DDDDD FFFFFFFFF SSSSSS D D FF S D D FFFFF S D D FF SSSSSS D D FF S DDDDD FFFF SSSSSSS (ASCii By AD!) Damned Fucking Shit Issue #26 Title: The Return Of DFS Date: 6/7/94 By: Access Denied ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Return Of DFS The pus clears away and something steps out of the darkness. It's in the form of a huge... shit.. what is it??? It's not spam.. it's not vasaline, it's not a fat lady wearing spandex named Buelah... what the hell is it??!?!? Suddenly you relise!!!! It's not that severed head you keep under your pillow that you fondle at night... and it's not even those mutilated entrails that you hang from your bathroom lights. No.. it's something much worse! You can hear it coming... "Jingle jingle... jingle jingle..." Oh my GOD!!! It's.. it's... DDDDD FFFFFFFFF SSSSSS D D FF S D D FFFFF S D D FF SSSSSS D D FF S DDDDD FFFF SSSSSSS (ASCii By AD!) Oh fuck... it's back. You were hoping that it had died. Well, a mixture school, rape, sex, drugs, alcohal, work, sex, and more drugs made it almost IMMPOSSIBLE to write or publish anything having to do with DFS. Well, I guess your dreams have been shattered you ugly fuck! DFS is back to BOTHER THE FUCK OUT OF YOU!!!!! There's more "official" distro. sites now and all that crap! It's still available by FTP! Isn't it K-rAd!!! Oh.. and no more fucking file_id.diz stuff anymore. It was too hard to keep up with. So I'll leave you to suffer knowing that DFS will be with you forever!!!! HAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!! Find DFS On These Fine Systems ========================================================================== | Paradise Lost +1.414.476.3181 DFS World HQ | | Temporary Insanity +1.ITS.NOW.DOWN DFS Affiliate HQ | | Plan 9 Information Archives +1.716.881.FONE (3663) DFS Southern HQ | | Under World Element +1.203.740.9571 DFS Eastern HQ | | 7th Heaven +1.216.464.6789 DFS Affiliate | | Twilight Of The Idols +1.613.226.3386 DFS Canada HQ | | | | AE - Plan 9 Information Archives - Login: DFS | | FTP - etext.archive.umich.edu - /pub/Zines/DFS | | IRC - #DFS (Whenever Access Denied or Incarnate is on) | | | | To submit, call Paradise Lost and log on as DFS. The password is: | | JINGLE JINGLE | ========================================================================== .