MONEY INCORPORATED DIGEST #4 RELEASED 17 FEB 1994 TODAYS TOPIC: THE 1-800-COLLECT SCAM TYPED BY: SLEEPY CONCEPT BY: SONIC FURY MONEY INC. IS: SLEEPY SONIC FURY Well, kiddies, this is a new way to rip off a fone company...MCI in this case. First, lets assume you are like me and have no money, and rely on a red box to place your payfone calls. Now, let's go one step further and assume your car is a piece of shit...maybe like the one i just traded in...your K-Car breaks down and you have to call one of your hacker friends to tell him you are gonna be late comeing to pick him up to go dumpster diving. So here's how to do it: 1) Find a fortress fone....any fortress fone will do. 2) Pick up the reciever...(duh) 3) Dial 1-800-COLLECT (1-800-265-5328 for you dolts out there...) 4) When prompted for you name you say... "Hey, (friend's name here), this is (your name here) call me at (payfone number here)" 5) Hang up when it the imbecile on the other end answers and hears the message 6) Hope they don't accept the charges, or he'll get ripped... 7) Wait for your call.... Well, this method probably works for all services, like AT&T's try it out...and have fun phucking MCI and AT&T... Another part if the I-SCAM, I is for idiot, idiot is anyone who has AT&T, MCI or SPRINT for their 1+ service...(use a small local company, don't give the fuckin giants your hard scammed...err...earned bux!) Still coming soon, the MONEY INC ULTIMATE PHREAKING MANUAL COPYWRONG 1994 MONEY INC. ENTERPRISES All rights drawn and quartered WE'RE THE MEATMEN AND YOU SUCK!!!! .