This copy blindly converted to pure ASCII by Michael Current. * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * =========================== ZMAG/A\ZINE NEW JERSEY *************************** PUBLISHED/EDITED BY: RON KOVACS ************************* ASSISTANT EDITOR: LARRY MIHALIK ************************* *---->August 16, 1986<----* ----------------------------------- Xx Contents <*> Product Review--Carina BBS <*> Commentary <*> File Extenders <*> Floppie Disk Care <*> Interested in Getting Zmag? <*> Zmag Newsletter Update <*> Pornography <*> Z-Systems <*> Zmag Update <*> Editor Notes/Zsystems Update <*> Larry's Corner-Carina Help ----------------------------------- Xx Editor Notes & Zsystems Update Thanks for reading another Zmag issue. I want to thank everyone for the outstanding support given to us so far. It has been great!! A few notes for our New York City readers. The Atomic Network BBS Systems, which have been carrying Zmag since it's inception, have been in array and until they get their apparant problems resolved, Zmag will not be found on any of thier systems. The list includes, New York City BBS, The Electronic Shop, Funhouse BBS. This leaves us without a New York City system to post Zmag information on. If you know of any system in the Manhatten or 5 borough BBS system interested in Zmag, Please pass along this issue and leave me a message or if possible, drop me a note. Address and number in listed in Zsystem section. I would also like to add the following New Jersey Systems to the list, as they are either down or cant be reached for comment. This list includes: The MJAC BBS, which is closed till further notice. Steve the Kid is awaiting repair of his modem. Zmag should return soon on his system. The Hospital BBS which has promised to post current Zmag issues has yet to be contacted and even modem connecting has been unsuccessful. The Lions Den BBS has been added to our chopped list and next week I hope to add 2 more systems which are currently under consideration. If you want Zmag to be on your local BBS system, Ask them to post Zmag in thier download section, If possible have them get in touch with me or any local Zmag System. The vactioning Walt Drummond will return shortly. Hopefully we will have a another BBS review. Due to a filing error on my part I misplaced this weeks edition of ST Tomorrow. This column will return next week. My apologies to Column editor The Sorcerer. ----------------------------------- Xx Zmag Update There will be no issue released September 6th, I will be preparing for the birth of my first child which is due September 8th. Since this event will be taking up much of my free time, Zmag will be on vacation for that week. If this should change I will keep you all informed. The Zmag contest ends September 6th and winners will be announced the following week. September 13th. ----------------------------------- Xx Comments from Last week's issue If you missed last weeks edition of Zmag (ZMAG809), you missed our best and longest issue to date. The subject was piracy and the response was unexpected!! It looks like there is a 70% to 30% difference in opinion, the 70% being commentary against pirating. I am happy to see that there are people out there who really care about Atari and the software companies. If we could only get the others out there to follow suit, I am sure we would all benefit from it. The last thing I want to do is preach about piracy here. But my comments will be here in Zmag in a few weeks. If you have something to say about piracy, send it in and see it here!!! ----------------------------------- Xx New Zmag System Zmag New Jersey has recruited another system into the Zmag family. The Lions Den BBS, located in Rahway, New Jersey. (201)396-0867 This system stands out in our area because the sysop, Larry the Lion, has decided to use the Carina BBS System. A entirely different BBS system and complete new type of command structure. The following is the Main Menu from the system. NOTE: This menu is in ATASCII, so Compuserve readers reading this issue on-line will not be able to see it. For more information about this menu, see next weeks issue for the ascii version. * *** * ** ***** * *** * ** ****** * **|******** ***** * ********** === * ========================= * * Command Macros Function * *********************************** **Msg Bases*Ctrl-W*Show Msg Bases * **Read *Ctrl-R*Read Messages * **Scan *Ctrl-Q*Scan Messages * **Post *Ctrl-P*Send Msg to Use* **Edit *Ctrl-E*Edit Current Ms* **Send *Ctrl-S*Send E-Mail * **Open *Ctrl-O*Check your Mail* **Feedback *Ctrl-Y*Msg to SysOp * **Databases*Ctrl-D*Show Databases * **View *Ctrl-V*View Database * **Bulletins*Ctrl-B*Bulletin File * **Status *Ctrl-T*Display Status * **Users *Ctrl-U*Show BBS Users * **Chat *Ctrl-C*Summon SysOp * **Menu * ?*This Menu * **Help * /*Help File * **Logoff *Ctrl-L*Exit BBS * **Sub-Cmds *Ctrl-I*User Database * **File-Tran*Ctrl-F*File Transfer * **Game *Ctrl-G*Game/Games * *********************************** **All *Ctrl-A***************** **New *Ctrl-N***************** ************Ctrl-X*Delete Input * ************Ctrl-S*Pause Printing * ************Ctrl-C*Abort Printing * *********************************** * THE LION'S DEN BBS * ================================= |Time Remaining| 69 Mins. |Command| (ed.) Next week will include a BBS review of this BBS. Give the BBS a call, it is open 24 hours running 300/1200 baud. ----------------------------------- Xx PROSTITUTION BY THE WIRE Talk about your signs of the times -- even the hookers are hooked up to computers these days. At least, that's what authorities in San Jose, Calif., say after busting what they identify as a prostitution ring that kept computer records on identities and sexual preferences of some 12,000 businessmen who took advantage of the -escort services.- According to The Associated Press, police this week raided the E, E & L Enterprises office in a Victorian building two blocks from the San Rafael police station and closed down the ring that reportedly employed 117 prostitutes. Lt. Joe Brockman of the San Jose police showed reporters three computers used by E, E & L, adding, -We have a room 8-feet square stacked head high with all kinds of paperwork, customer lists and business records.- Says AP, -Among the details on the records of the businessmen who used the services of the five escort agencies were their names,telephone numbers, credit card numbers, sexual preferences, names of previous prostitutes they used, and comments by the prostitutes. .... Some of the comments entered into the computer about clients ... 'Into the rough stuff,' or 'Is too kinky.'- Brockman said the hookers were dispatched via beeper to customers in San Jose, San Francisco, San Rafael, Fresno, Fairfield and Eureka. -The way it worked,- he said, -was that a businessman would call up and ask for an escort. ... The dispatcher would then look up the man's file in the computer and match him with a girl he's used before or someone who would be acceptable, call her beeper number and dispatch her.- Reportedly, the prostitutes carried credit card imprinters with them, took the customers' cards, gave them receipts and sent the stubs back to the E, E & L post office box. --Charles Bowen CompuServe Online Today ----------------------------------- Xx Express BBS Incase you havent heard or seen it yet, ICD is not running BBCS. In it's place is 850 Express! The following isn't very much, just the title screen and the Main Menu. ** ************ *** **************** *** ******************* *** **** _**** *** *** *** _*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** **** *** *** *** ********* *** *** *** ******** ******** ** ****** ****** ICD, Inc's Bulletin Board System ICD Express! Running 850 Express!, US Robotics 2400 MODEM, R-Time 8 Cart. Sparta Dos 3.2d, 1 Meg MIO with a 20 Meg Hard Drive Enjoy your stay Gr. by Peter A. Ritchie ICD Express! Main Menu *A*Atari/ASCII Mode *O*Other BBS#'s *B*Browse Files *Q*Quickscan *C*Call For Sysop *R*Read E-Mail *D*Download A File *S*Send E-Mail *F*Feedback To Sysop*T*Title Page *G*Goodbye (Log Off)*U*Upload File *I*System Info. *Y*Your Stats *L*Libraries */*Mini Menu *M*Member Listing *?*This Menu *N*System News ***Sub-Board List *=*Goto A SubBoard ----------------------------------- Xx Word about diskettes Your Atari disk drive uses 5 1/4- floppie disks. These are made of mylar with a magnetic coating and a dry surface lubricant. Handling of your disks requires special attention. Here are a few tips, just incase you forgot. 1. Never touch the exposed surface of the disk. 2. Do not bend, staple, paperclip, erase with a pencil eraser. 3. Do not expose the disk to extreme temperatures. If you should change enviroment quickly, be sure to let the disk sit at room temperature for at least one hour before use. 4. Keep disks in their protective jackets when not in use. 5. Do not use a sharp writing tool to label your disk. Use a felt tip marker. 6. Keep disks away from the following areas and equipment. Television, monitor, power supplies, motors, turntables, magnets, transformers, and any device which radiates a magnetic field. If you follow these simple rules you will have fewer errors. ----------------------------------- Xx Zmag Help This week, we go from Error Codes to Filename extenders. Since running my BBS, occasionally a question comes about extenders. The following text is some industry standard extenders and some you might recognize. ..COM Command file Used in Spartados as a load and go type file. Also used on BBS systems for telecom files. ..BAS Basic saved program, usually loading and/or running the program. ..SAV Basic saved program, same as above. Denotes saved. ..TXT A text file. Files made on a word processor might be have this type of extender. ..DOC A text file. Documentation for a particular program. Same as above. ..OBJ An object code file. Sometime this is used to denote files are loaded from DOS option L. ..SYS Denotes a system file. Ex: DOS.SYS, DUP.SYS, AUTORUN.SYS ..EXE An executable file, similar to COM above. ..ASM A machine language source file. ..BIN A binary data file. Also used same as OBJ above. ..DAT A general data file. ..PRN A listing to be printed. ..BAT A batch file ..HEX A hexidecimal coded file. ..FNT A font file, character set. ..LST A basic listed file. ..SRC A general source file, also used to denote a scrunched file. ..MUS A music file. ..AMS A music file belonging to the Atari Music System. ..MCS A music file belonging to Music Contruction Set. ..PSF A Print Shop data file. ..DOS A Spartados module for the init/xinit program. ----------------------------------- Next week I will take you through a few words common to your Atari and also list words and there meanings for other DOS and utilities. ----------------------------------- Xx PRODUCT REVIEW CARINA BBS Carina Software Systems 12390 57th Road North Royal Palm Beach, FL. 33411 BY:Larry Mihalik It has only been advertized on a limited basis. It was developed by Jerry Horanoff in Florida, and it worked it's way into quite a number of bulletin boards in that state. After reading their ad, I called the Carina BBS board in Florida and took a tour through the board. I found it fast, responsive and quite different. Since I was in the process of putting up my own board, I decided to go with something new. I had experience with all the others, FoRem, BBCS, Carnival and Marsh. I wanted a 1200/300 baud board that I did not have to pull my hair out to run. One that will not -crash-, -lock-up-, or delete the password file on it's own! Was I asking for too much? I re-read the Carina ad again, and thought about the module theory of running a board. It also advertized that the message bases would be self compacting! I also like the part about full use of my ramdisk. So, I could not wait to try this new product out. I thought about it over the weekend and monday morning mailed my check for $69.95. Well, to my surprise, personal out-of-state check and all, I recieved the Carina BBS in 10 days! It came in a quality bindered user's manual and two single density disks which make up the system and text files of the bulletin board. As I read the manual I became even more intrigued, I would have full use of my ramdisk. I would be able to go to basic on-line and be able to run DOS-online! So I started by copying the systems disks for back-up. Yes, they are not copy protected, but Pirate BEWARE! Each and every copy of Carina BBS is encoded with a serial number, displayable on-line. If a pirated copy is being used, the serial number can be displayed and traced back to the original purchaser. I found this a novel approach and one we should all take seriously. Now, on to the board. After copying the systems files into a -boot- disk for the board, and creating a -data- disk when configuring the board, I was ready for a test-run. One of the features about Carina BBS is that on boot-up it will copy all files that you want to reside in the ramdisk, from the boot disk. This is set-up when you configure the board for the first time. Unfortunately, the first couple of times I tried this, it did not copy anything to the ramdisk. I read the instructions several times but it continued to ignore me. Then I sat back and read it aloud;-Booter.MO3 will copy all locked files on the boot disk to the ramdisk.- Did it say LOCKED? So, now it worked perfectly. I had set the ramdisk to D8:, with MYDOS 4.1, which is not supplied by Carina, nor any other DOS. I have no complaints with this, but be aware that if you want to use your ramdisk, and have no DOS to support it, then you will have to incur an additional expense. Carina BBS does not need a ramdisk to operate, but it certainly is preferable, to get the most out of the host system. If you have a 130xe then your ramdisk is large enough to hold most of the system files, which will free-up a lot of disk space; never mind the speed. I had a little bit of a different problem. I have a modified 800 with a 512k Magna ramdisk. I selected all the system files to reside in the ramdisk along with all the text files, and using both the AtascII and the AscII logon option, I still had 2800 sectors left in the ramdisk. So, I chose to put downloads on the ramdisk, only to find that not enough room resides on the boot disk to even dent the empty space of the ramdisk. I called Carina, and they instructed me to call thier BBS and I would find a revised Booter module that allows for disk swapping when copying to the ramdisk. I also discovered that I would need a fix program for the WAITCALL module since I was using the Avatex 1200 modem. I understand that these additions will be included on newer versions of Carina BBS. Also, if you plan to use the ramdisk to store anything like downloads or databases, the ramdisk must be named the last drive in your system. So if you have two disk drives, the ramdisk must be named D3:. So, with resolving these few problems, the board went up without a hitch. The documentation is in need of a few modifications, expecially regarding the ramdisk. I have to complement Carina on their technical support, all of my problems were resolved in a phone call. I have also received periodic help from Ken White, who acts as a roving guardian angel for Carina, calling all the Carina boards, offering help and suggestions. The board has been up and running fine, no lock-ups, no lost data, and no crashes. I have fulfilled my quest! Carina BBS is a quality product worth the $69.95 investment. Call my board (The Lion's Den 201-396-0867) or the Carina BBS (305-793-2975). Look around, and remember that the Carina command set is different and unique in a positive sense, so capture the help file, so you can make your visit a worthwhile one. Larry Mihalik The Lion's Den BBS The Syndicate BBS ----------------------------------- Xx Znotes In future editons this is what we will be covering: Current BBS systems available for 8 bit users and 16 bitters. List of good Public Domain Software available through BBS systems. A review and tour of all Zmag systems, thier software, Sysops, location, and features. Computer Show calender TV Update: Computer shows of interest on your local PBS station. and more....... ----------------------------------- Xx Interested in Getting Zmag?? To BBS sysops interested in getting Zmag on your BBS. If you would like weekly issues of Zmag, no special requirements are needed. Leave me a message on CompuServe or the Syndicate or Lions Den BBS with your BBS number, Hours of operation and Head SysOp. I will add your name to the Zsystem list and make sure you get weekly issues. If you are located near Chicago, I will make sure you get on the Chicago list. If you are also interested in starting a local Zmag of your own, Please let me know and I will send off information. ----------------------------------- Xx Zmag Newsletter The Newsletter has finally been duplicated. I will be sending out copies near the end of August. If you are interested in getting a copy, send a self address stamped 8 1/2 x 11 envelope with enough post to send it off. Zmagazine Newsletter Post Office Box 74 Middlesex, New Jersey 08846-0074 The newsletter contains most all Zmag issues to date. Included are Chicago issues. In future editions of the newsletter, I hope to have user group and reader columns. Thanks again for your support! ----------------------------------- Xx Larry's Corner Carina Help For those who have had little or no experience with Carina boards, I have decided to print a copy of the help file here in ZMag. I hope you put this to good use, since it will really make your visit's to a Carina board more interesting and far more efficient. In future issues I will go further in depth with each aspect of the board, and show off some of it's power. | | | LION'S DEN - Help File | |___________________________________| | Ctrl-S Stop Ctrl-C Abort | |___________________________________| | Please switch to ASCII mode, | | capture this file, and print | | it to your printer. | |___________________________________| | To toggle between ASCII and | | ATASCII switch to mode desired | | and press RETURN at the prompt. | |___________________________________| | All commands are words. Most | | words also have macro keys that | | will type the words for you. You | | can either type out the word, or | | press its corresponding key. Use | | whichever method you are most | | comfortable with. If you are | | going to use words, you will only| | need to type the first 3 letters.| |___________________________________| | INDEPENDENT COMMANDS | |___________________________________| | MENU -Summary of commands | | HELP -This file | | STATUS -Your current status | | USERS -People using this BBS | | CHAT -Summon system operator| | BULLETINS -News information | | LOGOFF -Exit this BBS | |___________________________________| | DATABASE COMMANDS | |___________________________________| | DATABASES -Display database names| | VIEW -Display a database | | | | [specify a database after VIEW] | |___________________________________| | MESSAGE BASE COMMANDS | |___________________________________| | MSG BASES -Display message | | base names | | | | READ -Read messages | | SCAN -Show message titles | | EDIT -Correct a message | | | | You must specify one of the | | following parameters... | | | | ALL | | NEW | | ALL in [MESSAGE BASE NAME] | | NEW in [MESSAGE BASE NAME] | | 5 in [MESSAGE BASE NAME] | | 5-7 in [MESSAGE BASE NAME] | | 5- in [MESSAGE BASE NAME] | | LAST 3 in [MESSAGE BASE NAME] | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | POST -Post a message | | | | You must specify one of the | | following parameters... | | | | TO ALL in [MESSAGE BASE NAME] | | | | TO [USER NAME] in | | [MESSAGE BASE NAME] | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | OPEN -Check your mailbox | | SEND -Send a letter to user | | | | Specify ALL or NEW mail for OPEN | | and TO [USER NAME] for SEND | | | |___________________________________| | SEPARATE MODULES YOU CAN RUN | |___________________________________| | SUB-CMDS -Independent SubSystem | | FILE-TRAN -File-Transfer program | | GAME -Game/Games to play | |___________________________________| | WHEN POSTING A MESSAGE... | |___________________________________| | /L -List your message | | /L# -List with line numbers | | /D -Delete a line | | /I -Insert a line | | /E -Edit a line | | | | You should specify one of the | | following after each command... | | | | 5 5-7 or 5- | | | | /T -Change title of message | | /R -Restart message | | /S -Save message | | /A -Abort message | | /H -Help | | | | | | FILE-TRANSFER SUB-PROGRAM | |___________________________________| | DIRECTORY -Display files | | available for download| | | | You can specify [LANGUAGE] | | or [FILETYPE] | | | | DOWNLOAD -Receive file from BBS | | | | You must specify [FILENAME] | | | | UPLOAD -Send file to BBS | | | | You must specify - FILENAME - | | [LANGUAGE] [FILETYPE] | | and [ACCESS LEVEL] you think | | it should be set at | | | | PRINT -Send TEXT or DOC file | | (non X-Modem) | | | | BBS -Return to BBS program | | | | | | HELPFUL HINTS | |___________________________________| | By separating commands with | | either a . or a , you can | | make them work independently. | | Example - | | | | Read New in General, Post msg | | in General to All, Status, | | Users, Databases, Logoff. | | | | If you want to erase your input, | | type CONTROL-X as opposed to | | backspace. | | | | Using your macro keys, you can | | duplicate the above input by | | typing... | | | | ^R ^N General, ^P General to ^A, | | ^T, ^U, ^D, ^L -^- =Control | | | | This example is much less time- | | consuming, however, the first | | example is easier to understand. | | | Larry Mihalik ----------------------------------- Xx ZSystems /Zmag Information Network\ -------------------------- E.C.Syndicate-201-968-8148 Backstage BBS-201-944-1196 W.C.Syndicate-415-825-2952 E.B.B.B.S. -201-254-6449 Mega Vision -216-228-7335 Lions Den BBS-201-396-0867 CompuServe -201-968-9000 (GO ATARI8)->DL 7>BRO Chicago /Zmag Systems\ ------------------------------ Windy City Atari -312-775-2970 Runequest -312-430-4234 Enchanted Castle -312-525-0688 Centari -312-668-0984 Blue Moon -312-457-2219 C.L.A.U.G. -312-889-1240 Skid Row -312-439-5873 M-Club1 -312-730-1846 M-Club2 -312-349-8686 M-Club4 -312-458-8260 Generic -312-275-2894 Software Plus -312-520-1780 Coming soon to: GEnie Games Computers Play The Source Atari Inc BBS and your Local BBS Total Systems:19 was 22 Goal for Next week:21 ----------------------------------- Zmagazine August 16, 1986 ^^^ HOT Atari News Plus+++ Ron Kovacs-Editor/Publisher Middlesex, New Jersey 08846-0074 Please Contribute!!!! ----------------------------------- ZMAG816.TXT ZMAG.816 CompuServe filename Next Edition August 23, 1986 .