MONEY INCORPORATED DIGEST #43 RELEASED 25 APRIL 1995 WRITTEN BY SLEEPY MONEY INCORPORATED ARE: SLEEPY SONIC FURY CCRIDER THE BIG CHEESE METHOD MAN ORGASMIC ANOMALY SEXECUTIONER TODAY'S TOPIC: THE JEW...ERR....NEW WORLD ORDER, OR THE OKLAHOMA CITY SCAM Well, the government's done it again. As with the AIDS virus, the great leaders of our country have slaughtered people, and placed the population in fear. Now, I know that you think, "What would the government gain from this?" The answer is easy. They fear people that have lots of guns and don't like them. So they set up some lame brain and make him a patsy for the explosion. Then they use this as an excuse to take away our guns and other civil rights. You can thank Clinton and the leftist portions of the CIA for this little action. As with the AIDS scam, which was brought about by the pharmacutical and medical industry, we blindly follow our bold government without asking the necessary questions. QUESTION NUMBER ONE: Doesn't it seem kinda odd that Timothy McVeigh looked EXACTLY like the composite sketch that the FBI put together? If you know anything at all about composite sketches, they would not have gotten close to his real face. They even had that funny looking chin exactly right. QUESTION NUMBER TWO: Doesn't it seem kinda odd that McVeigh was already in jail when they decided to charge him? He just happened to be speeding 60 miles away and be carrying a gun in his jacket. They probably said, "This guy might have done that shit in Oklahoma City, he's a gun nut." QUESTION NUMBER THREE: They just conveniently found the VIN number from the truck the next day. In the world trade center bombing, it took days for them to find shit. And this bomb was 4 times more powerful. QUESTION NUMBER FOUR: Have you seen McVeigh's AOL memeber profile? Every answer had something to do with bombs. When asked for hobbies, he allegedly wrote "Organic bombs..." Bullshit, AOL does not allow any discussion of illegal activity in member profiles. I know, I mentioned that my hobby was ripping people off, and I was kicked off. AOL would have gone right to the government and reported that profile. Fact is, the government fears when it's people have guns. That means that they cannot push us around without someone taking action. This dispicable act in Oklahoma City must be punished, but we have to ask ourselves these questions before we blindly convict someone who was just defending his right to bear arms. Unfortunatly, we will have to put up with it unless we arm ourselves now. Also the government is going to use this as an excuse to invade our privacy even more. Already talk is abound concerning censorship of Usenet groups and AOL. Next to go is the exclusionary rule. What next, freedom of speech? Oh yeah, that's already gone. Well before century's end we might just all be converted to Jews, might as well be...that's who runs the world already. Let's prepare for the Jew err...New World Order. Or we can prepare to defend our country against itself. DISCLAIMER: The opinion in this article is that of Money Inc. and is right. You don't have to agree, that's what this country is about. And Money Inc. does not endorse the murder of innocent people, as there are plenty who deserve it. So don't go blow something up and say "Sleepy told me to do it." Cuz I didn't. And if you do it, it's just sinking to their level and playing right into their grubby Jew hands. We must unite againt the ZOG movement and stop petty bickering over black on white violence and white on black violence and worry about the REAL problem. Let's take out country back, the PEACEFUL way.... COPYWRONG 1995, MONEY INC. HOLDINGS LTD. All rights taken away. MONEY INCORPORATED ARE: SLEEPY - WORLD LEADER SONIC FURY - CHAIRMAN CCRIDER - WAREZ GOD THE BIG CHEESE - SCAM GOD METHOD MAN - H/P GOD ORGASMIC ANOMALY - H/P/A GOD SEXECUTIONER - PERVERTED MOTHAPHUKKA .