DDDDD FFFFFFFFF SSSSSS D D FF S D D FFFFF S D D FF SSSSSS D D FF S DDDDD FFFF SSSSSSS (ASCii By AD!) Damned Fucking Shit Issue #32 Title: Short Stories To Enjoy Date: 6/7/94 By: Access Denied ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Short Stories To Enjoy Prison. Dark, cold, and damp. He knew his time had come. He didn't fit in. Never did, never would. He thought back upon his life, knowing he had only minutes more. The ship. The house. The car. The plane. He had once had everything. Then he came to the crime of all crimes. It had been fun while he did it. Of course he was captured immediatley. The sentance had come only hours before. Footsteps. He could hear them coming. The slow tap... tap... tap... on the tile floor. They were coming. Tap... tap... tap... Only a few more seconds. The lock on his door clanged open. The door creaked slowly until it was finally open. In front of him stood the guard and two other men. One was the commissoner and the other seemed to be some sort of a priest. He mumbled something about Atheism and God and Satan being one and the priest left after a quick "Bless you my son..." Now there were only three left. The commissoner asked him if he wanted a last wish. He told him to burn in hell. With a sad look on his face the commissoner walked off down the dimly lit corridor. Mumbling to himself about wrecked lives. Now there were only two. The guard solemly took his hand and walked him down the hall. There was no use in resisting. They entered a padded room with bright lights. The guard raised his hand and with a swift chop brought the butt of his gun crashing down upon his head. He fell to the ground, darkness surrounding him. A loud snap, a bright light, and then nothing. Now there was one. The guard turned the lights out and left. He gazed down upon the freshly turned earth. It had happened so quick. A once wonderful life had instantly turned to a life of sadness and despair. How he mourned the loss. His one true love in life was now gone. He smelled the flowers he had brought. Daffodils, her favorite. He knelt down and gazed at the stone in front of him. A tear came to his eye as he read the name on the stone. Gone was she forever. To hell with it he thought and began crying, something he had not done for years since he was a child. No one was there to see him, and this was the greatest loss he had ever experianced. He reached into his overcoat and felt the cold metal. He pulled out the gun and felt it. He looked at it for what seemed to be an eternity. He then said "I always loved you" and put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. His blood splattered on the stone with her name on it. He was dead. Dead by the same gun, the same hand, the same mind, that had killed his beloved. It was the big game. The last out, bases loaded, down by one. All he needed was a hit. Two strikes and three balls. A full count! The pitcher began his pitch. The ball was coming. A huge swing. Here it comes. And he missed. The big game was over. The team had lost and it was his fault. He knew it, the whole world knew it. That night another person ceased to walk the streets of the earth. Find DFS On These Fine Systems ========================================================================== | Paradise Lost +1.414.476.3181 DFS World HQ | | Temporary Insanity +1.ITS.NOW.DOWN DFS Affiliate HQ | | Plan 9 Information Archives +1.716.881.FONE (3663) DFS Southern HQ | | Under World Element +1.203.740.9571 DFS Eastern HQ | | 7th Heaven +1.216.464.6789 DFS Affiliate | | Twilight Of The Idols +1.613.226.3386 DFS Canada HQ | | | | AE - Plan 9 Information Archives - Login: DFS | | FTP - etext.archive.umich.edu - /pub/Zines/DFS | | IRC - #DFS (Whenever Access Denied or Incarnate is on) | | | | To submit, call Paradise Lost and log on as DFS. The password is: | | JINGLE JINGLE | ========================================================================== .