From: (A Frank Swilling) Newsgroups: soc.motss Subject: The GLBO-Centered Film List Message-ID: <> Date: Mon, 11 Jan 93 18:23:27 PST Organization: The Portal System (TM) Lines: 1142 The GLBO-Centered Film List compiled by Frank Swilling ***** GLBO-Centered Domestic Documentaries ***** Alternative Conceptions - 1985 (Lesbian: Documentary concerning artificial insemination for lesbians.) American Fabulous - 1990 (Gay - 103 minutes of a gay man named Jeffrey Strouth, who recently died of AIDS, sitting in the back seat of an old car telling boring stories about his life.) Before Stonewall - 1984 (GLBO - Documentary: Gay and lesbian culture before the Stonewall uprising.) A Bigger Splash - 1974 (Gay - Documentary: 4 years with David Hockney and friends.) A Celebration of Lesbian and Gay Life and Love - 1990 (Gay/Lesbian - Music Video celebrating the ubiquity and strength of the gay and lesbian experience.) Choosing Children - 1985 (Lesbian - Documentary concerning the issues surrounding lesbians who became parents after coming out.) Common Threads - Stories From the Quilt - 1991 (Gay/Bisexual - Several random stories of people represented by squares on the AIDS memorial quilt.) A Conversation with Brian McNaught on Being Gay [On Being Gay] - 1986 (Gay - Documentary: Activist, lecturer counselor, and author McNaught discusses being gay in a straight world.) Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon - 1975 (Lesbian - Documentary wherein the founders of "The Daughters of Bilitis" speak their minds.) Dry Kisses Only - 1990 (Lesbian - Documentary: Lesbian subtexts of Hollywood movies are revealed through inventive editing, hilarious commentaries and interviews.) The Families We Choose - 1985 (Lesbian - Documentary: 4 lesbian families and other women talk about their lives.) For Love and For Life: The 1987 March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights - 1988 (GLBO - Documents the March on Washington.) Framing Lesbian Fashion - 1992 (Lesbian - A look at the evolution of lesbian attire and identity, featuring interviews with Sally Gearhart, JoAnn Loulan, Arlene Stein, Kitty Tsui, and others.) Gay for a Day/Costumes on Review - 1976 (GLBO - "Gay for a Day" documents the 1976 Gay Pride Parade, & Costumes on Review" is a funny look at a gay Halloween party.) Gay Games II: Highlights - 1986 (GLBO - Documentary) Gay Games II: Women's Physique - 1986 (Lesbian - Documentary of the women's bodybuilding competition.) Gay, Proud, and Sober - 1978 (Gay - Documentary about alcoholism and its treatment in the gay community.) Gay Voices, Gay Legends - 1988 (Gay - Famous and lesser known gay men talk about their lives.) Gay Youth - 1992 (Gay/Lesbian - The stories of two teens: Bobby Griffith, who killed himself at the age of twenty, and Gina Gutierrez, a 17-year-old high school senior who received acceptance and support for her sexual identity.) Greetings from Washington, D.C. - 1981 (GLBO - Documentary about the 1987 March on Washington.) The Historic March on Washington: The Largest Gay Rights Demonstration Ever - 1987 (GLBO - Documentary about the March on Washington.) Homo Promo - 19?? (GLBO - A collection of trailers for GLBO films from the 30s to the 80s.) Honored by the Moon - 1990 (Gay/Lesbian - Documentary about homosexuality among Native Americans.) If She Grows up Gay - 1983 (Lesbian - Documentary about the life of a 19-year-old black lesbian who talks her pregnancy and about raising her daughter with her new lover.) In the Best Interests of the Children - 1977 (Lesbian - Documentary with 8 diverse lesbian mothers talking about parenting and child custody. Also gives the children's views.) Juggling Gender - 1992 (Lesbian - Savvy documentary about a bearded lesbian performance artist.) Just Because of Who We Are - 1986 (Lesbian - Documentary about physical and psychological violence and harassment directed against lesbians.) Kim - 1988 (Lesbian - Documentary about the coming out process of a young Puerto Rican lesbian in New York.) Labor More Than Once - 1983 (Lesbian - Documentary about Marianne MacQueen, a lesbian mother who's trying to regain custody of her son.) Last Call at Maud's - 1992 (Lesbian - Billed as a "work-in-progress", this film focuses on the closing of the world's oldest lesbian bar in the world, Maud's in San Francisco. Tracking lesbian history from the WWII lesbian bar scene, to the birth of The Daughters of Bilitis, to the closing of Amelia's in 1991, Last Call at Maud's documents the lives and histories of some of the major figures in San Francisco's lesbian community.) Lesbian Mothers - 1979 (Lesbian - Documentary about the social stigma of lesbian motherhood.) Lesbian Tongues - 1989 (Lesbian - Documentary: Prominent lesbians talk about love, sex, and coming out.) Lifetime Commitment: A Portrait of Karen Thompson - 1988 (Lesbian - Documentary about the legal struggles between Ms. Thompson and her lover's family over visitation rights after Sharon Kowalski is critically injured in a 1983 auto accident.) Males Couples: How Relationships Develop - 1985 (Gay - Documentary: discussion of the stages of a male couple's relationship, using dramatized vignettes of a male couple's life.) The Male Escorts of San Francisco - 1992 (Gay - Thoughtful, unsensational, this tape answers almost all the questions you might ever have about male escorts.) Meet Bradley Harrison Picklesimer- 1987 (Gay Transvestite - Documentary: The profile of a Kentucky drag queen.) Nitrate Kisses - 1992 (GLBO - Lesbian filmmaker Barbara Hammer's "experi- mental" (read:non-traditional filmic styles) film explores the history of lesbian and gay culture. Part oral history, part collage, part film montage, the film might sometimes get unwieldy, but it remains interesting throughout.) No Need to Repent: The Ballad of Rev. Jan Griesinger - 1989 (Lesbian - Documentary: Reverend Jan Griesinger is an "out" minister in the United Church of Christ who has integrated her ministry, her politics and her personal life. The story of a courageous contemporary feminist, this film reveals some of the many levels of her activism.) Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien - 1992 (Gay - Through music, poetry, and, at times, chilling self-disclosure, five serio-positive black gay men speak of their individual confrontation with AIDS.) Not All Parents are Straight - 198? (Gay/Lesbian - Documents parent-child relationships in several gay or lesbian-parent households.) Paris Is Burning - 1991 (GLBO - A look at the drag balls of Harlem and interviews with some of people who enter them, in which drag of every description is featured.) Part of the U.S.A.: The Official National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights Video - 1987 (GLBO - The only video endorsed by the organizers of the event.) Pink Triangles: A Study of Prejudice against Lesbians and Gay Men - 1982 (Gay/Lesbian - Historical view of homophobia from the Nazi era through the present.) Portrait of Jason - 1967 (Gay - Interview with hustler Jason Holliday.) Pride - 1989 (Gay/Lesbian - ACT-UP New York's DIVA TV [Damned Interfering Video Activists] celebrates events of Lesbian and Gay Pride Weekend 1989.) Pride and Prejudice - 1992 (Gay - A primer about homophobia, the closet, and coming out today - nicely spliced together with visual jokes and in-the-know references.) The Queen - 1968 (Gay Transvestite - Outlandish documentary of the 1967 Drag Miss All American Beauty Queen Contest.) Ray Navarro Memorial Tape - 1990 (Gay: A tribute to the AIDS activist and videomaker, who died while making a work about Latino gay male assimi- lation into white gay culture.) Rights and Reactions: Lesbian and Gay Rights on Trial - 1988 (Gay/Lesbian - Documents the passage of the 1986 Gay and Lesbian Rights bill in N.Y.) The Salt Mines - 1990, (Transvestite - A group of homeless, urban, Hispanic drag queen prostitutes on crack live in a junk yard in a secluded area alongside the Hudson River known as the Salt Mines. Powerful and grim.) She Don't Fade - 1991 (Lesbian - A self-reflexive look at the sexuality, love life, and friendships of a young black woman who is passing for white.) Silent Pioneers - 1984 (Gay/Lesbian - Interviews and profiles of six gay and lesbian senior citizens. Also examines services available to gay seniors around the U.S.) The Sluts and Goddesses Video Workshop, or How To Be A Sex Goddess In 101 Easy Steps - 1992 (Lesbian - Learn how to have more sensual and sexual pleasure in your life. Follow along as Annie Sprinkle catalogs the joys of sex, along with her "Transformation Facilitators", which include Diviana Ingravallo, Jocelyn Taylor, and Carol [Scarlot Harlot] Leigh.) Sonia Johnson: Going Farther Out of Our Minds - 198? (Lesbian - Author Sonia Johnson explores how women can leave patriarchy behind and begin living in a new world right now.) The Times of Harvey Milk - 1984 (Gay - The life and death, by assassination, of San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk.) Tiny and Ruby: Hell Divin' Women - 1988 (Lesbian - Biography of jazz trumpeter Ernestine "Tiny" Davis and her lover/partner of over 40 years, drummer Ruby Lucas, aka Renee Phelan.) Tongues Untied - 1989 (Gay - Documentary using poetry, rap, interviews and dramatic situations to express the oppression faced by black gay men in America today.) Voices of Life - 1991 (Gay - A clever deconstruction of conventional AIDS documentaries, which alerts us to how appearances can be deceiving.) War on Lesbians - 1992 (Lesbian - Drawing on various pop culture conventions and referents, director Jane Cottis poses as a gallery of characters and incorporates the subject of lesbianism into every imaginable area.) We Are Ourselves - 1976 (Lesbian - Tee A. Corinne and Honey Lee Cottrell discuss their relationship and sexual orientation. Explicit sex scenes show them making love.) We Are Family - 1987 (Gay/Lesbian - Examines daily life of parents and children in gay and lesbian families.) Who Happen to Be Gay - 1979 (Gay - Six openly gay professional men talk about their lifestyle and its impact on them, their families, friends, and colleagues.) Wild Life - 1985 (Gay - Examines the social milieu of two 15-year-old Latinos in LA, mixing documentary-style interviews with vignettes about their fantasy lives.) A Woman's Place Is in the House - 1976 (Lesbian - Portrait of Elaine Noble, first woman and self-avowed lesbian elected to the Massachusetts legislature.) World of Light: A Portrait of May Sarton - 1979 (Lesbian - Interviews with and readings from the works of 70-year-old author May Sarton.) Word Is Out: Stories of Some of Our Lives - Conversations with 16 Gay Men and Women - 1977 (Gay/Lesbian - Interviews gays and lesbians from different backgrounds and discusses how they deal with their sexuality and with society's attitude towards them.) You Can Fight City Hall - 1986 (GLBO - Details the struggle of the Columbus, Ohio gay community to add the words "sexual orientation to existing job protection legislation.) ***** GLBO-Centered Foreign Documentaries ***** Absence of Us - 1986, Canada (Lesbian - Examines the public and private realities of being a lesbian in Canada today.) All Out Dancing in Dulais - 198?, Great Britain (Gay/Lesbian - Recounts the formation of an unusual alliance between a group of young gays and lesbians from London and a group of miners from Wales during a Welsh miner's strike in 1984-85.) Armisted Maupin is a Man I Dreamed Up - 1992 (Gay - A Made-for-BBC look at San Francisco, and the man whose "Tales of the City" series have inspired thousands to move there.) Army of Lovers, or Revolt of the Perverts - 1978, West Germany (Gay - Rosa von Praunheim's highly subjective, heavy-handed view of the gay movement in America, telling its story through a series of interviews interspersed with newsreel footage, still photo montages, snippets of marches and rallies, and agitprop gay theatre.) Bright Eyes - 1986, Great Britain (Made-for-British-TV 3-part video which examines the historical and social factors influencing current reactions to homosexuality and AIDS.) Corps de Parole - 1989, Canada (Lesbian - Documentary centering on French writer Michele Causse.) Cover Comrades in Arms - 1990, Great Britain (Gay/Lesbian - Documentary: Six lesbians and gay men recall living, loving and serving in the British armed services in World War II.) Daddy and the Muscle Academy - 1992, Finland (Gay - Combines interview material with Tom of Finland, and hundreds of his drawings, with testifying "Tom's men", from Drummer Daddies to fellow artists. This controversial film also includes some steamy invented sequences - a sort of "journey to the center of Tom's psyche".) Derek Jarman, Know What I Mean - 1988, Great Britain (Gay - An overview of the controversial artist's life and work.) Desire - 1989, Great Britain (Gay - A view of gay life in Germany before the Holocaust.) Every Conceivable Position: Inside Gay Porn - 1992, Great Britain (Gay/ Lesbian: A fresh and thoughtful look at the modern gay and lesbian porn industry, including behind-the-scenes interviews with stars, producers, and commentators. This documentary was commissioned by the BBC, who allowed the filmmakers to include clips, so long as genitals weren't visible.) Eunuchs: India's Third Gender - 1991, Great Britain (Gay - A made-for-BBC look at some of the more than half a million eunuchs - or hijiras - in India today. This film captures the pleasures and contradictions of a living alternative to Western ideas about gender.) Flesh & Paper - 1990, Great Britain (Lesbian - Documentary: The life and writings of the lesbian writer and poet Suniti Namjoshi who is from an Indian royal family and resides in England. Includes interviews with her friends and with the young Indian women who take her as a role model.) Flowing Hearts: Thailand Fights AIDS - 1992 (The White Line Dance Troupe uses Thai and modern dance to enact AIDS awareness. Thai gay/AIDS activists are interviewed.) Framed Youth - 198?, Great Britain (British teens confront straights in London about their views on homosexuality with amusing, revealing, results.) In the Out Tray - 198?, Great Britain (Gay/Lesbian - Examines the issue of lesbian and gay employment rights.) Handel und Wandel - 1983, West Germany (Lesbian - Loving docudrama about the filmmaker's girlfriend, a vital, energetic lesbian.) Improper Conduct [Mauvaise Conduite] - 1984, France (Gay - Documents all persecution in Castro's Cuba, including that of gays.) A Kind of Family - 1992, Canada (Gay: Documentary profiling the relationship and family life of a gay city counselor and his street kid foster son.) Legal Memory - 1992, Canada (Gay: Plodding but still interesting docu-drama about the last man hanged in British Columbia, for the 1958 murder of his sailor boyfriend.) Lesbians Against the Right - 1981, Canada (Lesbian - Addresses the attempts by the New Right to blame society's ills on gays, immigrants, and the women's movement.) Looking for Langston - 1988, Great Britain (Gay - Documents the life and times of gay black poet Langston Hughes.) Macho Dancer - 19??, The Philippines (Gay - Documentary: About the lives of boy prostitutes in Manila.) The Making of "Monsters" - 1991, Canada (Gay - George Lukacs is a Marxist literary critic and has made films such as Star Wars, about American Imperialism in the space age. Berthold Brecht is a catfish and renowned playwright. They team up to film the musical "Monsters", about 4 Toronto schoolboys who killed a gay highschool teacher. Indescribable, absurd, and hilarious.) Memoire de notre hystoire 1972-1987 - 1987, Canada (Lesbian - Depicts lesbian history in Canada through the years 1972-1987 as seen by two lesbian feminists.) Michael, A Gay Son - 1981, Canada (Gay - Explores the feelings and experiences of gays coming out to their families by following one man through the process.) Minoru and Me - 1992, Great Britain (A brutally honest real-life-while-it- happens drama of a man with cerebral palsy trying to come out to the filmmaker, his friend. As the filmmaker becomes increasing obsessed with portraying the physically challenged man as disabled and dependent, the man with cerebral palsy becomes increasingly disgusted and unable to state what he's traveled all the way from Japan to say.) Montgomery Clift - 1985, Italy (Gay - Biography which deals extensively with the actor's homosexuality.) Over Our Dead Bodies - 1991, Great Britain (GLBO: Documentary examining the direct action gay movement, including ACT-UP, Queer Nation and OUTRAGE in the United States and the United Kingdom). A Place of Rage - 1991, Great Britain (Lesbian - documentary: Lesbian filmmaker Pratibha Parmar directs this tribute and celebration of African-American women and their accomplishments.) Positive - 198?, West Germany, USA (Gay/Lesbian - A documentary about the rise of the AIDS activist movement in the US. The focus is on New York City. Footage of GMHC, ACT-UP etc.) Prison for Women [P4W, Pan Canadian Prison for Women] - 1981, Canada (Lesbian - A film about a woman's prison in which lesbians, among others, are jailed.) Saturday Night Out: the Gay Rock'n Roll Years, 1954-1991 - 1992, Great Britain (GLBO: A history of the gay/lesbian movement from 1954-1991 as seen from clips from the BBC archives and set to the rock'n roll music of those years.) Sharing the Secret - 1981, Canada (Gay - The lives and feelings of several gay men are explored as they go through their day to day lives.) Silence=Death - 198?, West Germany,USA (Gay/Lesbian - A documentary about several New York-based performance artists, including Diamanda Galas, David Wojnarowicz, and Emilio Cubeiro, whose work discusses issues related to AIDS.) Susana - 1980, Argentina, United States (Lesbian - Autobiographical sketch of a young Argentine lesbian who has to deal with her family's disapproval as well as her emerging lesbian identity.) That's Masculinity - 1991, Great Britain (Gay - Documentary: Campy and erotic answers to the ever pervasive questions about sex and gender.) Trojans - 1990, Great Britain (Gay - Documentary: A look at nineteenth century Greek poet Constantine Cavafy, whose work is loaded with homoeroticism and motifs from Greek history. The film reflects the same heady ambience using sexy Derek Jarmanesque super-8 visuals and the poet's work on the soundtrack.) Veronica 4 Rose - 1985, Great Britain (Lesbian - Made-for-British-TV documentary about teenage lesbians growing up in several diverse English cities.) We've Been Framed - 1991, Great Britain (Lesbian - Documentary: Lesbians talk about the best, worst, and first lesbian film they've seen.) What Shall We Do Without Death - 1980, West Germany (Lesbian - A female couple who have vowed to spend the rest of their lives together are the focus of this film about a retirement home in Hamburg.) Whoever Says the Truth Shall Die - 1981, Netherlands (Gay - Made-for-Dutch-TV film about the life and murder of filmmaker/poet Pier Paolo Pasolini.) Witches, Dykes, Faggots, and Poofters - 1979, Australia (Gay/Lesbian - Documents the oppression of gays and lesbians throughout history, focussing on Sydney and New South Wales.) A Woman of My Platoon - 1989, Canada (Lesbian - Juxtaposes the experiences of lesbians serving in the Canadian armed services during WWII against a modern debate in the Canadian parliament concerning a bill which would prevent discrimination against lesbians and gays in the armed services.) ***** Gay-Centered Domestic Films ***** Abuse - 1983 (Gay - Drama: A young boy, abused at home, finds love with a gay filmmaker.) As Is - 1986 (Gay - Drama: A man who has contracted AIDS from a lover who then abandoned him moves in with his caring ex-lover.) The Boys in the Band - 1970 (Gay - Drama: The first Hollywood movie to feature male homosexuality, in which a straight man is the accidental guest at a birthday party with one of each of the major gay male subgroups except for leather.) Buddies - 1985 (Gay - Drama: A gay activist who has AIDS starts out hating the yuppie volunteer who comes to take care of him out of a sense of duty, but their brief relationship is both poignant and intense.) The Christine Jorgensen Story - 1970 (Transsexual - Biography: the world's most famous male-to-female sex change story.) Citizen Cohn - 1992 (Gay - Biographical Drama: Made-for-HBO movie about infamous lawyer Roy Cohn, a Jew who prosecuted the Rosenbergs, a queer-hating homosexual who was the prime shaker behind Senator Joe McCarthy's anti-communist & homosexual witch-hunt in the 1950's. Includes such delightful scenes as Cohn being entertained after dinner at J. Edgar Hoover's home by Hoover's true love, Deputy FBI Director Clyde Tolson, at the piano, and a restaurant scene with Cohn eating from the plate of one the other most influential right- wing closet-cases of the day: renowned chicken-hawk Francis Cardinal Spellman.) Consenting Adult - 1985 (Gay - Drama: Made-for-TV movie about a teenage boy who comes out to his parents. Mom eventually comes around, but Dad would rather die, and does.) Cruising - 1980 (Gay - Drama: Extremely negative film about gay murders and the undercover cop trying to solve them, but who turns into a killer faggot himself from exposure to the New York leather scene.) The Dead Boys' Club - 1992 (Gay - Drama: Toby's cousin gives him a pair of shoes previously owned by the cousin's deceased lover. When Toby wears the shoes, he's transported to the 70s pre-AIDS world of disco, hot guys, and glitter balls, juxtaposing the generational differences that AIDS has wrought.) The Disco Years - 1992 (Gay - Drama: Set in the times of pet rocks, gas lines, and macrame, a high school student's sexual passions are stirred in his gym class.) Dog Day Afternoon - 1975 (Gay - Drama/Biography: Gay man robs bank to pay for his male lover's sex-change operation.) Doing Time on Maple Drive - 1992 (Gay - Drama: A teenager comes to grips with his gay identity and tries to come out to his dysfunctional suburban family in this made-for-TV movie.) Drum - 1976 (Gay - Drama: A white plantation owner and his gay pal rape black men.) An Early Frost - 1985 (Gay - Drama: Made-for-TV movie about a family having to deal with their son's AIDS.) Fortune and Men's Eyes - 1971 (Gay - Drama: A tough, tragic story involving violence, sex roles, and epic bitchiness in a men's prison.) Fun Down There - 1988 (Gay - Drama: The life and loves of a guy who leaves his home in upstate New York for Manhattan.) The Genesis Children - 1972, USA, Italy (Gay? - Drama: A joyous celebration of innocent youths on a journey of self-discovery. Controversial even today because of its uninhibited naturist sentiments.) Horror Vacuii - 1984 (Gay - Drama: A gay man tries to save his lover from a religious cult.) Kiss of the Spider Woman - 1985 (Gay Transvestite - Drama: A gay prisoner falls in love with the revolutionary he's supposed to be spying on for the prison authorities.) The Living End - 1991 (Gay - Drama: Two fatalistic L.A. boys - one an impulsive, on-the-edge psycho cutie, the other a lover of Godard movies who listens to the Smiths a lot - discover they're HIV positive and set off on an unplanned, unhinged cross-country spree of violence and abandon.) Longtime Companion - 1990 (Gay - Drama: In 1970s New York, a bunch of gay friends are having wonderful lives, until one by one, most of them start getting sick with AIDS.) Making Love - 1982 (Bisexual/Gay - Drama: A handsome young doctor leaves his beautiful young wife for a handsome young writer.) Mala Noche - 1985 (Gay - Drama: A well-adjusted young gay grocery clerk falls in love with a 16-year-old Mexican illegal alien who doesn't return his feelings.) Mountains of the Moon - 1990 (Gay - Biographical Drama: Epic about explorers Richard Burton and John Hanning Speke. The film makes it quite clear that Speke is homosexual, and, in fact quite taken with Burton. This storyline is not the main thrust of the film however.) My Own Private Idaho - 1991 (Gay - Drama: A narcoleptic hustler looking for some love in his life and a bisexual hustler who'd do anything to outrage his father go on a search for their own identities.) Nocturne - 1989 (Gay - Drama: Mark Harris's contemplative coming of age story about Martin, a shy pianist new to New York, who meets the handsome Gino. Martin thinks he's found his match, but Gino only wants a casual sexual liaison. As Martin slides into obsession he is forced to deal with a terrible secret from his past.) Norman, Is That You? - 1976 (Gay - Comedy: A butch gay black youth is in love with a nelly white youth, and his parents are both about to have a heart attack over it.) Parting Glances - 1986 (Gay - Drama: Lovers find their relationship is falling apart because one is getting ready to take a job in Africa; the other has to also cope with his ex-lover and dear friend, who has contracted the AIDS virus.) Partners - 1982 (Gay - Comedy: Insulting, homophobic, and crude story of a straight cop posing as a gay man along with a real gay man in order to solve some murders in the gay community.) Pink Narcissus - 1970 (Gay - Drama: Caballeros and bike boys, striptease and tearoom sex. This film delves beneath the surface of gay sex fantasies.) Rock Hudson's Home Movies - 1992 (Gay - Comic pseudo-documentary: A Rock Hudson look-alike impersonates the star as he takes us through an array of cleverly-edited clips of Hudson's films and confesses to all the homosexual connotations.) The Rocky Horror Picture Show - 1975 (Gay Transvestite - Horror/Comedy/ Musical: An innocent young couple take refuge in the castle of Dr. Frank 'n' Furter, that sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania.) The Sergeant - 1968 (Gay - Drama: A deeply repressed Sergeant Major falls in love with a company clerk, and is unable to deal with his homosexual desires.) Sergeant Matlovich vs. U.S. Air Force - 1978 (Gay - Drama: Made-for-TV movie about Matlovich's fight to stay in the Air Force despite his revealed homosexuality.) Some of My Best Friends Are... [The Bar] - 1971 (Gay - Drama: One night in the life of a pre-Stonewall bar in Greenwich Village.) Summer Kiss - 1987 (Gay - Drama: Falling in love story about two young men who go to the same school, meet on a Provincetown Ferry, and begin to build a relationship. Recalls much of the universal pain, confusion, and embarrassing foolishness of first love.) Swoon - 1991 (Gay - Drama: A reexamination of the infamous Leopold and Loeb murder case, focusing on their homosexuality and its relevance to their crime.) That Certain Summer - 1973 (Gay - Drama: Made-for-TV movie about a father trying to establish a relationship with his son after leaving the boy's mother for another man.) Tidy Endings - 1988 (Gay - Drama: Made-for-TV movie about the aftermath of a man dying of AIDS: his male lover and his ex-wife have to come to legal and emotional terms.) Thundercrack - 1976 (GLBO - Comedy: A bizarre black comedy wherein the visitors to an "old dark house" are terrorized by a bunch of perverts who sexually assault them.) Torch Song Trilogy - 1988 (Gay/Gay Transvestite - Comedy/Drama: Harvey Fierstein wrote and stars as a professional drag queen looking for love and respect all through the '70s in New York.) A Very Natural Thing - 1973 (Gay - Drama: This film tries to explore gay male relationships first from the point of view of trying to maintain a monogamous relationship and when that fails, from the POV of having a lot of empty, meaningless sex.) Victor, Victoria - 1982 (Gay - Comedy: Female to male cross-dressing is featured in this farce about a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman in 1920s Paris, but there's male-to-female cross-dressing too.) ***** Gay-Centered Foreign Films ***** The Affairs of Love - 1990, Spain (Gay - Drama: The life of a gay man in the 1940s and the power of music are the intertwined themes of this film which follows the lives of three vaudeville performers; a gay man, a straight man, and a straight woman.) Angel [Angelos] - 1982, Greece (Gay - Biographical Drama: This violent but moving account of a handsome young gay man accused of murder is based on a true story and contains explicit love scenes.) Another Country - 1984, Great Britain (Gay - Biographical Drama: Romanticized version of the Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean story, in which homosexual love among upper-crust English schoolboys causes them to grow up to be notorious traitors to their country.) Apartment Zero - 1989, Great Britain/Argentina (Gay/Bisexual - Drama: Politics, murder, and sexual repression ignite the screen when a gay cinema owner picks a mysterious stranger to be his roommate in Buenos Aires. Lots of sexual tensions develop between the two, but the plot centers around the mystery of recent news headlines and the new tenant's relationship to them.) Bad News Bachelors - 1990, Australia (Gay - Comedy/Drama: A gay man and his straight female friend trade stories (in flashbacks) of their romantic misadventures. Cheerful.) Behind Glass - 1981, Netherlands (Gay - Drama: Two lovers from different backgrounds fight about class, money, education, and sex.) The Best Way [La Meilleure Facon de Marcher, The Best Way to Walk] - 1982, France (Gay Transvestite - Drama: Butch athletic coach scorns the advances of the transvestite drama teacher, but an eventual con- frontation causes the jock to look at his own suppressed sexuality.) Beyond Gravity - 1988, New Zealand (Gay - Drama: Flamboyant rebel Johnny meets shy glass technician Richard in this offbeat love story.) Black and White [Noir et Blanc] - 1986, France (Gay - Drama: A shy accountant gradually enters into a bizarre sadomasochistic relationship with a black masseur.) Blue Jeans - 1982, France (Gay - Drama: A young boy suffers from an unrequited love for an older teen.) La Cage Aux Folles [Birds of a Feather] - 1981, France (Gay/Gay Trans- vestite - Comedy: Renato's son is bringing his fiance's conservative parents home to meet the family: Renato, his gay father, and Albin, Renato's lover, an aging female impersonator who raised the boy as "her" son.) La Cage Aux Folles II - 1983, France (Gay/Gay Transvestite - Comedy: Renato sets out to prove to Albin that he still has sex appeal, and they accidentally get involved in espionage.) La Cage Aux Folles III - 1985, France (Gay/Gay Transvestite - Comedy: Albin has to get married and father a son within 18 months if he is to inherit a family fortune and save his and Renato's nightclub.) Caravaggio - 1986, Great Britain (Gay - Biographical Drama: Life and times of the famous Renaissance painter.) Caught Looking - 1991, Great Britain (Gay - Comedy: A new virtual reality home computer game soon becomes a sex toy for use in gay men's stereotypical sexual fantasies.) The Clinic - 1985, Australia (Gay - Comedy: A gay doctor at an Australian VD clinic has to cope with a lot of wild goings on.) Colonel Redl - 1985, Hungary (Gay - Drama: The head of the Austrian imperial secret service gets outed as a homosexual and a spy.) Coming Out - 1989, East Germany (Gay - Drama: The story of a young school teacher who is confronted with his sexuality after a chance encounter with an old friend.) The Consequence - 1977, West Germany (Gay - Drama: The world is unkind to two gay lovers.) Death in Venice [Morte a Venezia] - 1971, Italy (Gay - Drama: In turn-of-the-twentieth-century Venice, an aging artist falls obsessively in love with a beautiful young boy but never tells him, and ends up dead of cholera.) The Deputy [El Diputado, Confessions of a Congressman] - 1983, Spain (Gay - Drama: A rising young gay politician is the target of blackmail, and gets romantically involved with the hustler his enemies send to do the job.) Different from the Others [Anders als die Anderen] - 1919, Germany (Gay - Drama: A silent film about a concert violinist being blackmailed because of his sexual orientation.) Dona Herlinda and Her Son [Dona Herlinda y Su Hijo] - 1985, Mexico (Gay/Bisexual - Comedy: A doctor has a male lover, but to please his mother, he marries a woman, and everyone ends up living happily together under one roof.) Drifting - 1982, Israel (Gay - Drama: An aspiring Israeli filmmaker works in his grandmother's store while dreaming of making gay films.) Dubbel Leven - 1978, West Germany (Transvestite - Drama: Events in the life of a young man, told mostly in flashback, as he and those around him slowly discover that he really wants to become a woman.) Edward II - 1992, Great Britain (Gay - Historical Drama: Derek Jarman retells the story of Edward II and his despised low-born lover using Christopher Marlowe's language, sparse sets, and modern dress and imagery.) Ernesto - 1983, Italy (Gay - Drama: A middle-class Italian Jewish teenager has an affair with a dock worker and then falls in love with a fellow violin student.) The Flavor of Corn - 198?, Italy(?) (Gay - Drama: Gentle, compassionate story of a handsome young high-school teacher, who, in spite of his best (and explicitly shown) attempts at a heterosexual relationship, helplessly drifts into an intense and emotionally devastating relation- ship with a 12 year old male student.) Forbidden Passion: Oscar Wilde - 1976, Great Britain (Gay - Biography: The whole tragic story of the famous wit's life and ruinous love affair with Lord Alfred Douglas.) Forever Mary - 1991, Italy (Gay Transvestite - Drama: A young gay reform school student teaches a straight teacher something about dignity.) The Fourth Man [De Vierde Man] - 1983, Netherlands (Bisexual - Drama: A bisexual novelist finds out that the thrice-widowed hairdresser who seduces him is engaged to a fourth man, and together the men discover her deadly secret.) Fox and His Friends - 1975, West Germany (Gay - Drama: A working class gay man is victimized for both his sexual and social status.) Friends Forever - 1986, Denmark (Gay - Drama: A charming, exuberant story of friendship and sexuality between three 16-year-old schoolboys. It's sexy, funny, and guiltless.) A Hard God - 1980, Australia (Gay - Drama: A depressing made-for-Australian- TV movie wherein a working class Catholic family in Sydney endure tough times and misery in the 1940s. In the middle of it all, the 16-year-old son tries to cope with falling in love with a male friend.) The Heart Exposed - 1986, Canada (Gay - Drama: A middle-aged teacher starts a relationship with an actor fifteen years younger who also has a young son.) The Hours and the Times - 1992, Great Britain (Gay - Biographical Drama: This is more or less a fantasy dealing with Beatle manager Brian Epstein's unrequited love for John Lennon, centering on a week-end they spent together in Barcelona.) It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse But the Society in Which He Lives - 1971, West Germany (Gay - Drama: A gay man in the process of coming out examines all the options. Political, dogmatic, and anti-bourgois, this film assails media-created romantic illusions, capitalist principles, and sexist role playing.) The Last of England - 19??, Great Britain (Gay - Drama: A post-nuclear fantasy about England with many bootboys and other luscious types.) Law of Desire - 1987, Spain (Gay/Transsexual - Comedy/Drama: Screwball tragicomedy centering on a gay film director, his transsexual brother [now a sister, who is played by a born-female actress], and two of his young lovers.) Lawrence of Arabia - 1962, Great Britain (Gay - Biographical Drama: Epic story of T. E. Lawrence, the flamboyant British officer who helped to weld together disparate Arab tribes and then led them in successful guerrilla warfare against the Turks who were allied with the Germans in WWI. There isn't much overt gay content in this film -- Lawrence gets raped by a Turk, and he has a very chummy relationship with two Arab boys who attach themselves to him -- but historically, Lawrence is said to have been homosexual, and this film is a masterpiece, so here it is.) The Leather Boys - 1964, Great Britain (Bisexual/Gay - Drama: Against his better judgment, a gay man marries a girl who is bored with her life. The marriage falls apart and the gay man goes to bed with a buddy whom he doesn't know is also gay. Complications ensue.) The Lost Language of Cranes - 1992, Great Britain (Gay - Drama: A properly reserved middle-class British family is thrown into turmoil when the son announces he's gay. Mother doesn't want to know about it, and Father starts coming apart because he's been hiding his gay double- life for years, and the guilt and self-loathing finally catch up to him. Adapted from David Leavitt's novel about an American family.) A Man Like Eva [Ein Mann wie Eva] - 1983, Germany (Gay Transvestite: During the shooting of a Fassbinder movie, gender-bending star Eva ditches an ex-lover, marries the leading lady, and seduces the leading man.) Maurice - 1987, Great Britain (Gay - Drama: Two upper-crust English boys are drawn to one another, but one insists on keeping the relationship platonic, while the other one wants someone he can go to bed with.) My Beautiful Launderette - 1985, Great Britain (Gay - Drama: Race, social class, and sex are some of the issues that need to be dealt with when a British street punk and a young Pakistani entrepreneur fall in love.) The Naked Civil Servant: The Autobiography of Quentin Crisp - 1975, Great Britain (Gay - Biography: Quentin Crisp is *way* ahead of his time when he outs himself in a era where ostracism and intolerance were rampant.) Nighthawks - 1980, Great Britain (Gay - Drama: Realistic, gritty story about the day-to-day life of a gay school teacher who is eventually outed by his class. Grim.) Night Out - 1989, Australia (Gay - Drama: When Steve leaves town for a few days, his lover Tony decides to cruise the beach one night, and is brutalized by a gang of thugs. The event triggers an examination of the couple's supposedly wonderful relationship.) North of Vortex - 1991, Great Britain (Bisexual - Drama: A studied black and white road movie about a bisexual poet, two hitchhikers, and the American landscape.) The Outcasts - 1986, Taiwan (Gay - Drama: An older photographer tries to make a home for a group of gay teens who've been abandoned by their families because of their sexual orientation.) Outrageous! - 1977, Canada (Transvestite Drag - Comedy/Drama: A gay hairdresser has an interesting relationship with a schizophrenic girl on his way to stardom as a drag queen who does impressions of all the usual gay icons.) Pink Ulysses - 1989, The Netherlands (Gay - Drama: The inner struggle of "pink Ulysses" is entwined with a loose adaption of The Odyssey in this sensual film featuring footage from a 1950s bodybuilding show, Eisenstein, and a TV version of "Sleeping Beauty" by the Dutch National Ballet.) Prick Up Your Ears - 1987, Great Britain (Gay - Biographical Drama: The life and death of playwright Joe Orton, who was murdered by his lover at the height of his fame.) Privates on Parade - 1982, Great Britain (Gay Transvestites - Comedy: The bitterly satirical adventures of a theatrical troop of drag queens during wartime.) Querelle - 1982, West Germany/France (Gay - Querelle is a devastatingly handsome gay sailor who is also a cold-hearted killer.) Relax - 1991, Great Britain (Gay - A remarkably electric, imaginative, and intense short film in which Steve, a young gay man, explores his feelings leading up to the result of an HIV test.) Salome's Last Dance - 1988, Great Britain (Gay - Drama: A Ken Russell extravaganza, wherein Oscar Wilde is invited to a bordello to view a wildly decadent version of his banned play "Salome".) Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom - 1975, Italy (Gay S&M - Drama: Pasolini's last film before his murder is powerfully anti-Fascist. During WWII, a group of powerful Fascists play S&M games with a group of young people, culminating in murder.) Salut Victor! - 1988, Canada (Gay - Drama: Two elderly gay men who are complete opposites befriend one another in an old age home.) Sebastian [Sebastiane] - 1977, Great Britain (Gay - Biographical Drama: The story of St. Sebastian, who was sent to be outreaches of the Roman Empire after objecting to the murder of a young Christian page. There he carries on an affair with his commanding officer, whereupon he is brutally murdered by his fellow soldiers.) Staircase - 1969, Great Britain (Gay - Drama: Rex Harrison and Richard Burton are a couple of gay barbers trying to adjust to the onset of old age, but they are both just walking stereotypes.) The Summer of Miss Forbes - 1988, Spain (Gay - Drama: A made-for-Spanish- Television movie about a frustrated and slightly unhinged teutonic governess with a passion for Greek Tragedies and alcohol who is hired to mind two children at a beach house for six weeks. She becomes obsessed with Achilles, a beach boy reminiscent of a Greek God, adopted by the family; then goes bananas when she eventually discovers that he is gay. Not for those who like happy endings.) Sunday, Bloody Sunday - 1971, Great Britain (Bisexual/Gay - Drama: A bisexual man carries on an affair with a woman and man at the same time, and claims to love them both.) Taxi zum Klo [Taxi to the Toilet] - 1981, West Germany (Gay - Dramatic Autobiography: Escapades of a gay man who wants as much sex as he can get, while his lover just wants them both to stay home.) Taxi to Cairo - 1987, West Germany (Gay - Comedy: Our hero stages a marriage to a woman to remain in his mother's will, but he and his bride fall in love with the same man.) This Special Friendship [Les Amities Particuliers] - 1964, France (Gay - Drama: A relationship between an older boy and a younger boy at a strict Catholic boy's school ends in disaster when the priests keep voicing their disapproval with heavy-handed tactics.) Together Alone - 1991, Canada (Gay - Drama: Brian and Bryan talk after sex, about honesty, safety, sexuality, fidelity, power, companionship and more.) Too Outrageous! - 1987, Canada (Gay Transvestite - Comedy/Drama: Sequel to "Outrageous!".) To Play or Die - 1991, Netherlands (Gay - Drama: An introverted schoolboy, bullied by his handsome schoolmates, invites the ringleader home with plans of revenge, but the other boy gets the upper hand.) Two of Us - 1986, Great Britain (Gay - Drama: Made-for-British-TV show about two working class teens who become lovers.) Un Chant D'Amour - 1950, France (Gay - Drama: Jean Genet's only film - a notorious fantasy set in a French prison.) Via Appia - 1992, Germany (Gay - Drama: A Lufthansa steward goes to Rio de Janeiro, trying to find a hustler named Mario who purposefully infected him with the AIDS virus during a one-night stand and left behind the message, "Welcome to the AIDS club.") Victim! - 1961, Great Britain (Gay - Drama: A respected barrister gets involved with a lonely young drifter and is forced to confront his own homosexuality.) A Virus Knows No Morals - 1986, West Germany (Gay - Comedy: A gay bathhouse owner finds AIDS a drag on business in this funny, campy satire on society's attitudes toward homosexuals and AIDS.) You Are Not Alone [Du Er Ikke Alene] - 1982, Denmark (Gay - Drama: Coming of age love story about two adolescent boys in a boys' school.) Westler: East of the Wall - 1986, Germany (Gay - Drama: A West Berlin boy falls in love with an East Berlin boy on a day trip. The border guards start getting suspicious when the West Berliner starts making frequent trips, and the boys plan an escape for the East Berliner.) We Think The World of You - 1988, Great Britain (Gay/Bisexual - Drama: In the 1950s, an uptight Londoner is pushed around by his bisexual lover's family and wife.) We Were One Man [Nous Etions un Seul Homme] - 1978, France (Gay - Drama: In occupied France during WWII, an escaped mental patient nurses a wounded German soldier back to health and they have a highly erotic love affair.) Where the Sun Beats Down - 1989, Portugal (Gay - Drama: A haunting film of a young man determined to break the sexual and class taboos of his culture, modern day Portugal. Nuno returns from the city to his sister's farm where a relationship develops between him and Alberto, a young farm worker, which threatens the stability of Nuno's snobbish family.) Wonderland [The Fruit Machine] - 1988, Great Britain (Gay - Drama: The surrealistic adventures of two gay working class teens.) The Wounded Man [L'Homme Blesse] - 1985, France (Gay - Drama: A teenage boy stops an attack in a toilet, gets passionately kissed by the attacker, finds he is drawn to homosexual sex, and becomes infatuated with a sociopathic hustler.) ***** Lesbian-Centered Domestic Films ***** Because the Dawn - 1988 (Lesbian - Drama: An alluring, upbeat, modern day vampire musical comedy set to swing tunes. Sax-playing Vampire Marie seduces sports photographer Ariel from behind the camera.) Becoming Colette - 1992 (Bisexual - Drama: In the process of becoming a writer, the young Sidonie Colette endures the coldness of her philandering husband and eventually enters into a menage a trois with him and his mistress.) Born in Flames - 1983 (Lesbian - Drama: After the a socialist revolution goes sour, a diverse group of women unite to spread the truth about the government.) A Certain Grace - 1992 (Lesbian - Drama: Zelda and Alice are working together on a photography project, and as their relationship develops, Zelda's boyfriend starts to think the women are spending too much time together.) Claire of the Moon - 1992 (Lesbian - Drama: Claire, an irreverent humorist given to one-night stands with men discovers the emotional fulfillment she has been seeking when she and a controversial, openly lesbian psychologist are thrown together at a picturesque beachside writer's retreat.) Desert Hearts - 1985 (Lesbian - Drama: An English professor goes to Reno to get a divorce, and falls in love with a young woman who works at a dude ranch.) Desperate Living - 1977 (Lesbian - Drama: John Waters's most outrageous movie ever, in which a housewife and her maid enter the fictitious kingdom of Mortville after the woman kills her husband. Enough blood, guts, and camp acting/dialogue to make it a cult favorite.) The Fox - 1968 (Lesbian/Bisexual - Drama: Two women running a remote chicken farm in Canada are lovers until a man comes along; then one of them discovers heterosexuality, and the other ends up dead.) Fried Green Tomatoes - 1991 (Lesbian - Comedy/Drama: Some may quibble about whether or not Idgie and Ruth count as lesbians, since it is never spelled out, but *we* know, don't we? Straight, middle-aged, middle class frump Evelyn Couch gets lessons in personal liberation from elderly Ninny Threadgoode, who tells her the story of Idgie's and Ruth's unconventional friendship.) Illusions - 1982 (Lesbian - Drama: A black woman who passed as white in Hollywood during the 1940s has a relationship with a black woman singer who provides the voice for a white movie star.) The Killing of Sister George - 1968 (Lesbian - Drama: An aging lesbian actress loses everything, including her young lover, when the character she plays on a BBC soap opera gets killed off.) Lesbionage - 1988 (Lesbian - Drama: Two detectives who are also lovers investigate a blackmail plot against a lesbian congresswoman.) Lianna - 1983 (Lesbian - Drama: A young mother falls in love with her psychology professor and slowly comes to terms with her sexuality and independence.) Long Awaited Pleasure - 1987 (Lesbian - Comedy/Drama: Two lesbians leave their emotional baggage behind and start over.) Love Game - 1990 (Lesbian - Comedy: A famous lesbian tennis player meets a girl she wants to get to know.) My Father is Coming - 1991, USA/Germany (Lesbian/Gay - Comedy: A lesbian living in New York has to prepare for her father's sudden arrival from Germany with the help of her gay male friend.) Out of Our Time - 1989 (Lesbian - Drama: This film contrasts the personal choices, experiences, and desires of a contemporary lesbian couple named Valeri and Marilyn with those of Valeri's grandmother in the 1930s.) Personal Best - 1982 (Lesbian/Bisexual - Drama: Two female jocks training for the Olympics fall in love and have an affair, but at least for one, lesbianism is just a phase she's going through.) A Question of Love - 1978 (Lesbian - Drama: A made-for-TV movie about a lesbian mother's fight for custody of her son. Her homophobic ex-husband drags her through the mud and the courts.) She Likes Girls - 1992 (Lesbian - Comedy: A few days in the life of a young New York lesbian - without a cliche in sight!) She Must Be Seeing Things - 1987 (Lesbian - Drama: A lawyer and a film- maker are lovers, and while the lawyer has a jealous fit over the filmmaker's diaries, which describe her past exploits with male lovers, the movie juxtaposes scenes from the filmmaker's film, which is about a nun fighting sexual repression in a 17th century convent.) Two in Twenty: A Lesbian Soap Opera - 1988 (Lesbian - Comedy: A 5-part lesbian soap opera which focuses on the day-to-day problems of two lesbian households. Includes satirical commercials with a lesbian/feminist slant and outtakes.) Vegas in Space - 1991 (Lesbian - Musical Comedy: The four-man crew of the U.S.S. Intercourse races on a secret mission to the planet Clitoris, a 23rd-century all-female pleasure planet where men are forbidden to touch down. Ordered by the Empress of Earth to swallow gender-reversal pills, the spacemen swap their sexes to go undercover as 20th-century showgirls and are propelled into a dizzying caper to capture the perpetrator of a heinous crime that has hurled the orbiting resort on its path to doom.) Waiting for the Moon - 1983 (Lesbian - Biography: Beautifully filmed but emotionally uninvolving exploration of the relationship between Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas.) Waking Up: A Love Story - 1988 (Lesbian - Drama: A young woman gets a taste of lesbian love and soon becomes the town's number one lesbian.) The War Widow - 1976 (Lesbian - Drama: Made-for-TV movie about a woman who falls in love with another woman while her husband is off fighting WWI. When he returns, she has to decide whether or not to leave him and her child to be with her lover.) ***** Lesbian-Centered Foreign Films ***** Anna und Elisabeth - 1933, Germany (Lesbian - Drama: A peasant girl's touch heals the paralysis of the lady of the manor, and the lady soon discovers that she can't live without the girl.) Anna und Edith - 1975, West Germany (Lesbian - Drama: Made-for-German- TV movie about two clerical workers who fall in love while trying to get better working conditions.) Anne Trister - 1986, Canada (Lesbian - Drama: An Israeli artist goes to Montreal, stays with a psychologist friend, and falls in love with her.) Another Way [Egymasra Nezve] - 1982, Hungary (Lesbian - Drama: Two journalists fall in love against the backdrop of the 1956 Hungarian uprising.) The Banker [La Banquiere] - 1980, France (Lesbian - Drama: The rise and fall of a masculine self-made bank president in the 1920s in Paris.) The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant [Die Bitteren Tranen der Petra von Kant] - 1972, West Germany (Lesbian - Drama: A decadent fashion designer plays the dominant role in a sado-masochistic relationship with one of her employees, but she meets someone who turns the tables on her.) By Design - 1981, Canada (Lesbian - Comedy: A lesbian couple who decide to have a baby "the old-fashioned way" encounter humorous obstacles.) Can't You Take a Joke? - 1989, Australia (Lesbian - Comedy: A woman cartoonist, with the help of pet character Lady Dick, sets about recovering her mysterious female client's lost sense of humor.) Celine and Julie Go Boating [Celine et Julie en Bateau] - 1974, France (Lesbian - Drama: A magician and a librarian meet in Montmartre.) Daughters of Darkness [La Rouge aux Levres, Blud an den Lippen, Bloed and de Lippen] - 1970, Belgium, West Germany, France (Lesbian - Horror: Campy cult lesbian horror film which features a lesbian vampire as its most sympathetic character and makes heterosexuality seem abnormal.) Depart to Arrive [Weggehen um Anzukommen] - 1981, West Germany (Lesbian - Drama: The story of the separation of a photographer and a journalist from the photographer's point of view.) Domestic Bliss - 1984, Great Britain (Lesbian - Comedy: Made-for-British-TV soap opera about a lesbian couple and their chaotic adventures.) Entre Nous [Between Us, Coup de Foudre] - 1983, France (Lesbian - Drama: In 1950s Lyons, France, two married women meet, develop a friendship, and leave their husbands for one another.) Erika's Passions [Erikas Leidenschaften] - 1978, West Germany (Lesbian - Drama: A butch lesbian and her femme lover are accidentally locked in a room together after a long separation and are forced to confront each other's differences and complaints.) The Farewell [Jaahyvaiset] - 1982, Finland-Sweden (Lesbian - Drama: In the 1930s, a young Finnish woman defies her tyrannical father to have a relationship with a young German woman.) Flaming Ears - 1992, Austria (Lesbian - Drama: A fragmented and bizarre tale of lust, jealousy, and revenge among three lesbians in the far, far future. Technically innovative, staking out a new lesbian aesthetic for the 90s.) La Fuga - 1967, Italy (Lesbian - Drama: Well-to-do wife finds fulfillment with a lesbian interior decorator.) Full Moon in New York - 1989, Hong Kong (Lesbian - Drama: Three Chinese women immigrants in New York, one from mainland China, one a Taiwanese actress, and one a successful entrepreneur and restaurateur from Hong Kong. The film can be taken as a symbol of the struggles of the three Chinas to come together.) The Getting of Wisdom - 1977, Australia (Lesbian - Drama: A gifted young pianist becomes inseparable with a classmate in an oppressive finishing school in turn-of-the-century Melbourne, Australia.) Girls in Uniform [Madchen in Uniform] - 1931, Germany (Lesbian - Drama: Considered by many to be the first radical lesbian-feminist film, in which a student at a repressive authoritarian Prussian boarding school finds comfort only in the companionship of a sympathetic teacher. It was remade in 1958 in English. See the original German version.) The Gold Diggers - 1983, Great Britain (Lesbian - Drama: An actress and a mysterious woman on horseback come together while searching for social roots.) In This House of Brede - 1975, Great Britain (Lesbian - Drama: A young nun gets a crush on older one who wants to reciprocate but cannot.) I've Heard The Mermaids Singing - 1987, Canada (Lesbian - Comedy: An "organizationally-impaired person Friday falls in love with her boss, the sophisticated Curator of an art gallery.) I, You, He, She [Je, Tu, Il, Elle] - 1974, Belgium (Lesbian - Drama: Conflict- ridden relationship between a woman and her lover and a strange man. Features an 18-minute love scene between the two women.) Johanna, D'Arc of Mongolia - 1988, West Germany (Lesbian - Adventure: Our heroine is invited on a trip by an affluent older woman. They travel to Mongolia where they are kidnaped by Mongolian Amazons, and the adventure begins.) The Life that We Dreamt [Het Leven dat we Droomden] - 1981, Belgium (Lesbian - Drama: Two women fall in love with the same man, but soon discover that they love each other.) Madame X - Eine Absolut Herrscherin - 1977, West Germany (Lesbian - Drama: Women cannot resist the pirate Madame X, and board her ship in quest of gold, love, and adventure.) Mano Destra - 1985-86, West Germany (Lesbian - Drama: A relentless physiological experience of cinematic bondage and sensory manipulation. A European lesbian cult classic, *this* is S&M cinema.) Miss A and Miss M - 1987, Great Britain (Lesbian - Drama: A young girl slowly becomes aware of the true nature of the relationship between two school teachers.) Night Visions - 1989, Canada (Lesbian - Drama: Racism and homophobia are explored in two overlapping stories, one about a Native American single mother fighting social welfare authorities and her white ex-husband for custody of her daughter, the other about a lesbian photographer whose erotic photographs have been seized by the police.) Nocturne - 1990, Great Britain (Lesbian - Drama: Joy Chamberlain's film of a woman who returns home for her mother's funeral and meets memories which are the key both to her self-repression and her desire.) November Moon [Novembermond] - 1985, West Germany (Lesbian - Drama: During WWII in France, a Frenchwoman hides her lover, a German Jew, from the Nazis.) Olivia [Pit of Loneliness] - 1951, France (Lesbian -Drama: Set in the latter half of the 1800s, an English schoolgirl falls deeply in love with one of her headmistresses in the French boarding school she attends.) On Guard - 1983, Australia (Lesbian - Drama: An aerobics instructor, a disillusioned nurse and two other lesbians conspire to sabotage a reproductive engineering facility and alert the media to a Brave New World bioproduction line. A heist movie which incorporates frank portrayal of the characters' domestic and sexual, personal and political struggles.) Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit - 1989, Great Britain (Lesbian - Drama: Coming of age story about a young woman who's been raised by a strict evangelical mother.) Pepi, Luci, Bom - 1992, Spain (Lesbian - Drama: An angry lesbian declares war on the Madrid police.) Richard's Things - 1980, Great Britain (Lesbian- Drama: Made-for-British-TV movie about a dead businessman's widow and mistress, who go from open hostility to falling in love with each other.) Salmonberries - 1991, Canada (Lesbian - Drama: A woman searches for meaning in her life and makes contact with another woman in the bleak North.) Simone - 1984, France (Lesbian - Drama: Simone, a mysterious stranger, enters the life of Francoise, a suicidal woman, and the two explore their fantasies.) Therese and Isabelle - 1968, United States-West Germany-France (Lesbian - Drama: A woman reminisces about a love affair she had with a girl in boarding school.) To Forget Venice [Dimenticare Venezia] - 1979, Italy (Lesbian/Gay - Drama: In 1920s Italy, Anna and Claudia live in the country with Anna's Aunt Marta. Anna and Claudia have become bored with each other, but one day Aunt Marta's brother Nicky shows up with his young lover Picchio, and things start to change.) Twice a Woman - 1985, Great Britain (Lesbian - Drama: A man becomes obsessed with the young female lover of his ex-wife.) The Twin Bracelets - 1990, Hong Kong,Taiwan (Lesbian - Drama: A young woman in an oppressive Chinese fishing village seeks love and escape in the arms of her childhood girlfriend against a backdrop of customs and mores that treat women as property with no human rights.) Vera - 1987, Brazil (Lesbian - Drama: A young woman believes she is a man trapped in a woman's body in this intense investigation of sex roles.) The Virgin Machine - 1988, West Germany (Lesbian - Drama: A naive German journalist searches for love in San Francisco's lesbian underground.) Wild Flowers - 1989, Great Britain (Lesbian - Drama: Two women discover love for each other in a fairly repressed corner of Scotland. A Woman in Transit [La Femme de l'Hotel] - 1984, Canada (Lesbian - Drama: A director and her leading lady search for someone to play the central figure in their movie and find her in the hotel where they are all staying.) A Woman Like Eve [Een Vrouw als Eva] 1979, Netherlands (Lesbian - Drama: On vacation in France, a married Dutch woman falls in love with a French lesbian. When she attempts to divorce her husband, a bitter custody battle ensues.) ***** Directory of GLBO Film and Video Distributors ***** Back Porch Productions Cambridge Documentary Films 113 E. Whiteman St. P.O. Box 385 Yellow Springs, OH 45387 Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 354-3677 Charis Video Cinema Guild P.O. Box 797 1697 Broadway, Suite 802 Brooklyn, NY 11231 New York, NY 10019 (718) 855-4458 (212) 246-5522 (Many Lesbian Videos) Cinevista Direct Cinema Ltd. 353 W. 39th St. P.O. Box 69799 New York, NY 10018 Los Angeles, CA 90069 (212) 947-4373 (213) 652-8000 Exportfilm Bischoof & Co. Facets Multimedia, Inc. Isabellastrasse 20 1517 West Fullerton Ave. D-8000 Munich 40, West Germany Chicago, IL 60614 (800) 331-6297, (312) 281-9075 in IL Filmmakers Library First Run Features 124 East 40th, #901 New York, NY 10025 (212) 355-6545 (800) 229-8575 Frameline Insider Video Club P.O. Box 14792 P.O. Box 93399 San Francisco, CA 94114 Hollywood, CA 90093 (415) 861-5245 (800) 634-2242 International Film Exchange Ishtar Films (West Coast) 201 W. 52nd St. 6253 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 623 New York, NY 10019 Hollywood, CA 90028 (212) 582-4318 (213) 461-1560 Ishtar Films (East Coast) Kartes Video Communications P.O. Box 51 P.O. Box 68881, 7225 Woodland Dr. Patterson, NY 12563 Indianapolis, IN 46278 (914) 878-3561 (800) 582-2000, (317) 297-1888 Ladyslipper Lambda Rising P.O. Box 3130 1625 Connecticut Ave., NW Durham, NC 27705 Washington, DC 20009-1013 (919) 683-1570 (202) 462-6969 Maya Vision Moonforce Media 43 New Oxford St. P.O. Box 2934 London, WC1 A1BH, England Washington, DC 20012 ATTN: Joan Biren (202) 526-0049 Moonlight Productions New Yorker Films 2243 Old Middlefield Way 16 W. 61st St. Mountain View, CA 94043 New York, NY 10023 (415) 948-0199 (212) 247-6110 Polyglot Productions Pop Video 136 Brattle St. P.O. Box 60862 Cambridge, MA 02138 Washington, DC 20039 (617) 491-3541 (202) 726-1650 La Reseau Vide-Elle Tapestry Productions 4013 Rue des Erables 924 Broadway Montreal, Quebec H2K 3V7, Canada New York, NY 10010 (514) 525-8456 (212) 677-6007 Third World Newsreel Water Bearer Films 335 W. 38th St., 5th Floor 205 West End Avenue, Suite 24H New York, NY 10018 New York, New York 10023 Winds of Change Productions Wolfe Video 12 Grove Ave. P.O. Box 64 Toronto, Ontario M6J 3B6, Canada New Almaden, CA 95042 (408) 268-6782 Womankind Books, Inc. Women in Focus 5 Kivy St. 849 Beatty St. Huntington Station, NY 11746 Vancouver, BC V6B 2M6 Canada (800) 648-5333, (516) 427-1289 (604) 682-5848 Women Make Movies, Inc. Yoyo Film, Video & Theatre Productions 225 Lafayette St., #212 108 Grove Park New York, NY 10012 London SE5, England (212) 925-0606 Please note that I have arbitrarily established a 30-minute minimum length requirement for films to be included on this list. There are literally hundreds of film shorts from 1 minute in length to 29 minutes in length which do not appear on this list, although if a film is, say, 25 minutes long it just might find its way onto the list. Many, if not all, of the distributors above will provide you with a catalog of their films, including film shorts. For more information regarding these and other GLBO-centered materials, notably books, periodicals, music, and some film shorts get yourself a copy of this outstanding reference book: Gay and Lesbian Library Service edited by Cal Gough and Ellen Greenblatt MacFarland and Company, Inc., Publishers Many thanks to Ellen Greenblatt for giving me access to the film lists from this excellent resource book. Another book I used to compile this list is "The Celluloid Closet", by Vito Russo. Russo's book is mostly about Hollywood's mistreatment of gay characters in films, but by the last chapter, films featuring accurate, sensitive, or at least interesting portrayals start showing up with more regularity. Thanks for the contributions from Sim David Aberson, Hector Bellmann, Ron Buckmire, Mary Cardenas, Thomas Carlin, Vince Cavasin, David Peter Coster, Jeff Dauber, Mike Drayton, James Drew, Michael Dunn, David Edelsohn, Michelle Elliott, William Tsun-Yuk Hsu, Curtis Johnson, Tracey McCartney, Robert Marshall, Bret Marquis, Valerie Mead, Steve Misek, Tim Pierce, Jeff Shaumeyer, Glenn Slayden, Mike Shepherd, Tane' Tachyon, Max Meredith Vasilatos, and David Wyatt. Thanks for e-mailing any GLBO-centered films that you don't find on this list, folks, and don't forget to sign your name to your letters so that I can acknowledge your contribution.) Frank Swilling .