#: 9865 S1/General Interest 19-Mar-91 19:22:07 Sb: #OS-9/OS-9000 Features Fm: William Verthein 76557,3623 To: David L. Kaleita 72657,2775 (X) thanx for the advice Dave! I'll be looking forward to hearing from you on your OS-9000 experience. By the way, what is RAVE? I have sent Microware mail asking for them to mail me info to work and I haven't seen a thing for three weeks! I'm curious to know what you paid for OS-9000 for the 386 if you don't mind. One final question, are you getting OS-9000 for screwing around at home or are you considering using it for robotics? Once again thanx for your reply... wgv There is 1 Reply. #: 9874 S1/General Interest 20-Mar-91 17:03:20 Sb: #9865-#OS-9/OS-9000 Features Fm: David L. Kaleita 72657,2775 To: William Verthein 76557,3623 (X) William, I WAS planning on using OS-9000 for use in talking to the GM MAP network (their world-wide factory network) by writing a driver, but my company just announced that they are just about to go under and... well, I jumped ship and am starting work with a NEW company in a week which does military work. I may still do that MAP network stuff for GM though, but on a contract basis directly with GM. In the meantime, I'll be using OS-9000 at home for my own computing pleasure. I got the full-blown "PRO" version, which sells for $995 directly from Microware. The RAVE "DevPak" is another $750. By the way, RAVE stands for "Real-Time Audio/Video Environment" and provides a very elaborate set of tools for developing real time applications which use sound and/or graphics. Now for the down side: The present releases for PC/OS-9000 and RAVE require a very specific hardware configuration for your PC. First of all, your maching MUST be a 386 or 486 and have more than 640K of RAM. You MUST have at least one hard drive with a decent amount of free space on it. If your hard drive is SCSI, your controller card MUST be an Adaptek #1540. If you plan on ever running RAVE, your system MUST have an ATI VGA Wonder card with 512K of video RAM. And although the VGA Wonder+ card has a mouse port and comes with a bus mouse, you cannot use it. Instead, you must have a SERIAL mouse connected to COM1: or COM2: (Microware recommends the Logitech 3-button serial mouse for best results). Presently, PC/OS-9000/RAVE does not support any sound cards, but rumour has it that a driver for the Creative Labs' Sound Blaster card is forthcoming. I thought I had all of the above basis covered when I bought my machine, but alas, I wasn't aware of the Adaptek SCSI requirement and ended up with a card by Always Technology. I'm now trying to sell it back to my dealer so I can but the Adaptec. So so far, although I've had the stuff since last Friday, I still can't install it on my machine. There is 1 Reply. #: 9888 S1/General Interest 21-Mar-91 19:51:53 Sb: #9874-OS-9/OS-9000 Features Fm: William Verthein 76557,3623 To: David L. Kaleita 72657,2775 (X) Sorry to hear of your configuration woes david! I'm primarily interested in using os-9000 in an embedded environment. I'm sure I will need to develop on an os-9000 PC so your configuration problems are good things to know up front. Sorry about the job folding up, but I hope you'll keep me informed of your OS-9000 progress. I have a bunch of hard heads in my company that believe that only through a bare kernel can a programmer achieve oneness with the universe. Forget the fact that they spend man years redeveloping the wheel, it's the journey not the destination that thrills these masochists. I'm hoping to get as much info on full featured OS's like os-9000 so I can take some of the wind out of their sails. Keep me updated and good luck with your job and your OS-9000 system! wgv #: 9887 S1/General Interest 21-Mar-91 19:44:47 Sb: OS-9/OS-9000 Features Fm: William Verthein 76557,3623 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) thanx for the info james! #: 10014 S1/General Interest 27-Mar-91 18:37:42 Sb: OS-9/OS-9000 Features Fm: William Verthein 76557,3623 To: David L. Kaleita 72657,2775 (X) Thanx Dave, I'll try'em again... wgv #: 9868 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 19-Mar-91 22:57:25 Sb: #9849-Remote terminal Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Bruce Isted 76625,2273 (X) Thanks Bruce. I've had the MPI interrupt hack installed for some time but was unaware that I had to change the address of the 2nd RS232 pak. Makes sense though. Paul #: 9869 S2/Tutorials 19-Mar-91 23:55:46 Sb: MFF1 to MFF0 help! Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: all I have a little bit of good news, if it holds up! Someone has bothered to help us make a Std MIDI File format converter based on the program he wrote for CP/M on the Commodore Adam computers, written in "Small C" with some assembler for speed and efficiency (I wonder why :-). He's on CIS and I'll be checking once in a while for something in my in-basket. They've had such a program for some time it turns out. Everyone else seems to be keeping it a secret, cuz I have asked 'til I'm blue in the face (*not* a reflection of the blue OS9 window I am logged on with! :-). Well, being the "realist" that I am -- "realistically pessemistic" -- I'm still going to prepare myself to reinvent the wheel ONCE AGAIN . I am uploading another article that requires all the expertises anyone here can muster-up. The help I need is OS9-specific and not really MIDI-specific at all. I'm thinking we can spawn subtasks that'd run copies of the same subroutine, passing back SMF chunks of MIDI info inside the Format-1 tracks to the main task for deciding how to sort the tracks together into a CMF output file. I'm going to attempt a text drawing of what I mean and upload it. If you can help me, please download it. It'll probably be too big to fit in a forum message for CIS but maybe on Delphi it'd fit, eh? I'll put it up on both, so don't think you're seeing double! Again it'll be for personal use only and I again will thank you beforehand for your trouble in helping me! I guess I'll call this article something like MF1TO0.ART for "MIDIfile Format-1 to -0 Article". Please look for it. I do hope the CP/M C sources will do the job, but just in case it doesn't, this article will tell enough of what we'd like to attempt to do. Kinda new territory here. If we can get this done, the *only* thing we have left to gripe about is that we can't undo LHARC'd files, and some other formats like SIT, ZOO, etc., to get access to SMFs around the world. -- Thx, Paul Seniura. #: 9870 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Mar-91 13:17:45 Sb: #9864-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, Thanks for your quick reply! To some extent, I'm not sure what I'm looking for . I want something that she can learn piano on for awhile. I don't know if she needs all 88 keys at first. I *do* know that full-sized keys are a must. I could hook her up to my CoCo if we had Midi, which would win me points to keep the sloppy-looking thing running! I would rather have midi than multi-timbral if one of the voice(s) it did was a reasonable piano. Her sister plays a Roland that has pressure-sensitive keys like the Clavinovas, but maybe that isn't necessary (is it?). Do all Rolands do that (I mean where, the harder she hits the key, the louder it is)? Her sister's has pedals. Will she be able to practice piano without them? To quote - "I'm so confused!". I will go mao and ask over there like you suggested. Thanks for the tip. I heard you about the music stores. I feel like I'm in a car dealership in there (some of the prices help lend the aura). When I get something, I will be asking even more here trying to get my CoCo midi-ized! Mark There are 4 Replies. #: 9871 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Mar-91 13:33:04 Sb: #9870-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Many of the keyboards include a piano-esque sound. Usually, the higher the $$$, the better the approximation (grin). The rolands have piano sounds, although nobody will confuse them with a Steinway or Borsendorfer (sp?). Most present day midi keyboards offer velocity sensitivity. That is, the timbre of the sound is affected by how hard (fast) you strike the keys. I believe the Kawai also supports 'aftertouch', which allows you to press extra hard on the key to cause some kind of (user specifiable) modulation (frequently vibrato, pitch bend, etc.).. In both cases (Roland D5, Kawai KI-II) you will probably get all that you need for close to your price point (after discounting, of course). Prepare to enter a long and expensive downward spiral... Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 9881 S4/MIDI and Music 21-Mar-91 13:59:29 Sb: #9871-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, I went over to (go mao) and left a message yesterday morning. Hopefully, I'll hear from Jamie soon. I will go actually look at the models you mentioned this evening. Her sister is more excited about this than I am, even offering to loan us her Roland temporarily so Laura could learn on it. Thanks very much for you kind and sage advice! Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 9884 S4/MIDI and Music 21-Mar-91 15:12:56 Sb: #9881-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) No problem..... BTW - there are LOTS of devices out there that are MIDI capable, and have weighted, wooden keys. These are typically higher end units, and many of them produce no sounds at all (just MIDI output). They're called keyboard controllers. Probably the most popular of these is the Yamaha KX-88. It can (occasionally) be found at around $1200 (discounted). BTW - getting married soon, eh? I may be also finally breaking down.. looking at late April here. Good luck on _both_ fronts! Pete There are 2 Replies. #: 9894 S4/MIDI and Music 22-Mar-91 08:26:57 Sb: #9884-New Keyboard Advice Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Wow. April 13 here. Congratulations and good luck to us both from here, too! Mark #: 9895 S4/MIDI and Music 22-Mar-91 08:32:20 Sb: #9884-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) I looked last night at a music store here. The salesman wanted to direct me toward a Casio that they had on sale for $430. I didn't bite, as no one has recommended them. Besides, there is a Kawai Spectra for not much more than that at Music Alley and they appeared to be built a little more ruggedly. Who knows? There is 1 Reply. #: 9896 S4/MIDI and Music 22-Mar-91 11:27:42 Sb: #9895-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Big advice here: stick with a mainstream model, as best you can. Reasons include: a) Support - in terms of editor or librarian software, 3rd party sounds, hints/tips from others how to operate it best, etc. b) Resale - If/when you decide to sell it, selling an obscure maker or model is very tough. Selling a well known/supported one is relatively easy. Casio's are neat, but they usually fall into the 'home' or 'amateur' catagories (I know... I've had two of them), and I haven't heard of te .. er .. the Spectra. I'd push back in the direction of a D5 (Roland) or K1 (Kawaii) if I were in your shoes. The latter is VERY well supported, largely becaue Kawaii hit a good price point, and a lot of people who wanted a 'serious' synth for lower pricing bought into it. As a result, a lot of the 3rd parties make sounds for it. D5's are also fairly well supported in that they can use the same patches & tones as the D10/D20/D110. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 9960 S4/MIDI and Music 25-Mar-91 11:53:12 Sb: #9896-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, Well, I spent all day Saturday with a (young) friend who is also quite a good keyboardist. We found that the K1 and D5 are (just barely) out of my price range new (around $550.00). The one possibly interesting thing I found was a Casio VZ-1 for $430 that supposedly lists for $1150 (at Sam Ash). My friend liked it a lot better than the Kawaii Spectra ($600 at Sam Ash, $500 elswhere) because it had a greater variety of sounds, but agreed that the Kawaii was likely a better quality keyboard. The Casio is also easily 3 times as big as the Kawaii, which is only about half again as deep as the keys themselves. Are you familiar with this model Casio? Is it likely to be better built than other Casios (shoot, it *says* "Professional" right there on the front of it! )? We've got less than 3 weeks 'til 'M-Day!! (Believe it or not, no, I am not getting nervous!) Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 9962 S4/MIDI and Music 25-Mar-91 17:03:16 Sb: #9960-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Mark - The next statement will bring grimaces from Casio owners, but the stigma of 'toy' is pretty much affixed to most Casio stuff, however unfair. The VZ-1 and FZ-10 were pro gear, and are reputed to be excellent units. Casio (I'm guessing here) seems to have dropped out of the pro gear arena, and the result is blow out prices. Bottom line: if you really like it, and it fits your price plan, grab it. I believe that is a multi-timbral unit. I also hear that it has some of the same characteristics sound wise as the FM synths (aka Yamaha). Pete P.S. I'm not really nervous either, but then I've had almost 7 years to get used to Marsha too.... There is 1 Reply. #: 9969 S4/MIDI and Music 26-Mar-91 10:51:48 Sb: #9962-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, Well, I went for the new Kawai Spectra (KC-110). It looked like it might last awhile, and I just wondered about buying something that was as discounted as much as the VZ-1 was. One of our new neighbors in our apartment building has (and teaches piano on :)) a Korg ??? digital piano, so we may be in better shape than I first thought. Now the hard part - *not* taking it out of the box and playing with it myself before I give it to Laura!! So ....... what do I need to get to Midi-ize my CoCo? Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 9970 S4/MIDI and Music 26-Mar-91 11:57:08 Sb: #9969-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Best bet for COCO & MIDI is to get to Rulaford Systems (Associates)... They sell a MIDI pak for $75 +/-, and they probably also sell Lester Hands' LYRA (Notation) and possibly CM3 (a sequencer.. a digital record & playback capability w/ multiple tracks). If you're running undfer OS9 LII, then the Ultimuse program by Mike Knudsen is probably the best (for Notation... no sequencer exists for LII). The Korg folks make a REAL nice piano... The Korg SG-1D was the first MIDIable piano I ever heard that sounded and felt like a real grand piano. You have a lot of options in the ~1500-2000 range with respect to decent MIDI pianos. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 9971 S4/MIDI and Music 26-Mar-91 13:29:45 Sb: #9970-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, Great price! Can you tell me how to contact Rulaford? Mark There are 2 Replies. #: 9972 S4/MIDI and Music 26-Mar-91 15:12:34 Sb: #9971-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Mark - Either someone here who gets Rainbow will have to help, or you'll have to scrounge up a copy on your own. Also - leaving msgs for Mike Knudsen and Lester Hands may lend some aid. Pete ' P.S. Keep yer hands outta da box There is 1 Reply. #: 10007 S4/MIDI and Music 27-Mar-91 08:50:14 Sb: #9972-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, I left e-mail for Mike yesterday, and will call the places Ches suggested today. Thanks very much for all your help! Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 10009 S4/MIDI and Music 27-Mar-91 13:10:59 Sb: #10007-New Keyboard Advice Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) See if you're still thanking me when you're a hopeless, penniless MIDIot like myself and so many other unfortunates... (grin) Pete #: 9981 S4/MIDI and Music 26-Mar-91 19:06:43 Sb: #9971-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Hi Mark, I've been interested in watching your search for the right musical MIDI instrument. I "play" the computer keyboard pretty well but can only pick out Chopsticks on a piano keyboard. I do enjoy music and have really enjoyed transcribing sheet music and then "arranging" the set of musical instruments to play the tune. I've used both LYRA and UltiMusE (UME) extensively and enjoy them both. LYRA permits sending messages along with musical notes to the synthesizer to reset the selection of voices, allow "bending" of notes, etc. while UME has a somewhat easier-to-use note entry scheme. As Pete told you, UME works out of OS9 while LYRA works out of Radio Shack Basic. LYRA was written by Lester Hands who now sells the product from MusicWare, Hamlet Route 1261, Seaside, OR 97138 (tel 503738-0119). Mike Knudsen's UME can be obtained from Second City Software, P.O. Box 72956, Roselle, IL 60172 (tel 708-653-5610). Both Les and Mike drop in here occasionally; Les has CIS ID 70135,430 and Mike has CIS id 72467,1111. Regards, Ches. There are 2 Replies. #: 9999 S4/MIDI and Music 27-Mar-91 00:14:49 Sb: #9981-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) Ches - Thanks for piping up with all that good MIDI scoop for Mark.. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 10005 S4/MIDI and Music 27-Mar-91 06:45:43 Sb: #9999-New Keyboard Advice Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, glad to help. Regards. Ches #: 10008 S4/MIDI and Music 27-Mar-91 08:51:44 Sb: #9981-New Keyboard Advice Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) Ches, Thanks for all the hot leads! I think this is going to be a lot of fun! Mark #: 9872 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Mar-91 15:24:22 Sb: #9870-New Keyboard Advice Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) BTW - you can also usually get at least a 'hold' {sustain} pedal for most synths.. Pete #: 9877 S4/MIDI and Music 20-Mar-91 22:30:38 Sb: #9870-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Hiya. I own a Clavinova (lovely instrument, though out of the price range in question)--it has what you're talking about (called "velocity sensitivity"). I don't know whether the Rolands have it--it does add to the cost of a keyboard. (The Clavinova has two switches per key, arranged so that one closes first, then the other. The time between the two closings indicates the velocity. Adding that kind of hardware to determine velocity is what increases the cost.) But...if you're wanting to learn piano technique, I would think that velocity sensitivity is important. There is 1 Reply. #: 9882 S4/MIDI and Music 21-Mar-91 14:08:41 Sb: #9877-New Keyboard Advice Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) James, Since we have a small 1-bedroom apartment (North NJ real estate prices), if she gets real serious, a Clavinova is probably what we'll end up with instead of a full-sized piano. I was really impressed with the feel and sound of the ones I looked at, but it is more than I should spend 3 weeks before getting married. (Actually, so is $500, but, oh, well!) Her sister's Roland has it, and Pete says most keyboards anymore have it these days. It's easy enough to test! Mark #: 9879 S4/MIDI and Music 21-Mar-91 00:52:09 Sb: #9870-#New Keyboard Advice Fm: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) I don't know about your wife but my two girls insist that the only instrument fit to learn piano on is a PIANO. ( A real one full of wires and hammers and such like bits. Perhaps a well used second hand piano would be the ticket. It is very difficult to find an electronic instrument which has the touch of the real thing. Me - I love the flexibility of a MIDI but then I am not a musician. To get an electronic instrument capable of a GOOD piano sound will run way!! over your budget. Caveat Emptor. free advice from me is worth what you pay for it. There is 1 Reply. #: 9883 S4/MIDI and Music 21-Mar-91 14:13:10 Sb: #9879-New Keyboard Advice Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 (X) Bob, I know what you mean. The Yamaha Clavinova is the only electronic keyboard I've seen that really *feels* like a piano. Our 1-bedroom apartment in a 7-story building just won't support a full-sized piano. Mark #: 9873 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Mar-91 16:35:57 Sb: #9846-#Gfx2-Help Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Well, I tried an overlay with a MV window in it with the menu bar and scroll bars. The menus worked just fine, but the menu id number was returned as 0 when I clicked on the scroll arrows. Floyd There is 1 Reply. #: 9907 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Mar-91 08:30:06 Sb: #9873-#Gfx2-Help Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 (X) I was able to get an overlay with menu also, but I have the same problem. The scroll bars do not work properly. I will keep trying. --Jeremy, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 9953 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Mar-91 20:42:50 Sb: #9907-#Gfx2-Help Fm: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Here's something you might try. On the overlay, use the ScSize syscall to get the size of the overlay. Then, when the mouse is clicked, check to see if the pointer is over where the scroll arrows would be. Floyd There is 1 Reply. #: 9954 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Mar-91 23:09:06 Sb: #9953-Gfx2-Help Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Floyd Resler 72500,2572 I'll try it and let you know. I probably won't have a chance during Holy Week. I don't think that I will be online again until Easter Evening. Have a blessed holiday. With all good wishes--Jeremy, CSJW #: 9875 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Mar-91 22:10:09 Sb: #MULTI-VUE Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: 76407,1524 (X) Zack, I just downloaded your files concerning installing RS games on Multi-Vue. Right now, I'm asking about FS2MV.AR, putting Flight Simulator 2 on Multi-Vue! I set everything up exactly as described on fs2.doc. What happens is the icon is perfect and the caption reads fs2. When I doubleclick on the icon, it starts to load something, the screen changes to an all-blue background with a white cursor (looks like 40 column) for about 3 seconds. Then the gshell screen comes right back as if nothing had happened (right back to MV again). What could be the problem? I'm new to this Multi-Vue stuff, and so far I'm finding it real interesting (and a little frustrating :-)) Any help would be gratefully received!!!!!! Thanx, Bob There is 1 Reply. #: 10018 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 27-Mar-91 22:56:50 Sb: #9875-#MULTI-VUE Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) As the documentaion file states, once the screen returns to GShell, you must CLEAR over to the window which will be running Flight Sim. Currently, GShell cannot fork a VDG-based application directly. My program does the next best thing, allows you to start the VDG-based app from an ICON OSN double click, but unforch, you MUST CLEAR to the window which will be running the VDG-based app. Zack There is 1 Reply. #: 10032 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Mar-91 20:41:21 Sb: #10018-#MULTI-VUE Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X) Boy Zack, Are you a tough man to reach!! :-) Must be busy with some of that new 68000 stuff, eh? I understood in your docs about CLEARing to the VDG screen for FS. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Apparently, for some reason, that new VDG screen is NOT established or FS is looking for something that isn't there. Kevin gave me a hint to check my Init file, so I'm heading there first. Hopefully, that'll do it! Thanks for getting back to me! Bob There is 1 Reply. #: 10035 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Mar-91 23:11:28 Sb: #10032-#MULTI-VUE Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Next thing to check is to make sure you have VDGInt in your OS9Boot file. To support VDG type windows, you must have VDGInt. (I recently was laid off of my day job, so in an effort to curb expenses, I only logon once a week to CIS) Zack There is 1 Reply. #: 10060 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 30-Mar-91 17:15:45 Sb: #10035-#MULTI-VUE Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X) Zack, The INIT file was the problem. I changed it as Kevin told me, and it now works perfectly. I was getting a little discouraged in that I followed your docs to the letter, and it still didn't work. I NEVER would have known about that INIT file without some help. When you write your docs, please remember to explain things to the "dummy" users ! I can see why you would only log on once a week if you're laid off (that stinks!), thanx for responding! Best of luck to you in regaining employment! Bob There is 1 Reply. #: 10108 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 03-Apr-91 23:51:15 Sb: #10060-#MULTI-VUE Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Just for my future reference, just what was your problem with the INIT file, and just which INIT file are you talking about? Glad you got it working! Zack There is 1 Reply. #: 10124 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 05-Apr-91 19:47:25 Sb: #10108-#MULTI-VUE Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 (X) The problem was in the INIT module of the OS9Boot file. I had to change the byte value at offset $0C from $0F to $0C. Something about a polling table & IRQ's. Bob There is 1 Reply. #: 10126 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 05-Apr-91 20:52:49 Sb: #10124-MULTI-VUE Fm: Zack Sessions 76407,1524 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 That is something I have never heard about. Somehow, my INIT module does contain $0C and offset $0C, but I don't remember when I changed it or why. But I will include a note about that in a special readme file on all subsequent WPShel disks. Thanks!! #: 9876 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Mar-91 22:24:21 Sb: #Two RS232's Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Anyone I looked all over and can't find a file describing the hardware modification necessary when using two RS-232paks in the MPI. Anyone know where it is? Thanks, Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 9878 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Mar-91 22:40:57 Sb: #9876-#Two RS232's Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul - try MPI232.TXT in library 10. Did you search on a key of "rs232"? Have fun! - kev PS: there might be another such file, too. There is 1 Reply. #: 9885 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 21-Mar-91 18:38:54 Sb: #9878-#Two RS232's Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) An enlightening file. In it is mentioned that after modifying an RS232pak you can use one with ACIAPAK in slot 1 and one with MODPAK in slI can't use ACIAPAK for both? Right now I have a Modempak and an RS232pak with only the ACIAPAK driver and they seem to work together OK. Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 9890 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 21-Mar-91 22:45:14 Sb: #9885-#Two RS232's Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul - right; if you tie interrupts together then you can use ACIAPAK for both devices... the file was no doubt written before any interrupt hacks were common ;-). I assume you have MPI interrupts tied together on your current machine? thx - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 9898 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 22-Mar-91 18:11:51 Sb: #9890-Two RS232's Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Yep. Interrupts are tied together. Thanks for the clarification. Paul #: 9880 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Mar-91 12:29:09 Sb: #9751-#OSK Clib.l Order Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76 To: Robert Heller 71450,3432 (X) I would like a copy if you could see your way clear to do that. - Carl There is 1 Reply. #: 9931 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Mar-91 08:53:24 Sb: #9880-#OSK Clib.l Order Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 Carl: Can you read Universal Format 3.5" floppies? If so, I'll send you what I have. Robert There is 1 Reply. #: 9982 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Mar-91 19:20:00 Sb: #9931-#OSK Clib.l Order Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Robert Heller 71450,3432 (X) Robert, I uploaded the OSK LHArc to lib 12 along with the docs. As doon as I can message the source into not depending upon the UNIXLIB.L in lib 12, I'll upload the source too. (If we really want it distributed?) Not sure about that. I'd like you to give this LHARC a try and lemme know what you think. Can you upload your UnZIP port? I've been having trouble here, I keep getting error 102 (Bus Trap). I'm pretty sure it's a stray pointer, but tracking it down is not very easy. I too would love to see the UnZip source you've messaged. How bout emailing it? In AR format? Mike Haaland /ex There is 1 Reply. #: 10078 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 31-Mar-91 20:11:11 Sb: #9982-#OSK Clib.l Order Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) Mike: I don't use LHarc much except to unpack FidoNews. I only use Zoo or compressed tar files, since they are most widely available. Since I don't deal much with MS-DOS systems (only FidoNet nodes and FidoNet stuff - NODEDIFFs and FidoNews), I don't feel any need to use these "poorly" designed MS-DOS archivers. I also have little desire to bother with the ultimate in compression. Worrying about saving a few bytes here and there is not worth hasseling with non-portable code. I only bothered with UnZip so I could get at some source code some MS-DOS people ZIP'ed... I didn't get a chance to read your message until late Sunday night. I only call CIS on the weekend. I snarfed the UnZip code from BIX's unix listings. I did a quick & dirty port - sort of the pound to fit. I think I did things like delete the code to update the file attrs rather than try to put in OSK code to handle it (I didn't care about preserving file dates, etc.) and I didn't even look to see if unzip dealt with text file handling (i.e. fixing MS-DOS's CRLF's to UNIX's LFs or OSK CR's) - since I have a program to converts between text file formats this was an unneeded feature. CompuServ's file xfer is also very slow (I only have an XModem/checksum program) - seems to have very large packet turn-around delays. CompuServ's "local" number is also a long distance phone call, so I really don't want to stay on too long. The best thing is this: I can put my UnZIP code onto a Universal Format 3.5" floppy and send it via Snail Mail. Robert There is 1 Reply. #: 10096 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 02-Apr-91 20:34:03 Sb: #10078-#OSK Clib.l Order Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Robert Heller 71450,3432 (X) Robert, I'd love to see your UnZip stuff. I'd appreciate the binary on that 3.5 disk too! My address is : Mike Haaland 4341 Gannet Cir. #174 Las Vegas, Nv 89103 If you want the release version and docs to LHArc, they are in Lib 12. Thanks, Mike PS. I didn't know ZOO was available for OSK either!! Where did you snarf ZOO. There is 1 Reply. #: 10133 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 06-Apr-91 10:51:19 Sb: #10096-#OSK Clib.l Order Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) I first get Zoo from uunet.uu.net (comp.sources.???), and later it appeared on EFFO's disks. You want Zoo too? There should be plenty of room on the floppy for Zoo and UNZip. Robert #: 9886 S7/Telecommunications 21-Mar-91 19:38:08 Sb: #tsmon Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: 76625,2273 (X) Bruce, One final report regarding my experience with your autobaud tsmon. 1. It just doesn't work, at all. 2. My Mpak is now upgraded, it works fine, the software clock doesn't go nuts during rs232 transmissions anymore. 3. I tried both a DCD/DSR swapped cable and a regular cable and I always made sure to get the XTP settings right. 4. I tried TSMON alone (wait for CR) and with an init file. 5. With the swapped cable, the modem would answer, but as soon as a connection was made, it hung up. I etting modem register S25 to 25 or more but it didn't make a difference. 6. With a regular cable, the connection would be made, but login was never initiated, even running TSMON without an il ito as c mb.kSNwc osfe uuftneyds' gvm hfars a oigo. Hugo There is 1 Reply. #: 9945 S7/Telecommunications 24-Mar-91 16:02:16 Sb: #9886-#tsmon Fm: Bruce Isted 76625,2273 To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X) ~ Hugo, Well, I don't know what is wrong... I know my tsmon works for me, with and without the init file. If tsmon doesn't work for you even in the "dumb" mode (no init file), then the only thing I can think of is the wrong driver is being used. Using the xmode utility supplied with the "esw110.ar" package, check the T2 descriptor you're using to see whether SACIA or ACIAPAK is the driver. If you have both SACIA and ACIAPAK in your boot file, and the T2 module is for ACIAPAK, then there's no way my tsmon will work. Just grasping at straws here now... Bruce There is 1 Reply. #: 9951 S7/Telecommunications 24-Mar-91 17:46:29 Sb: #9945-#tsmon Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: Bruce Isted 76625,2273 (X) No go there. I do have ONLY SACIA in my boot file and T2 shows SACIA as the driver. The thing just doesn't work. It works on my friends coco, but not mine. I've given up on it at this point. Thanks for all of your suggestions and help. Hugo There is 1 Reply. #: 9995 S7/Telecommunications 26-Mar-91 23:13:09 Sb: #9951-tsmon Fm: Bruce Isted 76625,2273 To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X) ~ Hugo, Yeah, there is at least one other fellow I know of (locally) that has problems with that auto-baud tsmon. It works fine on my system with my (USR) modem, and it works fine on his system with my modem, but it doesn't work at all on either system with his (Intel 2400 baud modem-on-a-chip) modem. He's given up on it too, at least until he gets a new modem... or new ideas for his old modem. Sorry I couldn't help. Bruce #: 9889 S1/General Interest 21-Mar-91 20:41:25 Sb: #SLOT PACK FRYER Fm: STUART LIPOFF 76012,3173 To: all HELP! After attaching a Howard Medical Slot Pack to my COCO2 it is dead. I tried the same slot pack on a COCO3 and it prevented it from working while installed but the COCO3 worked again after I removed the slot pack. I have sent the slot pack back to Howard Medical for replacement but now need to fix my COCO2. I have ordered a service manual but prior to receiving the manual I would appreciate any hints about what went South. I tried a new 6809 processor chip but that was not it. It still does not work. I assume the VDG is OK since the attached monitor does have sync and displays a locked in pattern of nulls @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ and other garbage. Can anyone suggest which chips a faultly slot pack (i.e. multipack replacement) is likely to fry. There are 2 Replies. #: 9899 S1/General Interest 22-Mar-91 18:15:08 Sb: #9889-SLOT PACK FRYER Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: STUART LIPOFF 76012,3173 (X) It might be cheaper to get a whole used COCO2. The last one I bought cost $20. I will sell it to you if you want. Paul #: 9910 S1/General Interest 23-Mar-91 11:18:51 Sb: #9889-SLOT PACK FRYER Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: STUART LIPOFF 76012,3173 (X) If the cpu is fine, I'd opt for the SAM, then ram. Go much past that in chip replacement and a new CoCo3 is cheaper. Luck! Steve #: 9892 S1/General Interest 22-Mar-91 01:20:03 Sb: #9830-#Order Fm: Dave Myers 71750,210 To: Butch Mooney 76702,1126 (X) Hmmm...were you trying at the new BBS? Due to unreliable operation, we moved from the old system we were leasing space on (5-line Altos UNIX box, on its last legs ), to a new system, run on a trusty CoCo. This move was made in January, so if you tried at the old number, you would have likely gotten a msg after connect telling you that we moved. At any rate, the new BBS is (313) 292-4713. Is that the one you were trying? If so, I'll see what the problem could be. SORRY for any difficulties you've experienced, and thanks for taking the time to point out a potential problem. Dave Myers CoCoPRO! Products There is 1 Reply. #: 9893 S1/General Interest 22-Mar-91 06:01:15 Sb: #9892-Order Fm: Butch Mooney 76702,1126 To: Dave Myers 71750,210 (X) Hi Dave, I was trying the old number. Thanks for you reply. Butch Mooney (Daniel Mooney) #: 9897 S2/Tutorials 22-Mar-91 16:56:34 Sb: #DISK DRIVES Fm: FRANK PRUZENSKI 76264,237 To: HELLO PROFILE Hi, I have recently obtained Level-2, Multi-Vue, and the Rainbow Guide to Level 2. I've had problems with acessing the otherside of my disks. Q. How does one overcome this problem? I am using the Disto Mini-Controller 1. In config; "The 40 and 80 cylinders", what does it mean and how is it possible? Many thanks. . . There are 2 Replies. #: 9919 S2/Tutorials 23-Mar-91 22:47:26 Sb: #9911-DISK DRIVES Fm: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 To: FRANK PRUZENSKI 76264,237 (X) Assuming of course that you have double sided disk drives and that all wires in the cable (and pins in the connectors) are in place then all you need to do is build a boot disk with the descriptors for 40 track double sided disks. You do not have 80 track capable drives if you have been running RSDOS on them. Here I have 2 40 track and 1 80 track 2 siders. The 80 track is a 5 1/4 some days and a 3 1/2 on others. Have not gotten around to making one or the other permanent and the 3 1/2 will probably see very little use until I move to OSK. For downloading - no problem in OS9 or RSDOS or even MSDOS so long as you have the software to swap files from one format to another. Several programs here to do that. Bob P. #: 9935 S2/Tutorials 24-Mar-91 11:54:28 Sb: #9911-DISK DRIVES Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: FRANK PRUZENSKI 76264,237 (X) FRank - Depends... if you have an OS9 terminal program that will download (such as Sterm or Xcom9), then you're miles ahead. If you only have RS-DOS stuff, then you can use a program called DOSOR9 in DL10 to get it from RSDOS disk to OS9 disk. Additionally, you may need the 'ar.doc' and 'ar09.bin' files in DL9. These allow os9 'ar'chives to be decompressed and unpacked. Pete #: 9902 S3/Languages 23-Mar-91 00:04:05 Sb: #C Problem Fm: Robert DeBolt 76417,2225 To: ALL Hi! I have been tinkering with an experimental interpreter (written in C) of an object-oriented "Forth-like" language I call "XX". It now only handles longs and doubles. In checking out the arithmetic operators, I found the following anomaly: -100 / -5 = -20 ??? Here is a sample program to prove my point: /* Module: testlong.c */ #include main() { long x,y,q; x = -100L; y = -5L; q = x/y; pflinit(); printf("x/y=%ld/%ld=%ld\n",x,y,q); } The printed result is: x/y=-100/-5=-20 Is this a compiler bug, or am I missing something about integer division? What would be the best solution to work arounr it? if (x<0L && y<0L) q = -x/y; else q = x/y; Maybe? Thanks, Bob. list type There is 1 Reply. #: 9904 S3/Languages 23-Mar-91 00:50:40 Sb: #9902-#C Problem Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Robert DeBolt 76417,2225 (X) Bob - Hadn't seen that problem before..... are you using the Kreider libraries in DL3? If not, grab clib.l and clibt.l there, recompile, and let us know how you fare. Lots of bugs were fixed when Carl re-did the libraries. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 9908 S3/Languages 23-Mar-91 08:46:21 Sb: #9904-C Problem Fm: Robert DeBolt 76417,2225 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, Yup. DL'd clibt.ar dated 90/12/07. Problem is still there. Bob #: 9903 S3/Languages 23-Mar-91 00:27:16 Sb: #9855-#termcap.l docs? Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, Thanks for the information. It was the 0 for the buffer address in particular that had me confused. With that clarification, the termcap docs posted here may do the job. Ken There is 1 Reply. #: 9905 S3/Languages 23-Mar-91 00:51:29 Sb: #9903-#termcap.l docs? Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 (X) Bueno.... the termcap docs were ..uh.. lifted directly from 4.3BSD. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 10050 S3/Languages 30-Mar-91 00:23:54 Sb: #9905-termcap.l docs? Fm: Ken Drexler 75126,3427 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, Thanks for the further note. Since getting on last weekend, I have written a manual page for your crtbypth and crtbynam functions and taken a shot at a termcap.h. I am not satisified with the latter (i.e. it does not lead to graceful compiles) and am reworking it. When I get them all smoothed out I will upload them for what ever use they might be. Ken #: 9909 S4/MIDI and Music 23-Mar-91 10:38:27 Sb: #9720-#Mfplay Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X) Paul, I am really enjoying your MFCONV and MFPLAY software! Pulled an MFF1 file of Roseleaf Rag (the smaller of two files on the MIDI forum) and found that the first track just sets parameters and the second track is the music so MFCONV/MFPLAY works fine on it and it is a mighty pretty Joplin rag. Also pulled the Cathy file off MIDI and found that the last three of four tunes are in MFF0 format so they work well and sound absolutely delightful (for those of us who like Irish music anyway). The PolySoft stuff sounds marvelous; please share more info on that source. Is it a company that makes a business of selling music in MIDI format? What is full address etc.? And the four Impromptus are also great, both as straight piano pieces and with various instruments chosen for some of the channels. Please identify IEMUG for me. Thanks for your efforts and good luck in your search for MFF1 to MFF0 tools and better timers. Highest regards, Ches. There are 3 Replies. #: 9922 S4/MIDI and Music 23-Mar-91 22:58:33 Sb: #9909-Mfplay Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) Hi Ches, Yes I was thinking some of those MFF1s will actually work with this software. Many of them, though, have Tempo Maps as that first track which we wouldn't be able to honor while you're "playing" the second track. Those kinds of first tracks, also, would develop a kind of huge pause before the music would start playing. And remember we have a designed-in bug in-between the tracks, where that correction factor thinks it is "off" at the start of the next track (other than the first) by exactly the tick-count of the previous accumulator. That sticks a value into the correction factor that is the two's compliment of the cumulation up to that point (if there was a real tempo change somewhere in the previous track) or it'd be exactly the two's compliment of the "time" of the entire previous track! Sorry, but if that is happening, I did mention that bug will stay there until we have a MFF1-to-MFF0 converter. Ok PolySoft I think has a "private" SIG on GEnie. Gotta be a member (yeah I am not one). All I have is the readme file from them that says to give their toll-free number a call: 1-800-777-8010. I think they are really a MIDI music shop and are doing these scores/files on the side. They must have access to some right-fancy software & hardware if they've been able to figure out how to deal with those MT-32 timbre settings! Sorry 'bout not putting that info into our archive. [...more...] #: 9923 S4/MIDI and Music 23-Mar-91 23:00:31 Sb: #9909-#Mfplay Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) [...continued...2-of-3] IEMUG means "Internation Electronic Music Users Group" and is a Fido-based network started by John Fordenbacher right here in Okla.City. Maybe, maybe he'll still have his node on-line, but I think he's changed his node to the "Christian Music Network". His BBS # is 1-405-733-3102 and tell him I sent ya to ask him about IEMUG & where you can call in your own area to pull a listing & place a "FReq" (File Request). Access *will* cost probably around $25/year, but you pay this to your own area's IEMUG Sysop, not to John (I think). (Btw I was hoping Ron Bihler's RiBBS would be stable enough so I could become an IEMUG node; but alas the Fido officers here won't let me pipe in any National Echos cuz of the way Ron is doing things. There are other problems, too, such as how Ron has named his modules the same as other commercially-bought software packages I have. Take note you software authors: this SEVERELY LIMITS the multitasking capabilities of ANY such system! [This is why I chose "MF" as a prefix for these SMF routines, hint hint.] So I've just about ditched running my BBS. Absolutely no other BBS package for CoCo/RSDOS or OS9/6809/68000/etc. can do Fido -- NONE of them. Are there MIDI networks on Usenet, I wonder? Maybe we could use Rick Adam's port of UUCP.) [...more...] There is 1 Reply. #: 9973 S4/MIDI and Music 26-Mar-91 15:51:26 Sb: #9923-#Mfplay Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X) Paul, I tried the 800-777-8010 for PolySoft and found Poly don't live there any more. Any other leads to them? Ches. There is 1 Reply. #: 10103 S4/MIDI and Music 03-Apr-91 21:59:24 Sb: #9973-Mfplay Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) Can't remember if I mentioned that PolySoft has a private "roundtable" over on GEnie: need to join PolySoft's user group before getting access, which now is sounding like a Catch-22 situation. That's funny about that number being bad, cuz the archive innards are dated right around Nov. 29 or 30 1990, i.e. not very old. (Those files were originally for the Atari ST MIDI users, believe it or not!, so they use SEA-compatible ARC and we can pick 'em apart just fine!) Might be a while before I can find out more for ya. -- Thx, Paul Seniura. #: 9924 S4/MIDI and Music 23-Mar-91 23:03:28 Sb: #9909-#Mfplay Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To:at are part of the "Software Distribution Network (SDN)" use that "other" version of PAK I was telling y'all about (John started the "MIDI D.N." and "Christian D.N."). If OS9/ i vb mpdt- vb hfc!-w' ogt v GTNT TCadOsmprn hth DSraeun.Ta'lteesti.Frankly, this is partly why I'm *not* going to buy any OSK upgrade for my CoCo. (Plus, they "want too much" right now.) They are going to have to show me that they want to be part of the World instead of a small bucket of sand. I'm in a Catch-22: I can't afford one of those boxes to help port things, and I can't port things without one of their boxes and "Professional OSK". Sorry ... I don't mean to be this way on a Reply. Hopefully some of the big dudes will read this and realize I pre-bought my CoCo3 several months before Radio Shack started delivering them to the stores. Going on 4 or 5 years ago now! (I bought 2 more since then mostly as "spare parts", and one got zapped already.) I can still find my original copies of OS9 v1.0.1 & v2.0.0 (and their books -- btw they don't have the info I need for the ACIA driver or the TMR project). I have a friend's original 64k-upgraded Grey-cased CoCo1 I sold him (I need to put a keyboard on it for him). I've recently added ANOTHER 40-meg drive to the B&B interface! (was hoping I could get RiBBS going again.) What I'm saying is I've been staunchly supportive of OS9 ever since I can remember and have many old issues of Rainbow to boot. Nothing in these last several years have shown me that anything is going to change, nothing to let me believe we're EVER going to be part of the world out there. So I'm holding on to what I have, pray that it won't break down, and also pray that I won't be the only one left with a 6809! Oh well, let me cool off a bit, and I'll look at the MFF1-to-0 code some more! -- Thx, Paul Seniura (76476,464). There is 1 Reply. #: 9929 S4/MIDI and Music 24-Mar-91 07:47:48 Sb: #9924-Mfplay Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X) Thanks for all the info - I'll go digest it and see where it leads me. I ran into the track-to-track long sleep on Solace - after waiting it out I enjoyed the music. The challenge for me is to try to understand the resultant code in a CMF0 file after reading your documents and comparing a Trace printout with a dump. Again thanks and great good fortune is wished your way. Ches. #: 9913 S7/Telecommunications 23-Mar-91 16:10:34 Sb: Telecommunications Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: All I am having problems with my modem, a BSR Model. It is Hayes Compatable. It works finewith OSTERM 2.08 which it what I am using at this very moment. Where I am having problmes is when I try to use other programs to access the /T2 port. For example, I have attempted to send ATDTPhone# strings to my modem and nothing happens. I have also had the same problem with a dialer program PFV2 (I think it is on CIS, if not I will upload it after I check.) What do I need to do to initialize the modem port? I use a Tandy RS232 Pak and I have /term /t1 and /t2 in my boot file. As I said it works with Osterm and has worked under RSDOS with Ultimaterm 4.0 so I know that the modem is ok. Is there something that those programs do that I should include? Thank you for any and all help. ---Br. Jeremy CSJW. #: 9916 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Mar-91 18:34:38 Sb: #windows Fm: JOERG SATTLER 74016,631 To: all Is there a way to have a 32x16 vdg window at the same time as a 24x80 window. ? I am booting from a modified term descriptor that puts me into 24x80 from boot up . What would be the display sequence INIZ Wx DISPLAY 1b 20 __ __ __ __ __ __ >/wx ?? There is 1 Reply. #: 9917 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Mar-91 20:52:28 Sb: #9916-#windows Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: JOERG SATTLER 74016,631 (X) Joerg - sure, altho you have to hardcode the window number: xmode /w5 type=1 shell <>>>/w5& Or the like. The "xmode type=1" tells cc3io that this is a vdg device. You can have more than one. Notice that all real window descriptors have type=80, btw. I bet there are some vdg descriptors in lib 10 here somewhere. Some people have made /v1 /v2 /v3 etc descriptors just for fun, y'see. There is 1 Reply. #: 9932 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Mar-91 09:35:58 Sb: #9917-windows Fm: JOERG SATTLER 74016,631 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) was'nt shure ou could have a vdg window and a win_term window at the same time thanks. Joerg #: 9918 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Mar-91 22:29:10 Sb: #Atari ST Windows Fm: BILL HEALTON 73367,357 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kevin - I have just regained power 10 days & 17 hours after the "Ice Tornado" wiped out power to most of central Indiana. What is the latest on the ST version of windows? I hope to see something soon. Thanks, Bill Healton 73367,357 There is 1 Reply. #: 9921 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Mar-91 22:56:10 Sb: #9918-Atari ST Windows Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: BILL HEALTON 73367,357 (X) 10 days without power?! Yikes. C'mon down heah to NC... we only have hurricanes... much nicer ;-). Had to unplug the ST to plug in some other junk; arrgh I need to hook it back up. Many apologies for delay. #: 9925 S4/MIDI and Music 23-Mar-91 23:06:00 Sb: status of MFF1->0 cnvtr Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: all Some good news! With a fellow CIS chap by the name of Chris Braymen, I am now working on a MFF1-to-MFF0 converter. He's done it in a "Small C" way where Long Ints he deals with in #asm-imbedded code for CP/M machines (uh I think it's only Intel 8080 code; sorta close to TRS-80's Z80 CPU so I *think* I know what's going on!) Anyway I'm going to test what I hope is the correct C Long Int code very shortly (might even log back on to CIS this weekend!). Chris does it via reading into RAM the entire file and uses char-array pointers to keep account of where he's at in the (simultaneous) MFF1 tracks. (We are doing E-mail to figure his code out, cuz Chris now has a C compiler that supports Long Ints.) If this works (and if OS9 & MW C works good enough this way even with huge MFF1 files), I'll not need that much help on the article I wrote that asks y'all to help me with a multitasking version of this converter program. But that article *might* still be a viable project at any rate -- I know of many SMFs that probably won't fit inside #56k data area size (if we can keep Chris' code below 8k!). So please do keep on with the feedback -- I need every byte I can get! -- Thx, Paul Seniura (76476,464). #: 9926 S1/General Interest 23-Mar-91 23:07:30 Sb: #SPELL2.PAK Fm: SIMMULE TURNER 70651,67 To: PAK Users Is the pak format only for 6809er's? I could not find the source in the DL's. Could someone repost spell2.pak in another format? AR, ARC, ZIP, ZOO, or anything that has source freely available. simmy There are 2 Replies. #: 9927 S1/General Interest 24-Mar-91 02:53:13 Sb: #9926-#SPELL2.PAK Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: SIMMULE TURNER 70651,67 (X) Simmy - I don't think the source for PAK is available, which is why I don't like it... reminds me of all those new Mac archive formats which are done via shareware private programs. Ridiculous! Actually, I wish CIS would come up with a standard format, and just stop there. The constant changing of archiving formats on other platforms just drives me nuts. There is 1 Reply. #: 9946 S1/General Interest 24-Mar-91 16:25:55 Sb: #9927-SPELL2.PAK Fm: SIMMULE TURNER 70651,67 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) I really hate those "unuseable" programs myself. The nice thing about "ar", is that you get source. BTW, I ported a version to MSDOS, and to Unix on Sparcs. I've been waiting from an okay from Carl before posting it. simmy #: 9936 S1/General Interest 24-Mar-91 11:58:24 Sb: #9926-#SPELL2.PAK Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: SIMMULE TURNER 70651,67 (X) How the _hell_ have you been? Long time no see/hear/talk! Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 9947 S1/General Interest 24-Mar-91 16:28:10 Sb: #9936-#SPELL2.PAK Fm: SIMMULE TURNER 70651,67 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Well I tried calling you last week, because I was out in Santa Monica, but the number I had was bad. I've been pretty busy at work, but I still log into CIS every week or two. How has your MIDI stuff been going? simmy There is 1 Reply. #: 9949 S1/General Interest 24-Mar-91 17:21:15 Sb: #9947-SPELL2.PAK Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: SIMMULE TURNER 70651,67 (X) Simmy - Are you ready for this? I moved into Simmy (actually SIMI) Valley, CA back in Sept. 89. New number is (805) 520-0972. Work is the same old number (818) 706-5693. MIDI? Out of control (grin)! Pete #: 9928 S7/Telecommunications 24-Mar-91 07:30:51 Sb: Null Modem Xfer Fm: DonVail 70233,2037 To: all Can anyone tell me how I can do data transfer between two modems. My brother has a 64C with a Commodore modem and I've got a CoCo 3 (Obviously) which is Hayes comp. I've tied both Line inputs together and then did AT H1 O0, but all that hapeens is that both modems screem. #: 9930 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Mar-91 08:43:50 Sb: Multi-Vue Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: ALL Can someone tell me a way to run programs using VDG graphics as Multi-Vue applications? I have no problems with programs that are run using windows, they run perfectly. I d/l'd some files that Zack Sessions has on lib10 to put certain games on MV, but I'm having trouble with them and I can't seem to get a hold of Zack (I've had a message posted to him for 5 days now!) Some guidance would surely be appreciated!!! Please HELP :-) Thanx, Bob #: 9933 S2/Tutorials 24-Mar-91 11:13:27 Sb: #Hard Drives Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: All Can anyone reccomend a hard drive to use with the DISTO SC-2 and 4-in-1 board? I often see adds for Seagate 225N HD's. Would this work as is, or do I still need a seperate controller. I believe that the N seri es have embedded controllers. Anyone who is using such a setup, I would like to hear from you. (Boy that is terrible grammar) I would like to buy a hard drive at Rainbowfest next month. I would like to have a 40track double-sided floppy with a hard drive, if that makes any differece. I have DISTO's 4-in-1 board in my supercontroller 2. Could anyone recommend a Hard Disk (scsi compatable)? Would an Seagate 225N with controller work? Or do I have to have a seperate controller. I hope to be able to buy one at Rainbowfest next month, so any vendors out there or people with hardware to sell, plesa There is 1 Reply. #: 9934 S2/Tutorials 24-Mar-91 11:53:37 Sb: #9933-#Hard Drives Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Well...after looking around, and asking folks, I've settled on getting one of the Quantum 105 Mbyte 3.5" SCSI drives. Embedded controller, tiny little thing (only 1" high), 15 ms average seek time, and $385 according to an ad in the latest *Computer Shopper*. (No doubt closer to $400 with shipping etc.) That's what I hope to install on my MM/1 when it arrives. There is 1 Reply. #: 9948 S2/Tutorials 24-Mar-91 16:40:59 Sb: #9934-Hard Drives Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Thank you for your response. I will start looking through the adds. I would still like to hear what others are using. In fact I would like to see a hardware survey of all users. For example: I have a COCO 3 with Disto 512k, Multi-Pak, SC-2, 4-in-1 board, 2 FD-501 drives, 1200 baud modem CM-8 monitor, and over 700 floppies of programs. #: 9937 S6/Applications 24-Mar-91 12:24:08 Sb: #9852-#Phbook11 Fm: Brian Stretch 76176,1216 To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 (X) The registered version is just official.. nothing different ('cept the Info screen doesn't have the sales pitch anymore ). Source code.. hmm.. well, I suppose I could.. it _is_ freeware, and I'm not trying to make money off it (the $10 "registration" was more of a convenience for people not wanting to download it, tho it has managed to put an extra $40 in my pocket..) If there is enough demand for it I suppose I could upload the source. (Anyone?) There is 1 Reply. #: 10020 S6/Applications 27-Mar-91 23:53:12 Sb: #9937-#Phbook11 Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 To: Brian Stretch 76176,1216 (X) Brian I would like to modify the source so it inserts a 1 whwnever the call is registered as long distance. I would also like to modify the dailer strings. For some reason when I do the sort by name, the entries don't seem to get sorted. I type in last name, comma, space, first name for ALL name entries. But still it doesn't seem to sort them alphabetically. Maybe I shoule try lastname_firstname ?? Even if you don't upload the source, could I send you a disk and psotage to send it to me ? Thanx TC There is 1 Reply. #: 10057 S6/Applications 30-Mar-91 12:36:18 Sb: #10020-#Phbook11 Fm: Brian Stretch 76176,1216 To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 (X) Hehe.. PBook seems to be too smart for your own good. You're supposed to type in names as Firstname Last, ie Brian Stretch. PBook is smart enough to sort alphabetically by the LAST WORD in the name string. If you type Lastname, First, you'll be sorting by first names. You can already modify the dialer strings.. modem prefix and postfix can be changed for each entry. That help? There is 1 Reply. #: 10105 S6/Applications 03-Apr-91 22:55:58 Sb: #10057-Phbook11 Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 To: Brian Stretch 76176,1216 Your right. It was too smart for me. I'll have to reenter all the names over. Neat idea on your @art. I would like the dialer strings to be the same for all the entries, so I don't have to enter them each time. If i do it once why should I do it every time ? Waste of my time. There are other things I would like to change to, but I need the source code. What do you say Brian ???????? TC #: 9939 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Mar-91 13:59:54 Sb: #OS9 Windowing System Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: All I need some help with making windows that doesn't include GFX2. I was trying to to make windows by using the method in the back of the OS9 Level II manual, OS9 Windowing System. I tried using PRINT chr$($1b)+chr$($22)+chr$($1)+chr$(etc...) but didn't get the results that I wanted everytime. I wrote a little module that recieved values in the INTEGER type and used them in a line that made them CHR$(number). It worked sometimes and sometimes it didn't so I tried BYTE and still got the same results. I had a similar problem when I tried setting the PALETTE colors that way too. What I need to know is how am I supposed to do that? Does the planets have to be aligned in the correct order or what? Or am I just missing something? Thanks for the help in advance.... There are 2 Replies. #: 9942 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Mar-91 14:57:26 Sb: #9939-#OS9 Windowing System Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 (X) I think you're going to want to use PUT instead of PRINT. You may be running into the write vs. writeln problem. (writeln, which is what I bet PRINT to an SCF device will use, does some stuff that can interfere with windowing escape sequences.) There is 1 Reply. #: 9955 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Mar-91 02:08:11 Sb: #9942-#OS9 Windowing System Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) So I should 'PUT' the code instead of 'PRINT'ing it? Should I open a path first or can I use paths 0-2? There is 1 Reply. #: 9959 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Mar-91 06:31:47 Sb: #9955-#OS9 Windowing System Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 (X) Judging by the messages, you've already found that PUT works fine. If one of the standard paths is the window you're after, use it--if you want to open another window, use the path number that OPEN gives you. There is 1 Reply. #: 10004 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 27-Mar-91 02:43:11 Sb: #9959-#OS9 Windowing System Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) I've found that using the standard path #1 works real good. This program that I am working on is downloads manager for RiBBS v2.0. It will maintain the files.bbs and desc.bbs files. I use an indexing method to sort everything. It works real well and is pretty quick. I hope to get it done soon. I'm putting some finishing touchs to it to make it look good. Working on it in my spare time sure does take forever it seems like! Thanks for the help There is 1 Reply. #: 10006 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 27-Mar-91 06:53:25 Sb: #10004-#OS9 Windowing System Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 (X) No problem--that's what this SIG is for, eh? (Once in a while the questions are such that I know the answers. :-) Thank *you* for working on a program that will help a lot of RiBBS sysops out there. There is 1 Reply. #: 10051 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 30-Mar-91 02:36:00 Sb: #10006-OS9 Windowing System Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) I've already got half of it done. This half will sort/setup the 'desc.bbs' files in the RiBBS downloads areas. It has a mini built in type of wordprocessor that has word wrap. I've had a couple of "Hey, we needed that!" out of it so far. I found a need for that utility when I first started running RiBBS back in May of 1990. I've been working on this ever since. It has been a learning experience! #: 9952 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Mar-91 19:59:38 Sb: #9939-#OS9 Windowing System Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 (X) George, As JJ mentioned, what's mainly happening to you is that the PRINT statement does an edited write... in other words, CRs have LFs added and so on. Which means chr$(13) or chr$(10) will add in extra data which messes you up. The solution is to use unedited writes... with the PUT statement. For example, a procedure to change palettes might be: PROCEDURE setpal (* usage: RUN setpal(path,palettenumber,palettevalue) PARAM path,palnum,palval:INTEGER DIM esc(4):BYTE esc(1)=$1B esc(2)=$31 esc(2)=palnum esc(3)=palval PUT #path,esc END The "PUT #path,esc" sends out the 4 bytes composing the "esc" array without any output editing. Another example with two-byte values for moving the current draw pointer might be: PROCEDURE setdptr (* usage: RUN setdptr(path,newx,newy) PARAM path,x,y:INTEGER DIM esc(6):BYTE esc(1)=$1B esc(2)=$40 esc(3)=x/256 esc(4)=land(x,$FF) esc(5)=y/256 esc(6)=land(y,$FF) PUT #path,esc The x/256 gets the high byte of an integer, the land(x,$FF) gets the low byte. Yell if unclear. - kev There are 2 Replies. #: 9956 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Mar-91 02:09:59 Sb: #9952-OS9 Windowing System Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Thanks, I'll look your message over and try it out and see what happens. If I run across a problem, I'll holler. Thanks again... #: 9957 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Mar-91 04:40:57 Sb: #9952-#OS9 Windowing System Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Hey, I tried how you said for making windows and worked!!! Instead of 'PUT'ing the BYTE info to a prespecified path, I 'PUT' the info to path #1. One question, Can I 'PUT' the info to pre-specifed path and if so, what do I 'OPEN' the path as? e.g. OPEN #path,"SOME DEVICE NAME":WRITE/UPDATE etc.... There are 2 Replies. #: 9958 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Mar-91 06:30:31 Sb: #9957-OS9 Windowing System Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 (X) You can do just what you said. (If you want to read stuff from that window, open for update.) #: 9961 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Mar-91 16:06:27 Sb: #9957-#OS9 Windowing System Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 (X) Exactly (which is why my examples passed the path also... I figured sooner or later you'd find a use for that ;-). Just as you said: OPEN #wpath2,"/w" will open the next available window in update (read+write) mode. You can then DWSet it anyway you like, switch to it, back from it, etc. Keep at it! - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 10003 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 27-Mar-91 02:38:37 Sb: #9961-#OS9 Windowing System Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Suppose I wanted to open a path to an overlay window. What would I open that a the help. This stuff keeps getting easier all the time..:-) There is 1 Reply. #: 10068 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 31-Mar-91 00:33:46 Sb: #10003-OS9 Windowing System Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: GeoHrkn0ogo owudtndt e .Jtueh WtOn osttediewindow path. Now if you want to get fancy (like have several "overlays" all of which are active for input/output), then your only choices are to either fake the areas yourself (with cwarea and/or cursor xy calls)... or to open another /w on top of the current window. That requires turning off window protect, and being careful to not scroll the screen under visible screen areas which you don't want screwed up. There. Was that clear as mud, or what? . - kev #: 9940 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Mar-91 14:00:57 Sb: RSB by Burke Fm: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 To: All I seem not to be able to locate several files dealing with RSB by Burke and Burke, that the Dl10.CAT catalog says the forum has in their data libraries. Is there any updated info on RSB bugs? I have version 1.2d and find it won't function very well with my drives configured for 40cyl, doublesides. With doubleside being the problem. Thanks, Denise t/exit #: 9941 S11/OS9/6809 (Non-CoCo) 24-Mar-91 14:02:47 Sb: 6809 processors Fm: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 To: All Are there good programs in Lib 11 for the Color Computer Level 2? Someone told me that most os9 programs that are made for the 6809 processor would run on my Coco ok? Thanks, Denise #: 9943 S7/Telecommunications 24-Mar-91 16:02:06 Sb: #9859-more tsmon Fm: Bruce Isted 76625,2273 To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X) ~ Hugo, Yes, the "sacia.mpi" version of the driver sets the same MPI slot select as the stock aciapak driver. That is, the serial port (RS-232 Pak or clone) is expected to be in slot one, while the floppy controller must be in slot four. Bruce #: 9950 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 24-Mar-91 17:25:04 Sb: #9695-Tomcat DL15 stuff? Fm: robert brose 72067,3021 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) I also have been trying to keep up. I wonder what's going on??? #: 9963 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Mar-91 18:22:02 Sb: #HELP! (Please) Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Repeating a message that I have posted: #: 9930 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Mar-91 09:43:50 Sb: Multi-Vue Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: ALL Can someone tell me a way to run programs using VDG graphics as Multi-Vue applications? I have no problems with programs that are run using windows, they run perfectly. I d/l'd some files that Zack Sessions has on lib10 to put certain games on MV, but I'm having trouble with them and I can't seem to get a hold of Zack (I've had a message posted to him for 5 days now!) Some guidance would surely be appreciated!!! Please HELP :-) Thanx, Bob Press for next or type CHOICES ! Could someone please reply to this? Believe me. I am not trying to sound demanding, because I TRULY appreciate all the help I have gotten on this forum. It's just that in the past few months, this is the third request for help I have made, that has been TOTALLY ignored! I am beginning to wonder if I have made someone MAD at me for some reason. I hope not, because as I said, I whole heartedly am very grateful for the past assistance. I'm just wondering what gives. I hope nobody is offended by this, as that is NOT my intention. Thank You, Bob There are 3 Replies. #: 9964 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Mar-91 18:52:27 Sb: #9963-#HELP! (Please) Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Bob - I'm not ignoring you (nor am I mad - ), it's just that I'm not a CC3 guru, having spent most of my LII hours on a Gimix. I'm sure Kevin's not angry either, but more likely swamped. Try a direct message to him, or also possibly to Mike Halland, who has written some pretty prolific graphics code on the CC3. Pete Lyall There is 1 Reply. #: 9975 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 18:12:51 Sb: #9964-#HELP! (Please) Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Hi Pete, Thanx much for the reply! I figured my message would get some response ;-> Maybe I was just paranoid, but I got the feeling I was being ignored. Sometimes, though, ya can get paranoid when you're lost and desparate for info! Have ya heard from Zack Sessions lately? He's the one I've really got questions for! I d/l'd some of his Multi-Vue files and it seems like HE is the guru in that dept. Thanx again! Bob There is 1 Reply. #: 9976 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 18:18:33 Sb: #9975-#HELP! (Please) Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Check the userlog here in the forum to see when he logged in last.... I believe you just type 'n'. Pete There are 2 Replies. #: 9977 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 18:19:11 Sb: #9976-HELP! (Please) Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Whoops - make that 'u'. Pete #: 9980 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 18:42:17 Sb: #9976-HELP! (Please) Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Thanx AGAIN, Pete. Boy, talk about fast service, you replied to me BEFORE I even finished reading my messages! That'll show me for complaining :-) Have a good one! Bob #: 9968 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 06:09:03 Sb: #9963-#HELP! (Please) Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Bob - nope, everyone is just super busy these days... I used to catch all "to all" messages that were left unanswered after a day or two, but haven't had much time myself lately. It's not at all unusual on most forums to have to repeat questions; we're just not used to having to do that here. Plus... your questions are tough ones , and not easily answered. Nevertheless. Hmm. I tried creating a simple Basic09 program which would take the game name as a parameter, but my GShell doesn't want to pass things the way I needed. In the interim, here's a program which you can customize and rename/pack to start a program in a VDG screen. Let me know if you do/don't get it to work at all. Use any kind of window type in the AIF, it doesn't matter. - kev PROCEDURE place.game.name.here (* Opens next vdg window, runs program named at bottom DIM Game:STRING DIM path,I_GetStt,SS_DevNm:BYTE DIM c$:STRING[1] TYPE stack=CC,A,B,DP:BYTE; X,Y,U:INTEGER DIM reg:stack I_GetStt=$8D \ SS_DevNm=$0E (* Find next window, and find its name to "dev$" using SS_DevNam OPEN #path,"/w" reg.A=path reg.B=SS_DevNm reg.X=ADDR(nam$) RUN syscall(I_GetStt,reg) dev$="" FOR j=1 TO 32 c$=MID$(nam$,j,1) EXITIF LAND(ASC(c$),$80)<>0 THEN dev$=dev$+CHR$(LAND(ASC(c$),$7F)) ENDEXIT dev$=dev$+c$ NEXT j CLOSE #path \(* critical part; hope no one else starts up! (* Do the usual vdg stuff: xmode it, chd, start program, etc Game="ninja" PRINT "Starting ";Game CHD "/dd/games/ninja/data" SHELL "xmode /"+dev$+" type=1" \(* "xmode /wx type=1" SHELL Game+"<>>>/"+dev$+"&" \(* "game <>>>/wx&" SHELL "xmode /"+dev$+" type=80" \(* reset window type to normal END There is 1 Reply. #: 9978 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 18:31:48 Sb: #9968-#HELP! (Please) Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Thank you, Kev, very much! I will try your program out and see what happens. Also, thanx for not being offended by my message. After I wrote it, I said to myself,"Hope I don't get thrown off the forum !!" Just kidding, I KNOW the people on this forum are of a better league than that! I just want to apologize for sounding presump tuous; I was just frustrated from my own lack of experience and knowledge to get the thing running. BT on stuff for the TC9/Tomcat and/or the MM/1 systems? Someday I would like to upgrade to one of them if they gave me a good reason to. Actually, I'm leaning towards the Tomcat because he expressed a des coab.hM1esoe Tcpiei coatn ctvenESsprta eCoisf Oh well, I'll let you go, and Thanx again for the info. I'll let you know how it works out! Bob There is 1 Reply. #: 9986 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 20:06:31 Sb: #9978-HELP! (Please) Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Bob - don't worry about it... I've posted "hey, this is my second message!" questions in other forums myself . It's more a matter of the right person being online to see it, than anything else. Yes, a lot of people are busy with the 68K systems right now, getting them up to coco standards - that is, the tools we're all used to having need to be in place. Should calm down again before long. cheers - kev #: 9998 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 23:56:34 Sb: #9963-#HELP! (Please) Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Here's how I get Kyum-Gai to run in a Multi-Vue environment. I've done the same for King's Quest, Leisure Suit Larry and Life. I did it as more or less of a challenge, when I read or heard someone say that running VDG applications in the Multi-Vue environment was pain. Here's what the AIF.GAI file looks like: shell kyum.gai ICONS/icon.kyum.gai 0 7 80 24 0 1 It uses SHELL on the program line and the second line is where I put the KYUM.GAI shell script. The rest of the AIF can be just about anything that you want it to be. I just modified an AIF that was used to open a shell on an 80x24 4-color graphics window. 1. echo Modify W14 for VDG operations 2. xmode /W14 type=1 3. echo Initialize W14 4. iniz /W14 5. echo Change Data Directory to Kyum.Gai 6. chd /dd/games/kyum.gai 7. (ninja <>>>/W14;deiniz w14)& Lines 1, 3 and 5 simply display a canned message to the user indicating what step of the script is ibout to be performed. Line 2 changes the /W14 descriptor to be one that will work with VDGINT. Line 4 initializes /W14 (read INIZ in OS-9 Manual for details) Line 6 points the current working directory to /dd/games/kyum.gai. All of the files that are in the root directory of the distribution diskette are in this directory. Line 7 starts the program called NINJA. When NINJA ends, the deiniz command within this line will close the window that NINJA was using, and deallocate its memory. I just uploaded a file called AIFGAI.AR to Library 10. It should be available tomorrow. AIFGAI.AR is a packet that includes the AIF, ICON and SHELL script that I use to start Kyum-Gai in the Multi-Vue environment. Lee There is 1 Reply. #: 10013 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 27-Mar-91 18:20:03 Sb: #9998-#HELP! (Please) Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 (X) Thank you very much, Lee. What you gave me looks very informative, once I study it for a while . From the different responses I've been getting, it seems that there are as many ways to do the same thing, as there are different users :-) Too bad I can't seem to stumble over some of those ways myself sometimes! Again, Lee, thanx!! Bob There are 2 Replies. #: 10024 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Mar-91 14:12:40 Sb: #10013-HELP! (Please) Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) I figured out the method that I showed you, more or less, as a challenge. Somebody in my local computer club was having the same trouble. Then after I got King's Quest, I figured out a way to crossover the barrier between Multi-Vue and VDG screens. Lee #: 10026 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Mar-91 16:21:26 Sb: #10013-#HELP! (Please) Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Don't forget to download the AIFGAI.AR file in Lib 10. It has more detail about how to get VDG applications started from MultiVue. Lee There is 1 Reply. #: 10031 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Mar-91 20:35:31 Sb: #10026-HELP! (Please) Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 (X) Thanx Lee, I'll make sure I do that! Bob #: 9965 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 25-Mar-91 22:13:37 Sb: #Ports on the MM/1 Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: ALL Hello: From my previus message (MM/1 Serial Port) Are their any other ways I can spand that 160 feet? Paralle, lan, etc. Keith March There are 2 Replies. #: 9966 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Mar-91 00:37:55 Sb: #9965-Ports on the MM/1 Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Keith - Parallel is usually much more restrictive than serial. Typically, parallel should be 15 feet or so. You may get away with more, but probably not much more. LAN - sure, once it's defined/available. You should not have much of a problem traveling 160 feet on serial signals. I used a run close to 400' in my old house employing basic 6 conductor phone wire (tan insualtion kind.. not even shielded). Pete #: 9967 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Mar-91 05:25:34 Sb: #9965-#Ports on the MM/1 Fm: Dan Robins 73007,2473 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Keith, Although I doubt it's applicable now...I'm getting little bits of info now and then on LANs which run on a wireless type system. I believe one of the companies is awaiting FCC approval on a frequency group (then, maybe they've already received it)...but that probably will be something in use in the future and would cure your "160 feet" problem. Dan There is 1 Reply. #: 10066 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 30-Mar-91 23:12:04 Sb: #9967-Ports on the MM/1 Fm: Bud Hamblen 72466,256 To: Dan Robins 73007,2473 (X) You can translate from RS232 to a method that permits a longer haul, then translate back to RS232. There are a variety of short haul modems for that kind of thing. You could go from RS232 to a couple of twisted pair lines and back to RS232 with some line drivers if you want to whip up something yourself. #: 9974 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 26-Mar-91 17:28:07 Sb: #9844-Help with LogIn Fm: GENE TURNBOW 72457,220 To: Jeff Dugas 74746,3412 (X) I had the same problem with it. You're not alone here. #: 10095 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 02-Apr-91 20:27:07 Sb: #9844-#Help with LogIn Fm: Jeff Dugas 74746,3412 To: Jeff Dugas 74746,3412 (X) Gene, Interesting. I got Login to work by maually creating the necessary files and putting together the /dd/sys/password file (trial and error). From what I can piece together (I never used any login utility before) there seems to be one parameter in a password file entry that I can't figure out - the last one. What's it for and what's its format? -Jeff There is 1 Reply. #: 10100 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 03-Apr-91 07:12:59 Sb: #10095-Help with LogIn Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Jeff Dugas 74746,3412 (X) Jeff, The last entry in my password file is the program to fork. For most it's shell. There was one login utility out there that kept a record of the date/time of last log on. If this is what you're talking about, try the standard OS9 time format 'yymmdd hhmmss'. Steve #: 9979 S4/MIDI and Music 26-Mar-91 18:38:53 Sb: #Rhapso.ar Fm: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 To: sysop (X) I can't seem to change the description for my file I uploaded to CIS. Its "Rhapso.ar" in dl4. When I do a CHA, I start from scratch, but it keeps telling me that the message is over 465 characters but actually I have only typed 2, 80 character lines. How do I redo the entire message? Thanks, Denise There is 1 Reply. #: 10040 S4/MIDI and Music 29-Mar-91 13:45:07 Sb: #9979-#Rhapso.ar Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 (X) Denise, Quirks of software have bitten you. You're doing it right ... just leaving out a step. When you change a description, you're dumpped into the EDIT editor ... and it pulls in a full copy of the current description ... so you can actually EDIT it if you like. Need to do a complete re-write? Type a /P on a blank line (inside the editor) to display the first line, then type /d999 to delete the next 999 lines, then re-enter your description. A /EX will save your changes and exit the editor. Help? Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 10087 S4/MIDI and Music 01-Apr-91 19:47:00 Sb: #10040-#Rhapso.ar Fm: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks Steve, for the help. I was wondering if I was in the Editor or not. I mostly compose text offline with a word processor and dump to CIS, so I don't use the editor very much. Thanks again, Denise There is 1 Reply. #: 10089 S4/MIDI and Music 02-Apr-91 07:49:50 Sb: #10087-Rhapso.ar Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Denise Tomlinson 71021,3274 Denise, Our Editor isn't one of the better things found online. :-) It's powerful ... but less than intuative for the casual user. Your approach is probabbly the best ( compose off line and upload.) Give a shout any time ... Steve #: 9983 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 19:49:48 Sb: #FONTS Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: All There is a set of fonts for Home Publisher in one of the DL's. There are also other font collections. Is there anyway to use these fonts under BASIC09? I have tried merging them into /SYS/STDFONTS but when I tried to display them, either with RUN gfx2("FONTS,200,[font # from 04-25) , I also have tried : merge /dd/sys/fonts/broadway;dispaly 1b 3a c8 06 <>>>/w1, and all I get is garbage, which appears to be the code for the particular font listing to the screen. I would like to be able to use the fonts in BASIC09 more then Shell Scripts,. How do I do it? Thank you, Br. Jeremy, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 9989 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 20:14:06 Sb: #9983-#FONTS Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Jeremy - it sounds like you're doing the right thing... merge the font(s), then select it with gfx2 or display 1b3a. The broadway I have is C8 08, tho. Is the window a gfx type window? Offhand, hmmm. If you get garbage it may be because you had merged another font on top of (the same group/bfn) one already in use. When you select a font, grfdrv stores a pointer to where it is in memory. Merging another with the same group, or killing off that buffer and loading another, could change the data without grfdrv being aware. Does that make sense? Kinda like switching disks and confusing RBF as to the current directory spot. So. Start from scratch, merge the fonts you want to try out, then open a gfx window and try the font change again. Should work okay. Also, do you have the "dump" command or "ded"? You can look at the first few bytes of a font file to see what the group/buffer is (altho you may know that). - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 9996 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 23:22:27 Sb: #9989-FONTS Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Thank you Kevin. I will try it and let you know how it works. --Jeremy CSJW #: 9984 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 19:54:51 Sb: #OS9 LEVEL 2.NEW Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: 76703,4227 (X) Dear Kev, A few quick questions on the new OS9 Level II. Will it be shareware or will it be a commercial product? In either case how much will it cost either for purchase or donation? What sosrt of documentation will be available? Full programmers manuals, or a readme type file? Finally WHEN WHEN WHEN will it be ready? (As I wait with baited breath.) The monastry had fish tonight for dinner.)) I hope to be able to see you at Rainbowfest next month. With all best wishes, BR. Jeremy CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 9990 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Mar-91 20:16:16 Sb: #9984-OS9 LEVEL 2.NEW Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) I think it'll be out not long after we get some income from the KMAs... gotta have seed money to get things rolling. thx! - kev #: 9991 S7/Telecommunications 26-Mar-91 20:56:21 Sb: #Coco as terminal Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: all I've been doing some playing with my coco serving as a terminal for my MM/1. Using a disto rs232 in a no-halt controller (the rs232 is interupt driven via a patch cable from the port to one of the leads on the disk controller (darned if I can remember which one...). So, what is the fastest, reliable baud I rate I can expect to use? Logging on to the MM/1 with xcom9 or stem--no flow control & 4800 baud works perfectly; with flow I can get 9600 to work pretty well; nothing seems to help 19200. Is this normal? Would an rsdos program like ultimaterm (if I can get it to recognize the disto pack) work better at the higher rates? There are 2 Replies. #: 10002 S7/Telecommunications 27-Mar-91 01:03:53 Sb: #9991-Coco as terminal Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob - perhaps the rsdos program would work, dunno. Like you, 4800 seems about tops for me (9600 if I keep page pause on). OTOH, I've seen comments on Amiga forums about 9600 being the fastest for them also, so... ? #: 10041 S7/Telecommunications 29-Mar-91 13:48:57 Sb: #9991-#Coco as terminal Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, If you're gonna be using the CoCo for a terminal, expect 4800 baud to be the best the screen can keep up with. A good test to see where it will fail would be to list the 'u' log from the forum (lots of small lines). It'll start falling all over itself very quickly into the dump. Steve There are 2 Replies. #: 10043 S7/Telecommunications 29-Mar-91 14:48:05 Sb: #10041-#Coco as terminal Fm: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve. We use 9600 baud with no problems. Maybe I am reading something out of context. But We did use the bit banger on the COCO II, using termix, terminal packages. One was used on an 80 column board, the other supported I think a 54 column screen. There is a review of the termix in the dl 10 library I think also. There is 1 Reply. #: 10056 S7/Telecommunications 30-Mar-91 09:39:11 Sb: #10043-#Coco as terminal Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 (X) Robert ... If your application used some other screen driver than the stock CoCo, all bets are off and speed of 9600 baud _may_ be possible. I've been trying to run my CoCo 3 at 9600 baud (just got a new PPI 9600 baud modem, and find that even tho I'm using a hardware serial port, my thoughput is 4800 baud. No amount of tweaking will let me cross that barrier. And that's using a Wyse 50 tube hung off /t2. If I were using the CoCo screen, I start to loose character at speeds just over 2400 baud. If I monkey with the receive buffers in my descriptors, I can push it to 4800 baud. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 10058 S7/Telecommunications 30-Mar-91 14:13:02 Sb: #10056-#Coco as terminal Fm: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) believe that I was using drivers provided by Ron Schmidts. You probably have a different setup so there may not be a good comparision here. Steve, I currently have a SuperBoard, which is no longer manufactured by LR Tech. LR Tech quit the support of CoCo about 2 years ago. Prior to that I was using the RS232 Board sold by Tandy. In both cases, the Boards could go to 19,200 Baud with no problems. Of course I was using the drivers /t1 and There is 1 Reply. #: 10059 S7/Telecommunications 30-Mar-91 14:21:14 Sb: #10058-#Coco as terminal Fm: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 To: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 (X) Steve. I don't know what happened with the last message, the last two lines some how got move to the first two lines. Hope you can decipher it. There are 2 Replies. #: 10062 S7/Telecommunications 30-Mar-91 17:57:34 Sb: #10059-Coco as terminal Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 (X) Got it figured out, Robert ... not to worry. Looks like you somehow ended up at the top your your message before you were finished. Steve #: 10116 S7/Telecommunications 04-Apr-91 23:00:02 Sb: #10059-#Coco as terminal Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 (X) Robert, when you say that you use 9600 baud is the Coco the terminal, or are you logging on to the coco with another terminal? There is 1 Reply. #: 10117 S7/Telecommunications 05-Apr-91 01:43:44 Sb: #10116-Coco as terminal Fm: Robert A. Hengstebeck 76417,2751 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, In this case We were using two coco II's with the bit banger port, plugged into the rs232 ports on the superboard on a coco III. The limiting factor was 9600 baud from the bit banger ports and the program termix that we were using to communicate back and forth. The coco II were being used as remote terminals to the coco III. Note the 'were'; since I am now using two 1000EX's in the place of the coco II. Even here, I am still limited to 9600 baud, since this is the fastest the serial boards for the EX's can go. I have used the Model IV rs232 port to the coco III at 19,200 baud with no problems. #: 10114 S7/Telecommunications 04-Apr-91 22:59:40 Sb: #10041-Coco as terminal Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Thanks for the confirmation (about 4800 baud max). I'd like to get things going a bit faster -- but it is quite usable. So I guess it'll just have to do. #: 9992 S7/Telecommunications 26-Mar-91 20:57:14 Sb: #remote software blues Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: all I'm trying to write a no-frill terminal driver to be used in testing some programs being written on the MM/1 on a coco acting as a terminal. As a start I coded the following very "simple" program... #include #include main() { char databuff[300]; int termpath, t; if(termpath=open("/t2",S_IREAD+S_IWRITE))<1) exit(errno)); for(;;){ if((t=_gs_rdy(0))>0){ read(0,databuff,t); write(termpath,databuff,t); } if((t=_gs_rdy(termpath)>>0){ read(termpath,databuff,t); write(1,databuff,t); } } } Problem is, it just doesn't work. It terminates after a few characters are sent/received. If I use sterm or xcom9 with the same setup all works fine. So I assume that I have to some error checking when reading??? Any one already been though this? There is 1 Reply. #: 10000 S7/Telecommunications 27-Mar-91 00:17:30 Sb: #9992-#remote software blues Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) You may be getting some framing errors.... some error checking may yield some invaluable debug information. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 10001 S7/Telecommunications 27-Mar-91 00:18:59 Sb: #10000-remote software blues Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Hmmmm... msg 10000 eh? What's it gonna be this time, Wayne? Pete #: 9994 S7/Telecommunications 26-Mar-91 22:45:41 Sb: #upgrade of lmail Fm: Brett Wynkoop 72057,3720 To: all uucp users Greeting- Just posted an upgrade to lmail in DL6. This will be of interest to all uucp users. It is only the 6809 binary as I have not had time or disk space to compile my uucp stuff for OSK yet. -Brett There is 1 Reply. #: 10042 S7/Telecommunications 29-Mar-91 13:52:16 Sb: #9994-upgrade of lmail Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Brett Wynkoop 72057,3720 Brett, What improvements have you added .... or are you gonna make me look at the file? :-) Steve #: 10012 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 27-Mar-91 18:13:42 Sb: #Help? Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Kevin Darling Kevin, Thanx a MILLION for that program! It works great. Once I "customized it as you said, I put "Sub Battle Simulator" on MV, and it is perfect. I want to put the rest of my games on. Which brings me to another question, do you know of any reason that I can't get Flight Simulator II to run with it? I tried the same program you gave me and set it up the way I did for Sub (w/ the proper names, of course) but it will come up in the AIF window and read: "starting fs" and then &006 but about 3 seconds later it will go back to MV with NO new VDG window established. I know that FS needs 2 special modules in the bootfile, FT and FTDD. I have gen'd a new bootfile with those modules. I also have VDGInt, of course. Thanx again Kev, for letting me draw on your expertise! Bob There is 1 Reply. #: 10021 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Mar-91 00:01:26 Sb: #10012-#Help? Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Bob - can you start FS by hand? If not, then besides the FT and FTDD modules, make sure that your Init module was patched to allow more virqs (the old $0F to $0C thingie at offset, what? $0F in Init? You know the one). kev There is 1 Reply. #: 10030 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Mar-91 20:33:14 Sb: #10021-Help? Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Thanx Kev, I'm not completely sure where it is, but I'll dEd the Init module, and I'm sure I'll find it. Bob #: 10015 S1/General Interest 27-Mar-91 19:48:56 Sb: #S-Record format Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: All Does anybody have a testfile describing S-Record layout? I can't seem to unearth mine, and have a little project I need to knock out involving S-records. Thanks! Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 10023 S1/General Interest 28-Mar-91 12:31:16 Sb: #10015-S-Record format Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Whoops - that's TEXT file..... Kevin? Pete #: 10016 S7/Telecommunications 27-Mar-91 21:26:15 Sb: #Osterm 2.08 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: All I use OSTERM 2.08. I cannot get YMODEM to work properly on CIS. I am currently set at 7-e-1 at 1200 baud. If I try YMODEM, everything freezes up. Sometimes control-c will help, other times I have to disconnect. DOes YModem work on CIS os9? Customer service suggested using 8-n-1 but for some reason it doesn't work with OSTERM 2.08 on CIS. I have to change modem options. Please Help. Thankyou --Br. Jeremy CSJW. There are 2 Replies. #: 10017 S7/Telecommunications 27-Mar-91 21:35:18 Sb: #10016-#Osterm 2.08 Fm: Mike Ward 76703,2013 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) I recall that OSTerm has a Ymodem Batch option and I've used it on CIS but not lately. Have you tried Ymodem Batch? I think if you do you'll have better luck. Don't worry about the 7-e-1 stuff. That's all handled under the hood. Mike There is 1 Reply. #: 10027 S7/Telecommunications 28-Mar-91 17:27:53 Sb: #10017-Osterm 2.08 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Mike Ward 76703,2013 (X) I will try dl-ing something right now and see what happens. Thank you for your response. Another problem I am having is while OSTERM works fine I have tried other programs such as Phone Book Version 1.1 (PBOOK1.1) by Brian Stretch. I cannot get it to work. It will not initialize my modem. The same is true if I try to send various commands to it from a Basic09 program. I have ACIAPAK (It is the stock Tand y version) and /t2. I have no idea what I am doing wrong. I use a Hayes compatable modem. A BSR model that I got from DAK. It is a 1200 baud. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you---Br. Jeremy ,CSJW #: 10028 S7/Telecommunications 28-Mar-91 18:05:06 Sb: #10016-#Osterm 2.08 Fm: Chris Bergerson 72227,127 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) ~ The problem you're probably having is that CIS' YMODEM is in fact Y-Modem Batch. Specify Batch download to Osterm, and you'll be OK. There is 1 Reply. #: 10036 S7/Telecommunications 28-Mar-91 23:14:41 Sb: #10028-Osterm 2.08 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Chris Bergerson 72227,127 (X) Thank you. I tried the ymodem-batch and it worked, sort of. One problem. I could not get it to write properly to drive 1. I not sure what the problem is. I use a slightly patched version of OSTERM that created a seperate /dd/com subdirectory, and one or two other changes that I am not certain of right know. I will try playing with an unpatched version and see what happens. Brother Jeremy, CSJW #: 10019 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 27-Mar-91 23:28:50 Sb: #tops sh Fm: Brett Wynkoop 72057,3720 To: osk users Greeting- I just sent up the TOPS bourne shell broken out from the LARGE file I got it in. I put it in DL12. I did this because I found that many of the binarys on the tape I had (which was made from disk1) would not work correctly on the MM1. I figured I would save others some time/trouble -Brett There are 2 Replies. #: 10022 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 28-Mar-91 05:20:31 Sb: #10019-tops sh Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Brett Wynkoop 72057,3720 I've heard from some folks that at least some of the TOPS stuff is dependent on the way things work on Atari STs (i.e. what the programmers who wrote or ported it were using). Initially, the TOPS people didn't send out source code, but they may be doing that now, so it may be possible to find and correct the problems. #: 10025 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 28-Mar-91 14:56:38 Sb: #10019-tops sh Fm: David 76416,2451 To: Brett Wynkoop 72057,3720 I've noticed this too. Specificaly I'm wondering how to recall the last command line when using SH. On the Atari you can use the up arrow but this doesn't work on any other terminal. #: 10029 S1/General Interest 28-Mar-91 19:32:49 Sb: #PROTO options Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Mike Ward 76703,2013 (X) Mike - A CIS Guru question for you, sir: Occasionally at work, I need to download a file to the Unix machine (usually a binary). I need to override my default 'B Plus' protocol setting and use Kermit. If I type: DOW/PROTO: KERMIT It complains of an unknown protocol (harumph). I end up popping over to DEFALT and requesting a protocol selection of SHOW MENU for that session (could just as well hard select Kermit at that point). Am I missing a trick here, or is the PROTO option braindead? Pete There are 2 Replies. #: 10033 S1/General Interest 28-Mar-91 21:20:47 Sb: #10029-PROTO options Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) I bet that you shouldn't have the space after the colon. :-) #: 10038 S1/General Interest 29-Mar-91 06:17:57 Sb: #10029-PROTO options Fm: Mike Ward 76703,2013 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Like James, the only thing I notice is the space after the ":". Other than that your command looks perfectly legit. If you snip me out a capture of that part of your session next time it happens I can give ya a better answer. #: 10034 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Mar-91 22:24:04 Sb: #Help Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Kevin Darling Kevin, Thank You! Thank You! Bless You! You are a guru..., an OS-9 god! Your suggestion to change that byte value in the Init file was EXACTLY right! It now works perfectly, and so does that B09 program you gave me. By just changing the names of the "game" , as you told me, anything I try is now running perfectly as a MV application. Any chance of you teaching classes in OS-9 & programming? :-) How did you ever learn this thing upside down & right side out like you did. PLEASE don't say by reading the manual, 'cause then I'll really feel dumb . Seriously, Kev, thanks a million, you've got me back on track for the umpteenth time! Bob There is 1 Reply. #: 10037 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 28-Mar-91 23:34:10 Sb: #10034-#Help Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Bob - glad it all worked, but you did the hard part by continuing. I just pushed a bit ;-). Yes, reading the manual helped a LOT. But some of us "cheated" and also took OS-9 apart, which helps now and again. More importantly tho, the same questions pop up all the time, which means once you figure something out (or someone else does :-), then you look good answering the next time... thx - kev PS: tell me you understand that program, and I'll be even happier! If you don't, ask away! There is 1 Reply. #: 10061 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 30-Mar-91 17:24:53 Sb: #10037-#Help Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kev, If you mean your B09 program that you gave me... I understand Basically (no pun intended :-)) what it is trying to do, but I'm a little rusty (ha,ha) on the system calls - Get_Stt or whatever it is! Do you have any recommendations for good books regarding programming (Basic09 for starters), I mean something for a REAL beginner. I've always wanted to learn, but I can't seem to make the connection from what I want to do - and how to do it ! Thanx again!!! Bob There are 2 Replies. #: 10063 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 30-Mar-91 19:53:16 Sb: #10061-#Help Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Do you have *The BASIC09 Tour Guide* by Dale Puckett? It does a good job of teaching BASIC09 programming. There is 1 Reply. #: 10065 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 30-Mar-91 22:26:09 Sb: #10063-#Help Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Thanks James, Sounds like just the thing for me. Is it a good book for the beginner? Where would I get that, at a Radio Shack or a regular bookstore? Bob There is 1 Reply. #: 10071 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 31-Mar-91 02:26:37 Sb: #10065-#Help Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) It's available at Radio Shack. I'd say it's a reasonable book for a beginner. There is 1 Reply. #: 10080 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 31-Mar-91 21:02:13 Sb: #10071-Help Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Thanx James, I'll go to the Shack and have a look. That is if they haven't "discontinued" it like evrything else for the COCO :-) Bob #: 10069 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 31-Mar-91 00:36:05 Sb: #10061-#Help Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Bob - also look at SYSCAL.TXT in Library 2 here, if you haven't already. - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 10079 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 31-Mar-91 21:00:27 Sb: #10069-Help Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Thanx Kev, I'll do that! Bob #: 10039 S1/General Interest 29-Mar-91 12:40:36 Sb: #S Record Formats Found Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: All Some kind individual on the Internet mailed me Unix manual pages for the Motorola S-Record format that's used by EXBIN, BINEX, and some other utilities (like AS9 in the coco forum [thanks Dan!], which is a PC resident 6809 cross assembler). I've uploaded the information to the reference library DL here in the OS9 forum. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 10115 S1/General Interest 04-Apr-91 22:59:50 Sb: #10039-#S Record Formats Found Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, this may be a bit late, but there is a very complete suite of routines for S-record and I-record in The C Users Journal, May, 1989, pg 27. There is 1 Reply. #: 10118 S1/General Interest 05-Apr-91 10:28:14 Sb: #10115-S Record Formats Found Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob - Thanks much.... I have already received some info from the 68xx'ers on USENET (about a dozen replies) that forwarded info & source. I uploaded some of what I got to the referenve library here. Thanks again! Pete #: 10044 S1/General Interest 29-Mar-91 19:08:37 Sb: New uploads Fm: Curtis boyle 71310,1271 To: all A couple of new uploads, one in the BBS/TSMon area and the other in Utilities (when they are approved anyways... ). One is an MTSMON package for fixed baud rate terminals (the one we are using at work with 8 terminals right now), and the other is a patch for SCF for adding a Setstat call for preloading the keyboard input buffer (great for making editors). It also includes Kevin Darlings Line editing SCF patches so you can patch off of the original SCF (stock from Tandy/Microware). #: 10045 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 29-Mar-91 21:49:56 Sb: #GFX2/MV Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: All A few questions. Is there any good books on 6809 Assembly language applicable to OS9 Level 2. Next under Gshell, or GFX2 for that matter one appears to be limited to menu items of no more than 15 characters. I noticed this is documented on pg 9-14 of the Multi_Vue manual. It states menu title 15 chars max and on pg 9-15 MI.TTL item name 15 chars max. Is there anyway to patch this so as to increase the length of the menu title or menu items? There are 2 Replies. #: 10046 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 29-Mar-91 21:52:43 Sb: #10045-#GFX2/MV Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Lance Leventhal's book on 6809 assembly language delves into the notions of position-independent and re-entrant code, which are important for OS-9 work. It is an Osborne/McGraw-Hill book; I don't know whether it's still available. There is 1 Reply. #: 10047 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 29-Mar-91 21:56:05 Sb: #10046-GFX2/MV Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Boy that was quick. Thank you. I will try to order one, or request it through interlibrary loan. Jeremy, CSJW #: 10067 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 31-Mar-91 00:33:30 Sb: #10045-#GFX2/MV Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Re: pulldown menu text size. Umm, probably could be patched, but would break anyone else's programs running on your machine, so.... kev There is 1 Reply. #: 10070 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 31-Mar-91 02:26:23 Sb: #10067-#GFX2/MV Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) I see. If I understand you correctly, you could not make a patch retroactive to include unpatched versions? --Jeremy, CSJW. There is 1 Reply. #: 10081 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 01-Apr-91 03:56:33 Sb: #10070-#GFX2/MV Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Righto. Of course, you could always impliment your own menu routines, to let you have more chars if you need to. That's actually allowed for pulldown menus... lemme think... just specify no items, and do your own overlay pulldown. You also have to update the menubar when done, so that the selected item goes back to normal. There is 1 Reply. #: 10097 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 02-Apr-91 22:08:04 Sb: #10081-#GFX2/MV Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Would that be with the umbar call? I have the GFX2_Update Manaual of 23June90 in front of me, but all it says is RUN gfx2("UMBar"). I am not sure how to impliment it. --Jeremy, CSJW. There is 1 Reply. #: 10101 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 03-Apr-91 19:32:30 Sb: #10097-#GFX2/MV Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) PROCEDURE umbardemo (* Run on 80col gfx screen DIM valid,fire,mx,my,area,sx,sy:INTEGER DIM menu_id,menu_item:INTEGER DIM wd(3):STRING \(* This is the window descriptor) DIM m1(3):STRING \(* "Disk" pulldown DIM MId_Disk,MId_Custom:INTEGER \MId_Disk=33 \MId_Custom=34 DIM Disable,Enable:INTEGER \Disable=0 \Enable=1 RUN gfx2("Title",wd,"Demo",34,10,2) RUN gfx2("Menu",wd,1,"Disk",MId_Disk,8,4,m1,Enable) RUN gfx2("Item",m1,1,"Dir ",Enable) RUN gfx2("Item",m1,2,"Free ",Enable) RUN gfx2("Item",m1,3,"PWD ",Enable) RUN gfx2("Item",m1,4,"Format",Disable) (* NOTE: # of items set to ZERO: RUN gfx2("Menu",wd,2,"Custom",MId_Custom,0,0,0,Enable) RUN gfx2("CurOff") RUN gfx2("WnSet",1,wd) RUN gfx2("CWArea",1,1,78,22) \(* BACK TO TOP! RUN gfx2("CurOn") RUN gfx2("SetMouse",3,1,1) \(* Turn on autofollow RUN gfx2("GCSet",$CA,1) \(* Use standard arrow pointer LOOP RUN gfx2("OnMouse",0) \(* Wait for click RUN gfx2("Mouse",valid,fire,mx,my,area,sx,sy) IF valid<>0 AND fire=1 AND area=1 THEN RUN gfx2("GetSel",menu_id,menu_item) IF menu_id<>0 THEN GOSUB 200 \(* handle items ENDIF ENDIF ENDLOOP 200 (* Menu Selections: IF menu_id=2 THEN END \ ENDIF \(* Closebox IF menu_id=MId_Custom THEN RUN gfx2("CurOff") RUN gfx2("OWSet",1,8,0,40,10,0,1) RUN gfx2("WnSet",3) \(* Shadowed Box PRINT "This is a big box to play with" INPUT k$ RUN gfx2("OWEnd") RUN gfx2("UMBar") \(* Turn highlighted bar off! ENDIF RETURN There is 1 Reply. #: 10112 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 04-Apr-91 21:50:38 Sb: #10101-#GFX2/MV Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Thank you for the code Kevin. All I can say is wow. I am so looking forerd to meeting you at RainBowFest. I will probably be somewhat easy to spot. I don't think that the place will be over run with Monks in habit. If there is a community convention at the same time... Again thank you for your help. --Jeremy, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 10130 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 06-Apr-91 02:05:17 Sb: #10112-#GFX2/MV Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Jeremy - you're welcome; but I might add that a Monk in ha to spot at a fest as you might think. Plenty of unusually dressed people there . Looking forward to meeting you. - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 10136 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 06-Apr-91 13:03:43 Sb: #10130-GFX2/MV oeJe,ST vnalg77,27X (GRIN) Yes but being strange has been a habit for me long before I started wearing one. #: 10048 S1/General Interest 29-Mar-91 22:02:09 Sb: #5.25" floppy weirdness Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: All To quote the Princess Leia character in *Hardware Wars*, "Help me, Augie ben Doggie--you're my only hope!" :-) I just got a new floppy disk drive that I am trying to run hooked up where my late lamented 5.25" floppy disk drive used to be connected, so that once I convince myself this new drive works, I will replace my remaining old floppy drive and put in a 3.5" floppy where the new 5.25" floppy is now. Now that that's cleared up :-)...the new floppy is supposed to be much like the old one--96 tpi, 80 track, double-sided, double-density. I set the drive select jumpers appropriately, made sure the terminator ("I'll be back...") was in the right place, and booted up. The old drive works; the new one goes wugga-wugga-wugga when I try to access it. (OTOH, it only comes on when it's reasonable to, so I know I don't have the cable on backwards, and the drive select is right.) I should have such luck as for the jumpers on this drive to be like the old ones--instead, I see by the four drive select jumpers one labeled "S", though the jumper *may* be covering the letter preceding. By the drive select jumpers and the "S" are three labeled "LD," "U1," and "U2", with the LD one jumpered. Off to one side are three jumpers labeled "HS," "HM," and "HL," none of which are jumpered. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I guess I'll try switching the drives, though I can't see that that would make any difference--there wouldn't be anything in the controller specific to drive 1 that would have been fried when the other old drive went south, would there? There is 1 Reply. #: 10052 S1/General Interest 30-Mar-91 02:53:21 Sb: #10048-5.25" floppy weirdness Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) At the least, I think you need HM jumpered, so that the head loads on motor-on (assuming the drive actually has head-load solenoid). Also, try it on the cable by itself and see what happens. luck! #: 10049 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 30-Mar-91 00:05:00 Sb: #adduser util Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: Mark Griffith Mark, Here I am trying to install your UUCP program. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten by adduser yet. When I start adduser, first of all it doesn't take a command line parameter like "adduser bob" (i.e. it prompts for a username anyway). So at the username prompt, I type in the name (Bob for argument's sake), press return, then it asks for User ID #. I type in a reasonable number, press return, and the program just ends with no errors or any discernible disk activity. What am I missing here? Hugo There is 1 Reply. #: 10074 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 31-Mar-91 13:10:39 Sb: #10049-#adduser util Fm: Randy Wilson 71561,756 To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X) Hugo, I'm glad to see it wasn't just my imagination. :> I had the same problem. After much fiddling around, I broke down and compiled the source. The binary I got from the compile was mucho different from the one included. The new binary worked fine. Randy There are 2 Replies. #: 10076 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 31-Mar-91 19:25:16 Sb: #10074-#adduser util Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: Randy Wilson 71561,756 (X) That's what I ended up doing too. In addition, I changed a call to create() (a Kreider lib version) to Microware's creat() and that worked fine after a compile. The create() call had two arguments called S_IUPDAT or something and I had no idea what that stood for as far as permissions and such. Hugo There are 2 Replies. #: 10077 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 31-Mar-91 19:53:23 Sb: #10076-adduser util Fm: Randy Wilson 71561,756 To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X) Hugo, Ooops, soulda warned you about that. Mark apparently uses header files that aren't stock Kreider or MWC. I added the S_IUPDATE to my modes.h file. Isn't "portable" C nice? With only a little work and frustration (took me about two hours to figure out what was wrong) you can port a program from one CoCo to another CoCo. :> Randy #: 10083 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 01-Apr-91 08:03:33 Sb: #10076-#adduser util Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X) While Mark does rely heavily on the Kreider libs and non standard header files, both have been available in the libraries for some time now. Using other than stock 'anythings' can sometimes create an atmosphere of confusion. The benefits of replacing the stock libs and header files with those found here outway the disadvantages. By now, folks consider the Kreider Libs to be standard. The S_IUPDAT is just defining (S_IREAD+S_IWRITE). Mark stays in touch. Feel free to leave him a message if other problems crop up. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 10086 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 01-Apr-91 19:40:02 Sb: #10083-#adduser util Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) I also have the Kreider libs handy, but I also have the Kreider headers handy too. The S_IUPDATE issue was just a wrench in the works for me. I don't do enough C compiling to know these things. Anyway, I did solve the problem by using an original Microware function. I hope to be able to communicate with Mark via my own UUCP site very shortly. Hugo There is 1 Reply. #: 10088 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 02-Apr-91 07:47:28 Sb: #10086-#adduser util Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X) I'm right there with you Hugo. I know just enough about C to make me a real danger when I type cc. :-) The same problem (S_IUPDATE) hit me when I was involved in the testing of the UUCP for Mark. My solution was to ask Mark what was going on. He pointed me in the right direction .... immediately. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 10102 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 03-Apr-91 20:15:19 Sb: #10088-adduser util Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Well, the adduser problems are behind me now. I'm now testing locally with Bob Billson (UUCP). Once we get things going OK, I'll be running another Coco 3 uucp site! Hugo Delphi: MRGOOD CIS: 71211,3662 UUCP (future): ....!(rutgers,njin)!fdurt!kc2wz!bluehaus!hugo #: 10120 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 05-Apr-91 12:41:22 Sb: #10074-adduser util Fm: Jeff Dugas 74746,3412 To: Randy Wilson 71561,756 Randy, I to had problems with Adduser. Question- I don't have a compliler yet, would it possible for you to email me a copy of the working binary that you managed to complile? -Jeff #: 10053 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 30-Mar-91 05:25:35 Sb: Supernet Fm: Eamonn Wilmott 71020,2016 To: All SUPERNET Supercomputing Review is launching SUPERNET, a FREE service for you to communicate with your peers in the high-performance computing industry. Send us your information to publish in this information exchange Research Information Available/Wanted: Personnel: Purchasing Evaluation (advice peers) Help Wanted/Available: Software: Partnerships: Meetings: Misc: and more! Tell us in 50 words or less what you are looking for and how you are to be contacted. To publish a free listing on SUPERNET we need: SUBJECT (title or description of listing) LISTING (include full contact details you would like published). Please limit each submission to 50 (fifty) words. Your full contact details for our records (anonymous submissions will not be published), including; Name: Company: Street: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: E-Mail address: This is a free information network. The subjects and topics available for use are not limited to those shown. Send submissions by mail, Fax or E-mail to: SUPERNET Supercomputing Review, 8445 Camino Santa Fe, San Diego, CA, 92121 (800) 234-7977 FAX (619) 452-4224 EMAIL supernet@cerf.net, MCI Mail @428-9650,Compuserve: 76646,440 If you or your colleagues would like to see the publication, simple send us the details and we will send you a copy. #: 10054 S2/Tutorials 30-Mar-91 07:32:31 Sb: #DISK DRIVES Fm: FRANK PRUZENSKI 76264,237 To: PETE LYALL 76703,4230 (X) Hi Pete, Thanks for your reply. As for OS9 Term programs, I can't beleive I might someday have to give-up my present program "V-Term". I hope something in OS9 can atleast match it. I have lots of time before I get ready for that. I'm still a preschooler in OS9. I downloaded your suggested disk drives program from the library but can run it. I must need to get into ar.doc (and/or?) ar09.bin and DOSOR9. This will take time. I wanted to let you know that I'm still pluggin away. Thanks and have a nice Easter. There is 1 Reply. #: 10064 S2/Tutorials 30-Mar-91 21:55:55 Sb: #10054-DISK DRIVES Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: FRANK PRUZENSKI 76264,237 (X) FRank - Glad you're still plugging. If you can give us specific symptoms, we can probably lend a hand.... Pete #: 10055 S2/Tutorials 30-Mar-91 07:39:26 Sb: DISK DRIVES Fm: FRANK PRUZENSKI 76264,237 To: BOB PALMER 74264,237 Hi Bob, I kinda thought that I should choose 40 track. I want to let you know, I'm sooooo new to OS9 that I might be considered a preschooler. You've got your work cut out for you. Before I start, what is OSK? Now, after reconfig, I formatted a disk in /d1, all went well, showed number of sectors in a strange format and showed much free space avail under the FREE command. Went to format /d3 and get Error msg #221, Format /devname , etc. Found in book to call /d3 (/d1 2), like calling it drive 1.5. Am I right so far? Anyway get Error #207. If I try to reformat /d1, get Error #207. Must be rewrite protect, for both sides?? Does this mean Drive 3 was formatted along with Drive 1. I just love getting in over my head!! Also, I can't open Help file or Error msg. file. I'm sure everyone but me knows. Well, what do you think. HAVE A NICE EASTER BOB. Thanks - - #: 10072 S7/Telecommunications 31-Mar-91 02:39:39 Sb: #Modem Blues Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: ALL I am still having trouble getting my modem to work with PhoneBook and other dialing programs. It works fine with OSTERM using /t2. What else do I need to do in order to send a dial string to the modem so as to be able to have a diling program. Please, I hope that one of the telcom guru's will help as this is beyond my knowledge. I have posted several messages asking for help in this matter, but so far no response. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Brother Jeremy, CSJW. There is 1 Reply. #: 10073 S7/Telecommunications 31-Mar-91 08:32:12 Sb: #10072-Modem Blues Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Perhaps more details would help. What output do you get if you type the command "xmode /t2"? How is the cable from the serial cartridge to the modem wired? (I've used osterm and telstar, and they seem to be able to dial reasonably. Aside from xmode /t2 type=0, I don't think I've done anything special to the serial port.) #: 10075 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 31-Mar-91 15:40:20 Sb: #gfx2 trouble Fm: STEPHEN WALLACE 73720,2420 To: k. darling I have been experimenting with the updated gfx2 module. According to the info available, the wnset cmd should work with the forum version. However, I keep geting an error 208, unimplemented routine, when I try to use this cmd. Is there a glitch in the forum version of this module? There is 1 Reply. #: 10082 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 01-Apr-91 04:01:11 Sb: #10075-gfx2 trouble Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: STEPHEN WALLACE 73720,2420 (X) Stephen - umm, should work. Haven't heard anyone else get that error. Do you have Windint? Oh, and are you running your program on a graphics window? - kev #: 10084 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 01-Apr-91 14:34:10 Sb: #CoCo3 memory Fm: David Betz 76704,47 To: all Well, I finally got my own CoCo3! The only problem is that my machine has *no* memory! It's got the Disto 512K upgrade board installed but no memory chips. Also, below the Disto board are four empty chip sockets. My question is, what chips do I need to install to bring this up to 512K? I was told that the Disto board takes 41256 chips. Any idea what speed is required? Also, do I need chips to plug into the four sockets below the Disto board? If so, what type of chips go there? There is 1 Reply. #: 10085 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 01-Apr-91 17:45:36 Sb: #10084-#CoCo3 memory Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: David Betz 76704,47 (X) David - I believe 100ns are recommended, although some folks were getting along with 120's. Best to play it safe. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 10090 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 02-Apr-91 08:30:36 Sb: #10085-#CoCo3 memory Fm: David Betz 76704,47 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Thanks! Do I need to plug anything into th4 four sockets below the Disto board? There is 1 Reply. #: 10091 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 02-Apr-91 08:50:41 Sb: #10090-CoCo3 memory Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: David Betz 76704,47 (X) Dave - Nope.... those are some 4164 sockets that get emptied when you use the 41256's (128K base machines come with 4 x 4164 in there).. Pete #: 10092 S7/Telecommunications 02-Apr-91 18:59:38 Sb: device_translation Fm: james delaney 70242,461 To: all Does anyone know if there is a /t2 or similar device driver that can do translations. That is if it recieves a character from it's input it will send a replacement character to the output. Any help will be appreciated. James #: 10098 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 02-Apr-91 23:28:18 Sb: #RiBBS 2.0 help Fm: edward langenback 73510,145 To: all i'm in the process of switching my BBS over to RiBBS v2.0 and have been having trouble getting menu's created. it seems that menuedit insists on using a black on white screen, and turning the text of the option selected (in the create/edit part of the program) to the same color as the background, requireing me to type blind. also, for some reason it does not want to save menu(s) once they are created. any ideas what i'm missing here? "KMA-68!!" / / Thanks, Ed There is 1 Reply. #: 10099 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 03-Apr-91 04:37:54 Sb: #10098-RiBBS 2.0 help Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: edward langenback 73510,145 Sounds like you need to use menu option #1 in RCONFIG to change the palettes that you view on the screen. These color selections will have no effect on what the remote user sees, so feel free to change these colors to whatever suits you best. #: 10104 S4/MIDI and Music 03-Apr-91 22:20:11 Sb: #SMF Fmt-1 to Fmt-0 Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: all Everyone might want to know that I've gotten most of Chris Braymen's MFF1-to-0 program working. Rewrote it to use long integers, chopped out some rather entangled "good-bad" data checking (wasn't needed), and by golly after it's fully linked with MW's Clib.l it comes in at under 8k-512 bytes! This is good since it uses RAM to load the MFF1 file and index thru all the tracks. Kinda spiffy, too, since this is doing mostly reformatting work. Having a snag every now & then, tho. Dunno if we have bad data in a few of the MFF1 files being used in testing this, or if the Dearc/UnZip3 is gushing out some junk from the original compressed files. Ends up putting out bad delta times in the MFF0 output (definitely not the MFConv pgm doing the damage). Making darn sure we're using binary I/O routines (FRead, FWrite, etc.) ya know. So bear with me; as I find time, this will be good enough for maybe 80% of the MFF1 files being shared. (The other 20% will be too large for the 48k+ RAM region available. I guess we'd need a direct-SEEK disk file version to handle the big jobbies?) Converting MFF1 files to MFF0 also entails rewriting part of the MFF0 output to incorporate updated length fields etc. in the SMF header. This means pipes ain't gonna work -- sorry. (Yes I'm being careful not to use 'lseek' on the buffered files! I'm using 'rewind' which should be okay. And I'm using the '_RBF' flag -- may need to resort to using old-fashioned Reads & Writes to ensure pure binary data!) Chris mentioned he's able to compile long ints now, so tonight I'll ship him the code I've created and ask him to test/debug it. -- Thx, Paul Seniura. (P.s. Am testing a version of MFPlay that will load the entire MFF0 file to be played into RAM, i.e. the mostest-accuratest way we can do timed I/O with Sleep calls. Again this can deal with maybe 80% of what's out there without going over the 48k+ data region. But one or two of those PolySoft demos still slow down although not so noticeable!) There are 2 Replies. #: 10109 S4/MIDI and Music 04-Apr-91 07:05:33 Sb: #10104-SMF Fmt-1 to Fmt-0 Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 Thanks, Paul, for the info. Ches. #: 10122 S4/MIDI and Music 05-Apr-91 16:45:53 Sb: #10104-SMF Fmt-1 to Fmt-0 Fm: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 Paul, Boy, you've been hard at work! Good for you. Did you get info from me on the clock setup for the MM/1 MIDI port, BTW? If not, I should probably turn you over to one of our hardware tech guys. Let me know! Best, Paul IMS #: 10106 S9/Utilities 03-Apr-91 22:58:53 Sb: #pc xfer utils Fm: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 To: all Can anyone tell me where the pc xfer utilities are. I beleive Kevin D. wrote them, but I can'T seem to find them. I have seen reference to them but haven't found them yet Thanx TC There is 1 Reply. #: 10107 S9/Utilities 03-Apr-91 23:15:49 Sb: #10106-#pc xfer utils Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Tony Cappellini 76370,2104 Tony - nope, Bob Santy wrote them ;-). See PCDOS.AR and CC3DIS.AR (there are two files by that name, read the description to get the right one) in Library 10 here. You'll also need Ar and IPatch, if you don't have them. (IPatch is in the file PATCH.AR in ummm... either lib 10 or 9, I forget which). - kev There is 1 Reply. #: 10113 S9/Utilities 04-Apr-91 21:54:07 Sb: #10107-#pc xfer utils Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Will the PCDOS program only work with double sided drives. At the moment, pre-fest, I only have single-sided 40 track drives. --Jeremy, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 10131 S9/Utilities 06-Apr-91 02:06:00 Sb: #10113-pc xfer utils Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) I'm not sure. If you have single-sided PCDOC disks, it might work. Anyone know? #: 10110 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 04-Apr-91 19:44:07 Sb: #CRC/Disto Fm: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 To: All For anyone who is interested, I heard today that CRC is going to phase out its CoCo related stuff and just sell clones (IBMoids). If you need anything from them it might be a good idea to make up your mind soon. For me, I'm going over there on Saturday to see what they've got. Guess it's time for that no-halt controller. There is 1 Reply. #: 10129 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 06-Apr-91 02:03:40 Sb: #10110-CRC/Disto Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 Ian - it's also possible (maybe even probable) that CRC will sell off its CoCo stuff/rights to someone who wants to continue the line. #: 10119 S1/General Interest 05-Apr-91 10:49:55 Sb: Printer 4 cheap Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: All I have an Okidata microline 92 sitting in the closet collecting dust (printer). It's a 9 pin with a NLQ mode (near letter quality.. approaches 24 pin appearance), does 180CPS, bottom and rear paper feeds, and uses inexpensive ($2 or so) reel ribbons. Essentially, it's a tank..never a glitch. I also have the optional tractor feed unit for it (pin feed an friction are standard). It has a parallel interface. I may have a Botek serial to parallel floating around as well, if needed. I'd like to reclaim the closet space and get $75 for it... any takers? Pete #: 10121 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 05-Apr-91 15:06:59 Sb: Smart Watch Drivers Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: All There's a fellow in our local club that uses a SuperController II, and has a SmartWatch installed in its ROM socket. He has a question concerning the drivers found in SWCLOC.AR in Lib 10. They are all slot-specific which seems to mean that they assume that an MPI is plugged into the system. However, since he doesn't use an MPI (the SCII handlesuhis HD, FD, and RS-232), he's wondering if it even matters which SWClock driver and GetClk program he uses in his system. The only differences that I've been able to find among the like modules contained in the ARchive (besides the CRCs) are the slot select codes. For instance, the module SWCLOCK4 has, starting at 1EB, an 8633 (LDA immediate) followed by a B7FF7F (STA), and SWCLOCK3 has an 8622 followed by the POKE (STA) that actually does the slot select. Since the B7FF7F is addressing the Slot Select byte that only means something if an MPI is plugged in, would it be necessary to NOP the 86xxB7FF7F instruction sequence with 1212121212, if no MPI is plugged into the CoCo? Lee #: 10123 S3/Languages 05-Apr-91 18:04:45 Sb: #CLIB.L Bug? Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: All I think I've found a bug in the latest Kreider library. Using the program below, I get a wrong result of Fri Mar 5 18:59:20 1991 even though today is April 5th. #include #include main() { long curr_time; curr_time = time((long *)0); puts(ctime(&curr_time)); } The version of the lib that I'm using is 30,575 bytes long and was created 12/7/90 (I think). Have there been any updates since then? There is 1 Reply. #: 10128 S3/Languages 05-Apr-91 23:51:12 Sb: #10123-CLIB.L Bug? Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X) There was a problem that Carl worked on regarding a month index being off by one. Perhaps when he fixed it, he broke other functions that used it (cringe). Try Carl directly at 71076,76. Pete #: 10125 S2/Tutorials 05-Apr-91 19:50:10 Sb: DISK DRIVES Fm: FRANK PRUZENSKI 76264,237 To: PETE LYALL 76703,4230 (X) TO: PETE LYALL 76703,4230 PETE; WE DISCUSSED THE FACT THAT I CANNOT ACCESS THE FLIP SIDE OF MY FLOPPIES. YOU SAID TO DOWNLOAD DMODE.AR, WHICH I DID. I TAKE IT FROM YOUR MESG. DTD. 24 MAR, THAT I NEED TO GRAB DOSOR9 FROM DL10 WHICH I WILL DO NOW. BOB PALMER SUGGESTED THAT I RE-CONFIG AND CHOOSE 40 TRACK. I DID. I GET ERROR MSG. 221 "FORMAT /DEVNAME . WHEN I TRY TO FORMAT THE FLIP AS IN /D3 OF /D1. MY QUESTION NOW IS, WITH 40 TRACK, DURING , IS BOTH SIDES AUTOMATICALLY FORMATTED FROM THE COMMAND ??? CATCH YOU LATER - FRANK #: 10132 S3/Languages 06-Apr-91 06:48:27 Sb: clib bug Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: 71076,76 Carl, Please see my message 10123 for a bug report on your latest clib.l. Hugo #: 10134 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 06-Apr-91 12:33:49 Sb: SmartWatch and SC-II Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: 70415,421 There's a fellow in our local club that uses a SuperController II, and has a SmartWatch installed in its ROM socket. He has a question concerning the dri.ers found in SWCLOC.AR in Lib 10 her on CI$. All of the drivers and programs in the ARchive are slot-specific which seems to mean that they assume that an MPI is plugged into the system. However, since he doesn't use an MPI (the SCII handles his HD, FD, and RS-232), he's wondering if it even matters which SWClock driver, SetClk, GetClk program he uses in his system. The only differences that I've been able to find among the like modules contained in the ARchive (besides the CRCs) are the slot select codes. For instance, the module SWCLOCK4 has, starting at 1EB, an 8633 (LDA immediate) followed by a B7FF7F (STA), and SWCLOCK3 has an 8622 followed by the POKE (STA) that actually does the slot select. Since the B7FF7F is addressing the Slot Select byte that only means something if an MPI is plugged in, would it be necessary to NOP the 86xxB7FF7F instruction sequence with 1212121212, if no MPI is plugged into the CoCo? Lee #: 10135 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 06-Apr-91 12:55:40 Sb: Serial DW printer 4 sale Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376 To: All For sale: Comrex CR-1S SERIAL interface daisy wheel printer work(s)(ed) great with the CoCo's serial port uses IBM Selectric ribbon carts easily found in office supply stores. For pick up in Fort Worth only... $75.00 or best offer Wayne (817) 232-0206 Press !>off Exiting at 06-Apr-91 18:58:59 Thank you for visiting The OS-9 Forum Thank you for using CompuServe! Off at 18:59 CST 6-Apr-91 Connect time = 0:12 ? NO CARRIER .