 10:45 - 12:15 Panel Discussion - Moderated by Eric Roberts "Public Access to Internetworks" Public access to the Internet (and other major networks) is a critical issue in any discussion about an "electronic highway". Panelists representing a wide variety of perspectives, including representatives from the Pacific Northwest, will present their views. Panelists: Phil Bereano Craig Buthod, Deputy City Librarian and Chief Operating Officer, Seattle Public Library Kenneth Kay, Computer Science Policy Program Laura Breeden, FARnet 12:15 - 1:45 Lunch break 1:45 - 3:00 Panel Discussion - Moderated by Andrew Gordon "Municipal Information Infrastructure" City and other government agencies are exploring possibilities for developing municipal networks. In this panel a city official as well as a representative from the state regulatory agency and a representative of commercial interests will offer their insights and interests. Panelists: Joe Hommel - Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Jane Noland - Seattle City Council 3:00 - 4:30 Panel Discussion - Moderated by Douglas Schuler "Networking in the Community" Community networks exist and are being developed all over the U.S. Panelists from various community networks will present their perspectives on the state of community networking now and in the future. Panelists: Tom Grundner, National Public Telecomputing Network Parker Lindner, New Media Matters Evelyn Pine, CPSR/Berkeley member and former Executive Director of the Community Memory Project Roy Sahali, CLAMDYP (Computing Literacy and Access Making a Difference for Youth Projects) 4:30 - 4:45 Break 4:45 - 6:15 Panel Discussion - Moderated by Marc Rotenberg "Computers and Democracy - What's the Connection?" What aspects of democracy might be improved with computers? Which ones probably wouldn't. This is a concept that is in the public eye, and an idea that will probably be tested soon. What can be done to promote wise uses of computers in this critical area? Panelists: Jeff Chester, Center for Media Education Jamie Love, Taxpayers Assets Project Leah Lievrouw, Department of Telecommunication and Film, University of Alabama 6:15 - 6:30 Closing Remarks - Jeff Johnson ************************************************************************ 7:00 - 7:30 No host bar at banquet site 7:30 CPSR Banquet - Fundraiser (Vegetarian food will be available) + Presentation of the 1993 Norbert Wiener Award to The Institute for Global Communications (IGC) Presenter: Eric Roberts The CPSR Board of Directors unanimously award the 1993 Wiener Award to IGC to recognize the work the organization has done to use network technology to empower previously disenfranchised individuals and groups working for progressive change. Geoff Sears, IGC's Executive Director, will be present to accept the award. + Banquet Address and Interactive Event - Kit Galloway, Electronic Cafe International Kit Galloway of Electronic Cafe International in Santa Monica, California will present his innovative approach to electronic communication using phone lines, slow-scan television, and other technology. Using videotapes and a live demonstration with CPSR chapters in Los Angeles and other locations, Kit will discus how the Electronic Cafe concept has been used in a variety of settings. Electronic Cafe International has staged global events with poets, children, and communities in France, Nicaragua, Japan, as well as a variety of American cities. Be sure to attend the banquet and participate in this provocative encounter with multimedia community networks !! ************************************************************************ Sunday, October 17th (preliminary schedule) 8:30 - 9:30 Coffee & Tea 9:30 - 11:30 Workshop sessions I 11:30 - 1:00 Lunch break 1:00 - 3:00 Workshop sessions II 3:00 - 3:30 Break 3:30 - 5:00 CPSR NII vision document discussion - Moderated by Todd Newman 5:00 - 5:30 Closing Remarks - CPSR NII program future - Marc Rotenberg ************************************************************************ ABOUT CPSR Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility stands alone as the only national, non-partisan, public-interest organization dedicated to understanding and directing the impact of computers on society. Decisions regarding the use of this technology have far-reaching consequences that necessarily reflect the basic values and priorities of the people who govern their use. Founded in 1981, CPSR has 2000 members from all over the world and 22 chapters across the country. Each of our members is an important participant in the dialogue that is helping to shape the future use of computers in the United States. Our National Advisory Board includes one Nobel laureate and three winners of the Turing Award, the highest honor in computer science. We believe that as the influence of computers continues to permeate every aspect of our society, it is important that professionals become active participants in formulating the policy that governs computer use and access. CPSR welcomes any and all who share our convictions. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Registration Form Please pre-register by September 24 to guarantee seating. Registrations at the door will be accepted pending space. Name _________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ State _____________ Zip _________ Telephone __________________________ E-mail_____________________________ CPSR member $55 _______ Non member $75 _______ 1 year CPSR membership & registration $100 _______ Low income/student $25 _______ Banquet ticket $40 X ___ = _______ Additional donation to further CPSR's work _______ Total enclosed _______ For more information contact CPSR, 415-322-3778,, or Aki Namioka, 206-865-3249, Send completed registration form with check to: CPSR, P.O. Box 717, Palo Alto, CA 94301 ------------------------------ End of Computer Underground Digest #5..63 ************************************  .