#: 4378 S4/MIDI and Music 14-Jun-90 22:18:40 Sb: #4350-MORE MUSIC Fm: Everett Chimbidis 76370,1366 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 I am useing the latest VER What do you have? #: 4379 S15/Hot Topics 14-Jun-90 23:07:09 Sb: #4344-oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Jim Williams 72157,3524 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 Paul, will do as soon as I'm finished moving. Thanks muchly! --Eet-- #: 4380 S15/Hot Topics 14-Jun-90 23:09:24 Sb: #4348-oh THAT Darn Computer Fm: Jim Williams 72157,3524 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 Hmm... actually, I _think_ it's the other way around. White line on black seems to flicker less, to me. But, then, I'm weird :) --Eet-- #: 4381 S3/Languages 15-Jun-90 01:18:08 Sb: #Maybe another C bug Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: all I have been playing around with Eric Williams spell-check programs from the UG library. These programs were originally complied with the Introl_C compiler. I've had to make a few minor changes in order to get things to work under the Microware C compilier. But in the process (Mark, I am really hesitant to say this!!!) I have discovered another bug in the compilier. It seems that if a GOTO is done to a label at the start of a function (after all the declarations) the stack pointer is not set up properly causing a drastic crash. Inserting a line of BS code in front of the label solved the problem (as did rewriting the code to avoid the GOTO entirerly), but I was wondering if anyone else was aware of the this problem. If not I'll spend a bit of time on it to find out the exact situations in which it causes the problem and post the results. BTW, I have the spell program working and have been able to make drastic (about seven fold) changes to the speed simply by changing from unbuffered to buffered i/o. I hope to do some other things too and intend to post the entire package when done. Any ideas, requests or suggestions? There are 2 Replies. #: 4384 S3/Languages 15-Jun-90 06:30:33 Sb: #4381-#Maybe another C bug Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 Bob, No need to try and avoid me Bob (grin). I didn't mean before to imply there are NO bugs in the compiler, just that many people find things that don't work as they think they should, say its a bug, and its really only the way they are doing it. You might well have found something here. I NEVER use goto myself, although some of the code I use and have hacked upon does, so I leave it there since if it works...... I think most people avoid goto like the plague so this has never shown up before. BTW: did you happen to notice the spell checker uploaded for the UG? It works pretty well without any changes. Maybe it was never presented here. Mark There are 2 Replies. #: 4385 S3/Languages 15-Jun-90 07:31:43 Sb: #4384-Maybe another C bug Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) I could believe the one about the goto--there's one goto-related bug that survived for quite some time in the 68K compiler because people must not have written just that sort of code before (it had to do with explicit gotos into the body of a switch statement that had some auto variables declared in it). #: 4387 S3/Languages 15-Jun-90 09:33:00 Sb: #4384-Maybe another C bug Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Markly - I believe William's spell checker WAS the one in the UG. I also had to make changes when compiling it under MW C. Also, the GOTO bug is something that I think has been recognized previously. I think James Jones has a better description of it available. Pete #: 4402 S3/Languages 16-Jun-90 10:28:54 Sb: #4381-Maybe another C bug Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 Bob, That's good news on the speed increase! I use that spelling checker occasionally, but since its so slow, its impractical for anything but one word at a time. Bill #: 4382 S3/Languages 15-Jun-90 01:45:25 Sb: #4365-Polling Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X) Hi Wayne... I've pretty well settled on CTRL-? to do the job. Working around the other is too difficult, and not "standard" either, I guess. Thanks for the advice... #: 4383 S15/Hot Topics 15-Jun-90 05:52:31 Sb: #MM/1 Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: All MM/1 devs. All MM/1 developers: These are a few of the things that I would like to see implemented on the MM/1 - o - device drivers that time out when I try to do a dir on a non-existent drive, or print to a printer that's not on-line. o - a screen print routine that would only require a 2 key combination to print the contents of the current screen (text OR graphics). o - a cut-'n-paste facility for any listable file. o - a file browser to go with the above. Must be able to QUICKLY move thru the file using the arrow/shifted arrow/pg. up/ own keys and additionally to be able to 'M'ax to the top or bottom. o - a file management utility similar in output to 'dir e', but with a command line at each file to invoke Browse or Edit. The addition of Move and Copy as options would be nice also, but not required. o - a standardized Environment/Profile format where each app could go to get the user's preference for screen colors, fonts, overlay colors, etc. More as I think of them. ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 4390 S15/Hot Topics 15-Jun-90 15:56:47 Sb: #4383-MM/1 Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Keep 'em up. File utils would be from future owners/programmers.. but the system driver stuff is of interest to me now. #: 4391 S7/Telecommunications 15-Jun-90 17:59:58 Sb: #terminal for cc3? Fm: Vince Mulhollon 72766,1500 To: all Hello, Would you please describe your terminal programs advantages and disadvantages? I have a CC3 w/ 512K,RS232 pak,300 baud autodial modem, and monochrome monitor. I need a good XMODEM compatible terminal program. Which would you suggest? Thanks, Vince Mulhollon 72766,1500 There is 1 Reply. #: 4395 S7/Telecommunications 15-Jun-90 20:44:52 Sb: #4391-terminal for cc3? Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Vince Mulhollon 72766,1500 (X) Vince, Sterm (available here) does a nice job with xmodem ... and an even better job with CIS B+ protocol. It's simple and real hard to mess up.. Steve #: 4392 S13/Atari ST 15-Jun-90 19:59:36 Sb: #4224-Atari Comm Programs Fm: David George 72240,134 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 I am using OSK v2.2 I haven't tried kermit yet. I will try it next. What do you use for normal COM stuff? Dave #: 4394 S13/Atari ST 15-Jun-90 20:12:30 Sb: #4224-Atari Comm Programs Fm: David George 72240,134 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 I just saw your sysgo upload, so you must be the one I should ask. Is there an easy way to set environment variables in a C program. I am writing a new login program and would like to set up the env vars like the Microware version does. I am writing the new login because Microware STILL DOESN'T ENCRYPT THE PASSWORDS IN THE PASSWORD FILE ( are you reading this Microware???) I have an encryption routine and have written SU to take advantage of it. One reason I nead encryption is because I wrote CHOWN, CHGRP and SU which can take a usernumber or a username on the commandline (it looks up the name to get the usernumber) I have even passed on the environment to the new shell when using SU. David #: 4393 S13/Atari ST 15-Jun-90 20:00:51 Sb: #4229-#Atari Comm Programs Fm: David George 72240,134 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) I have the iniz t1 in my startup file. I will do an INIZ by hand before I try it next time. Thanks. Dave There is 1 Reply. #: 4407 S13/Atari ST 16-Jun-90 16:22:25 Sb: #4393-#Atari Comm Programs Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: David George 72240,134 (X) David: I use a somewhat hacked version of 'lmodem' I downloaded from BIX and have had no troubles uploading and downloading. It only supports XModem/CheckSum. I also have a separate XModem program (that does not have a 'com' mode - i.e. it is like UNIX's umodem program). It too is only XModem/Checksum. I think I also got it from BIX, but don't remember. I am using the stock serial driver on my ST (I could not get the window beast to work - I am not sure why and gave up - I had other things to get done at the time) Robert There is 1 Reply. #: 4418 S13/Atari ST 16-Jun-90 21:49:13 Sb: #4407-Atari Comm Programs Fm: David George 72240,134 To: Robert Heller 71450,3432 I will have to see what I can find. About the windows: I have had no problems with either installing it or using them. I am using the latest edition (#19) so maybe that was part of your problem. The only real reservations I have with using it is it doesn't have seperate keyboard buffers for each window, and the key repeat is disabled (because of the lack of buffers). #: 4397 S5/OS9 Users Group 15-Jun-90 22:28:35 Sb: Repack Bug Fm: Chuck Watters 70115,536 To: Chris Burke 72240,304 I received my disks today with the 1.02 version of repack. Thanks for your support. I found the patch posted a few weeks ago which fixed my problem. #: 4401 S15/Hot Topics 16-Jun-90 09:48:59 Sb: #MM/1 s/w Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: MM/ 1 s/w developers All MM/1 developers: Already thought of more MM/1 goodies/standards - (thx Wayne!) o - utility similar to Amiga's workbench setprofile to allow setting system wiue color/text parameters using mouse. (goes along with previous msg.) o - standardized function key usage. Nothing is more confusing to a user than to have non-standard usage of PF keys between apps. Might I suggest, as a start; F1 - help F2 - F3 - quit F4 - F5 - next F6 - F7 - scroll up F8 - scroll down F9 - swFp screens F10- scroll left F11- scroll right F12- retreive (last cmd) ESC- cancel select ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 4415 S15/Hot Topics 16-Jun-90 20:44:27 Sb: #4401-#MM/1 s/w Fm: Jim Williams 72157,3524 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) Hmm... mightn't F1 - help be a bit redundant? The Amiga Keyboard has a Help key already, and I had thought that the 'AT' 101 keyboard did as well (?). Only reason I point that out is that almost nobody uses the Help key. --Eet-- There is 1 Reply. #: 4421 S15/Hot Topics 16-Jun-90 22:28:16 Sb: #4415-MM/1 s/w Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: Jim Williams 72157,3524 (X) Umm... no, I don't think the PC keyboards have a Help key. ? I've always said that ALL keyboards should have a Help, Yes, and No keys... at the least. Everything else is icing . #: 4404 S9/Utilities 16-Jun-90 11:27:33 Sb: New Touch Utility Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 To: All I have just uploaded a version of a touch command to DL 9. The program allows one or more files to be touched with the current date or any date selected by the user. The command accepts wildcards (* or ?). It is written in c. Ken Drexler, 75126,3427 #: 4406 S10/Tandy CoCo 16-Jun-90 13:38:18 Sb: VEF Fm: Joseph Cheek 76264,142 To: all I'm sure this is an old question, but where can I find the specs for VEF and VEFSqsh formats? I've been through the DL section looking for it and can't find it. If anyone would just point out a filename, I'd appreciate it. #: 4409 S10/Tandy CoCo 16-Jun-90 17:24:09 Sb: #4371-#Gfx PUTs Fm: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 To: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 (X) great, I'll upload it as soon as I transfer it to my ibm, (Thats my terminal) Could you tell me what's in the os9 developement pack? cat #26-3032? thanks Darrell Coffey There is 1 Reply. #: 4429 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 00:46:32 Sb: #4409-Gfx PUTs Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473 To: Darrell Coffey 76106,767 Darrell, The Development System contains the following: *Interactive Debugger (DEBUG program) *Screen Editor (SCRED program) *Relocating Macro Assembler (RMA and RLINK) *Utilites & RAM Disk Drivers (Make & Touch...and VDD Ram disk drivers) *12 New Commands (Most dealing with Level 2 or Revisions from Level 1) -BINEX -DUMP -EXBIN -LOGIN -MODPATCH -MONTYPE -PARK -SAVE -SLEEP -TEE -TSMON -VERIFY I believe also the Development System contains the CGFX graphics libraries on the disks, but they weren't explained in this manual, it was explained in the Multi-Vue documentation (don't ask me why). Dan #: 4413 S10/Tandy CoCo 16-Jun-90 19:40:06 Sb: #4204-database Fm: John Dickey 76537,2631 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 ~ Phil, I'll add to the other replys you are sure to get... 1> SCULPTOR from MPD - Source ELDELCO - Ed Gresick @ 302-378-2555 P.O. Box 78, Middletown DE 19709 Version 1.16 is latest for COCO3 Level II Package is a full-featured database / applications generator - very powerful. Weak in the tutorial section, but an outstanding program 2> IMS from Clearbrook Software Group - Source Clearbrook Software - Paul Kehler - @ 604-853-9118 Version 2.2 (I belive) is latest for COCO3 Level II Another full-featured database / applications generator - has better screen paint program for entry/display screens and report layout and much better tutorial system. Not as powerful in some respects and not transportable as SCULPTOR is, but still an extremely useful and powerful program. Both are true "commercial grade" programs that have stood the test of time and use. I use them both in a small business environment on a day to day basis and know others that do the same. John Dickey Susquehanna QBS (717) 392-7061 after 7 PM if you want to talk about either of the programs. #: 4414 S10/Tandy CoCo 16-Jun-90 20:01:52 Sb: #SCREEN DUMP Fm: John Dickey 76537,2631 To: ALL Help I am looking for a way to do a screen dump to a printer from within various programs (namley SCULPTOR). Any help I can get on this is appreciated. John Dickey Susquehanna QBS There is 1 Reply. #: 4416 S10/Tandy CoCo 16-Jun-90 21:22:47 Sb: #4414-#SCREEN DUMP Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: John Dickey 76537,2631 (X) If Sculpter is using a graphics window, you can use VEFIO to save the screen to a VEF file, then use one of several VEF printer dumps in the libs to print it. Zack There is 1 Reply. #: 4426 S10/Tandy CoCo 16-Jun-90 23:19:03 Sb: #4416-#SCREEN DUMP Fm: John Dickey 76537,2631 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X) Zack, Thanks for the QUICK reply :-) I have thought of doing that, but what I really would like to do is figure out a way to locate the memory address that Sculptor (or any other program for that matter) is using [text only type screens] and then implement either an asm language or Basic09 sub- routine to dump the screen in the background to the printer. John There are 2 Replies. #: 4430 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 01:19:23 Sb: #4426-SCREEN DUMP Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: John Dickey 76537,2631 John - get WINFO.AR (if you don't have that already for VEFIO) and SPRINT.AR both in Lib 10 here. Sprint will shoot the screen text (from a text screen) to standard output. So you can "sprint /term >file" or "sprint /w1 >/p1" etc. #: 4434 S10/Tandy CoCo 17-Jun-90 09:45:57 Sb: #4426-SCREEN DUMP Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: John Dickey 76537,2631 There is a program in the libs called WINFO which does that. It is used by another program, VEFIO, to determine actual memory locations of video memory. (Which, btw, is considered "cheating" because it makes your code very un-transportable.) Zack #: 4417 S3/Languages 16-Jun-90 21:33:12 Sb: #Running Basic09 Fm: George Gavaghan 76236,421 To: [F] All Sysop- I've just purchased the OS9 LV.II w/ BASIC09 and am having serious difficulty in running the BASIC09 program. Also, from a previous experience I know to expect trouble from the GFX2 command.(loading and running) I'm running on a COCO 3 w/128k and a single FD-502 drive. Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks. ---->GG There are 2 Replies. #: 4422 S3/Languages 16-Jun-90 22:31:28 Sb: #4417-Running Basic09 Fm: Kevin Darling (UG Pres) 76703,4227 To: George Gavaghan 76236,421 Hi George. Can you describe what kind of difficulties you're having in more detail? That is, trouble loading basic09? Trouble running large procedures? Setting up gfx windows? Or ? Any particular program example? Since basic09 is in the CMDS directory on the second disk, you might pop that disk in and type "load /d0/cmds/basic09" and then replace your boot disk in the drive. Now basic09 is loaded into memory and should come up with "basic09" at any time. You might have to load gfx2 and inkey the same way. best - kev #: 4433 S3/Languages 17-Jun-90 09:43:36 Sb: #4417-Running Basic09 Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: George Gavaghan 76236,421 You failed to tell us just what the "difficulty" is. Do you get an error code message? What happens that shouldn't happen? Also, if you are serious about OS9, with there price of memory upgrades so cheap, I stongly recommend you get a 512K memory upgrade. Zack #: 4431 S9/Utilities 17-Jun-90 08:17:54 Sb: RBF Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Ken, 75126,3427 Ken, I noticed in the docs for your new touch utility you mentioned something about a bug in RBF. I don't understand your reasoning behind this. If a user does not have write permissions to a file, then they would not be able to write to it, and therefore not have the ability to change the file date. Can you explain further? Mark #: 4432 S7/Telecommunications 17-Jun-90 08:52:45 Sb: #View Fm: Al Fleagle 72527,1354 To: re 4317 re 4317 ~ Bill, I understand the need for a message delimiter such as "#:". My only problem is that in large message downloads the search routine for the message delimiter "#:" doesn't appear quite rugged enough to stay on track. I miss replying to messages because View misses the "#:" delimiter. I'm using View right now and I had to go into Dynastar to remove all the characters from the file which preceeded the "#:" of the first message. What I'm suggesting is re-writing the search procedure so it can find the "#:" whether it is the first character in the file, the fourth character, or the one hundredth character. If the code were re-written to search for "#:" wherever it might occur and not rely on it being the first character on the line might also help make it more rugged for searching long message downloads. I might be getting some line noise which moves the "#:" from the first character position and View can't find it so it skipps the message. I'm just suggesting this because I like the View program and would like to make it slightly easier to use. There is 1 Reply. #: 4437 S7/Telecommunications 17-Jun-90 10:34:55 Sb: #4432-View Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Al Fleagle 72527,1354 Al, Just guessing here, but if view treated _all_ occurances of "#:" as a start of a vaild message you'd get some pretty unpredictable results. Folks that include a copy of a message in the body of the one they're presently writing would be one culprit. I'm sure there are other instances. Steve Press !> .