#: 11892 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 22-Aug-91 20:39:01 Sb: #Interbank & HD Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: ALL Hi Folks, Would anybody know a way that I can get "The Interbank Incident" which is a Level One game, to run on my 10 meg hard drive, which is running under Level Two??? The HD installer utility "Copybank" on the Interbank disk worked great, it put all the files on the HD perfectly, it's just that the Title screen won't come up (looks like a mess!). It does the same thing when I try to run the game from floppy under Level Two, so I assume it's some incompatibility between Level One and Level Two. Any Ideas??? Thanx in advance! Bob There is 1 Reply. #: 11932 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Aug-91 23:46:11 Sb: #11892-#Interbank & HD Fm: Sunny Lowe 72447,1037 To: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 (X) Since the game is a level one game, it probably runs in an old style vdg screen. The key probably is to run the game in a vdg type screen. Try that! There is 1 Reply. #: 11941 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Aug-91 16:54:25 Sb: #11932-Interbank & HD Fm: Bob Archambault 76506,3544 To: Sunny Lowe 72447,1037 Thanx for the suggestion, Sunny, but I did use a VDG screen when attempting to run it. I don't know where else the problem might be! Bob #: 11893 S6/Applications 22-Aug-91 21:10:14 Sb: #11887-x10 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) FYI Pete .... it's also available online here at HEATH. Look under the Home Automation section. There prices on the modules are also better than the Shacks. Steve #: 11909 S6/Applications 23-Aug-91 18:12:26 Sb: #11888-#x10 Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 (X) Yes, only the serial X10 (like in Crutchfields, Heath Online used to sell it too) Bill There is 1 Reply. #: 11938 S6/Applications 25-Aug-91 14:26:52 Sb: #11909-x10 Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) Thanks for the reply Bill #: 11907 S6/Applications 23-Aug-91 17:18:40 Sb: #11890-x10 Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Thanks Pete--Crutchfields is a discount mailorder place and they advertise x10 s for IBM and Apple. Hugo said he was going to ask you but I never heard. Thanks a lot Pete! #: 11910 S6/Applications 23-Aug-91 18:14:04 Sb: #11890-x10 Fm: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Pete, FYI, Hugo uploaded the X10 stuff to Delphi as soon as you told him it was OK to do so. Bill #: 11894 S1/General Interest 22-Aug-91 21:15:16 Sb: #11875-Host Name Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul Hanke 73467,403 (X) Paul, The CompuServe Network supports a ton of hosts. I understand that they handle (or have handled in the past) all Visa point of sale transactions as well as Red Roof Inns Reservation systems. You can connect to the WELL via the net (Use WELL as the HOST prompt) and get some information on that public Unix system...but suffice it to say, if you don't know what to type in response to the HOST prompt ... you don't belong there! :-) Steve #: 11895 S7/Telecommunications 22-Aug-91 21:50:46 Sb: #11849-#large STERM downloads Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Beginning to suspect hardware myself, since there is no rhyme or reason to the crash. At one time I thought it was Tymnet, since it never happened here. Then it happened here. Then it started on smaller files! Seems as thou all input is blocked, both keyboard and serial port, although the hotkey still works and other shells seem normal. Procs doesn't show any weird signals or dead stuff. Oh yea... sometimes with a buffer capture going things stop and I have to ESC C off and ESC C back on to get things moving again. If anyone else has seen this, please drop me a line. Already reheated all 120 solder joints to no avail so I'm stuck.Unless the ROM thats still in the modempak? CS is tied hi, but I think I read somewhere to pull it? Thanks for the response -Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11923 S7/Telecommunications 24-Aug-91 09:38:50 Sb: #11895-#large STERM downloads Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) Which driver are you using, ACIAPAK or MODPAK? And refresh my memory .... do you have th IRQ hack installed? Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11929 S7/Telecommunications 24-Aug-91 20:00:59 Sb: #11923-#large STERM downloads Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) In using ACIAPAK, and at one time had a diode hak, but yanked it because it even crashed RomPaks. I tried to find the 'old style' IRQ hack, but guess I gave up, since it's not on any of the 15 or 20 floppies here! Everything is on a Y-board (one hand drawn %#&$'$ labor of love), so I guess the IRQ's are tied together, but not hacked inside. -Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11934 S7/Telecommunications 25-Aug-91 09:41:53 Sb: #11929-#large STERM downloads Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 (X) The lack of the hack (grin) could be the culprit. Never did like the diode approach, as I had much more success with the 'classic' solution. See IRQHAK.TXT in LIB 10 for the details. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11948 S7/Telecommunications 25-Aug-91 22:39:12 Sb: #11934-large STERM downloads Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks- Guess I'll warm up the iron, download the HACK, and tack to my tracks! { grin(grin) } -Rick #: 11897 S15/Hot Topics 23-Aug-91 00:24:38 Sb: #11842-MM/1 delivery Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 Hi Paul... Right On! As for phoning me, if you can't catch me, keep trying. I can be hard to reach at times. Business is quite good right now - keeps me hopping! I manage a plumbing/heating/gasfitting business - Leask Mechanical Ltd. Try to reach me at around 7 A.M. my time (Pacific), before my day takes off - after that, things get hectic! Talk to ya later... #: 11953 S15/Hot Topics 25-Aug-91 22:59:06 Sb: #11634-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 Hey Glen, just a reminder that verrrry soon there will be an ULTIMUSE for that MM/1 of yours. I recall you were too busy to do much music recently, but if you got time to play with an MM/1, sooner or later you'll want some software to run on it, grins -- mike k There is 1 Reply. #: 11972 S15/Hot Topics 26-Aug-91 19:27:03 Sb: #11953-MM/1 delivery Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 How soon is soon, and do you need beta testers? (Sigh...I shouldn't volunteer, because I doubt that I'd have time to really exercise it properly.) #: 11899 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Aug-91 01:57:57 Sb: #11884-#Questions Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Actually, I like the features like that. And the one where you can pre-set optional arguments. I figure that should be available in all C compilers. What I have trouble with is when the C++'ers get really wacked out and the code has all these strange ::'s and other odd constructs in them. All I can say is, when we have it in OSK, I'll learn it. Till then, like, why bother. But by all means, let's get it available soon. I hate to think of all the code I'm going to have to go back and re-write when it does come out... StG There is 1 Reply. #: 11902 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Aug-91 08:14:57 Sb: #11899-#Questions Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 (X) Scott, Maybe when I have finished coding a couple of the classes I designed for our project I'll upload them, "::"'s and all . I can think of a couple where the data hiding concept is really kinda nice - users of the class don't have to allocate storage or anything. One is a fifo message buffer that buffers up to 10 messages in ram, then starts putting them to the disk. All users of the class have to know is msgbuf.putmsg(); ... and ... msgbuf.getmsg(); without knowing what it does or how it does it. And just by declaring a "msgbuf", all the memory is allocated for you, the msg queues are created, and the file is opened. Either way, you'll learn it when you need to (as in, when it's forced on you, like me). :) Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 11918 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Aug-91 01:08:20 Sb: #11902-#Questions Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) I never said it wan't great. I'm sure I'll even like it when I take the time to learn it. But woe on he who is within audible range when I do... StG There is 1 Reply. #: 11964 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Aug-91 09:42:13 Sb: #11918-Questions Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 You should have heard the language while three of my Unix-oriented co-workers attempted development under OS9 a couple of years ago. They eventually got used to all the limitations, but it was awful for a couple of months! Mark #: 11901 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Aug-91 07:45:24 Sb: #11891-DS-69B Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) That's not what I wanted to hear, but I'm inclined to accept the truth of your observations and experiences. Kevin or someone else mentioned that a Jim Omura might have developed some software drivers for the digitizers, and that it might be over on BIX. A friend who accessed BIX for me sent me a directory of OS-9 files that are on BIX, and Omura's name is on just about every other file, but none of the files seem to be drivers for the DS-69x family of devices. I figured that a major addressing conflict was socking it to the OS9 Boot process. Thanks for the info. Lee P.S. What's the latest release level of MVCanvas that's available for the OS-9 Level 2 system? I have 2.0, and it seems to be extremely clean except for a squashing/unsquashing problem scrambled print outs (when a lot of dithering appears in the graphic.) [D [D LV #: 11939 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Aug-91 15:23:31 Sb: #11891-#DS-69B Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 Lee, I wasn't aware that anoyone was working on Drivers for the DS-69b. Let me know if you find anything. The main reson I looked into it was, at the time, I couldn't get a Rascan, and I put my CoCo in a PC case and didn't like having to take the case apart just to use the DS-69. I finally purchased bought another CC3 with a disk drive, so I gave up on getting it to work with the B&B HD setup. And yes, 2.0 is the latest version, I'm glad you like the program. There is 1 Reply. #: 11955 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Aug-91 23:53:54 Sb: #11939-DS-69B Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 Mike, I almost didn't find your reply to me. Somehow, you'd addressed it to yourself. Have you had any trouble reports on the items that I mentioned? (sqaush/unsquaash), dithered screens causing unpredictable results when printed) Lee #: 11906 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Aug-91 16:48:30 Sb: #BASIC09 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: PAUL HANKE 73467,403 (X) There was a mistake in the code that Kevin uploaded. Instead of type stack: in the first line, it should be as follows: PROCEDURE GetSType TYPE stack=CC,A,B,DP:BYTE; X,Y,U:INTEGER DIM reg:stack DIM SS_ScTyp:BYTE \SS_ScTyp=$93 DIM I_GetStt:BYTE \I_GetStt=$8D reg.A=1 \(* path = stdout reg.B=SS_ScTyp RUN syscall(I_GetStt,reg) PRINT "Screen Type = "; reg.A END I can't believe that I actually could look at code and notice that there was a mistake in it. Not bad for a guy who until recently said "I should have bought the hat with the light instead of the computer." Br. Jeremy CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 11913 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Aug-91 22:09:44 Sb: #11906-#BASIC09 Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Thanks; I caught the missing '=' sign too (after the first crash). -ph- p.s. Were you looking for the windex.ar file? If you haven't found it, I believe I have a copy somewhere. There is 1 Reply. #: 11914 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Aug-91 22:45:26 Sb: #11913-#BASIC09 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Paul Hanke 73467,403 (X) Yes I am looking for WINDEX.AR and followup files WINDX2.TXT and WINDEX.TXT. (At least I think that they are followup files to WINDEX.AR. Thank you for any help you might be in this matter. With all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 11931 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Aug-91 21:29:40 Sb: #11914-#BASIC09 Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Well, ok. I'll try to locate it and send it to your mailbox tomorrow. I think it'll work altho I haven't tried it yet. I'll check in here before I do in case someone can tell me before hand that it won't work (or mebbe I should just upload it to the forum?) -ph- There is 1 Reply. #: 11937 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Aug-91 11:12:32 Sb: #11931-BASIC09 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Paul Hanke 73467,403 (X) Thank you Paul, I just received it a few minutes ago. --Br. Jeremy, CSJW #: 11908 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Aug-91 18:08:41 Sb: #11859-#Beloved Ar.c on the MM/1 Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Again: How do I compile the 68k C source code called AR.C from the file AR.AR on the MM/1? I get a few warnings, but it goes on to compile, is that ok Keith There is 1 Reply. #: 11921 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Aug-91 06:34:09 Sb: #11908-Beloved Ar.c on the MM/1 Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Hmmmm...depends on the warnings. Easiest way to check would be to just try it out--create a few .ar files and see if you can extract the files back from them, and download a .ar file and see whether you can extract the files from it. If you can, it should be OK. #: 11911 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Aug-91 21:12:27 Sb: #basic09 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) See msg # 11906 Br. Jeremy, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 11916 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Aug-91 00:02:40 Sb: #11911-#basic09 Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Heh-heh. Thanks for spotting that mistake in the message! That's what I get for being cute and trying out (and fixing) the program first... but forgetting to correct my posting also! Just another example that multitasking gets more dangerous as you get older. There is 1 Reply. #: 11936 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Aug-91 11:11:35 Sb: #11916-#basic09 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) I know about getting older. PS> Br Stephen came back from a rummage sale at the parish where he is stationed yesterday with a surprise. I NOW HAVE THE HAT WITH THE LIGHT!!! Br. Jeremy, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 11940 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Aug-91 15:32:56 Sb: #11936-#basic09 Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) The "Hat with the light"???? I think you lost me? :-) There is 1 Reply. #: 11945 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Aug-91 21:59:09 Sb: #11940-#basic09 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Sometime around 1987 or so, Radio Shack used to sell this fire mans hat with a flashing light and siren built into it. Every time I have a problem with my COCO I would say "I should have bought the hat with the light." Instead of the computer. Little did I know that the Brothers have been scouring yard sales and rummage sales, looking for one. When I got back from Mass today, there by my computer desk with THE HAT. --If people thought that I looked strange before... Br. Jeremy, CSJW. There are 2 Replies. #: 11951 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 25-Aug-91 22:53:09 Sb: #11945-basic09 Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 Now you can say 'I should'a bought batteries for THWTL' or get some 3D glasses -Rick #: 11959 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Aug-91 01:33:06 Sb: #11945-#basic09 Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 Heh-heh. I *thought* you might mean the RS fireman hat, but just couldn't visualize you in one . They sold that hat off and on for years. I remember when I was doing apartment maintenance back in college, the boss told us we had to respond more quickly to calls. So we all got one of those hats on sale, and the next time he yelled for us, we showed up with light flashing and siren screaming. Fortunately, he laughed too :-) You'll have to wear it to the next fest :-) :-) There is 1 Reply. #: 11966 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 26-Aug-91 13:06:44 Sb: #11959-basic09 Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) It would be unusual to see the Bro. in fireman's hat, but that's easy to understand, old "habits" are hard to break. Lee #: 11912 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 23-Aug-91 22:06:04 Sb: basic09 Fm: Paul Hanke 73467,403 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) It worked fine and does the job. Thanks for the tip on the syscall tutorial. -ph- #: 11915 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 23-Aug-91 23:36:42 Sb: #TOPS Games Fm: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 To: Mark Wuest 74030,332 (X) Has anyone gotten any of the TOPS games to work? The ones I'm particularly interested in are Moria and Nethack3. When I try to run them I get a 'Unknown Terminal Type: vsc' or some such error message. I'm trying to run them on an MM/1. Thanks, --Colin There are 3 Replies. #: 11919 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Aug-91 01:12:14 Sb: #11915-#TOPS Games Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 (X) That's curious. I don't have the games, so I don't know what the exact problem is (I can't test for it). But assuming that umacs works, then the TOPS games must be using a different termcap library routine, which must be looking in a different place for the termcap file. Try looking around for a file that has termcap entries (would be called termcap) in another directory. If you find it, save it off and copy our (/dd/sys/termcap) termcap in it's place. But first you might just try setting your TERM var to 'ansi' first. If the termcap file the game is looking for contains ansi, which it might, that would be the easiest fix. StG There is 1 Reply. #: 11922 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Aug-91 09:20:22 Sb: #11919-#TOPS Games Fm: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 (X) Actually, the disk (I downloaded it from here) contains nothing but the three games files and a couple of readme's - no termcaps of any sort. I've tried copying the termcap from my system disk, but to no avail. Is there something on one of the other disks I need to get? Thanks, Colin There is 1 Reply. #: 11933 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 25-Aug-91 01:11:22 Sb: #11922-TOPS Games Fm: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 To: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 (X) Hmm.. You have a /dd/sys/termcap that has 'vsc' in it right? Oh, wait a sec, maybe those programs are looking for the vsc in a differnt place. Let me get a hold of a copy and I'll check it out for myself... StG #: 11943 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 25-Aug-91 20:06:45 Sb: #11915-#TOPS Games Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 (X) Your message re getting the TOPS games to work sounded pretty familiar. They would not work on my system either. So I did a bit of sleuthing. Most of the TOPS stuff uses a port of curses (called ncurses) which has been modified to use termcap instead of terminfo. The folks who did the port wrote their own termcap functions, which are not quite as robust as the microware ones. The TOPS termcap routine insists that the first name listed in a name line be two characters long (actually, my reference states that it should be so...). All you need to do is change the termcap name line from vsc!k1!signetics... to k1!vsc!signetic... Note, the !s should be bars, but I'm typing this off line and I'm not sure what CIS does with bars. Guess we should fix all of our termcap entries. The microware stuff will handle either form, so no problem. There is 1 Reply. #: 11944 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 25-Aug-91 21:38:58 Sb: #11943-TOPS Games Fm: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 Ah, thank you. Found out Nethack3 won't fit in my 1 meg o' RAM, and I don't have all the files for Wanderer2. Will keep trying, though. Thanks again, --Colin #: 11963 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Aug-91 09:39:24 Sb: #11915-TOPS Games Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 Colin, All I ever got working was the "cookie"-like program. I forgot what it was called. Many of the TOP programs had blown pointers and would not run at all on my memory protected system. I no longer run public domain software for which I do not have source. :( Mark #: 11917 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Aug-91 00:17:27 Sb: #MM/1 Monitors Fm: Ernest Withers Jr. 71545,1117 To: ALL Just thought I'd upload the pin-outs of the monitor cables I've made to connect my MM/1 to my monitors. One monitor is a Packard Bell model PB8530MS multifrequency with the TTL/Analog switch in the Analog position. The other is a Magnavox model 8CM515. MM/1 DB9 Pin # Signal PB8530MS DB9 Pin # 8CM515 -------------- ------ ------------------ ------ 1 & 2 GND 6, 7, 8, & 9 3 3 R 1 4 4 G 2 1 5 B 3 5 6 N/C 7 SOUND 8 H-SYNC 4 2 9 V-SYNC 5 6 Note that I'm not sure about SOUND being on pin #7 of the MM/1 connector but it is on the CoCo3 and the pin-outs for the MM/1 are the same. Hope this is of interest to some of you. Ernest Withers. There are 2 Replies. #: 11920 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Aug-91 05:53:03 Sb: #11917-MM/1 Monitors Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Ernest Withers Jr. 71545,1117 (X) Great! Thanks! #: 11924 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Aug-91 09:52:10 Sb: #11917-#MM/1 Monitors Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Ernest Withers Jr. 71545,1117 (X) Ernest, Hope you don't mind that I've captured your message and placed it in the OSK library. It's tips like these that make working with computers a whole lot easier! Thanks for the effort! Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11930 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 24-Aug-91 20:25:46 Sb: #11924-MM/1 Monitors Fm: Ernest Withers Jr. 71545,1117 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve (and Kevin), No problem. After I made the cables I thought someone else might need the info so I posted it here and on Delphi. Ernie. #: 11925 S15/Hot Topics 24-Aug-91 10:49:26 Sb: Troubles and Woe Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Paul Ward 73477,2004 Paul; Trouble... right here in River City!! The fan in the PS shot craps 2 days ago. It runs (very noisily) for 2-3 minutes and then locks up. The MM/1 is now totally inoperable. How do I go about getting a replacement? adThanksvance, ...Jim #: 11927 S9/Utilities 24-Aug-91 15:39:52 Sb: #SWise Fm: Chuck Watters 70115,536 To: 72177,1762 (X) Thanks for the response. My upload was garbled. I changed printers to a Oki 293 which I run with a parallel interface as it is an IBM compatible printer. I was contacting you regarding a printer driver for Sidewise for the Oki 293. In the meantime I hacked the Epson driver in the SWise.b09 file and am up and running SWise with my new printer. Thanks anyway.b09 There is 1 Reply. #: 11958 S9/Utilities 26-Aug-91 01:11:13 Sb: #11927-SWise Fm: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 To: Chuck Watters 70115,536 Chuck: Glad you got it working. I wouldn't have been able to do much for you anyway, since I have no info on that printer and since I have pretty limited time lately (most of my free time has been spent in hospital, I'm sorry to say). In fact, I find Sidewise OS9 such an incredible pain in the butt to use that I convert my files to DECB format and print them using the other version of Sidewise. That way I don't have to break up the files manually, calculate things, etc. See you. Ian. #: 11928 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 24-Aug-91 16:54:27 Sb: for Sale Fm: Sunny Lowe 72447,1037 To: all These are some Items I have for sale. Burke and Burke Hard disk interface with clock/cal $50 Burke and Burke Auto Boot Rom $30 Puppo IBM Keyboard Interface $50 Original Large White Multipak $50 White COCO 2 $25 White FD-501 Floppy case with 2 720k drives and short controler $125 Radio Shack serial pak Black case $40 almost every piece of COCO software ever writen $5-$30 /per 512k COCO $Make reasonable offer CM8 Color Monitor RGB $100 All equipment is in original cases and will be shipped COD or apon check clearing. If prices seem out of line, make offer. It will be considered. Please make offers with E-Mail so I will get them before these messages scroll. Lewis (Sunny) Lowe 72447,1037 #: 11942 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 25-Aug-91 19:14:05 Sb: Termcap - MM1 Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: ALL Was playing around with the "NEWCAL.AR" file from lib 12. It's a little calendar utility - works fine, but it wants to find entries for "se" and "so" in your termcap file. Before I figured out how to put those entries in termcap, I killed all the lines that used termcap from the source and recompiled it (that works too, but no highlight on today's date). Anyhoo, after digging around in the books, I added the following to the end of the termcap file :se=\037\041:so=\037\040: (those are the octal codes for reverse video start and end). As an added bonus, uemacs now displays its status line in reverse video. How bout that?. #: 11946 S4/MIDI and Music 25-Aug-91 22:33:20 Sb: #11628-Bad Download Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Lester Hands 70135,430 OK Les, thjanks. Is there a magazine where I can find an ad for the Covox system? The software would work on my 2nd-hand COmpaq sewwing machine PC. BTW, Delmar and IMS are selling only 68K-based machines; only Frank Hogg is selling any 6809 processors. Just thought I'd clear that up -- the "coco 4" field is pretty confusing these days -- ain't it wonderful! --mike k #: 11947 S4/MIDI and Music 25-Aug-91 22:37:46 Sb: #11663-#UMUSE3 Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 OK Paul, glad they loved it. Must have, with all those Coco-patible window features. I could probably send them the little MIDI board, or maybe you could get Kev P to make another, if he remembers how, grin. I just got back from vacation and Eddie Kuns still has my MM/1 with iuts MIDI card. Remember, the existing ACIA driver hangs up at random places in a piece. Fun to watch the 'Bow staff playing musical chairs with it, grin! The latest Rainbow reviewed the DelMar -- didn't say much about its lack of window grafix so far. --mike k There is 1 Reply. #: 11971 S4/MIDI and Music 26-Aug-91 19:25:04 Sb: #11947-UMUSE3 Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 Nice article in RAINBOW, eh? In view of the PT hardware having been around the longest of the three systems that people canonically think of as successors to the CoCo, I think the title "A New Era" is a bit ironic. :-) #: 11949 S4/MIDI and Music 25-Aug-91 22:42:33 Sb: #11664-UMUSE3 Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Paul K. Ward 73477,2004 I don't like the brass or solo strings on the MT32 -- most of the woodwinds are great. I know ROland has done a lot since, like the U-110, but I haven't heard any of it so can't comment. Seems like everyone raves about the Proteus box as bang for buck. But if you want a real surprise, find a Yamaha PSR-300 -- a **topuch8responsive** 5-octave keyboard and 100-patch synth with 28 simultaneous voices, 15 different instrument polyphony, for three hunnnert bucks! You can't diddle the sounds tho -- they're canned samples. Nice percussion set too. What the MT-32 really needs is better firmware in its control section-whoever programmed that probably got fired as janitor from the Gortrtlieb pinball company. THat's Gottlieb on a non-Puppo keyboard :-) #: 11950 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 25-Aug-91 22:44:28 Sb: #11667-PCoid keyboards & CTRL Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 OK Scott. I've been thinking of composing an article on 101 Ways to get hosed over when converting C programs from 6809 to 68K. Well, maybe only 50. But yes I'd like to write for you sometime, and will try to get my subscription in. --mike k #: 11952 S15/Hot Topics 25-Aug-91 22:56:33 Sb: #11880-Serial ports? Fm: Mike Knudsen 72467,1111 To: Scott t. Griepentrog 72427,335 As I understand it, the MIDI-able port can be software setup to take clock from an external source on one of the header poins, so the built-in crystal is ignored. The MIDI crystal to supply that external clock is on the paddle board. At least that's how the prototype qwquickie hack MIDI paddle board I have works, tho I think it goes into one of the extra serial ports on the I/O board, tho I might be wrong there. Anyway, that ability to accept external buad rate clock could let you use a serial port for *lots* of things... mike k #: 11954 S7/Telecommunications 25-Aug-91 23:36:24 Sb: #%&#$&" y cable Fm: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 To: 76703,4255 (X) O.K. I've dug thru all my books, and with 24 pages of 6809 pinouts I can't find anything on the 6551.Not having a '232 pak, but a modem pak the empirical data in the IRQHAK text doesn't quite help.Short of getting out the microscope, I need someone to tell me where the 6551's IRQ is. Can you (or anyoe) blame the corect pin? (I could send the missin chars later). -Rick There is 1 Reply. #: 11960 S7/Telecommunications 26-Aug-91 08:08:56 Sb: #11954-%&#$&" y cable Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Rick Ulland 70540,3305 Rick, I'm without my modem pak manual, but as I recall, there is a schematic in the back that should give you what you need. Steve #: 11956 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 26-Aug-91 00:14:39 Sb: #ZModem Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: All Are there any OS-9 Communications programs that implement ZModem? (Lvl 2, CoCo3) Lee There is 1 Reply. #: 11961 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 26-Aug-91 08:10:51 Sb: #11956-#ZModem Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 (X) Lee ... I picked up an external zmodem module from the CoCo List that I use from within Sterm. Much like using Kermit, I just shell out and fire up the appropriate syntax. It's a scream watching the lights on my modem glow solid! If you can't lay hands on it... give me a shout. I'll put it up. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 11965 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 26-Aug-91 13:03:50 Sb: #11961-ZModem Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 Thanks for the reply. I'll look around, but I don't call many boards and/or services except for our club's board [and I know that we don't have it] and CI$. Lee #: 11957 S15/Hot Topics 26-Aug-91 01:06:00 Sb: MM/1 & floppies Fm: William Phelps 75100,265 To: ALL Have any MM/1 owners successfully used a 5 1/4" floppy drive with the MM/1? If so, how did you do it? William #: 11962 S3/Languages 26-Aug-91 08:49:53 Sb: #Copyright? Fm: John Semler 70324,633 To: Sysop (X) I have a "copyright" question. My program "Scientific Calculator" uses some of the library routines from Carl Kreider "CLIBT.L" (OS9/6809 version) . Is his library copyrighted? Any conditions for using "CLIBT.L"? May I display a copyright message at the start of execution of my program? Are there any issues to be aware of when using the Microware C Library? I only want copyright protection for the concept "Scientific Calculator". A vastly improved version of Scientific Calculator will be uploaded soon! John There is 1 Reply. #: 11973 S3/Languages 26-Aug-91 19:31:22 Sb: #11962-Copyright? Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: John Semler 70324,633 (X) I know of no license requirements on programs compiled using Microware's libraries. (It's not like GNU, though it looks like they may be changing their copyleft so that linking with their libraries does not make your compiled program a "derived work" and hence subject to their imposition of copyleft on your code.) One can't copyright concepts, just particular works. (Otherwise, someone would have copyrighted, say, 12-bar blues, and have LOTS of $$$. :-) #: 11969 S1/General Interest 26-Aug-91 15:55:34 Sb: curses.ar Fm: Semi-Gas Systems 76047,151 To: curses.ar Howdy, Has anyone successfully unarchived CURSES.AR (dated 12-Nov-89)? Our version of ARC complains that the file is damaged. And the version available on-line doesn't seem to work (It bombs when run). Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated! Corey Yee Semi-Gas Systems, Inc. San Jose, CA 408-929-0373 #: 11970 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Aug-91 17:53:46 Sb: OSK Fm: Dave Philipsen 73627,710 To: ALL I'm just getting started in the OS9/68000 world as I just bought a PT68K4 computer a couple of weeks ago. Even though the PT comes with four serial ports, I went ahead and bought an IBM-compatible 2400 baud modem card mostly so I could try my hand at writing a device driver and to see just how easy it would be to make the thing work. I verified that the card DOES work by setting it up in DEBUG. It is programmed as if it were a standard 8250 com port chip. What I need is any information that anyone might have on writing device drivers for OS9/68000. I'm also looking for info. on getting the thing set up with the interrupt system. I'm hoping that maybe someone has already written some sort of SCF device driver that I could play around with. Any ideas????? -Dave Philipsen Press !> .