MONEY INCORPORATED DIGEST #39 RELEASED 18 APRIL 1995 WRITTEN AND KEYED BY: SLEEPY MONEY INCORPORATED ARE: SLEEPY SONIC FURY CCRIDER THE BIG CHEESE ORGASMIC ANOMALY SEXECUTIONER TODAY'S TOPIC: MY BITCH BETTER HAVE MY MONEY....OR THE I-SCAM RESURRECTED Well, if you were anybody a year and a half ago, you remember the I-Scam. This was a dandy little plan in which you could call a number for a cruise ship, and hang up. Then you would call the AT&T operator and ask for a refund. Since AT&T are criminals, the charge for the call was about $32.00. This meant a good refund for you. This also meant that many laymerz tried the scam and AT&T got wise. The originator of the scam was a lame fuck and actually faxed a copy of the file detailing the scam to AT&T security. Dumb fucker. He thought there was nothing that AT&T could do about it. Well, in a sense he was right. But they could give hell to anybody trying to dial Marisat numbers and pay by cash. Many operators will not place the call for you. Big fuckin deal. All you have to do is to talk to the operator for a minute or so. Then it will register that you placed a call to XXX-XXX-XXXXXX and it lasted 1 min. When you dial 102880 for the refund, they will usually not give any trouble at all. Unlike the original file where you were advised to argue with the operator, the Money Inc I-Scam is a kinder, gentler scam. Do not argue, just hang the fuck up. If you cause hell, they will eventually take action and I will have to think up a new way to do this. Well, just in case you were wondering about the number you are to dial, guess don't get that! You don't deserve it. I have searched for 18 months for working numbers, and I ain't about to give em out. However, if you are cool, I may let you have em. Just send me mail at Maybe I just might let you have it, after I have made a decent profit. Or perhaps you can do some work and get the numbers your-fuckin-self. At least I told you how to do it. The thing to remember is that you don't have to beat up the rate operator to find the exact rate. It doesn't show up on their computer, so the refund operator won't know it either. The call ususally costs the same from the same area code. In my code it's $31.90. Your actual cost may vary. COPYWRONG 1995 MONEY INCORPORATED HOLDINGS LTD. All rights cut down to size. MONEY INCORPORATED ARE: SLEEPY SONIC FURY CCRIDER THE BIG CHEESE ORGASMIC ANOMALY SEXECUTIONER .