DDDDD FFFFFFFFF SSSSSS D D FF S D D FFFFF S D D FF SSSSSS D D FF S DDDDD FFFF SSSSSSS (ASCii By AD!) Damned Fucking Shit Editor: Access Denied Issue #41 Title: Dementia Praecox's Sig. Date: 9/15/94 By: Dementia Praecox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dementia Praecox's Sig. .He who speaks freely with the goats roaming freely on the planes of our existence, while the wildflowers sway steadily in the breeze, and the insects dance, and the Aunt Jamima company pours gallons more of the precious rescources contained on this planet down the throats of its latest victims, and more and more of the macaroni and cheese we need here is seent to support the Kurds enduring a separate plight, and the gnomes that live in the walls keep building and building on what is not there to build upon, and more and more books are written in tribute to that guy that is the symbol for the Quaker company, and Wilford rambles on and on, and Campbells soup is finally finding its way down the Mighty Mississippi, to where the elk will stomp around in their joyful bliss, so unaware of the threat posed to them by the nuns living in the lakes around them, and more and more pigeons are named "Elmer", while more and more people are named "Sparkle", and small pagan gods sit alone with their cults, biding their time, and the bread gets dirtier, and the great ogre sleeps the years away, just as he has for many millenium, in a small crate on the ocean floor, and more and more words that don't belong find their ways into dictionaries, such "Beat'ùeled", and "Org'ùaùfunk", and the children cry for they do not quite realize what has happened to the old days, when a man could beat you over the head with a gigantic mushroom, call you "Oblong", and then, when he finally did get thrown in prison, he would whine about why the dog was so wet, when all they had done was a little softshoe, and spiders grow another leg, only this one is for some reason made out of Swiss cheese, and becomes gangrenous and falls off every six days, and the "Eggo" company changes its name see "Day-glow", and starts making pancakes instead of waffles, and the horde of ants comes, carries off your grapes, eats your cottage cheese, and all you get in return is a handful of dung and a kiss on the cheek, and it finally becomes known that carpet is actually made people that have been given the death penalty in a court of law, and the marshmallows of your past come to life in frightening detail, descrbing the year of your life that you spent in Hong Kong, under the assumed name of "Moe" and you sold contraband poultry to the revolutionaires their, and the wheel of time keeps going on and on along the path of evolution. (aka dp) Find DFS On These Fine Systems ========================================================================== | Paradise Lost +1.414.476.3181 DFS World HQ | | Temporary Insanity +1.414.666.WHEE DFS Affiliate HQ | | Arcane Asylum +1.414.PSY.CHOS DFS Thingy HQ | | Plan 9 Information Archives +1.716.881.FONE (3663) DFS Southern HQ | | Arrested Development +31.77.547477 DFS European HQ | | Under World Element +1.203.740.9571 DFS Eastern HQ | | 7th Heaven +1.216.464.6789 DFS Ohio HQ | | Lucifer's Exile +1.513.459.1278 DFS Midwest HQ | | Twilight Of The Idols +1.613.226.3386 DFS Canada HQ | | | | AE - Plan 9 Information Archives - Login: DFS | | FTP - etext.archive.umich.edu - /pub/Zines/DFS | | | | To submit, call Paradise Lost and log on as DFS. The password is: | | JINGLE JINGLE | ========================================================================== .