. .. __________________ _________________________________________.. . \ | / \ | / . .. _________. \| _____________/ _____________.. . | | \ |___________\ \ | | \ / \ _____ \ ____| | \ /__/\_____/ | \ \ / ________/ | .dp. / \ / | \ / \_______________ / | \__________________ / \/| | \/ Damned Fucking Shit! | | Title: On Nonsense Issue #43 | : Date: 10/9/94 Editor: Access Denied | . By: Access Denied : . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Editor's Note: Whoa.. I found this sitting on my hard drive one night. I wrote it a few years back I guess.. odd.. I don't believe I was tripping, or anything like that at the time.. it's all a blur though so who knows.. I do remember reading it to some people at school and waking up naked in a dumpster a few hours later.. well, if I'm lucky, it'll happen again. -AD] On Nonsense The day grew red. While the sun sat on the threshold of death, it grimly felt sad. Wondering why life was, it came to a conclusion. As soon as it happened it ended. The world ended. Dark, dreary, dungeonous, dastardly, delirious, life. It began again where it started but went for a longer time. Evolution. The starting point of all. One celled and small it grew in size. Intelligence came but then left. The cycle was starting over. The next period came and went. There was nothing and nothing there was. Wondering why it came and went the procaryote died and left but itself. Eternity. It had come but was now over. It was a time of dastardly deeds and disgusting devils. The paradise was here. It had come. Why it came it did not know. It could not help it. Then there was a time of sorrow. But are any times times without sorrow? Time and again it left its place in the niche and wandered. Sad, sad life. Dieing on the brink of death it did. In time it evolved to another form. That form it did not know. It was not there but everywhere. Once again the sun died an early death and death was on all of everything but itself. Senseless and minuscule it left the world for another, much nicer but less nice at the same time. Being unable to describe its surroundings it left without a mark. Time stood still but kept going. Paradoxes were but paradoxes in his eyes. The sun did not form again for a while but it still died. The unknowing darkness surrounded him but left no worry. It was at peace but without love. Love it searched for but never found. Finding but hatred in all of life but itself. Sometimes as the moon set it would gaze into a pond and die and die again. Then realizing what the meaning of life was and returning to the netherworld he called home. Not a devil but a god. Not a god but a devil. The paradoxes grew two-fold and the sun was reborn. As it happened it left for awhile. Upon returning things had changed. They had arrived. Not knowing why and how it came and went and so did they. Pointlessly they went through the routine and over and again they went. Pointlessly. Suddenly the moon fell. It crashed with a sound that left all eternity speechless. Never talking but in restless times of sleep it wandered its own world. Never waking and never sleeping it wondered about the paradoxes of life. Time and time again. Suddenly. The end was near but had not started but ended. Why this was they all knew but didn't. Evolution had stopped but then begun but why they didn't know. The explosion rocked time. Time without end ceased to exist. They still existed in time though so it wasn't gone for good. All material matter in time, space and beyond was not maimed but destroyed. Ending a futile life. The reason for being was not discovered for some time until it went off to a slumberland of time and space itself. Why it did not know it knew only in its mind and its mind alone. Growing and shrinking it went to the end of the place. Why it did this it knew not. Time had stood still and the frontiers had been found but conquered. Paradoxes abound. Uncaring and unfriendly the world and its inhabitants, few, became and left that way. Dieing for their misgivings and the worship of many. Leadership of few. Why it happened they wondered unceasingly. Time had come about and the sun was reborn. Glowing as it did the moon was alive. Stars were formed and there was time. Time, long, cold, time. Never ending but till the end of the end it did. Why. It was back. Not knowing the fact that it was but still it was there. A time had passed but passage did not mean but a thing. As it ended it felt agony and pain in not succeeding in its unknown job. Life was at its end. The secret of life was given to it but it could never understand. They could only gaze in wonder and wonder at its manifestations. Although they couldn't find it the answer was there. The two words that told of life. Sudden impact. Impacting on the surface. Once again the sun came to an end and the universe was done. At least it thought this. It had survived through this and planed to live forever. Unknown to him and to all, he was at his end but not the end. The start. Time stood still in his eyes but not in the eyes of others. He was frozen as a statue. A statue he was. A block of stone in the eyes of it. It did not know how but why it did. The sensation of the conforming and the evolution brought him to a halt. It could proceed no further but he could. Building a dombecile and then destroying it he survived. What he was was but a small choice to him. He did not care or know. He was human. He was robot. He was all. All life ended and the story began again. The same as before but much different. 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