ΪΔΔΔΏ ΪΔΔΔΏ ΪΔΔΔΔΔΔΏ ΪΩ ΐΏ ³ ΐΔΔΔΔΔΔ ³ ³ ΐΔΏ ³ ΐΔΔΔΔΏ ³ ΐΏ ΓΔΔΔΔΏ ΐΔΏ ³ ³ ³ ΐΔΔ ΐΏ ³ ³ ³ ΪΩ ³ ΪΔΩ ³ ΔΔΏ ΪΔΔΩ ΐΔΔΔΔΔΔΩ ³ ΐΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΩ Damned Fucking Shit Edited by Access Denied Issue #12 Title: The Light Bulb Bomb Date: 10/31/93 By: Hammer ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― The Light Bulb Bomb Has a neighbor ever pissed you off, told your parents about something you did to them or catch you doing something and report it to your parents??? Well here is a real simple way to fuck them over with brilliant light and a little heat. In case you haven't noticed this is all leading up to making a cool light bulb bomb, which although little, can cause great damage. Now on to the goodies... Ok, get yourself a light bulb (Wattage does not matter), a syringe, and some gasoline. Not many materials to make a nifty little gadget like this. First you fill the syringe with the gasoline, and carefuly pick up the light bulb. Now you poke the syringe through the little hole in the bottom of the light bulb (Don't push to hard or you will be making a phone call to 911 for slit wrists) and empty the syringe, which should be full of gasoline, in the light bulb. Now you have a light bulb full of gasoline. Diagram: ___________ / \ / \ / \ | | | \ / | | \ / | <-----Light Bulb \ | / \ | / \ | / \_____|_____/ |_______| |___| | | ___|___ | | | | | | | | <------Syringe (Full Of Gasoline) | | | | | | |_____| ____| |____ |_________| Now for the fun part!!! You find yourself a real asshole for a neighbor and plot his nice surpise. You have a number of choices now: If you (Or your parents) are house-sitting for the assholes, well then grab the keys and place one of these puppies in every one of their light sockets (This will ensure that you get them 1 time or another). A word to the wise, and whoever may be reading this; Make sure the light switch is off while you're screwing the light bulb in the socket, because if you don't the neighbors might find you dead on their kitchen floor with little tiny glass pieces in your burnt neck. When they come home make sure you wait to give them their keys, you don't want to be too close too the explosion. If you wanna find out what happens, try it for yourself. You could also just put these in their porch lights or something, but inside the house produces a greater effect and lots more damage. Well enough rambling on, if ya got balls do it... If not, well..... Later, Hammer ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί Distribution Sites: Ί Ί If you're on the BBSs you know it. Ί Ί Fuck you if you're not. Ί Ί And to submit to DFS, call Paradise Lost and log Ί Ί on as DFS. The password is JINGLE JINGLE. Ί Ί Just upload it there. Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ  .