MONEY INCORPORATED DIGEST #21 WRITTEN AND KEYED BY SLEEPY COMPOSED ON 21 DECEMBER 1994 TODAY'S TOPIC: THE LOAN COMPANY SCAM OR DIALING FOR DOLLARS MONEY INCORPORATED IS: SLEEPY - WORLD LEADER SONIC FURY - CHAIRMAN OF DE BOARD CCRIDER - WAREZ GOD THE BIG CHEESE - SCAM COORDINATOR Ok, since I'm kinda rusty, I will let you in on a scam that I have seen work firsthand. In fact some acquaintances of mine were burned by this scam at least twice. I have also seen it on the news locally, so I know it does work. Don't worry about people being suspicious, there are millions of suckers out there just lining up to send you the money. First a list of what you need: 1. Fake ID, always helpful 2. An 800 diverter or a number that can't be traced to you. 3. Place to pick up Western Union money. 4. Contracts for a loan...the longer and more realistic, the better. 5. Loan applications...same as above. 6. Someone to answer fones....preferably not you. 7. Fax Machine First you take out an ad in a less reputable paper, maybe a local free paper or the Enquirer, or some rag like that. Make the ad say something like this: LOANS Easy credit, even if you have past credit trouble. Fee.Call 1-XXX-XXXX (your fake number here) Then when the people call you tell them you are a loan company. First you fax them an application, you then call them back and tell them they were approved, all they have to do is send a "lawyer fee" for you to have the contract drawn up. They must Western Union the money to you within a certain amount of time. (12 hours or so...etc.) Then you take the money and run. Do this to as many people as possible in 2-4 week span and you can make some money doing this. The "lawyer fee" is discressionary, and can be as high as $500. Perhaps it can be a certain percentage of the loan amount, or however you want to make it. NOT GETTING CAUGHT: 1. Don't do this in your home town. 2. The 800 number MUST NOT be traced to you. A canadian fone number is a good idea, since the canadian companies don't have to answer to the FTC. 3. Don't get greedy, work for a few weeks and quit, and never do this again. 4. This does work, I have seen it done countless times. 5. Prey on the stupid. If someone seems stupid, sock em for all you can get. Remember, this file is for information purposes only, if you get caught doing this shit, you're a loser. If you don't like this idea, fuck you. Copywrong 1994, MONEY INC. HOLDINGS LTD. All rights traded for a 20 rock. MONEY INCORPORATED IS: SLEEPY SONIC FURY CCRIDER THE BIG CHEESE if you are reading this, you went to far. quit it already go the fuck home .