MONEY INCORPORATED DIGEST #22 RELEASED 1 JANUARY 1995 TODAY'S TOPIC: USING CREDIT REPORTS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE OR: MONEY FOR NOTHING WRITTEN BY: SLEEPY MONEY INCORPORATED IS: SLEEPY SONIC FURY CCRIDER THE BIG CHEESE Well, the new year is now upon us, and I'm glad 1994 is over. Really sucked if you ask me. Enough bitchingm on with business. Today's digest is going to tell you how to use your credit file to your advantage and how to escape bad credit. This has worked fairly well for me, and should work for anyone, if you do it right, and don't try to get too brave. As far as legality goes, everything here is probably legal, if not a bit shady. Best for you not to find out. 1. Your Credit File, and why you should care about it. Your credit file is the most important public record you have. Without credit you can't buy a car, home, stereo or even rent a video! You also need credit to buy computers, cash for beer, and rent hotel rooms... Since credit is important, you must endeavour to keep your credit file spotless. If you have credit, pay the bills on time. If you don't have credit yet, worry not, for I have a list of places that are easy to get credit at. SLEEPY'S EASY CREDITOR LIST 1. Jewlery stores (fairly easy) 2. Gas Cards (they'll give a card to a dead man) 3. Department Stores (except Sears) Once you get a card, make sure you pay the bill on time..if you don't you'll have to refer to the next section. After six months of payments on a small card, you can then ask for a limit increase. You may also be able to get a Sears card. After a year, you should be able to get a major credit card. Once you get a major credit card, you will be set. 2. Escaping the path of bad credit Bad credit is a curse that will be with you for 7 or more years. If you cannot avoid it, there are a few ways around it. These ways are fairly shady and cannot be condoned by the author of this work >:> However, for informational purposes, I will let you in on the secrets. First, I should warn you that you should never, never, NEVER, give money to one of those credit repair agencies. They will only cause you pain and wallet-break. Anything they can do can be done by a good hacker or a good social engineer. The best way to escape bad credit is to give yourself a new identity. Now you don't have to change your name and move to another city, but you must make up a new social security number. There are several utilities out there that can make up good numbers and I highly reccomend them. Next, if you have the means you should get a fake social security card and if your drivers' license has the social security number on it, a fake license too. You may also use a fake address if you wish. No PO boxes though, creditors do not like them. Next apply for a simple card and charge a few things, once you pay a payment, then try for more. You may do this just as if you were to be a whole new person. Since the credit bureau has no record of your name and social security number being together, it should make a whole new file, as if you were a new person. Next, if you have a job, great. But not all of us have the luck of having steady employment. This is where your handy, dandy inkjet or laser printer will come in handy. In the case a creditor asks for a pay stub, all you have to do is make one. Then make a bad photocopy of it, and use that. No need to worry about pay stubs though, only loan companies ask for them. Epilogue: Does this shit work? While these techniques may not work for all of you, if your develop your social engineering skills, you just might be able to get it to work. MONEY INCORPORATED DIGEST #22 COPYWRONG 1995 - MONEY INCORPORATED ENTERPRISES LTD. ALL RIGHTS TRADED FOR A GWAR VIDEO. MONEY INCORPORATED IS: SLEEPY - WORLD LEADER SONIC FURY - THE MAN CCRIDER - INTERNET WAREZ WIZARD THE BIG CHEESE - HE EATS A LOT. .