Xref: spies alt.politics.radical-left:2615 alt.activism:47071 alt.activism.d:8046 alt.censorship:17518 alt.politics.usa.republican:888 alt.news-media:3275 misc.headlines:42472 alt.society.revolution:1088 alt.society.anarchy:2024 Newsgroups: alt.politics.radical-left,alt.activism,alt.activism.d,alt.censorship,alt.politics.usa.republican,alt.news-media,misc.headlines,alt.society.revolution,alt.society.anarchy Path: spies!sgiblab!spool.mu.edu!caen!nic.umass.edu!umassd.edu!smucs1.umassd.edu!PMSC13SG From: pmsc13sg@smucs1.umassd.edu (Stephen Grossman) Subject: ZIG-ZAG 1.4 Message-ID: Sender: usenet@umassd.edu (USENET News System) Reply-To: pmsc13sg@smucs1.umassd.edu Organization: UMASS DARTMOUTH, NO. DARTMOUTH, MA. Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 14:34:05 GMT Lines: 471 ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** ZIG-ZAG 1.4 June 25, 1993 TRACKING THE MARXIST DIALECTICAL STRATEGY OF ADVANCE-RETREAT-ADVANCE OR UNITY-SPLIT-UNITY IN INTERNATIONAL REVOLUTION DEDICATED TO DEAF-MUTES AND USEFUL IDIOTS STEPHEN GROSSMAN WEEKLY? INTERNET -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- talk.politics.soviet, talk.politics.theory, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa.misc, alt.politics.media, soc.culture.soviet, soc.history, alt.conspiracy, alt.politics.radical-left, alt.activism, alt.activism.d, alt.censorship, alt.politics.usa.republican, alt.news-media, misc.headlines, alt.society.revolution, alt.society.anarchy, alt.revolution.counter, alt.politics.correct, alt.society.conservatism, alt.war.vietnam, alt.rush-limbaugh, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, and selected individuals ================================================================================ "For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill....To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill...Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy....Next best is to disrupt his alliances....Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.. ...When he is united, divide him....Now the crux of military operations lies in the pretence of accomodating one's self to the designs of the enemy....All warfare is based on deception. Therefore, when capable, feign incapacity; when active, inactivity....Offer the enmey a bait to lure him; feign disorder and strike him....One who wishes to appear weak in order to make his enemy arrogant must be extremely strong. Only then can he feign weakness." [Sun Tzu, _The Art of War_] ________________________________________________________________________________ ADVENTURES OF THE DIALECTIC --------------------------- "Russia Orders American Reporter Questioned in State-Secrets Case The Russian Ministry of Security...has ordered a _Baltimore Sun_ reporter to report back to Lefortovo Prison....to answer questions in connection with a case brought against a Russian chemist....[who] wrote that Russia was continuing to test and produce chemical weapons in violations of its own promises." [_NYT_, April. 8, 1993] The dialectic quickly progresses from retreat to attack when the Marxist ability to make war is threatened. "U.S. TO CUT COSTS, SEEKS RUSSIAN ROLE IN SPACE STATION Clinton Sees Opportunity in End of Cold War to Save Money and Cooperate in Space" [April 7, 1993] Marxists temporarily retreat from revolution and get offer to study the advanced technology of the "main enemy." "NICARAGUA TO GET BLOCKED U.S. AID....$50 MILLION [Conservatives] had criticized [President] Chamorro for suppposedly[!] ceding control over the military and the police to the [Marxist] Sandinista Front." [_NYT_, April 2, 193] Short-range Pragmatist compromisers eagerly accept the smallest lie from their enemies. Obviously Nicaraguan Marxists retain the ability to create a Marxist dictatorship. "7 NATIONS PLEDGE $28 BILLION FUND TO AID RUSSIA" [_NYT, April 15, 1993] The U.S sold steel to Japan after it was common sensibly obvious that war was ahead. Marxists temporarily retreat and temporarily split their forces and their traditionalist and Pragmatist class enemies give them tribute because they are too stupid and too cowardly to recognize that they are already at war. "[U.S.] Capitol Stirs to...Gorbachev The swift and seamless[!] nature of Mr.[!]Gorbachev's life-change[!] from Communist strongman to environmental star[!] was epitomized by Senator John F. Kerry....'I think it fair to say you might have called him the environmental President,' Mr.Kerry said. [_NYT_, Apr. 16, 1993] "Senator John Kerry hired a former [Marxist Institute for Policy Studies] fellow, Gareth Porter, to be his legislative aide. Porter...defend[ed] the bloody [Marxist] Pol Pot regime in Cambodia long after the evidence of its genocide [classocide] of its own people had become overwhelming." [_Communists in the Democratic Party_-Concerned Voters] The moral obscenity of calling a Marxist mass murderer a "star" is part of America's decline and, possibly, fall. "Yeltsin Leaves Talks With Firm Support and More Aid Clinton Promises Review of Cold War Laws [He] had asked Mr. Clinton to lift 'discriminatory limitations on trade with Russia' like...restrictions on export of high-technology..." [_NYT_, Apr. 5, 1993] Soviet Marxists said they would rather have convinced America to not produce the atom bomb rather than steal its plans. "After Four Decades of Bitterness, China and Taiwan Plan to Meet The dialectic splits Marxists from each other and unifies them with class enemies-until the contradiction in that phase of history develops into, as the Chinese Marxist theoretical journal, _Hong-ki_, said, "a new unity on a new basis." [_NYT_, Apr. 12, 1993] "Yeltsin...Is Attacked by Political Enemies [_NYT_, Apr. 27, 1993] Marxists understand this attack, real or not, as a temporary part of history's contradictory progression to communism. The attack itself is a Soviet deception, part of political war (political influence operations or "active measures"]. "U.S. to Send General to Vietnam, Hinting a Thaw "...could lead the United States to withdraw its opposition to international bank lending to Vietnam..." [_NYT_, Apr. 10, 1993] The practical effects of a dialectical retreat are powerful. "Colonel Fights With His Pen, Defending the Poor For a lieutenant-colonel who retired only[!] last year after 27 years of service [murdering Americans and Vietnamese], and a Communist Party member since 1970, Nyguyen Khac Truong hold decidedly non-conformist [in a totalitarian society] views. What's more, he [or a ghostwriter] has expressed them in a novel that was not only published but even shared the 1991 fiction prize of the Vietnamese Writer's Association....'I believe fully in Buddhism,' the writer said. He laughed when reminded of his 23 years of Communist membership." [_NYT_, Apr. 9, 1993] Paul Hollander's _Political Pilgrims_ is a description of the Marxist use of intellectuals to divert attention from revolution. This is active measures, a classic Marxist method of presenting a false front. "The Smiles for Americans, and Other Paradoxes The contradictions of Vietnam are evident everywhere, as the Communist government tries to combine a free-market economy with rigid, one-party rule....Vu Huu Ngoan, deputy director of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism...took pains to assure a visitor that the [dialectical] demise of their sister institutes in Europe, along with the parties that trained their functionaries there, had served only to reinforce their faith. 'I don't believe the doctrine has collapsed,' Mr. Ngoan said. 'on the contrary, the collapse of those countries proves the that the principles are right and they applied them wrongfully'....but because of the declining[!] standing of Marx and Lenin, some of whose ideas they said had proved erroneous, the institute last May took out a kind of dialectic[!!!!!] insurance. Mr. Ngoan said the name of Ho Chi Minh was added to the school's title. 'Maybe their own gods are no ideological giants, but they are their own, a [Marxist] Russian diplomat said. Tran Cong Man, an amiable [of course] retired[!] major general and journalist[!] who,often serves as informal [formally informal] party spokesman [retired?!], conceded that there was an ideological crisis. but all th eold ideas of the class struggle still apply....'We want to have more democracy every day under the rule of one party [Lenin's democratic centralism].'" [_NYT_, Apr. 27, 1993] Statements of the continuing Marxist revolution rarely get clearer than this. The _NYT_, by its mention of "dialectics," understands this but refuses to alert its readers, partly because of its own long-term Marxist sympathies and partly from Pragmatist stupidity, the animal-like ignorance of the meaning of ideas. For Pragmatists, the contradictions of Marxist Vietnam are chaotic. For Marxists, those contradictions mean the "dialectic of history" is progressing towards communism. "Chinese Find Their [or the Party's] Voice: a Radio Call-In Show Callers to the talk show first tell a producer what they want to discuss and leave their name, position, and telephone number. If the producer approves, the station calls the person back-for efficiency, the station says, but it is also a way of making sure that no one calls the mayor a turtle's egg on the air [or damns Marxism]." [_NYT_, Apr. 26, 1993] Readers surprised at the restrictions should study Rousseau's general will, an important source, through Kant's categorical imperative, of Marx's species being. Collectivists think freedom results from sacrificing oneself to society so one is free of individual responsibility. The talk show, far from an expression of individualism, is an insidiously clever and dialectical method of loosening and tightening the prisoner's chains at the same time. It permits trivial expression of outrage at Marxism, just enough to keep the slaves working and docile. Identifying serious dissidents is a bonus. ________________________________________________________________________________ "Lenin and [his Minister of State] Chicherin were not the only sources of inspiration of the revival of strategic disinformation. The ancient Chinese treatise on strategy and deception, Sun Tzu's _The Art of War_ [was] translated into Russian in 1950 (shortly after the communist victory in China). ....the preparation of a semblance of democratization in order to provide...support for the communists outside the bloc in realization of the major strategies....the introduction of controlled political opposition, which will provide the basically totalitarian regimes with a convincing impression of a fundamental change and a semblance of democracy....The preparation of a false opposition, during the introduction of controlled democratization in the communist regimes, for the purpose of creating a favorable condition for unity of action with the social democrats, the free trade unions and with the Catholics against NATO and the US military-industrial complex. [Anatoliy Golitsyn, _New Lies For Old_, Dodd, 1984] ________________________________________________________________________________ "Black 'Think Tank' Opens a Foreign Institute" "...TransAfrica, the lobby best known for its anti-apartheid campaign, opened its foreign policy institute here [in Washington]....Randall Robinson [is the] executive director....Among the....500 guests....at the dedication of the institute [were] Bryant Gumbal, the NBC News anchor,....Donna Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Services; news anchors Ted Koppel and Bernard Shaw, and Iman, the Somalian-born model...The institute's library is named for [recently deceased tennis star, Arthur] Ashe, who served on the board of TransAfrica since its founding in 1977. Transafrica, a lobbying group of black Americans, was the driving force behind the campaign for Snited States economic sanctions against South Africa....During Angola's civil war, both sides competed for black American support. The exiled President of Haiti, the Rev. Jean-Bertrand Aristede has also sought support from American blacks; he was among the guests....many prominent black Americans have shown an interest in exercising their influence. Among those contributing to the institute's support are [comedian] Bill Cosby [who may buy NBC,] actors Robert Guillaume and Joyce Deep, and the boxer Sugar Ray Leonard. Corporations that do substantial business with blacks have shown interest in supporting the venture. Transafrica has 20,000 or so members in 12 chapters around the country and many prominent black members. There is no precise way to gauge whether its policy positions on Africa and the Caribbean reflect the views of most American blacks. Some critics of the organization argue that it is too liberal and too sympathetic to third-world leaders. "As long as they're not the exclusive voice, this institute is a wonderful thing," said Sanford Unger, dean of the school of communications at American University and a longtime commentator on Africa. "They've sometimes tended to ignore the domestic record of some African leaders. The forum will offer programs including one that works with historically black colleges to train students for the Foreign Service. [_NYT_, June 6, 1993] "...TransAfrica grew out of the...1976 Black Leadership Conference on Africa, convened by the Congressional Black Congress [1] and presided over by then U.S. Representative Andrew Young [2]. The conference created a task force, chaired by Randall Robinson....on the board of directors are such radicals [Marxists] as Courtland Cox [3] and Carlton Goodlet....a member of the Presidium[!] of the Soviet-controlled World Peace Council, and...a veteran member of the Communist Party, USA....[TransAfrica] joined with a host of other leftist [and Marxist] groups in signing a May 1982 statement opposing [American] "Covert Intervention in Nicaragua."....Among the signers...were: Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) [4], American Friends Service Committee [5], _Counter-Spy_ [6], Maryknoll Sisters [7], National Council of Churches [8], National Lawyers Guild [9], NACLA [10], Unitarian Universalist Service Committee [11], Washington Office on Latin America [12], and the U.S. Peace Council [13]....TransAfrica's annual dinner of June 5, 1982, Washington, featured a keynote address by Michael Manley, the socialist, pro-Castro former Prime Minister of Jamaica....[I]n documents seized on Grenada during the 1983 rescue mission there....[e]xecutive director Randall Robinson said he would urge black American soldiers to betray their country and disregard orders if they were sent into action on behalf of 'suspect' governments....[He] told _USA_ [Dec.30, 1982] that the [Marxist] Cubans saved [Marxist] Angola from from [anti-Marxist] Aouth Africa....[He] and TransAfrica, as well as the Free South Africa Movement which he leads, are staunch backers of the [Marxist African National Congress]. The Free South Africa Movement has been given wide propaganda play by the [Marxist] World Peace Council.... [According to United Press International on June 8, 1984, Sam Nujoma, leader of the Marxist, African terrorist group, SWAPO,] went to a dinner held in his honor by TransAfrica....[In the captured Grenada documents] Robinson explained....[an] advantage he hoped would result from the visit [of Marxist Grenadan dictator Maurice Bishop to the U.S.]:...the appearance of Bishop as a spokesman and leader in the Caribbean and Central America. [1] [According to the May 1987, U.S. Marxist journal, _Political Affairs_,] The role of the Congressional Black Caucus, the most active and _progressive_ bloc in Congress, illustrates the level of sophistication the Afro-American people have reached in utilizing the legislative power....The [U.S.] Communist _Daily World_ on October 4, 1986, reported favorably on a CBC three-day conference in Washington at which plans for electing CBC candidates to Congress were discussed....[In 1980, the El Salvadoran FMNL Marxist political agent, Shafik Handel, said, 'My] meeting with the Black Caucus took place in...the meeting room of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.' [2] Young's former Latin American advisor, Brady Tyson, is a prominent member of NACLA [see below]. After Tyson was expelled from Brazil for Marxist propaganda, Young said, 'That would recommend him to me.'....[Young is on the advisory board of the (Marxist) Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)], a major element in Washington's powerful Castro lobby....He supports CISPES, the American political warfare branch of the Marxist El Salvadoran FMNL]. [3] Cox was speaker for _Counterspy_ [see below]. [4] [COHA] was started...by Lawrence Birns, a professor of Latin American studies at the New School for Social Research and an associate of the late Chilean Communist and Cuban operative Orlando Letelier....[He] described COHA's purpose as 'to manipulate the sophisticated political and academic communities'....[and] said...that he and his organization supported the Marxist Allende government in Chile....[and] was a participant in the 1976 Third Session of the International Commission Inquiry into the Crimes of the Military Junta in Chile, a creation of the [Marxist] Soviet...World Peace Council. [5] [The AFSC distributed a defense of Marxist Cambodian Khymer Rouge mass murders] more than a year [after] the evidence of Cambodian Communist genocide was overwhelming....John McAuliffe, director of the Indochina Program of the [AFSC] said that, 'all reliable sources indicate that the [Marxist] Vietnamese are carrying out the task of reconstruction with extraordinary humaneness.'....The [AFSC] began as a Quaker organization. but in recent years it has become so identified with far left causes that many Quakers now disown it. Its top board members are still Quakers, but many of its executives are not. [6] [_Counter-Spy_ (now the _National Reporter_) was founded by, among others, Marxist ex-CIA agent Philip Agee who said,] 'I approve KGB activities, Communist activities in general, when they are to the advantage to the opressed.'....[It's published by the Advisory Committee for the Fifth Estate, one of whose members is Marcus Raskin, co-founder of the Institute for Policy Studies, perhaps the largest American Marxist agency-of-influence and in contact with Marxist spies from, at least, the Soviet Union and the "former" East Germany. This is an anti-American Intelligence magazine. Contributor Philip Wheaton is a sponsor of US Out of Central America (USOCA), whose internal documents reveal that] Marxists 'were among those who first conceived of OSOCA.' [The magazine helped sponsor, along with the Communist Party USA Central Committee, a conference] in February 1979 to discuss a broad-based strategy to ensure that the FSLN [Sandinista National Liberation Front] took power [in Nicaragua] and kept control. [With an offshoot, _Covert Action Information Bulletin_, _Counter-Spy_] identified--and mis-identified--hundreds of undercover American intelligence personnel[, one of whom, the Athens station chief, was murdered afterwards.] [7] One foreign missionary branch, the Maryknoll Order [of the American Roman Catholic Church] has been deeply involved in promoting the cause of Castro in Latin America. Maryknoll's former director of publications, Father Miguel D'Escoto, [was] the Sandinista foreign minister[!] One of Maryknoll's staunchest supporters in the U.S. government is also one of the most powerful[,] house speaker Thomas P. O'Neill, a bitter opponent of the Reagan Administrations's Central American policies...._U.S. News and World Report_...wrote that Speaker O'Neill 'says his views on Central America are shaped less by official U.S. reports than by priests and nuns of the Maryknoll order....[Gregory] Craig of Senator [Ted] Kennedy's office also contacted [Bob] Stark [of the Central American Historical Institute, which] disseminate[s] Marxist propaganda and gather[s] intelligence on behalf of the Sandinista government] as well as Peggy Healy, a former Kennedy staffer who heads the Maryknoll Sisters in Nicaragua [in an effort to provide 'contra' victims for a May 1984 Washington forum. The 'victims" were located for Craig by Michael Ratner,] president of the [Marxist] National Lawyers Guild in 1982 and 1983. [8] "Not only does the [National Council of Churches] fund some of he pro-Castro groups directly, but its role in promoting Communism in Central America and in the Caribbean is far-reaching. Documents captured from the Marxist guerillas in El Salvador have revealed that the NCC has channeled money to aid the armed terrorist movement in that country. In its January 23, 1983 program CBS's "60 Minutes" exhibited a number of pro-Marxist publications produced by NCC-funded groups including booklets on U.S. "colonialism" in Puerto Rico, a film strip supporrting the [Marxist] FMLN terrorists in El Salvador, an NCC study booklet on Cuba holding the [Marxist] Castro regime up as a model for the Caribbean, and documents produced by [the Marxist] CISPES. THe CBS program reported that a forged document on Central America fabricated by the [Marxist] Koviet KGB was disseminated by the Washington Office on Latin America, which is supported by the [NCC]." [9] "[Marxist] infiltration of American legal organizations began in 1922[!] when the Communist International founded...[the International Class War Prisoners Aid Society]. This became known as the International Red Aid....An American section was set up in 1925 called the International Labor Defense. In 1936 this ILD helped to organize the National Lawyers Guild, which in 1946 became affiliated with the International Association of Democratic Lawyers..., the world-wide communist front group for attorneys. today the Guild has several thousand members, offices in 50 cities, units in most of the leading law schools and a major operation in Washington....Cited several times by HUAC and the Senate internal Security Committee as a Communist front, [it] obtained a dismissal of the listing...[because] of 'lack of prosecution'....it has continued to exhibit unmistakable signs of Communist domination, its continued membership in the IADL, its consistent espousal of communist causes, the large number of identified Communists in its membership..." [10] [The North American Congress on Latin America] was founded in 1966 by some members of the Marxist/leftist Students for a Democratic Society. It sought to attract people 'who...favor [Marxist] revolutioary change....NACLA's Berkeley office is headed by...a former member of the...[Marxist] Venceremos Brigade (young Americans who trveled to Cuba to be trained in [Marxist] revolutionary techniques). An affilaiate of the Berkeley office is Research Associates International..., an organization active in research against CIA activities around the world. The London correspondent...is...an associate of [Marxist CIA defector] Philip Agee [who helped start _Counter-Spy_ (see above) and who published information on CIA employees and contacts in _CIA Diary_] with assistance from [NACLA]. [11] "The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee...has been underwriting congressional "study tours" to El Salvador. _Congressional Quarterly_ reported that these trips, 'usually include trips to [Marxist] rebels and other dissidents not on the agenda of officially sponsored tours. Most of the trips have been for liberal lawmakers-including Rep. Studds, who credits his January 1981 visit with making him one of the most outspoken House activists against aid to El Salvador." [12] "[In 1982 t]he Salvadoran Army captured a communist guerilla base and found several documents including a trip report by Farid Handel...describing his trip to the U.S. in 1980 to set up a propaganda front group. Handel wrote that....he had the cooperation of the Communist Party USA, .....[and] reported that [a senior party official] proposed a national conference under the auspices of [,among other groups, the Washington Office on Latin America] WOLA....WOLA has serves as a conduit through which pro-Castro personalities from Latin America have been brought to Washington to testify before Congress and to present their views before a variety of forums. [One of these people was Ernesto Cardenal, a self-proclaimed Marxist and admirer of Fidel Castro who was also a Catholic priest. In November 1977, Cardenal-who [later] serve[d] the Sandinista regime-revealed that he was a member of the [Marxist Nicaragua] Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN). Another WOLA-sponsored church witness was Maryknoll priest Miguel D'Escoto, the current Sandinista foreigun minister[!]." [13] "[The U.S. Peace Council] is the American branch of the [Marxist Soviet] World Peace Council. It was founded in 1979 largely by the initiative of the U.S. Communist Party. Michael Myerson,a high ranking CPUSA official, becanme the Executive Director of the USPC, and Alexandra (Sandy) Pollack, another top CPUSA official, became the USPC's 'international solidarity coordinator.'" The main purpose of this new organization intitially was to promote the cause of the [Marxist] Sandinistas in Nicaragua. A major player in these events was the [USPC]. It organized a National Conference on Nicaragua in 1979, along with several other radical [Marxist?] groups, to discuss a strategy to ensure that the Sandinistas took control....Ron Dellums, Tom Harkin, and Walter Fauntroy in the House, and Mark Hatfield and Edward Kennedy in the Senate...lent support to this Conference. [Both groups were]...cited in several FBI and State Department publications as communist fronts that concentrate on undermining the U.S. defense effort and justifying the Soviet arms build-up." In the above _NYT_ story: the international Marxist attack on Angola is called a "civil war;" Aristede is described as "[t]he exiled President of Haiti" without reference to a prior _NYT_ description of him as a Marxist; TransAfrica is said to want to offer programs for Foreign Service training but no mention is made of the danger to American foreign policy from programs offered by an extensive network of international Marxist revolutionaries. The Marxist revolutionaries involved with TransAfrica and described by the _NYT_ as "too liberal and too sympathetic to third-world leaders" is the tip of a dangerous and treasonous iceberg of political war. This IS the international communist conspiracy. And there are many TransAfricas. These people must be punished for treason but, before that, the leading U.S. officials, Presidents and Attorneys General, who knew of this treason yet did not use the law to seek the death penalty, should be the first to be punished. Treason is, basically, foreign policy not aimed at defense of the nation. Espionage is relatively trivial in its harm. The following books were sources: _The Revolution Lobby_-Allen Brownfeld and J. Michael Walker, Council for Inter-American Security and the Inter-American Security Educational Institute, Washington,1985. _Communists in the Democratic Party_-Concerned Voters, Washington, 1990. _Target America_-James Tyson, Regnery, Chicago, 1981. _Prophets or Useful Idiots_-James Tyson, Council for the Defense of Freedom, Washington, 1986. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It has become difficult in recent years to identify Communist agents in the media or other influential organizations. The FBI has been ordered not to investigate subversive activity unless there is _already evidence of criminal behavior_. This restriction has literally wrecked the Bureau's ability to monitor Communist subversion....The FBI's number of open cases of security investigations dropped from 21,414 in 1973 to 50 in 1979. Investigation of Ccommunist _propaganda_ activities in the U.S. is considered even further outside the FBI's present charter....Not only the FBI's counter-subverion efforts, but the congressional committees that used to investigate Communist...subversion. have all been dismantled, including the Senate Internal Securities Subcommittee, the Subcommittee on Criminal Laws and Procedures, and the House Internal Security Committee. The subversive Activities Control Board has also been abolished....there are probably a few thousand Communist propaganda agents working within the United States today, and that over $240 million is being spent annually on such efforts." [James Tyson, _Target America_] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "In the 1960s, Communist literature, including the Communist [p]ress, _The Daily World_ and _Political Affairs_, announced four main objectives for the Party over the coming years. Abolition of the: 1. House Unamerican Activities Committee[,] 2. Senate Internal Security Subcommittee[,] 3. [t]he Subversive Activities Control Board[, and] 4. [t]he Attorney General's List of Subversive Organizations. By 1976 _all of these objectives had been gained, mainly by the actions of Democratic leaders in Congress....In 1957 the Communist party launched a new front, the National Committee to abolish HUAC....[Those mainly responsible for abolishing U.S. defenses against Marxist political war are: Senator William Proxmire, Senator Sam Ervin, Republican Mark Hatfield, Senator Edward Kennedy, Senator Joseph Biden, Frank Church, Otis Pike, President Ford and his Attorney General, Edward Levi...Reagan...attempted to restore some of the FBI's ability to monitor Communist subversion...[but] was continually hobbled...by the House Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights...This subcommittee is chaired by Marxist Don Edwards....The other...members are: Marxist or Marxist sympathizer Bob Kastenmeier, Marxist John Conyers, Marxist or Marxist sympathizer Pat Schroeder, and Charles Schumer. This is how effective political war is conducted by Marxist revolutionaries against Pragmatists who evade the long-range effects of systematic ideas. ================================================================================ Unless personal reply is important, please reply to group, giving _ZIG-ZAG_ (pmsc13sg@umassd.edu) group's name, date, and directory number. _ZIG-ZAG_ is archived at (ftp) uglymouse.css.itd.umich.edu: /pub/Politics/ZigZag. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ZIG-ZAG_ seeks (preferably) used: _Revolution Lobby_-Allen Brownfeld_ _Communists in the Democratic Party_-Concerned Voters _Target America_-James Tyson _Prophets or Useful Idiots_-James Tyson _Protecting Traitors, Spies, and Terrorists_-Church League of America _Problem of Compromise-Alex Lebedev [ENGLISH LANGUAGE] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seeking hangman's rope from capitalists. V.Lenin, Red Square, Kremlin. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Beyond and back of the wind, | Stephen Grossman Little birds fly into the sea, | pmsc13sg@umassd.edu Morning light shine on me. | | [Marianne Faithfull & Wally Baderou] | ******************************************************************************** .