Computer underground Digest Wed Mar 29, 1995 Volume 7 : Issue 25 ISSN 1004-042X Editors: Jim Thomas and Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.BITNET) Archivist: Brendan Kehoe Semi-retiring Shadow Archivist: Stanton McCandlish Intelligent Agent: David Smith Shadow-Archivists: Dan Carosone / Paul Southworth Ralph Sims / Jyrki Kuoppala Ian Dickinson Monster Editor: Loch Nesshrdlu CONTENTS, #7.25 (Wed, Mar 29, 1995) File 1--About the CuD Web Homepage File 2--Contact your provider on the Communications Decency Act File 3--"Hackers Sentences in Telephone Fraud" File 4--writing project on Pacific Northwest hackers File 5--MISC>cybercafe @ skip File 6--Call for Participants in WWW Interdisc. Mailing List File 7-- CMC Magazine March Issue File 8--WWW> THE NEW COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY LEGAL NET HOME PAGE (fwd) File 9--Announce: Telepoetics UK-Chicago event File 10--Cu Digest Header Info (unchanged since 19 Mar, 1995) CuD ADMINISTRATIVE, EDITORIAL, AND SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION APPEARS IN THE CONCLUDING FILE AT THE END OF EACH ISSUE. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 29 Mar, 1995 22:19:43 CST From: CuD Moderators Subject: File 1--About the CuD Web Homepage For those inquiring about the CuD homepage: Yes, it's up. You can get the back issues of CuD, as well as access to other resources, including links to EFF, CPSR, Jim Warren's Goverment Access bulletins, Ripco's Homepage, and other links. We're still under construction, and we'll be slowing building it up as time, space, suggestions, and interests allow. Address Below is a sample from the opening menu: =========================== General CuD Information * CuD Indexes * CuD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Back Issues of CuD * CuDs, Volume 7 * CuDs, Volume 6 * CuDs, Volume 5 * CuDs, Volume 4 * CuDs, Volume 3 * CuDs, Volume 2 * CuDs, Volume 1 _________________________________________________________________ Cyber Resource Links * NIU Sociology WEB SITE * EFF'S WWW Site * CPSR's WWW Site * NetWork Newsletter * Phil Zimmerman Info * Information on Jake Baker Case * Information on SB 314 (Exon's Senate decency act) * Steve Jackon Games Secret Service page & links E-Zines and Such * John Labovitz's complete E-Zine resource list * Jim Warren's GovAcesss * Crypt Newsletter General information and Resources * Background and Analysis of Italian BBS Busts (by Peter Ludlow) * Laypersons' Guide to the Freedom of Information Act * Background on Church of Scientology and the Net Home Pages worth Looking at * Voidmstrs Graphic Homepage * Mark Atwood's Cyber homepage (info resources) Cyber-Publishers' Corner * O'Reilly Publishers homepage * Computer Manuals Online Bookstore ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Mar 1995 16:34:34 -0500 From: Stephen Sutton Subject: File 2--Contact your provider on the Communications Decency Act A Cyber Liberties Alert from the ACLU Urge Your Online Service Providers to Fight the Modified Exon/Gorton Amendment! As you know from our previous Cyber Liberties Alerts, Congress is moving to dramatically restrict the free speech and privacy rights of online users. On March 23, 1995, the Senate Commerce Committee approved the Exon/Gorton bill (the so-called "Communications Decency Act", also known as S.314) as an amendment to the Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation Act of 1995. While the proposed legislation was modified to include some defenses from criminal liability for online service providers, users are still very much at risk of both massive fines and imprisonment. The ACLU has written an open letter to online providers, copied below, that urges them to wage a full-scale fight for the rights of online users. Some providers are still actively standing up for your rights while others may not be. There are still opportunities to fight the legislation in both House and Senate, but the fight will not succeed without the concerted efforts of online users, civil libertarians, and online service providers. Remember that the Senate Commerce Committee approved the Exon/Gorton amendment despite opposition letters and petition signatures from over 100,000 online users. ACT NOW: Write to your online service providers and ask them to make a public declaration against the Exon/Gorton amendment and to push aggressively for the greatest amount of free speech and privacy for online users. (A sample letter is attached.) Please copy your letter to the following e-mail address: In addition, continue to voice your opposition to the Exon/Gorton Amendment to members of the Senate Commerce Committee and your own senators. See our previous ACLU Cyber Liberties Alerts for instructions on how to reach the Senate: gopher:// ------------------------------------------------------- [COPY] An Open Letter to Online Providers Regarding the Exon/GortonAmendment March 28, 1995 On March 23, 1995, the Senate Commerce Committee voted to violate the civil liberties of every present and future member of the online community. The so-called "Communications Decency Act" was modified to include some defenses from criminal liability -- but these are available only to online service providers. In fact, other modifications made the legislation worse for users. The Exon/Gorton amendment remains a blatant violation of the free speech and privacy guarantees of the Constitution. We therefore urge all online providers to continue (or, if necessary, to begin) a full-scale fight for the rights of online users against the government interference embodied in the Exon/Gorton amendment. The Exon/Gorton amendment subjects online users to surveillance and imposes criminal penalties for messages deemed by some government official to be "indecent, lewd, lascivious or filthy" -- all communications protected by the First Amendment. By criminalizing the content of private messages, it would invite active interference in the basic speech of everyone using a telecommunications device. The amendment was attached to the Telecommunications Competitionand Deregulation Act of 1995, which was approved by the Commerce Committee and is being sent for consideration to the Senate floor. There are still opportunities to fight the legislation in both House and Senate, but the fight will not succeed without the concerted efforts of online users, civil libertarians, and online service providers. Sexual expression has been a fundamental part of human communication from the beginning of recorded history. The online community is no different. There is no question that talk about sex and the exchange of sexual images has contributed to the vibrant quality of online communications, and an increasing number of online subscribers. And Congress need not ban constitutionally protected forms of speech in order to protect children from sexually explicit materials. Interactive technologies allow users -- including concerned parents -- to have more control over content than any previous communications medium. Many of the traditional arguments for restricting sexually expressive material, such as radio/TV's assault on unwilling listeners or the fear that a child will wander into an adult bookstore, simply do not apply to interactive technologies. Moreover, the Exon/Gorton amendment's censorial sweep encompasses content that has nothing to do with sex -- anything deemed "indecent" or "filthy" -- subjective terms that could apply to any message outside the mainstream. The amendment would make the online community one of the most censored segments of communications media when logic dictates that it should be the least censored. The Exon/Gorton amendment also subjects an industry that has blossomed without government control to an unprecedented amount of interference and intrusion. We applaud those online providers who have both publicly declared their opposition to the Exon/Gorton amendment and who continue to fight for the constitutional rights of their subscribers. These providers recognize that no one in the online community will benefit from an amendment that seriously threatens the free flow of information and the diversity of content transmitted over online networks. To achieve the liberating potential of the information superhighway, Congress must ensure that interactive technologies enhance rather than stifle democratic values like user choice. We therefore call upon ALL online service providers to join online users and civil libertarians in the fight against the Exon/Gorton amendment. We urge online service providers to make a public declaration against the amendment and to push aggressively for the greatest amount of free speech and privacy for online users. American Civil Liberties Union "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty" ------------------------------------------------ SAMPLE LETTER Dear [name of each of your online service providers]: I am writing, as a user of your service, to urge you to make a public declaration against the Exon/Gorton amendment to the Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation Act of 1995. While providing defenses from criminal liability for online providers, the Exon proposal leaves online users at risk of large fines and imprisonment for constitutionally protected speech. I urge you to: *Make a public declaration against the Exon proposal. *Aggressively lobby the Senate to vote against the Exon proposal, and aggressively lobby to prevent similar proposals in the House version of the telecommunications reform legislation. *Continue to push for the greatest amount of free speech and privacy for online users. Sincerely, [name] ----------------------------------------------- The American Civil Liberties Union is a nationwide, nonpartisan organization of over 275,000 members. Now in its 75th year, the ACLU is devoted exclusively to protecting the civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, whereever these liberties are at risk -- in a bookstore, in school, on the street, in cyberspace, wherever. The ACLU does this through legislative action, public education and litigation. -- ACLU Free Reading Room | American Civil Liberties Union gopher:// | 132 W. 43rd Street, NY, NY 10036| "Eternal vigilance is the | price of liberty" -- ACLU Free Reading Room | American Civil Liberties Union gopher:// | 132 W. 43rd Street, NY, NY 10036| "Eternal vigilance is the | price of liberty" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Mar 1995 21:33:24 -0600 From: jthomas@SUN.SOCI.NIU.EDU(Jim Thomas) Subject: File 3--"Hackers Sentences in Telephone Fraud" From: Chicago Tribune, 26 March, 1995: Section 1: p. 12 WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.--Two computer hackers have been sentenced to federal prison for a scheme that defrauded long-distance telephone carriers of more than $28 million. Ivey James Lay, 29, and Frank Ronald Stanton, 22, were part of a ring that stole credit card numbers from MCI, where Lay was an employee, the government said. Lay was sentenced Friday to 3 years and 2 months in prison; Stanton was sentenced to one year. The credit-card numbers were used to charge long-distance calls to computer bulletin-board systems and computer chat lines. They were part of a group that bought and sold at least 50,000 numbers from 1992 until the summer of 1994. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 15:00:43 -0800 From: leej@ELWHA.EVERGREEN.EDU Subject: File 4--writing project on Pacific Northwest hackers Dear Editors, I'm a fourth year student at Evergreen State College and am looking for hackers who would like to participate in an ethnography or oral interview project. The program I'm in is called "True Stories and how they are told" and the project is worth 8 quarter credit hours. I'm currently looking to interview 4 to 8 people who live in Western Washington and are accessible by bus (obviously, I don't have a car). I'm interested in those who do not identify themselves with the media stereotype of the teenage (Elvira skinned) boy who is allergic to sunlight. The interviews can last from one to four hours and I can sign anominity forms if desired. As a woman, I'd like to interview at least one woman hacker but realize that the overwhelming majority are male. Originally, I had written editor Emmanuel Goldstein (at "2600") for help but his spring issue has already gone out and I was unable to put in a reader ad for my project. Participants may talk about anything of concern to them including their families, philosphy, privacy, and favorite color. If you know of anyone who would be interested (and who is a regular reader of "2600"), please let me know how I can contact them, or you may give them my e-mail address at "". If you have any questions or know of other groups (including BBS) that I can contact, please let me know. Thank you, Joomi Lee ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Mar 1995 16:31:19 +0000 From: heath@CYBERCAFE.ORG(heath bunting) Subject: File 5--MISC>cybercafe @ skip cybercafe @ skip technology access centre in an attempt to combat corporate organised irrationality cybercafe have opened a disorganised ration centre, located in central london just off the information superhighway. people will be able to drop by and either upload or download hardware/firmware/software into/from the skip people will not be charged for the time they spend routing around in the rubbish or for anything they may find if you cannot make it in person please post items to: British Telecom Skip Bankside London SE1 UK details of the latest skip contents will be available on cybercafe bbs 44 171 439 3998 heath cybercafe aims to promote/create spaces/situations in which people can create/behave/express/experience in ways unavailable in currently existing places Domains of activity radio/tv/telephones/fax/ mailart/flyposting/performance/computer. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= uphold dignity/creativity =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= vox 44 171 437 8584 mbl 44 374 823 840 flat 4, 116 shaftesbury ave bbs 44 171 439 3998 london w1v 7dj UK vms 44 171 437 8584 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Mar 1995 12:31:46 -0600 From: Gerald Anderson Subject: File 6--Call for Participants in WWW Interdisc. Mailing List WANTED: Participants for a mailing list. 20-30 individuals who enjoy trouble shooting issues for the sake of doing it. Specifically I would like to find individuals interested in Government, Sociology, Politics, Law, Economics, and Business. These are just interest areas, you do not have to be an expert in these fields (I'm not). Just be a 'thinker' and have an interest in what we are trying to accomplish. PROJECT: To debate, discuss and author a document to be published on the WWW. This document will be a more or less academic project to create a Constitution for governing a country in todays cultural, technical, economic, etc environment, with the goal of creating a Constitution that would have staying power far into the future. All participants will be given credit for authoring and it will (should) be a fun project. Finally, this is a study, not a revolutionary document in any way. I am not interested in anybody who would use this project to forward any political agenda. When/if the project is complete I think it would be fun to run some case studies based on real news events to test practicality and to generally see how good of job we did. SCOPE: This document will primarily be philosophical. I want to start out at the most fundamental definitions of what government should be. As interest and our whims take us we could cover Criminal Law, Business Law, Cultural issues, Trade, External Relations, ad infinitum. INTERESTED?: Please send an email to (if you see this on a usenet newsgroup I WILL NOT be checking these groups for responses YOU MUST EMAIL ME). In this email please include your name, email address, why you are interested in this project, and how your interests apply to this project. I am planning to begin list serving the first week of April with the question what should be the fundamental goal of government, and verification of and additions to (?) the inalienable rights as currently documented. Once this forum is started it will be a closed discussion with new members added by invitation only. If you are interested respond NOW. ME: As an avid science fiction fan and trouble shooter I have always been interested in how s/f writers handled the governments of the future. During some recent studies I have been wondering how our government will apply our current constitution to current technological trends in communications (ie, the net). History has shown (IMHO) that major changes in communication have always proven significant to government. I am interested in discussion on how much our current government (and the government of the near future) is equiped via our Constitution and current policies to deal with this new communication medium where a very real culture is being formed and laws cannot be so readily enforcable due to cultural/legal differences. IF THIS SOUNDS INTERESTING TO YOU PLEASE RESPOND, I THINK THIS COULD BE A LOT OF FUN AND MAY EVEN BE ABLE VIA OUR TEXT TO OPEN SOME EYES TO ISSUES THAT WILL BE FORTHCOMING IN OUR EVOLUTION AS A TECHNO SOCIETY/CULTURE. IF YOU HAVE ANY MORE QUESTIONS DON'T HESITATE TO EMAIL ME AT Thanks for your time, Gerald D. Anderson ------------------------------------------------------------ Gerald D. Anderson Assistant Director, Computing Services Edwin L. Cox School of Business Southern Methodist University (214)-768-3250 **** This message represents the views of Gerald D. Anderson and unless explicitly stated does not represent the views of my colleagues or the policies and views of Southern Methodist University. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 06:28:08 -0500 From: Kevin Douglas Hunt Subject: File 7-- CMC Magazine March Issue The March Issue of COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION MAGAZINE has hit the Web. Look for it here: Here's a look at what's inside the March issue: COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION MAGAZINE ISSN 1076-027X / Volume 2, Number 3 / March 1, 1995 ___________________________________________________________________ Editor's Page COVER STORY E-Literacies: Politexts, Hypertexts, and Other Cultural Formations in the Late Age of Print In her novel Pintamento, Lillian Hellman advises her best friend Julia to "Take Chances!!" Now, it's your turn. Writer, educator, artist, and hypertext theorist Nancy Kaplan presents us with an intriguing challenge to explore the creative possibilities of hypertext. CMC NEWS Are You Decent? Senator James Exon's new Senate Bill, the Communications Decency Act of 1995, is causing an uproar in the online community. Some netizens are calling it the greatest challenge yet to the First Amendment. Kirsten Cooke's news report sheds light on the issue and the varied responses to it. The Cutting Edge: News in Brief Chief Correspondent Chris Lapham rounds up the latest in CMC News: the seizure of a Finnish Postnews server by Interpol, the resurrection of the WebAnts project, and the first G7 International Communications Policy conference. FEATURES Book Excerpt: Computer-Mediated Communication and Community We are creating new worlds, and our imaginations and thoughts will be the forces that colonize the electronic frontier: Steve Jones's romantic vision of a wired society is artfully presented in this introductory chapter from his new book of essays, CyberSociety: Computer-Mediated Communication and Community. Book Excerpt: Computer-Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom in Higher Education A look at the introduction to the second of three volumes by Zane Berge and Mauri Collins, which examines computers in the educational environment. Well-Constructed Gophers: Is Your Gopher Golden? The Internet Gopher has proven to be a popular tool for delivering information, but how do you make a "golden" Gopher? Jeff Kosokoff presents a schema for appraising and improving Gopher servers. Electronic Feedback: CMC Magazine Visits The Netoric Cafe You are cordially invited to "eavesdrop" on the virtual debates that followed our January special issue, "Previews, Predictions, Prognostications." Various "technorhetoricians" met in MOOspace to discuss pedagogical issues with Netoric founders Tari Fanderclai and Greg Siering. REVIEW Cybersmith: Tales of the First Coffee Shop on the Infobahn CMC Magazine Graphics Editor Jason Teague reviews what he calls "the latest evolution of cyberspace," a coffee-klatch establishment in Cambridge, Mass. called "Cybersmith." It's a place where technojunkies go to combine the two C's which keep them all moving -- computers and coffee, but in a public space rather than a basement apartment. DEPARTMENTS From the Nets . . . Women on the Web by Lisa Schmeiser Of Style and Substance by Lisa Schmeiser Mbox Vic Moberg responds to Laura Gurak's February Last Link. The Last Link: Ubiquitous Computing vs. Radical Privacy: A Reconsideration of the Future Consider Porush's Law: "Participating in the newest communications technologies becomes compulsory if you want to remain part of the culture." David Porush embarks on a Talmudic journey toward understanding "future culture" in his response to Steve Doheny-Farina's October, 1994 Last Link. _______________________________________________________ Kevin Hunt ( Assistant Editor, *Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine* ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Mar 1995 00:17:31 -0600 (CST) From: David Smith Subject: File 8--WWW> THE NEW COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY LEGAL NET HOME PAGE (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- (Larry Street) Date--Thu, 16 Mar 1995 17:11:27 -0500 ANNOUNCING THE NEW COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY LEGAL NET HOME PAGE ========================================================== Morris, Manning & Martin announces the Computer Technology Legal Net home page on the World Wide Web. Morris, Manning & Martin is an Atlanta, Georgia law firm that represents many computer and technology companies. The Computer Technology Legal Net home page should be interesting to anyone interested in the quickly changing area of computer law. The Web URL address is: The Computer Technology Legal Net home page includes the following information: 1. Computer Law Articles and Recent Case Summaries 2. Free Computer Law Email Updates 3. List of Available Computer & Technology Jobs and Resumes Since the home page is new we do not have any jobs or resumes listed but the home page now provides an easy method to send by email job and resume information for inclusion on the new List. We expect to have some jobs and resumes listed soon. The first edition of the Computer Law Email Updates is scheduled to go out within the next two weeks. Anyone who would like to subscribe should send an email to with their name, company name, mailing address, and internet email address. The Computer Technology Legal Net now contains the following articles written by Morris, Manning & Martin attorneys: DISCLOSURE IN TECHNOLOGY FINANCE TRANSACTIONS BY JOHN C. YATES, ESQ. AND MARK V. BENVENISTE, ESQ. HIDDEN PITFALLS IN COLLECTING INFORMATION THE FINE LINE BETWEEN FAIR COMPETITION AND BREAKING THE LAW BY LAUREEN E. MCGURK HOW TO BUILD THE INFOBAHN: FORM A STRATEGIC ALLIANCE By EVELYN ASHLEY IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS By LARRY STREET EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION - PRACTICAL LEGAL POINTERS By JOHN C. YATES BOMBS AND BYTES By JOHN C. YATES and PAUL H. ARNE DOING BUSINESS IN THE UNITED STATES By CHARLES R. BEAUDROT, Jr. and EVELYN A. ASHLEY BUYING A COMPUTER SYSTEM: GETTING WHAT YOU NEED IN NEGOTIATIONS By RICHARD L. HAURY, Jr. and PAUL H. ARNE PUTTING DOWN THE COMPETITION BY JOHN C. YATES

ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS ASSOCIATED WITH FINANCING AND OWNING COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES BY GERALD POUNCEY We have over thirty more articles and court decision descriptions that we are currently editing to place on the Computer Technology Legal Net soon. Please visit our Computer Technology Legal Net home page and send an email subscribing to the free Computer Law Email Updates. Thanks, Larry Street ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Mar 1995 20:46:05 -0800 From: sparky@ECAFE.ORG Subject: File 9--Announce: Telepoetics UK-Chicago event CAFELINK presents a TELEPOETICS event Sunday April 9th Hosted in Cambridge, UK, by Mark Cheverton, and in Chicago, USA, by Kurt Heintz. A live videophone linkup between the Underground Media Lab in Chicago and the CB1 cafe in Cambridge, England, as part of Chicago's fourth Poetry Video Festival, sponsored in Chicago by The Guild Complex. Poets at both ends will be performing to an audience on two continents, linking both venues and cultures. The event will commence at 7:30pm BST (1:30pm CDT, USA) on the 9th of April. If you intend to come along please drop us an EMail so we can keep track of numbers. Chicago will also be connecting with the Western Front arts space in Vancouver at 9:00pm CDT (7:00pm PDT), for more information contact the people involved. * What is Telepoetics? Telepoetics is a direct cultural link built upon low cost video conferencing technology. Poets and performers exchange their art between two distant sites to form an artistic communion across cultural and geographic borders. Although videophones are used regularly across the world, the technology is still expensive. The Telepoetics group use basic and cheap video technology to join sites for cultural exchanges, the quality may not be as good as the top of the range systems seen elsewhere, but it has the advantage of being within the reach of the poets who've built the Telepoetics events heretofore in Canada and the US, and in reach of the general public. For a deeper background on the Telepoetics movement, visit Kurt Heintz's homepage on the World Wide Web. * What is Cafelink? Cafelink is a recently formed organisation which brings together Internet cafes, video experts and anyone involved in communication worldwide. Our aim is to foster links with groups such as Telepoetics, using the Internet and other communication technologies to bring together these geographically diverse sites and encourage exposure to other cultures. Contact: * What is the Poetry Video Festival? Organized in Chicago in 1991, the National Poetry Video Festival has showcased poetry in electronic media on an ever-widening program. Each year poetry videos are gathered, juried, and screened before broader audiences. This year, the Festival will showcase numerous works of poets and media artists from the United States and Canada ( its first "international" screening ), and continues its commitment to literate video produced by and for young people. The Festival will afford local audiences a sneak preview of the series "The United States of Poetry", scheduled to debut nationally on PBS ( USA ) produced by poet and director Bob Holman of New York ( The NuYorican Poets' Cafe ). Telepoetics returns to this year's Festival with its first international connections to both Cambridge, England, ( the CB1 Cafe ) and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, ( the Edgewise Cafe ) from Chicago. The Sites * U-lab Chicago: U-Lab is the guerilla media-arts operation of Kurt Heintz, a poet, videographer, and performance artist living in Chicago. U-Lab has co-hosted Telepoetics events with Los Angeles, Boston, and Asheville ( North Carolina, USA ). U-Lab is teamed with the Guild Complex, Chicago's premiere literary arts organization, to co-produce Telepoetics for the Poetry Video Festival. For directions and reservations to Telepoetics in Chicago, contact Guild Complex director Michael Warr at: 312-278-2210. Chicago venue: Zebra Crossing Theater 4223 N Lincoln Ave Chicago IL 60618 USA voice: 312-248-6401 fax: 312-248-6315 ... fax line to be used for video Featured artists from Chicago for UK linkup: Greg Gillam - Words to Swallow Poets; contributor to Hyphen literary/arts magazine Lucy Anderton - Allen/Anderton Arts Action; poet; and Welsh-English American Dave Awl - Poet and 5-year veteran of the renowned "Too much light makes the baby go blind", a show of 30 plays in 60 minutes. Featured artists from Chicago for Vancouver linkup: Donna Marie Branton - performance poet Bryn Magnus - Jellyeye Performance Ensemble; writer; actor; performer Tyehimba Jess - winner of the Poem for Accra ( Ghana ) competition Jeannine Deubel - poet, photographer * The Western Front, Vancouver: Edgewise Cafe at The Western Front ( host venue ) 2057 E First Ave Vancouver BC V5N 1B6 Canada * CB1 Cambridge: CB1 is a second-hand bookshop and computer cafe in Cambridge, England. We have been open for two months, with Internet connections (via Cityscape) on three Next stations. We host regular poetry readings and discussion evenings; our aim is to provide a congenial space in which to explore the various forms of conversation between people - through books, through performances, through the electronic media, and face to face. CB1 Cafe, Daniel Sturdy - proprietor 32 Mill Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom Our home page is at -- Mark Cheverton ( Cafelink Founder ------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 19 Mar 1995 22:51:01 CDT From: CuD Moderators Subject: File 10--Cu Digest Header Info (unchanged since 19 Mar, 1995) Cu-Digest is a weekly electronic journal/newsletter. Subscriptions are available at no cost electronically. CuD is available as a Usenet newsgroup: Or, to subscribe, send a one-line message: SUB CUDIGEST your name Send it to LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU The editors may be contacted by voice (815-753-0303), fax (815-753-6302) or U.S. mail at: Jim Thomas, Department of Sociology, NIU, DeKalb, IL 60115, USA. To UNSUB, send a one-line message: UNSUB Send it to LISTSERV@VMD.CSO.UIUC.EDU (NOTE: The address you unsub must correspond to your From: line) Issues of CuD can also be found in the Usenet news group; on CompuServe in DL0 and DL4 of the IBMBBS SIG, DL1 of LAWSIG, and DL1 of TELECOM; on GEnie in the PF*NPC RT libraries and in the VIRUS/SECURITY library; from America Online in the PC Telecom forum under "computing newsletters;" On Delphi in the General Discussion database of the Internet SIG; on RIPCO BBS (312) 528-5020 (and via Ripco on internet); and on Rune Stone BBS (IIRGWHQ) (203) 832-8441. CuD is also available via Fidonet File Request from 1:11/70; unlisted nodes and points welcome. EUROPE: In BELGIUM: Virtual Access BBS: +32-69-844-019 (ringdown) In ITALY: Bits against the Empire BBS: +39-464-435189 In LUXEMBOURG: ComNet BBS: +352-466893 UNITED STATES: ( in /pub/CuD/ ( in /pub/Publications/CuD/ ( in /pub/eff/cud/ in /src/wuarchive/doc/EFF/Publications/CuD/ in /pub/wuarchive/doc/EFF/Publications/CuD/ in /doc/EFF/Publications/CuD/ EUROPE: in pub/doc/cud/ (Finland) in pub/cud/ (United Kingdom) JAPAN: /mirror/ The most recent issues of CuD can be obtained from the Cu Digest WWW site at: URL: COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. CuD material may be reprinted for non-profit as long as the source is cited. Authors hold a presumptive copyright, and they should be contacted for reprint permission. It is assumed that non-personal mail to the moderators may be reprinted unless otherwise specified. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles relating to computer culture and communication. Articles are preferred to short responses. Please avoid quoting previous posts unless absolutely necessary. DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Digest contributors assume all responsibility for ensuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections. ------------------------------ End of Computer Underground Digest #7.25 ************************************ .