DSP-DSP-DSP-DSP DEAD SMOKING PUNX PRESENTS DSP - MINIMAG ISSUE 04 -ALL ABOUT- -APHRODISIACS- bY: Johnny Rotten Historicly aphrodisia has been a subset of poisoning. You slip a substance into someones drink, they go toxic, delirious, Manic or itchy - and you take advantage of thier altered state. Misjudging the dose (as in Dream of the Red Chamber, an eighteenth century chinese classic) Can alter the state unto death. Or you slip it into your own drink, in hopes of impressing your partner with your "anything that moves" frenzy. Intrest in aphrodisia for chemically assisted rape may have damped down, but the desire to experiance more desire burns on. Effective and non-lethal chemical assistance is still elusive. Hot eyes are looking into brain chemistry. The brain is the primary sexual organ. Particularly at the drugs that amplify the effect of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Of course: Lets find those buttons and learn how to push them. L-DOPA L-dopa is an amino acid that the brain readily converts into dopamine. Dopimine is a neurotransmitter that is involved emotion, agression and emotional turn ons. For most people there is a simple equasion, : more dopamine = more libido. In one L-dopa study, an eighty year old man began having nocturnal emissions, and erotic dreams. An eighty three year old female, began making suggestive remarks to hospital staff members, and most of the men in the study. (mean age:59) increased thier sexual activity (WHEW!) DEPRENYL Deprenyl increses brain dopamine levels by the indirect process of inhibiting the enzyme which removes old dopamine from the synapses. Deprenyl was origionally developed for the treatment of Parkinsons disease, with the aphrodisiac affect being noted as a "side affect". One Particular caveat: Combining this drug with an average dose of amphetimine can kill you. BROMOCRIPTINE Bromocriptine stimulates dopamine release. Judging by the referances i found, this stuff makes rats and people hornier. Bromocriptine, in older women, may reset the biological clocks, making pregnancy a possibility again. L-DOPA & BROMOCRIPTINE This combonation works on females as well as males. It stimulates the dopamine track in the brain. In a bunch of old folk homes in europe, where they were working on the combo for parkinsons patients, in thier seventies and eighties. They found out it had 100 percent aphrodisiac side effects. The old ladies and little old men started fucking like fiends. TRY ALL THREE Some people experiment with combining all three of these things, at various levels. Two women admitted to having strange sexual pulls toword most any male. Within the males that took it, they found a general increase in sexual activity in all of the subjects. Warning: You may experiance nasea when increasing dosage of any of the drugs. MDA MDA can make you feel erotic. The neurophysical side affects are similar to the neurophysical side affects of sexual arousal. For instance, it causes, particularly in women, water retention. Particularly in the breasts and buttocks. At the same time, it makes everything, especially other people, appear much more beautiful. So, if your in a sexual setting, like a sex party, the results can be amazing. The first tiem i witnessed mass consumption of MDA at a sex party, a usualy shy women stood up and said; "there are six horny, hoped up women in the hot tub, and we hope there are some men who want to fuck us!" to lead the party off. That sort of behavior is not atypical with users of MDA. WARNING: If you experiment, you should be careful to adjust your dosages to avoid too much dopamine release. For information on dopamine overdose, refer to Eldepryl in the Physicians Desk reference. -Rotten .