*********************************** * Zmag/A\zine * * (Chicago Edition) * * June 2,1987 * * * * HOT Atari News and Reviews * * Editor:Clinton Smith * *********************************** Publisher:Clinton Smith Asst.Publishers: Rune Master Gerry Feid Jim Dobleski Ron Kovacs The Wizard ****************** Xx In This Issue * ****************** *Editor's Notes *CES Message by Dennis Kamber *Special Claug Meeting Report *User Group Bulletin *Zmag readers reply! *Compuserve lowers day rates *CES Product Analysis *The Zmag Best of Atari Survey ******************* Xx Editor's Notes * ******************* Welcome to the June 2nd Issue of Zmag Without a doubt,the CES issues of Zmag are my favorites.It is a real pleasure getting information about Atari's latest products,hours(not months)after they are shown for the first time.I'm especially happy to report that this CES has had some real treats for 8-bitters. In this Issue: CES Message-LABBS sysop,Dennis Kamber,gives us some info on the new Atari products. Special Claug Meeting-Read all about what Atari's execs had to say about the new products announced at CES. CES analysis-How are these products going to affect you? Zmag Best of Survey-Zmag needs your opinions to put together a list of the tops in Atari(8-bit and St)Hardware and software. Sysops!! Is your board carrying Zmag but you're not on the Zmag BBS list? Let me know about it.Leave the name and number of your board to me in a message on one of the Zmag Boards or send the info to: Zmag-a-zine:Dept U 2104 North Kostner Chicago,Il 60639 Zmag is looking for support from user groups(articles and software reviews). If you are a user group that would like to support Zmag drop me a line at: Zmag-a-zine:Dept S 2104 North Kostner Chicago,IL 60639 Got a question or comment about Zmag? Leave a message to me(Clinton Smith)on one of the Zmag Boards or write to: Zmag-a-zine:ATTN Editor 2104 North Kostner Chicago,IL 60639 ********************************* Xx CES Message by Dennis Kamber * ********************************* Msg #17 CES Author Dennis Posted Sat 30-May-87 1:16:16 pm Just got back from six hours at CES,what a show, lot's to tell you, as soon as I gain the energy back I will! Just as a teaser... 65XE game system with popular disk software on cartridges which are compatible with current 8-bits(at least 130XE)at around $20! True DD drive from ATARI, reads single, double and enhanced at about the same price as 1050's. Later, Dennis ************************** Xx Special Claug Meeting * ************************** This is the second time that Claug has invited Atari officials and Atari supporting companies to a special meeting to allow us users the opportunity to ask them questions and hear more about what's coming from their companies. This year's Summer CES is truly good news for the 8-bit owners.Atari's area was heavily supporting the 8-bit products(the STs will probably recieve more preferencial treatment at the Comdex show that begins in Atlanta this week.) mostly through the new XE game system. I got to the meeting a few minutes late(the Polk Bros warehouse fire had traffic near Triton running at a snail's pace)but I didn't miss any of the major news. First up was John Skruch,head of XE development.These are some of the exciting bits of news he let us in on. The 8-bit 3.5 drive has indeed been cancelled(as reported by John Parchem last week).However,Atari is coming out with a new higher capacity 5 1/4 drive that will replace the current 1050s.The drive,called the XF551,is a double sided drive that supports single,enhanced(10500,and(finally)true double density. The drive will hold 360k and is 2.9 faster than the 1050,and it will come with ADOS(written by O.S.S.).ADOS supports features such as time and date stamping ,subdirectories,and is both menu and command line driven.You can type in 3 line s of commands,hit return and ADOS will perform all the tasks.The Price will be around what the 1050 is running.Also,the drive is styled to match the XE line. Expect the drive around August. The XEP80 is in production,but due to the shortage of the chip that drives it, mass production of it has been slowed. Toys stores are very excited about the XE game system and are eating it up. Basically,it's like someone seperated the console and the keyboard and connected them with a cord. In order to have a good software selection for the system Atari has been liscensing games from companies such as Electronic Arts,Broderbund,Epyx,and Accolade to name a few,to come out with as cartridges. Speaking of cartridges,Atari has come out with a new 256k bank switch cart for the system that will work on present XL+XE systems(I don't know if 800's can handle them).One of the first programs to use it will be Flight Simulator 2 that comes with the XEGS.It uses 188k of the cart and completley eliminates the need for disk access. Ten years ago Atari started selling the 2600.It went for $150.Atari has sold 24 million of them.Now Atari is selling the XE game system for $150.It'll be interesting to see how many of them will have been sold 10 years from now. Nat Friedland,the editor of Antic,had some interesting news concerning the June 87 issue editorial urging 8-bitters to write Springboard and demand an 8-bit version.While at CES,Nat ran into the president of Springboard who said the following,-Okay I give up,we've started work on the Atari 8-bit version.- An interesting sidenote:Later,John Skruch said that Springboard had called him and asked,-Are you still alive?,Who is Antic?,and why the hell are all these people writing us?- James Yee(The spelling might be wrong,what with all the ways you can spell James),from Xanth systems(the people who did the ST and 8-bit boink and fuji boink demos,and the ST Shiny Bubbles demo)was talking about their new ST game ,Midi Maze.Also known as Kill a happy face,the game allows 16 STs to be hooked together to play it.Each player goes through a first person perspective of a 3-d maze trying to shoot your opponents.A nice feature allows you to create your own mazes with any St word processor.Hybrid Arts will release the program. Neil Harris,well known among Atari modemers on Genie,was very interested in the critcal nature of the local Atarifest and was going to talk with Claug officers after the meeting(I'll try to let you know the status of Atarifest by next week).Atari is planning to buy a chip or drive company in the near future so it will be easier to come out with products at lower prices. Frank from Hybrid Arts(I didn't catch his first name)had a number of comments concerning the ST and Midi. It's becoming somewhat of a musician's status symbol to use an ST.One of the most famous ST owning musicians is Peter Gabriel(Sledgehammer and Big Time). Later this month,Atari is going to become the first major computer manufacturer to have a display at the NAM(National Association of Musicians)show here in Chicago. Leonard Tramiel brought up the fact that a number of companies who refused to support the ST are now doing ST software.Along with Electronic Arts,Passport and Sonus(2 midi companies) are also supporting the ST with software. Question and Answer Period: Will the Atari Light gun be sold seperately along with the Bug Hunt cart(game that they were demonstrating the gun with at show)? Yes,after the XE game system has been out for a couple months they will start selling the gun(most likely packaged with the Bug Hunt game)seperatley. Two other light gun compatible games are being worked on,Crossbow(the Exidy arcade game)and Barnyard Blaster(shooting bottles off of fences and vegetables) .. John Skruch also mentioned that Atari is going to be coming out with an original game called Cracked.It was writtrn by a 19 year old on an ST.Amazingly it was his first ST program that he wrote.Versions of Cracked will be available for the 2600,7800,XE,and ST systems.It is also going to appear as a Coin-op game in the arcades. What about the rumored 32 bit TT computer? It probably won't come out until 2 or 3 years from now. Is Atari working on a network system for the ST? Atari isn't working on one,but they have heard of some third parties working on them.One that is available in the UK can supposedly handle 20,000 STs at once! Why is Atari coming out with the XE game system,when the 5200(which was a stripped down 400)failed? The major difference is that the 5200 was designed to be completely incompat- ible with the computers,even though they used many of the same chips and such. The XEGs is completely compatible and makes for a number of good marketing oppurtunities. The 8-bits have been slipping the past few years(in terms of being in stores) and Atari needed to give it a boost. However,Atari 8-bits are a huge hit in Poland(no joke).Atari sold 100,000 there last year.The XEGS will be able to sneak into homes under the disguise of being a game machine,while it will be increasing the 8-bit computer's user base.An increased user base will make more software companies interested in supporting the 8-bits. Atari isn't just waiting for other companies to start supporting the XE again ,they've started liscensing programs from top software houses.Some of the titles I heard were One on One,Archon,Hardball,Rescue on Fractalus,and Ballblazer. Is Atari planning 3-D LCD glasses,such as the ones that were shown for the Sega and Nintendo Video game systems,for the XEGS?(Editor's Note:It was also brought up that the glasses for those systems bugged the hell out of your eyes after a few minutes) Atari is exploring a number of 3-d techniques along witha bunch of other neat things that John Skruch can't talk about. Is Atari planning an extended graphics ST? Down the road,possibly after the TTs,Atari may come out with an enhanced graphic system that would be compatible with the ST. *********************** Xx User Group Bulletin * ************************ The Midwest Atari Expo is July 25-26, 1987 at the Ramada O'hare, on Mannheim just North of Higgins. For more information: CLAUG-Chicagoland 312-848-0333 SCAT-Suburban Chicago 312-848-0333 LCACE-Lake County 312-623-3815 RACC-Rockford 815-547-7718 MILATARI-Milwaukee 414-354-1717 BACE-Bloomington 309-827-4909 STING-Bloomington 309-827-4909 The next SCAT meeting will be on Saturday, June 6, at the College of DuPage. The meeting is held in the Student Resource Center (SRC) building and begins at 11:00. The June meeting of L.A.U.G. will be Monday June, 15.The meetings are always the third Monday of the month at the ST.Charles Saving and Loan. NOTICE!!!! CL.A.U.G. IS EXPANDING !!! Do you live on the South Side of Chicago, and don't want to travel to the regular meetings? Well, CLAUG (the ChicagoLand Atari User's Group)has solved your problem. Since last March, CLAUG has had a brand new addition to the family - a CLAUG SOUTH !! Still a part of the CLAUG family, yet they meet on the 4th Saturday of each and every month in the Knights of Columbus Hall at Cicero and Southwest Highway ..Meeting times are posted in all CLAUG newsletters,and information is available on the CLAUG BBS, or you can call the CLAUG hotline at 823-7003. Stay tuned here in ZMAG, and on the BlueMoon or CL.A.U.G. BBS's for more information !!! L.A.U.G. members needed As Dennis pointed out our group is small and we are looking for members. For any of you who are interested leave me E-MAIL, or call me voice at... 312-554-1273 EVENING BETWEEN 6:00 AND 10:00 Ask for Tim. TIM BROWN ************************ Xx Zmag readers reply! * ************************ In order to help me determine just how many people are reading Zmag each week I need your help. If you are a regular Zmag reader,drop me a line at: Zmag survey 2104 North Kostner Chicago IL,60639 Please include the name and number of the BBS that you download Zmag from.This will help me know which boards to include in the Zmag BBS list. If you would prefer,you can also leave this information for me on one of the local Chicago Area Zmag boards: Windy City,Claug,Blue Moon,Scat,Runequest,Enchanted Castle,and Lake Shore Area BBS. Please respond to this survey. ******************************** Xx Compuserve lowers day rates * ******************************** Compuserve,the largest of the on-line services announced last Friday that it is lowering it's day rates to match it's evening rates.You can now call CIS at 300 baud,anytime of the day for $6 an hour,and 1200 and 2400 baud for $12.50 .. ************************************** Xx CES Product Analysis by the Editor* ************************************** When I first heard about the XE game system back in January,I thought it was going to have a positive effect on we current 8-bit owners.While,many users thought of it as a derogatory product,I had hope.Well,my hope has paid off. Firstly,if you've been wishing for an 8-bit that had a detached keyboard,like a Mega ST or Pc clone,your wish has been granted.Secondly,if you've ever wanted a light gun controller for the 8-bit,that wish has been answered.Anything that Atari comes out with for the XEGS will also work on current XL+XEs.Probably the most exciting XEGS development is the new 256k bank switched cartridges.The cartridge of Flight Simulator 2 just whets your appetite for what else can be done.Games that load in segments from disk(like Karateka)can now be put in one cartridge and the slowdown caused by disk access will be gone.Imagine being able to purchase an Infocom adventure on cartridge that wouldn't have to access the disk every time you make a move,responses would be instantaneous. These new cartridges also make the way for games that required larger memory or bigger disk storage.One of EA excuses for not having an 8-bit version of Bard's Tale was that -Atari 8-bits don't have the memory or disk space to handle it,and EA can't justify coming out with only a 130XE version.-.Well,it appears that that excuse is out the window now,considering that the carts can be used on 800XLs,65XEs,and 130XEs.There should be enough of these systems combined to financially justify a version of Bard's Tale for the 8-bit. .. The XF551 disk drive more than makes up for the 3.5 drive cancellation. At a whopping 360k,8-bit owners can now store as much data as an ST owner with a SF354 single sided drive.It's support of all three Atari densities(Single, Enhanced,and Double)makes it the consumate drive for 8-bitters. The new ADOS that comes with the drive was written by Atari programming great ,Bill Wilkinson.8-bit owners who envy ST disk features such as time/date stamping and subdirectories will finally get their wish with the XF551/ADOS combination.The high capacity of the XF551 also opens up the possibility of a graphic type operating system being made available for the 8-bits. *************************************** Xx The 1987 Zmag Best of Atari Survey * *************************************** This survey is being done to help you out when you say to yourself(I need a good printer,but which one is best?).But we're not just interested in printers. What follows are 2 lists(one for 8-bits and the other for the St)with the categories of products.If there is one that you think should be included in the survey,bring it up in your response. Public Domain programs are also eligible in the software categories.Please also include the name of the manufacturer of the software or hardware. Zmag 8-bit Best of Atari Categories ************************************* Best Atari 8-bit Model computer? ************ * Printers * ************ Best Printer?(Best features) Best Low Cost Printer?(Best features for it's price) Best Printer Interface? Best Printer related software? *************** * Disk Drives * *************** Best Disk Drive?(Best Features) Best Low Cost Disk Drive?(Best Features for it's price) Best DOS? Best Hard Drive? ************ * Monitors * ************ Best Color Monitor?(Best Features) Best Low Cost Color Monitor?(Best Features for it's price) Best Monochrome Monitor?(Best Features) Best Low Cost Monochrome Monitor?(Best Features for it's price) ********** * Modems * ********** Best Modem?(Best Features) Best Low Cost Modem?(Best Features for it's price) Best Terminal software? Best Modem Interface? ***************** * Sound Related * ***************** Best Sound Digitizer? Best Music related software? ************ * Software * ************ Best Entertainment software? Best Arcade software? Best Graphic Adventure software? Best Text Adventure software? Best Simulation? Best Sports Software? Best Construction Set Software? Best Educational Software? Best Word Processor Software? Best Database Software? Best Spreadsheet Software? ************ * Graphics * ************ Best Touch Tablet? Best Graphics Software? Best Light Pen? Best Animation Software? ************* * Languages * ************* Best Basic? Best Language? ******** * Misc * ******** Best Joystick? Best Memory Expansion? Best Expanison Device? Best Magazine? Best Book? ************************************ * Zmag ST Best of Atari Categories * ************************************ Best Atari ST Model computer? ************ * Printers * ************ Best Printer?(Best features) Best Low Cost Printer?(Best features for it's price) Best Printer related software? *************** * Disk Drives * *************** Best Disk Drive?(Best Features) Best Low Cost Disk Drive?(Best Features for it's price) Best Hard Drive? Best Ramdisk Software? ********** * Modems * ********** Best Modem?(Best Features) Best Low Cost Modem?(Best Features for it's price) Best Terminal software? ***************** * Sound Related * ***************** Best Sound Digitizer? Best Midi Software? Best Midi Keyboard? Best Music related software? ************ * Software * ************ Best Entertainment software? Best Arcade software? Best Graphic Adventure software? Best Text Adventure software? Best Simulation? Best Sports Software? Best Construction Set Software? Best Educational Software? Best Word Processor Software? Best Database Software? Best Spreadsheet Software? ************ * Graphics * ************ Best Graphics Software? Best Video Digitizer? Best Animation Software? ************* * Languages * ************* Best Basic? Best C? Best Assembler? Best Pascal? Best Language? ******** * Misc * ******** Best Joystick? Best Memory Expansion? Best Expanison Device? Best Magazine? Best Book? If you wish to mail in your responses,send them to: ZMAG:Best Survey 2104 North Kostner Chicago Il,60639 Have your responses in by the end of June. ************************************* * Zmag-a-zine June 2,1987 * ************************************* .