-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Syndicate ZMAGAZINE Issue #146 February 28, 1989 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- S.P.C., Box 74, Middlesex, NJ 08846 (201) 968-8148 THIS WEEK: <*> EDITORS DESK......................................Ron Kovacs <*> ANALOG APRIL CONTENTS.................................Analog <*> OVERSEAS VISIT....................................Ron Kovacs <*> GALAXY STARLINK...................................WK Whitton <*> ANTIC MAY CONTENTS.....................................Antic <*> MICROMISER UPDATE........................................... <*> WORLD OF ATARI SHOWS........................................ <*> ZNET NEWSWIRE............................................... ############################## <*> EDITORS DESK ############################## by Ron Kovacs I am pleased to announce that we have selected a new Editor. Harold Brewer will stand in this place next week. Also, 80 column formatting will be suspended while we return to 40 column Atascii editions. Harold will bring new life to this publication which has been hurting for attention. Due to the present commitments I have, editing two and three publications can take it's toll. However, I will still be around with my words and commentary. Your feedback is important. Harold can only produce material with your assistance. Keeing the editor up to date on YOUR ideas can only help this electronic magazine. We are comitted to continuing weekly publishing for the 8-bit Atari. Z*Net has finally been released after a long period of discussion and planning. If you missed the official press release, I have included within this issue. The first groups that have this issue are: A.B.A.C.U.S. (Atari Bay Area Computer Users Society) San Fransisco, California COMPUTAH (A.C.E. of Salt Lake City) Salt Lake City, Utah GREAT LAKES ATARI DIGEST CHAOS (Capitol Hill Atari Owners Society) GENESSE ATARI GROUP Lansing and Flint, Michigan JACG (Jersey Atari Computer Group) Pinebrook, New Jersey MVACE (Miami Valley A.C.E.) Dayton, Ohio ############################## <*> ANALOG APRIL CONTENTS ############################## FEATURES ======== Krazy Mazes........................................Barry Kolbe An exciting two-player game of mazes and chases written entirely in machine language. Pixel Averaging on the Atari....................Stephen Miller This graphics technique will allow you to hide those jagged edges in your computer art masterpieces. Univert..........................William Frasz & Reid Brockway How many decimeters are there in a cubit? How many leagues in a light year? With Univert you can easily convert from any unit of measurement to another. Master Memory Map, Part IX........................Robin Sherer ANALOG's official memory map continues. REVIEWS ======= Panak Strikes......................................Steve Panak This month Steve looks at Gauntlet (Atari) and Richard Petty's Talladega (Cosmi). The Converter (No Frills Software).......Matthew J.W. Ratcliff Cheat! (Alpha Systems)..........................Clayton Walnum COLUMNS ======= Game Design Workshop............................Craig Patchett Database DELPHI...............................Michael A. Banks The End User................................Arthur Leyenberger ST Notes...........................................Frank Cohen DEPARTMENTS =========== Editorial.......................................Clayton Walnum Reader Comment................................................ 8-bit News.................................................... M/L Editor......................................Clayton Walnum BASIC Editor II.................................Clayton Walnum ############################## <*> OVERSEAS VISIT ############################## by Ron Kovacs THe following is an edited capture from the PCACUG BBS in Panama. We have reprinted it here for your information. This will also show you that there are Atari 8-bitters out there with the common interest. Dialing 011507600530 PCACUG BBS CLAVES ________________________________ Gracias por aplicar para una clave. Solo le pedimos que se comporte con decoro, y provea un numero de telefono al cual se le pueda acceder para validarle o para informacion adicional. Si usted es miembro del PCACUG, por favor deje un [M]ensaje al operador especificandolo. Si usted deja un mensaje al sysop, sera validado con mucha mayor prontitud que si no lo hace. Si desea unirse al club, la cuota es un balboa mensual, prorateable, pero no es obligatorio hacerlo para unirse al BBS. Llame al president J. Fagette al (66-4026) o Tesorero Alvey (24-1352). Gracias por su atencion y disfrute. Thanks for applying. We just ask that you maintain decor in your messages and provide a phone number where you can be easily accessed. IF you are already a member of PCACUG, then leave a [M]essage to sysop saying so. You can join the PCACUG club (atari users group) by paying a $1 monthly fee. There is no obligation of payment to use this bbs, but you do get more if you join. Call the president or treasurer at the above numbers. Thanks and enjoy. [Aplicar] Apply for password(y/n)?[SI]Yes [Nombre COMPLETO] FULL Name:RON KOVACS 000-0xx-xxxx:201-968-8148 4 Letter Password: Ok(y/n)?[SI]Yes Screen[38/40/80]:80 Automatic page break?No [^S]Start/Stop,[^C]Cancel [^S]Comienza/Detiene,[^C]Cancela ** PCACUG BBS ** ** Boletin ** ** Febrero ** ** 1989 ** Ok, ya se acabaron las fiestas, y es este tiempo del ano nuevamente... TIEMPO DE RE-INSCRIBIRSE!!! Es hora de pagar tu membresia anual de $12 la cual te da, Pan*Atari*News mensual Acceso al B.B.S. Acceso a las librerias de, Software Documentacion. Acceso a las reuniones y seminarios Por favor, si utiliza el bbs, aunque no tenga una ATARI, venga a la reunion yayude al club con una membresia! [Primera vez] First visit(y/n)?[SI]Yes ////////////////////////////////////PCACUG/////////////////////////////// An Atari BBS A] Atascii/Ascii | | | B] Bulletin C] Check E-Mail | | | D] BBS status files E] Enter Message | | | F] Atari File Dir G] Goodbye | | | H] Help I] All computers file Dir| | | L] Leave E-Mail M] Message to SysOp | | | O] ADD/SEE other BBS #s P] Play online games! | | | Q] Quick Download R] Read Messages / | \ S] User Status T] Screen Width / | \ U] Upload V] Libraries / | \ X] Expert Y] Yell for SysOp / | \ Z] Message Bases *] Read New Mesg / | \ ?] Print Menu /] Check Status 0] MENU ESPANOL Time left: 15 :Round Table ABCD[E]FGHI[L]M[O]PQ[R]STUVXY[Z][*]? PCACUG BBS Libraries ____________________________________ [Updating occurs every now and then] Last update: NO DATE [A] PAN*ATARI*NEWS Select or [CR] for main menu Automatic page break?No [^S]Start/Stop,[^C]Cancel [^S]Comienza/Detiene,[^C]Cancela Pan*Atari*News ************************************* * Meeting: February 18th 1989 (SAT) * * * * Panama Canal Training Center * ************************************* ************************************* * Reunion: Febrero 18, 1989 (Sab) * * Panama Canal Training Center * ************************************* Febrero 89 El club tiene las siguientes vacantes: The club has the following vacancies: NEWSLETTER EDITOR: El editor del periodico pan*atari*news debe ser preferiblemente bilingue, y poseer una impresora tipo EPSON o compatible [Teclee] Any key... [^S]Start/Stop,[^C]Cancel [^S]Comienza/Detiene,[^C]Cancela Messages: 56 [De/A][From/To] or +/-:+ Mesg:0001 [Para]To:IVAN JARPA 02/15/89 [De]From:SAUL ALVARADO Subj:TRADEWARS TOP 8 Hey Ivan estabas despierto a esa hora ??? Bueno The Blob tiene dias que no juega....donde estara su nave??? se movio del 110 supongo??? Mesg:0002 [Para]To:ALL/TODOS 02/15/89 [De]From:SAUL ALVARADO Subj:Reunion Bueno muchachos no se pierdan la reunion el Viernes!!! Y piensen en sugerencias!! Participen por favor... que de uds. depende como marche el club. No esperemos siempre a que LOS DEMAS hagan las cosas... Como decia un chinito: LO DEMA SON TU MISMO!! Mesg:0010 [Para]To:All 02/19/89 [De]From:SYSOP Subj:SDX El B.B.S. esta corriendo bajo el cartucho Spartados de ICD. (SDX), y por tanto, estamos a metodo de prueba. El cartucho trae varias utilidades que me facilitan el uso de la maquina, pero por momentos me da a pensar que no es totalmente compatible con el sistema. Poco a poco ire arreglando los 'bugs'. Los mensajes de Swap Shop y File FActs fueron borrados porque en su gran mayoria estaban lejos de la edad de vencimiento y habian tomado 'hilos' que no tenian nada que ver con el uso de esas bases. Por favor limiten las discusiones generales a Round Table, Ladies' Forum, y TUPLAG, y eso, dentro de lo que cabe. Por cierto, me gustaria mucho si los usuarios 8bit empezaran a enviar sus programas ARC-eados en vez de metodo normal, con un pequeno texto explicando su funcion y como utilizarlo. Eso ahorraria mucho espacio en el BBS. Desgraciadamente el club no tiene el dinero para aumentar el sistema, y por lo tanto no lo preveemos en un futuro cercano. Ahora mismo se le esta dando prioridad de recursos a Pan*Atari*News (de la que por el momento tambien soy editor) ya que este es un servicio que llega a mas de 200 familias. Si alguno tiene ideas 'innovativas' en como podemos levantar el dinero, para digamos, un hard disk para est e bbs (alrededor de $700), estamos abiertos al dialogo. Aunque una simple donacion tambien sera aceptada (ja). SHOW[Ver] #s? [Y/N] [SI]Yes Automatic page break?No [^S]Start/Stop,[^C]Cancel [^S]Comienza/Detiene,[^C]Cancela |BBS | PCACUG BBS |Tel. # | 60-0530 | Baud | 300/1200 SOON 24! |Computer | 130XE 320K |Software | OASIS |Features | SIX MSG BASES |Comments | OPEN TO THE PUBLIC |Comments | $12 MEMBERSHIP |By [Por] | SYSOP ************ |BBS | SORCERS BBS |Tel. # | 52-2429 | Baud | 300/1200/2400 |Computer | IBM PC / 60 MEG |Software | ............... |Features | TRADWARS, 7 MSG BA |Comments | 15 D/L SECTIONS AN |Comments | LOTS OF GAMES!!!!! |By [Por] | JON LAVALLEE ************ |BBS | PASTE |Tel. # | 252-2875 | Baud | 300 TO 2400 BAUD |Computer | ATARI 1040ST |Software | MICHTRON'S |Features | LOT'S OF DOWNLOADS |Comments | THE BEST |Comments | AWESOME |By [Por] | DAVID LANTERMAN ************ |BBS | N |Tel. # | 5972 | Baud | 300 |Computer | 130XE |Software | 2 1050 DISK DRIVE |Features | ATARI 1030 MODEM |Comments | THIS IS GREAT |Comments | THANK YOU |By [Por] | ARMANDO MOORE ************ |BBS | SONITEL |Tel. # | 63-5257 | Baud | 300-2400 |Computer | IBM PS/2 |Software | WWIV |Features | ONLINE GAMES, MSG |Comments | GOOD BBS |Comments | MESSAGES BASES |By [Por] | MICHAEL SCHWARTZ ************ |BBS | PC UG |Tel. # | 69-6180 | Baud | 300-2400 |Computer | IBM |Software | RBBS |Features | MSGS. |Comments | 300 B REGISTRATION |Comments | NOT SUPPORTED |By [Por] | MICHAEL SCHWARTZ ************ |BBS | INTEC |Tel. # | 63-9724 | Baud | 300-2400 |Computer | IBM |Software | RBBS |Features | MSG BASES |Comments | BBS SUX! |Comments | |By [Por] | MICHAEL SCHWARTZ ************ Time left: 06 :Round Table ABCD[E]FGHI[L]M[O]PQ[R]STUVXY[Z][*]? Leave BBS(y/n)?[SI]Yes [Grabar] Save Password(y/n)?[SI]Yes Ron Kovacs PCACUG _ - + + +--+ _ - / / / / _ / / / - +---+ +---+ +---+ - / / / / / - - / / / / / _ +--+ +--+ +--+ ------------->Llame de nuevo!!! --------------->PCACUG ------------------>300/1200 Baud c* Disconnected, Time Online was 00:09:44 DATE 02/24/89 TIME 06:54p ############################## <*> GALAXY STARLINK ############################## by WK Whitton ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you well know, the folk at PC Pursuit have decided to really stick it to its faithful users, and has initiated a new policy of a cap on online hours while at the same time increasing the rates charged. In a flurry of rage, a mass cancellation of user accounts took place, all in protest of these unfair tactics. I am pleased to announce that someone has seen the monetary potential in providing a similiar service, and we are now able to share the details of this with you. The very best part of this is that the service is already in effect and ready to roll! ANNOUNCING: GALAXY STARLINK What is it? Galaxy STARLINK is an asynchronous outdial service that permits you to make off-peak calls to thousands of Bulletin Board Systems in 91 cities in 28 states for only $1.50 per hour of connect time. When will it be available? It is available right now! Users may sign up by modem for the service. Who operates it? STARLINK is a service of Galaxy Telecomm Division, GTC, Inc., the publishers of BBS Telecomputing News, Galaxy Magazine and other electronic publications, located in Virginia Beach, VA. Why is this service available? GTC purchases large blocks of time from Tymnet, the national packet switching network, for the users of Galaxy Information Network, and makes these connect hours available to anyone wishing to avail themselves of the service. Galaxy Information Network is GTC's multiuser online information and -Chat- system. In addition to connecting with Galaxy, STARLINK members may use the Tymnet Outdial service to place calls to thousands of other systems and receive one bill each month from GTC for the connect charges. How much does it cost? What do I get for my money? There is a one time sign up charge of $50.00 and a monthly service charge of $10.00 to cover administration and billing services. Each member receives two hours of free system time on Galaxy Information Network each month (exclusive of connect charges). All network connect charges are billed at the end of each month for actual time used at $1.50 per hour. All online system time in excess of two hours per month is billed at $2.00 per hour. Example: Member calls Galaxy Information Network for five hours during the month using GTC's STARLINK service through the Tymnet system and makes twenty hours of calls to other systems through Tymnet: Monthly Service charge $10.00 $10.00 First two hours free $ .00 Excess hours $ 6.00 ------ Total system charges 6.00 $ 6.00 STARLINK charges (5 hours calling Galaxy) $ 7.50 (20 hours calling elsewhere) $30.00 ------ $37.50 $37.50 Total Charges $53.50 (each additional hour of connect time would add $1.50 to this bill) There is no requirement to use the Galaxy Information Network. The two free hours are included as this is where billing invoices are left for the members. Galaxy is, however, a fun system to use with on-line live chatting, live interactive games, up-to-the-minute national news and many other services. Members may simply use the STARLINK service to access other systems. Is there a limit to how much I can use? No, you can use as much time as you wish each month. Can I get a discount for higher volume usage? Sorry, no! Our low rate of $1.50 per hour precludes this. What payment methods do you have? You may charge your monthly bill to Visa, Mastercharge, or sign up for checkfree automatic bank debit. You will be notified of charges via e-mail message to you on Galaxy. What do I do to sign up? Have your computer call 804-495-INFO. Have your credit card number ready if you are charging your account to Visa or Mastercard. If you are planning to use Checkfree, have a check ready to get information from. After you have answered a few questions and your account has been established, you will be mailed a member's agreement with your STARLINK username and password along with your local access telephone number. When STARLINK receives your signed agreement, your Username and password will be activated and you will be able to start making calls. Can I call by voice? No! They simply cannot handle the volume of calls. All signups must be done by modem. What cities can I call out to? The following is a listing of major cities. In addition to these cities, there are many others that are a local call from the ones listed. EASTERN TIME ZONE ================= CONNECTICUT: Bloomfield, Hartford, Stamford FLORIDA: Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Longwood, Miami, Orlando, Tampa GEORGIA: Atlanta, Doraville, Marietta, Norcross INDIANA: Indianapolis MARYLAND: Baltimore MASSACHUSETTS: Boston, Cambridge NEW JERSEY: Camden, Englewood Cliffs, Newark, Pennsauken, Princeton, South Brunswick NEW YORK: Albany, Buffalo, Melville, New York, Pittsford, Rochester, White Plains NORTH CAROLINA: Charlotte OHIO: Akron, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton PENNSYLVANIA: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh RHODE ISLAND: Providence VIRGINIA: Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Midlothian, Norfolk, Portsmouth CENTRAL TIME ZONE ================= ALABAMA: Birmingham ILLINOIS: Chicago, Glen Ellyn KANSAS: Wichita MICHIGAN: Detroit MINNESOTA: Minneapolis, St. Paul MISSOURI: Bridgeton, Independence, Kansas City, St. Louis NEBRASKA: Omaha OKLAHOMA: Oklahoma City, Tulsa TENNESSEE: Memphis, Nashville TEXAS: Arlington, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio WISCONSIN: Brookfield, Milwaukee MOUNTAIN TIME ZONE ================== ARIZONA: Mesa, Phoenix, Tucson COLORADO: Aurora, Boulder, Denver PACIFIC TIME ZONE ================= CALIFORNIA: Alhambra, Anaheim, El Segundo, Long Beach, Newport Beach, Oakland, Pasadena, Pleasanton, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, Sherman Oaks Vernon, Walnut Creek WASHINGTON STATE: Bellevue, Seattle STARLINK SERVICES UPDATE ======================== Starlink announces another price schedule for high volume users. If you use alot of hours via Telenet, why not consider our $25 per month account that will let you have your hours for just $1/HR. The 25.00 per/mo is your subscription cost and is exclusive of the hours used. ############################## <*> ANTIC MAY 1989 CONTENTS ############################## The May issue of Antic is our Seventh Anniversary issue, featuring the 1989 ANTIC AWARDS For outstanding Atarian achievement. Each year at this time we try to single out the best of the companies who support the 8-bit. With the lack of 8-bit support these days, these companies deserve our thanks more than ever! We also have a review of three NEW 8-BIT POWER TOOLS. Matt Ratcliff, our own hardware maven, reviews Quintopus, XF551 Enhancer, and Atari View 8. Matt also provided this issue's Disk Bonus: COVOX COACH and YAK-SPELL. For use with the COVOX Jr., COVOX COACH is a tutorial that will show intermediate to advanced BASIC programmers how to make their own talking programs that play back without hardware add-ons. Even if you don't have the COVOX Jr., and don't program, you can still run YAK-SPELL, a spelling quiz that talks -- in Matt's own voice! More goodies for programmers: ATARI BASIC ENHANCEMENTS by Paul Alhart is a library of handy high-powered routines that let you do DOS functions from BASIC, without going to DOS -- and without losing your program in memory. Fumble-fingered programmers can now protect themselves from accidentally clearing the screen. BUTTERFINGERS by Kevin Gevatosky is a handy little BASIC program that disables the screen-clearing [SHIFT][CLEAR] combination. Just for fun, IRRATIONAL COMPUTING is Brian Siano's account of his -Kook Mail- database. He's got them sorted by categories ranging from -Dull and Boring- to -Truly Strange Minds- -- and they're an interesting bunch. More seriously, George Lockard tells how he uses his 8-bit on a NASA research project in SPACE-AGE ATARI. Thomas Simmons tells how to make your own thermal printer ribbons in SIMMONS THERMAL RIBBONS. You can ink your own -- and sometimes get better copies. Dr. Jeffrey Summers reviews MIDIMAX, an affordable 8-bit MIDI interface, with software. If you're interested in MIDI, this review is definitely worth a look. This issue also has two great games. For adventure/maze game fans, THE SECRET OF KYOBU DI by Bernard Taylor is a complex death maze and treasure hunt, set in old Japan. CRIBBAGE ATARI by David Osborn is a fun version of the card game, complete with -pegs- onscreen. The computer makes a wily opponent, and a good instructor, showing you the scoring system even as it adds up the points. ############################## <*> MICROMISER UPDATE ############################## (Editors Note: A few weeks ago we published released material about MicroMiser Software. THe following is another response from the President of the company.) 2/13/89 Dear Atari user, As president of Micromiser Software I wish to respond to Kenneth Gilbert's letter (irate customer) which appears in Atari8 Roundtable, Category 12, topic 2. We charge extra for shipping to Canada because there are several added expenses for us. First, due to the volatile drug situation, the Post Office sometimes enforces the requirement of a customs declaration, even to Canada. Since this seems to vary from day to day and among different package sizes and types, at least at our Post Office, and because we have no shipping department, we go to the Post Office with every foreign shipment to make sure there will not be a problem. Secondly, mail delivery in Canada is not as reliable as it is in the United States--many Canadians have told us so. The delays and undelivered products increase our average support cost, telephone calls, etc., to Canada. Since we send free update disks, product updates, and support disks to our foreign customers, this multiplies the expense. One of the biggest problems is the Customs inspection. They variously open mail, handle it, bend it, X-ray it, etc., though we stamp it with the -FLOPPY DISK- message. On average it costs us more than $5 extra per sale, though we billed Kenneth only $3.80 extra. Due to this some retailers refuse to ship to Canada period, for instance Horizon Computers, who are the largest 8-bit Atari distributors. We usually minimize the value declaration to save our customers import fees, for which Kenneth, in apparent ignorance of this, takes us to task. Other than Kenneth, all 200+ Canadian customers have understood the shipping charge with no explanation required. We think it is obvious to anyone and that it does not require lengthy explanation. His rationale about the legal requirements of advertising is irrelevant, not to mention unfair. The entire extent of our media advertising for Turboword to date has been one line in 7 pt. type at the bottom of our (already too wordy) Turbobase ad, -80 Col word processor $49.- and this is in U.S. magazines only. He sent us the price without shipping, and, not to cause a 20 day delay for him, we provided an unusual service, sending the program and billing the shipping. He is right that he is not legally obligated to pay the shipping, and he can legally take advantage of our trust. His -error 168- tells us exactly what caused his various -bugs,- since it is a device command error, and in that function the command is contained in the programming--it is not entered by the user. No others, including us, have had this -bug- or his other disk I/O -bug.- So his disk had to be damaged in shipping; most likely by the Customs inspection. The logic: it is the customs inspection that causes the shipping charge, it is the shipping charge Kenneth refuses to pay unless we add new features for him for free, we can't add new features for him for free, therefore we cannot support his application. Incidentally and unnecessarily, double-spacing is not an -assumed feature- since many word processors don't have it and most printers do. We wrote the first version primarily for our Turbobase customers, who do not need double spacing, and all have good printers. We never implied otherwise in ads or on the package. Kenneth saw our feature list. Double spacing wasn't on it. He never called to ask. Seems strange since it's so important to him. By the way, any word processor can be made to double space on most printers just by setting the dip switch to add a carriage return to the Atari return. I received a letter from one customer compaining that Turboword would ONLY double space--she didn't change the dip switch when switching to the parallel port on the XEP-80. His suggestion for more -intuitive- printer instructions would destroy the WYSIWYG feature, which is why we wrote the program. Turbobase, grudgingly acknowledged even in it's most critical reviews as the most powerful productivity product for 8-bits, is written in BASIC. This offends almost everyone's OPINION about BASIC, but it is a fact easily verifiable by anyone. I wonder if Kenneth also gives his doctor such technical hints. Because of Kenneth's diatribe, which is the most illogical we have ever received, and that I have ever received in 30 years of successfully operating four businesses, I knew that a logical explanation would have been useless. I therefore sought a quick reply that would be productive to someone--anyone. Since Kenneth's letter had upset my wife, who sorts the mail, the -space- letter cheered her up a bit. But mainly, it was designed to attract attention and to be entertaining. Obviously many have found it so. When logic does not apply, one defaults to an alternative method, and entertainment is equally as bad as any. I thought it would get good play around the dorm, necessarily causing Kenneth to show his letter to other students. Hopefully, that would provoke one of his friends to suggest to Kenneth that, perhaps, his letter was not a model letter for a support request. Well, it worked too well, as you know. Kenneth's letter was designed to waste our time, which is now accomplished. There are two unopenned packages containing disks in my support file from serious customers who will now have to wait another day. Some sympathize with Kenneth and this response won't change those minds. To those: Why must you write such letters, use the the -legal eagle- standard, and the -guilty until proven innocent- standard? What do you gain? Who are you punishing? Me? For what? Writing Atari software, being imperfect, making mistakes? Or because you can't get someone else's hardware/software to work? Who knows in a particular case? Why is my desk your philosophical garbage dump? Because I'm accessible, answering the phone and responding to mail myself? Please buy products from our competition. They have plenty of hold buttons, elevator music, form letters and $4/hr -support technicians- to solve problems like Kenneth's. It has been proven redundantly that it is not profitable to do business with you, and that you ruin a good thing for everybody. Next time you're in a disco and a drunk starts a fight, don't ask the -greedy proprietor- to throw the guy out--remember, you are on the side of the -customer.- We'll continue to serve and support to the best of our ability those who consider a business transaction as a constructive enterprise with fair responsibilities on both sides, designed to reach a common goal. 98% of the market is profitable enough for us. We thank those 98% of our customers who have made our endeavors so rewarding. I hope you will continue to send suggestions and inform us of any difficulties you are having. And, as always, we will do our best to help you. ############################## <*> WORLD OF ATARI SHOWS ############################## ST*ZMAGAZINE will be the Official Online source for the ST WORLD World of Atari shows. If you missed last week's announcement, here is an update on the Anaheim show. April 22,23 1989 at the Disneyland Hotel. Presented by ST-WORLD Magazine. *** Show area has been increased to 28,000 SQUARE FEET. *** PC DITTO II will be shown for the FIRST TIME at the show. Avant-Garde will be revealing the -secrets- of PC Ditto II, a 4.77MHz IBM emulator for the ST, there. *** GADGETS BY SMALL will introduce SPECTRE GCR - no need for the Translator anymore. Use Macintosh software straight from the box. *** ATARI, CORP. is behind the show 100% and will be showing their new MIDI synthesizer, GENLOCK, and the new ATARI ULTRASCRIPT LASER PRINTER. *** FLEETWOOD MAC will be entertaining the spectators with a concert. (See Z*NET Newswire in this edition for more details!) *** WASTECH will be demonstrating their new monitor, which will allow ALL THREE RESOLUTIONS to be shown on a single monitor. *** INTERLINK will be unveiling MASTERLINK, the new, improved telecommunications software package. *** MIGRAPH will be demonstrating TOUCHUP, a graphics package to aid in Desktop Publishing. *** MEGAMAX will be showing LASER C, a very fast C compiler. *** GRIBNIF Software will be there with NEODESK 2.0. *** ANTIC (START magazine) and ST-LOG will be there. Possibly even MORE magazines. ALSO, World of Atari will be at Dearborn, Michigan June 24-25, 1989 at the Hyatt Regency Dearborn. 18,000 square feet of space. Make your plans early to attend this great event for Atari users. (All of the events mentioned for the Anaheim, CA show may not necessarily appear at the Dearborn, MI show). ############################## <*> ZNET NEWSWIRE ############################## TOS 1.4 UPDATE ============== All developers should take note that the latest release of TOS 1.4 is the December upgrade. This will be the version that goes to Eprom. Developers should contact Cindy Clavern for more information. WORLD OF ATARI ============== The Anahiem World of Atari show has been expanded from 12,000 sq ft to 28,000 sq ft. At the same show, there will be a live concert after with Fleetwood Mac and 2 other name groups. Details on them as it becomes available. Free tickets to the Saturday concert will be given out during the show. 300-500 tickets are said to be given away! MORE BBS SYSTEMS ADDED ====================== The following systems have been added to the ZMAGAZINE BBS list. CENTURIAN BBS (618) 451-0165 BUNGALOW BBS (314) 351-2837 2cd SYSTEM (616) 385-2448 ARRAKIS (718) 331-2236 PCACUG BBS (011) 507-600530 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Syndicate ZMAGAZINE Copyright 1989, SPC, All Rights Reserved -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .