MONEY INCORPORATED DIGEST #48 RELEASED 7 JUNE 1995 WRITTEN BY: SLEEPY CONCEPT BY: SONIC FURY (THANKS FOR THE IDEA!) MONEY INCORPORATED ARE: SLEEPY SONIC FURY CCRIDER THE BIG CHEESE JULIO OFFICER FRIENDLY SEXECUTIONER TODAY'S TOPIC: JAIL SUCKS! OR THE E.I.N. AND YOU Well, just to let ya know why I have been so unproductive lately, not making a MYC Digest in a few weeks, here's an update. 1. I was on a cruise to Mexico (and you weren't!) 2. I was getting laid (and you weren't!) 3. I was trying to get a job 4. I was in jail (and NO #2 had NOTHING to do with #4!) Ok, now down to business. This file is short, but can very very helpful in your credit dealings. If you have less than perfect credit, there IS a legal way to get a new Social Security number, sort of. All you have to do is to go to a local IRS office and ask for the form to obtain an Employer ID Number (EIN). Then call the number listed on the back of the form and request the EIN. They will ask a few questions, and you MUST say you are starting a business. Doesn't matter what the business is, you are just getting a number to use for your social security number. This EIN is 9 digits long, and can be used in place of the SSN. Of course, you are supposed to inform the creditor that it's a EIN, but that's up to you. And an extra added bonus, if you decide to actually start a business, you can use the EIN! (Wow!) The catch is that you can only do this once (for each identity you have anyways), so don't fuck up your new credit! Well, that's it for now, have fun with your new found credit! I hope I don't go to jail again before I see you....and the mother fucker responsible for my legal troubles....look out! COPYWRONG 1995, MONEY INC HOLDINGS LTD All rights don't make a wrong. MONEY INCORPORATED ARE: SLEEPY SONIC FURY CCRIDER THE BIG CHEESE JULIO OFFICER FRINDLY SEXECUTIONER .