Welcome to Money Inc.Digest #2 by Sleepy/Money Inc. DISCLAIMER: DISCLAIMERS SUCK!!!!! WE ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY IF YOU ARE A TOTAL MORON AND GET CAUGHT DOING ANYTHING WE SUGGEST, IF WE WERE TO SUGGEST ANYTHING THAT WOULD GET YOU INTO TROUBLE. SO THERE. Money Inc. is: Sleepy Sonic Fury Today's topic is Narcs, and how to deal with them. This is a personal sore spot, seeing as how a person close to me was recently busted for a crime that went undetected for a long stretch of time, and was all of a sudden tipped off by an anonymous fone call. Anywayz, enough of my rantings, that will be dealt with in another issue.... Say you were busted for stealing something, drug possession, or any thing else you shouldn't have been doing. The first step is to try to find out who the narc was. The comes the fun part. To exact revenge you can: 1: File a bogus tax return in their name. 2: Wardial his house.... 3: Blotto box his house (can be done by zapping his fone box outside with an electric cattle prod or stun gun) This will fuck up every fone in the house as well as any modems on the line...computer too if the modem is internal! 4: Break into his house and steal shit....(usually easier than you think!) 5: Drive your car through his yard.... 6: Take out ads in local swingers magazines (preferably gay ones) in his name 7: Put his house for sale in the newspaper 8: If you have access to CBI or TRW, fuck with his credit rating 9: Make fone calls from pay fones using a red box, and call his house....they can't harass you, but they sure can harass him!!!! 10: The options are limitless, so I'm not going to list more...I'm sure you hve a few old anarchy textphiles around.... The point is, that you must exact your revenge and you must do it without any suspicion. That's the hard part...in order to not arrouse suspicion, you must wait for weeks, months, or longer....befriend the person. At least ignore them...NEVER LET THEM SEE YOU ANGRY!!! This is the key...you can get away with murder (literally) if you keep your cool. Just remember....DON'T GET MAD...GET EVEN!!!!! Some of you may say "Hey this guy doesn't sound very right-wing! He sounds like a commie pinko anarchist!" Well, my response is FUCK YOU! Right wing extremism is based upon the notion that you look out for yorself and those that you care for first, and evrybody else can go swing on Bill Clinton's left nut for all you care. You must not trust everyone, because some left-wing pinko will try to tske your money or your freedom and give it to some towel-headed camel jockey who owns the neighborhood 7-11. Stand up for your rights, and when the day comes that the liberal media and government have gotten out of hand, be ready and prepared to fight to reclaim America for the people who belong here....the cool people....all lamers can go jump off the White House roof or impale themselves on the Washington monument! COPYWRONG 1994 SLEEPY (MONEY INC PROUCTIONS) ALL RIGHTS TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED DUE TO CIVIL UNREST .