#: 12942 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Nov-91 21:17:17 Sb: #12934-#Module directory Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Roy Dacus 70721,1113 (X) Thanks Roy. I knew it should be somewhere on the disks or in the docs, but darned if I could find it... The only info I _really_ needed was the module ptr so that I could do my own "mdir" stuff, but I was curious about the other fields. Now, I even more curiouser -- just what does the "module group ptr" point to and what is the "module group memory size?". Just looking at some of my output, it must have something to do with memory allocation, since my ROM modules have different ptrs that the ones loaded into RAM. There are 2 Replies. #: 12943 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Nov-91 21:33:05 Sb: #12942-Module directory Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) I expect the module group pointer has something to do with modules that are loaded as a group, i.e. several from a single file. (I hasten to add that I'm guessing.) #: 12948 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Nov-91 23:58:47 Sb: #12942-Module directory Fm: Roy Dacus 70721,1113 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) I think James is right. It was inherited from OS9 Level II. To quote my very old OS9 user's manual. "On Level Two systems, two or more modules loaded from the same file comprise a "group", and are always assigned contiguous memory locations, and are treated somewhat collectively." Too bad they don't talk about it in the OSK manual. #: 12944 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Nov-91 23:03:39 Sb: #12861-#TOPS programs Fm: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X) Jim - I am able to run ATERM from a terminal but not from the VT70 on my TC70. Thee is some strangeness about the way the two handle keyboard input buffering. To use Aterm I just renamed the device driver appropriately. On the VT70 it gives a menu but crashes after the on line message. From the serial port via a Zenith terminal all is well. Mind you I still love Sterm and RZ/sz for smooth operation. Aterm does work with shell call too and it has got auti dialing. I do not know what to say about the terminal emulation values. - you do have a TERMCAP entry for your VT70 yes? (aterm crashes if you have not done a setenv) Use the values from there if you must but they hav no effect on my terminal. There is 1 Reply. #: 12958 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Nov-91 20:25:29 Sb: #12944-TOPS programs Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 To: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 "aterm crashes if you have not done a setenv"..... Which environment must be set?? seems like I set TERM to vt70, but is there possibly another to set? jim Sutemeier #: 12945 S15/Hot Topics 08-Nov-91 23:12:53 Sb: #12924-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 (X) Butting in - Glen - when you get you machine get back on KZIN and we can have some more 680x0 users. Right now my TC70 is kind of lonley and all the 68k files are going to waste. Bpb P. There is 1 Reply. #: 12955 S15/Hot Topics 09-Nov-91 14:30:38 Sb: #12945-#MM/1 delivery Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 (X) Hi Bob... You mean you and I are the only OSK users in 'couver? Something should be done about that! There is 1 Reply. #: 12956 S15/Hot Topics 09-Nov-91 19:14:23 Sb: #12955-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 (X) Well as soon as I have some graphics working on the TC70 I will be dragging it round to the VCCC (coco club) meeting and that should generate a couple of sales. Will probably buy Gwindows but am waiting for my demo disk before making a hard decision. Until then I have managed to get 25 meg of the drive loaded and that is before I get the full GNUC++ up and running. Big files those. There is 1 Reply. #: 12981 S15/Hot Topics 11-Nov-91 02:21:34 Sb: #12956-MM/1 delivery Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: Bob Palmer 74646,2156 Hi Bob... Sounds like fun. Do you have a Delphi account? Talking to you here is real expensive... #: 12967 S15/Hot Topics 10-Nov-91 09:36:49 Sb: #12924-#MM/1 delivery Fm: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 (X) I really like my MM/1! I don't have an IO board yet, but should have it within a couple of weeks. I do use a CM-8, and the graphics are very good (don't let anybody lie to you; the CM-8 is a good monitor). I wish I had a better GIF viewer. The one bundled will only handle picture resolutions up to the MM/1's max resolution (and you have to manually set up a window to show it in!) Anyways, good luck getting yours! --Colin There is 1 Reply. #: 12982 S15/Hot Topics 11-Nov-91 02:28:26 Sb: #12967-#MM/1 delivery Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: Colin J. Smith 73777,1360 Hi Colin... I expect someone will write a better GIF file viewer real soon. Or someone might port ViewGif over - with a couple small additions and some more speed, ViewGif is the best I've seen on the CoCo3. Anyway, I expect I'll be bugging ya some more once my MM/1 gets here. I wrote a zap program about 3 years ago called Snap (for RSDOS). In 88/89 I ported it to OS/9, still 100% assembler. During the last week or so, I've been improving it. One more command to add and it's a DEd killer for sure. I'm going to have to learn 68000 assembler quick and port it to the MM/1. Maybe I could make a few bucks ya know... Talk to ya later. There is 1 Reply. #: 12987 S15/Hot Topics 11-Nov-91 06:54:44 Sb: #12982-#MM/1 delivery Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 (X) Gifshow has made advances since the version that came on the floppies with my MM/1. Mike Haaland has been busy. The interlace and overscan modes come into their own when displaying GIF files, that's for sure. Since viewgif spends a considerable part of its time figuring out what palette combinations to use to make up for not being able to display 256 colors on a CoCo 3, just porting to the MM/1, which *can* display 256 colors at a time, will automatically speed it up (since one can cut out the code that does that)! There is 1 Reply. #: 12999 S15/Hot Topics 11-Nov-91 23:16:54 Sb: #12987-#MM/1 delivery Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) Hi James... Sounds good! Do you have a MM/1? I'm trying to compile a list of all MM/1 owners who frequent Delphi and CIS. That way, if I have a question, I'll have lots of people to ask! There is 1 Reply. #: 13001 S15/Hot Topics 12-Nov-91 00:06:03 Sb: #12999-MM/1 delivery Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 Yes, I do indeed have an MM/1. (I'm typing on it right now.) I have the I/O board, and have a Quantum low-profile 105 Mbyte hard drive hooked up to it. Works very well. #: 12946 S7/Telecommunications 08-Nov-91 23:27:43 Sb: 4-in-1 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: ALL Dear Friends: After several years of using the RS-232 pack, I am going to be converting to the RS-232 port in the Disto 4-in-1. SInce I never us RSDOS /Ultimaterm but only OSTERM 2.08, I do not anticipate any problems....But then ignorance is bliss, rather than being happy, is there anything that I should be aware of? Any problems with the 4-in-1? I know that I have to make up a new boot, that's easy with EZGEN, anything else? With all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW #: 12947 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 08-Nov-91 23:31:57 Sb: #Help a Monk Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: All Dear Friends: In a week of so I will be converting my system to include double-sided drives. This will allow me to use my PCDOS utility, I hope. Many of the MSDOS disks that I wish to read, such as a copy of the Bible on disk, have be arced with PKUNZIP (I think that is the correct name. I know that they use Phil Katz's Unzip, and I thbink that they have a .ZIP extension. Others use LHARC) Is there OS9 versions of either of these utilities that will run on a 512k, 6809 COCO3? With all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW There are 2 Replies. #: 12951 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Nov-91 09:28:09 Sb: #12947-#Help a Monk Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) In LIB 10 you should find UNZIP2.PAK. That should help with the Unzip problems. I've not seen anything on LHARC for the 6809. There are a couple of things in LIB 12 for OSK, but probabbly won't help you much. By the way, I found these items using the new across library searching features that were recently dropped to production. Neat! Enter _any_ library and type: Browse /key:zip /lib:all ...and watch the hits pop up. Slick! Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 12960 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Nov-91 23:48:32 Sb: #12951-Help a Monk Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thank you Steve. I should have the double sided drives in a week or so. I will let you know how I make out with them. ---Br. Jeremy, CSJW #: 12963 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Nov-91 00:24:12 Sb: #12947-#Help a Monk Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) There is an UNZIP3 for the CoCo. If it isn't in our Libs (I think that it is tho), I'll upload it. Don't forget that your MS-DOS util will probably require you make a change to your os9boot. If you have PCDos in the Libs here, you'll have to use the IPatch util to patch your CC3Disk.dr module. If you have GCS File Transfer Utilities, a commercial program, you'll need to install SDISK3 in accordance with your docs (I don't have GCS so I can't say just what to do). You may also consider adding a 720K 3.5" drive to your system too. If you intend to do a lot of transferring you may want to use GCS, esp. the Multi-Vue version (if you have MV). GCS will also format MS-DOS and will handle Disk BASIC disks (although there is a RSDos in the libs) as well as Flex disks. I've heard GCS will fully support high density disks if your hardware can support them and OS-9 is properly set up. Going for high density may become an important consideration if you do a lot of disk exchanging with PC's. There is 1 Reply. #: 12980 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Nov-91 00:46:24 Sb: #12963-#Help a Monk Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 (X) I have the patched version of CC3Disk already. Even though, at the moment I do not have my new drives, I can access both RSDOS and MSDOS disks with the RSDOS and PCDOS utilities. Of course I do get a directory error with the PCDOS utility since it is looking for DDDS drives. The software you mentioned sounds interesting and I may eventually consider high density drives. Thank you for you help. With all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 12992 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Nov-91 15:40:11 Sb: #12980-Help a Monk Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) If you do want to go for high density... You will need a disk controller that can handle it, and the only one I'm aware of is a part of Owl-Ware's hard disk system. That system will not work with Disk BASIC so if you use DECB at all you would have to either give it up or swap controllers. If you are interested in GCS, you can find ads for it in Rainbow. It costs $44.95 std/$54.95MV. You can also order the required SDISK3 from GCS for about $30 or direct from DP Johnson. You can write to GCS; they'll send you copies of Rainbow reviews and such. For my occasional MS-DOS work, the PCDos I downloaded is fine. But I think GCS is better if you intend to do a lot of transferring. I'd recommend using a RAMdisk (which must be as big as the biggest file you want to transfer) but any TWO disk drives will work fine. #: 12949 S1/General Interest 09-Nov-91 09:06:17 Sb: #12930-INTERNET Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Well .... if Mark has started jumping up and down yet ... it may be that the message hasn't arrived yet. ;-) With the note I sent the same day you inquired, I noticed it took over 24 hours to get the acknowledgment sent back. A delay anywhere along the path could ultimately cause problems with Internet traffic. For instance, if one 'node' (for lack of the right term) is down, mail that route throught it may be queued until the 'node' is back up. Best advice is hang tight. I'll also be logging into wuarchive today ... I'll see if I spot your note. Steve #: 12973 S1/General Interest 10-Nov-91 13:45:05 Sb: #12930-#INTERNET Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 (X) Ed, Welllllllllll ........ While a copy of your message is yet in my mailbox on wugate, there _IS_ a reply from Mark. And he is hopping up and down! :-) My guess is you should be seeing an acknowledgement in your CIS box any time now. It looks as if things are working as they are supposed to ... albiet a bit slow. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 12983 S1/General Interest 11-Nov-91 05:23:14 Sb: #12973-INTERNET Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, Thanks. I'll just wait. Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO #: 12950 S7/Telecommunications 09-Nov-91 09:18:48 Sb: #12933-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul, Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I see things have worked out for you, tho... Over the years of watching the messages and screwing up myself, the most poular causes for 'green screen only' on boot is as follows: 1) MPI is 'cocked' in the ROM PORT. The fit on my box is lousy. I am forever having to shut things down and reinstall the MPI correctly. 2) There's a memory problem (generally hits 512k systems). Board is loose, 'Hemphil' resistor came loose, board is tood deep (not deep enough). 3) You toasted the CPU. IF you gotta replace it, socket it. You'll toast more. 4) You're having a GIME with your toasted CPU. Your problem was a variation on #1. With the wire missing from the upgrade board, the system wasn't seeing the disk controller. All other systems were good as told by the Extended Banner showing up. Keep us posted on the results of your testing. You've got me curious! Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 12953 S7/Telecommunications 09-Nov-91 13:50:33 Sb: #12950-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Well, I got frightened again when I just got a green screen after installing the IRQ hack semi-permanently. I forgot to plug in the power to the 1 meg upgrade. And things aren't working quite right yet; the download errors seem to be back. But I'm leaving this IRQ hack installed since it comes so recommended. Sigh... Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 12959 S7/Telecommunications 09-Nov-91 21:41:32 Sb: #12953-#Quick-B Problems Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) One more thing to add to the list of things to check--- I spent several frustrating days because of an intermittent dirty contact in the manual slot select switch on my MPI. The thing would work fine for a while then loose its disks - I finally noticed that when I tried to disk access after a failure, the modem lights would flash. Drowned that puppy in tuner cleaner - cured it. JohnW There is 1 Reply. #: 12964 S7/Telecommunications 10-Nov-91 00:48:03 Sb: #12959-Quick-B Problems Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X) Thanks alot for the tip John. I can relate to several days of frustration due to a simple problem. Paul #: 12962 S7/Telecommunications 10-Nov-91 00:13:29 Sb: #12940-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) To get the source code to the original clock module you will probably need a disassembler. I've recently downloaded DASM from Delphi's OS-9 Forum; I haven't used it much yet but it seems to be pretty good. I haven't checked our Libs but I'd be surpirsed if we didn't have one. You could also run a disassembler on the Disto module. I'd suggest you disasm the original, the patched original, and the Disto. See how the source code changes from the original to the patched original and from that you may be able to ascertain how to modify the Disto source and reasm. When you're done and got it all working, run MakPatch and upload DISTOC.IPC as you probably won't be the last to have this sort of trouble:-). There is 1 Reply. #: 12965 S7/Telecommunications 10-Nov-91 01:00:06 Sb: #12962-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 (X) Easy to say there Eric. I have a disassembler from this forum called disasm. I tried this before asking about source code. Try disassembling the clock module and see what you get. I can't make heads nor tails out of it. Here's a new twist to this problem: with the Pete Lyall patch installed I was still getting errors on downloads with my SACIA bootdisk and lockups when I tried to use a remote terminal on another serial port while downloading. So out of frustration, I switched back to using ACIAPAK and things worked fine. In fact, they appeared to be better than usual. So I was pleased with the new hack (which proved to be quite troublesome to install). So I downloaded about 400k of files from a local BBS and was transferring them to disk using 'cp /r0/* /d2' which always worked in the past. About 5 files were transferred when an error 202- Interrupt Polling Table Full started occuring on every next file copy attempt. The system refused to accept disk commands after this and I lost most of the files because I had to reboot. Very frustrating. Paul There are 2 Replies. #: 12966 S7/Telecommunications 10-Nov-91 09:26:25 Sb: #12965-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul, Doing a BROwse /key:patch in LIB 10 brought up an interesting file. CCDISK.IPC claims to cure the 202 error in the original Disto ccdisk.irq driver. Infact, the description of the file describes the same problem you're speaking about (error 202 after several file transfers). Have you applied this patch? Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 12969 S7/Telecommunications 10-Nov-91 11:02:51 Sb: #12966-Quick-B Problems Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Well Steve, I have this Disto no-halt floppy controller which comes with Cc3Disk.slp and CC3Disk.irq. I've been using CC3Disk.slp because I tried the irq one and it was a real mess. I will go get that patch though. Anything is worth a try. For some reason, my remote terminal decided it was going to lock up the system where it had been working fine. I didn't change ANY software. Makes me think something is hardware buggy. All these problems started when I named my hard disk Jennifer. Paul #: 12991 S7/Telecommunications 11-Nov-91 15:34:15 Sb: #12965-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) I've never used a special Clock module; I had been using the one that came with OS-9 until I applied the Rainbow patches. Since I had no need to disassemble Clock, I didn't do it. I may now try it to see what I'll come] up with. It just seemed to me to be what you would have to do. There is 1 Reply. #: 12995 S7/Telecommunications 11-Nov-91 22:28:15 Sb: #12991-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 (X) If you understand the disassembled output more power to ya. I did finally get this system working thanks to all you people. Wound up with the Pete Lyall irq hack, the Disto RTC Clock module, SACIA, and the Disto CC3Disk.irq driver patched with ccdisk.ipc. All works well except I have to test the "backup" command again as it went nuts last night and tried to read sectors beyond the end of the disk. Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 12997 S7/Telecommunications 11-Nov-91 23:07:00 Sb: #12995-Quick-B Problems Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 I'd say look at your CC3Disk and your device descriptor. I myself don't use Backup; I find it faster and easier to use my DECB "512K Backup Lightning" that came with my 512K upgrade; I will be using Backup soon though since I have a 720K drive waiting to be installed pending arrival of a new drive cable, and "Lightning" does not support 80 tracks on 2 sides. #: 12952 S7/Telecommunications 09-Nov-91 10:40:12 Sb: #12941-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Great.... Yes - that extension to the hack is common, and is fine as long as you're not double routing (two paths) the interrupt. It's a simple hack, but has worked reliably for years. Glad to see that you have some large downloads without errors now. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 12954 S7/Telecommunications 09-Nov-91 13:52:20 Sb: #12952-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Not quite error free; something is wrong here and it's going to be tricky to find. Will let you know. Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 12971 S7/Telecommunications 10-Nov-91 13:35:25 Sb: #12954-#Quick-B Problems Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul - If you haven't already, apply the patches that make your serial input buffers larger. Truth be known, stock SCF's are dogs, and they can't pump serial data very well... this translates to bigger buffer requirements. I was using a hot rodded SCF on my GMX for a while that helped immensely. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 12978 S7/Telecommunications 10-Nov-91 22:50:36 Sb: #12971-Quick-B Problems Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Hmmm... All this time I thought I was building boots with CC3Disk.slp I was actually using CC3Disk.irq. I've applied the patch Steve recommended (ccdisk.ipc) and am testing this version right now. Paul #: 12957 S7/Telecommunications 09-Nov-91 19:28:20 Sb: #WIZ HELP Fm: BOB LEET 72020,2536 To: ALL Y WHOMEVER, I'M HAVING SOME PROBLEMS TRYING TO GET THE WIZ PUT TOGETHER SO I CAN USE IT. I WAS HAVING A PROBLEM TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHICH MODULES ARE NEEDED IN THE OS9BOOT FILE THAT I AM COMPOSING THROUGH OS9GEN. ALSO, I WAS WONDERING IF SOMEBODY KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT CMDS FILE FILES I NEED TO LOAD ON THE DISK FOR THE BOOTING PROCESS. THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE MANUAL JUST AREN'T CLEAR, AND THE HELP FILES ON THE DISK DON'T SEEM TO HELP EITHER. IF YOU CAN EXPLAIN IT WELL, PLEASE WRITE IT DOWN AND SEND IT TO ME. BOB LEET 13409 N. 45TH ST. PHOENIX, AZ 85032-6403 THANKS, BOB/EXIT There is 1 Reply. #: 12972 S7/Telecommunications 10-Nov-91 13:39:53 Sb: #12957-WIZ HELP Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: BOB LEET 72020,2536 Bob - Are you using the WIZ for Compuserve? If so, there's a better, easier choice that shouldn't require hardly any bootfile manipulation... STERM. It also supports the B protocol, which is much more effecient for Compuserve downloads. If you're set on using WIZ, Bill Brady is author. He stops in here once in a while, but last I heard he was managing an os9 forum on Genie. If you're interested in STERM, go to DL7 and type BRO STERM* to see the latest versions. Pete #: 12961 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Nov-91 00:09:40 Sb: #12918-#OS9 F$Fork Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: James Jones 76257,562 (X) James, Ok, the F$Wait didn't fail(carry not set), but the child process came up with an error, the process died, control returns back to the parent. Now at this point is it possible to find out what kind of error the child process came up with. There is 1 Reply. #: 12968 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Nov-91 10:09:09 Sb: #12961-OS9 F$Fork Fm: Bruce MacKenzie 71725,376 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 Larry, I think I can help you out here. Look at the following code segment: os9 F$Fork bcs bp1 Branch if Fork unsuccessful os9 F$Wait Wait for child to die bcs bp1 Branch if Wait unsuccessful tstb bne Branch on child error condition After returning from a Wait system call carry set indicates that for some reason the system couldn't execute the call and the b reg contains the error responsible for the failure. If carry is clear then the b req contains the status returned from the child: 0 if no error or the error number of the fault the child process encountered. Hope this helps. #: 12970 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 10-Nov-91 12:04:31 Sb: #C++ Compiler sought Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: anyone I am looking for C++ for OS-9/68K. Is such a beast available? Robert There is 1 Reply. #: 13005 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 12-Nov-91 07:16:30 Sb: #12970-C++ Compiler sought Fm: Mark Wuest 74030,332 To: Robert Heller 71450,3432 Robert, There is nothing "real" out there at all. Did you get the questionaire from MW where they wanted to know what items were of importance to you? C++ was one of the choices, indicating that they might do it if interest were high enough. Another possibility I had considered was just running cfront on another machine and seeing how easy it was to get the resulting C code to compile on my OSK box. Never did it - I'm back in the Unix world for now... Mark #: 12974 S1/General Interest 10-Nov-91 17:10:03 Sb: #The Computer Chronicles Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: All Did anyone ssee the COMPUTER CHRONICLES show last Sat? The show was all about TANDY computers THEN and NOW. The first few minutes of the show their was a section on the COCO and OS-9 Level 2 Keith There are 2 Replies. #: 12976 S1/General Interest 10-Nov-91 19:58:52 Sb: #12974-The Computer Chronicles Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) No kidding? Gee whiz! Too bad that didn't happen a few years ago... #: 12977 S1/General Interest 10-Nov-91 20:00:32 Sb: #12974-#The Computer Chronicles Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Keith - rats! I usually watch the show, too! What'd they say about the CoCo and OS9 L-II? And do you remember who (if anyone) from Tandy was on there? thx! - kev PS: I'll watch for reruns later :-) There are 2 Replies. #: 12994 S1/General Interest 11-Nov-91 18:25:56 Sb: #12977-#The Computer Chronicles Fm: Toni Long 73517,2713 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kevin send me your address & I'll send you the videotape, its about two or three minutes on coco. for your library. Toni Long 73517,2713 There is 1 Reply. #: 12996 S1/General Interest 11-Nov-91 22:32:04 Sb: #12994-#The Computer Chronicles Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Toni Long 73517,2713 When and where is 'the Computer Chronicles' aired anyway? There is 1 Reply. #: 13003 S1/General Interest 12-Nov-91 02:19:09 Sb: #12996-The Computer Chronicles Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 Computer Chronicles is usually on PBS. It's sponsored by BYTE magazine, and while it often covers mostly PC/Mac-oriented stuff, it does range widely at times. It's been on for years, once a week, around here... but at varying times (you know how PBS scheduling is :-) Either call your local PBS station to find out, or do what I do: look thru your local TV Guide with a fine-toothed comb. Daytime hours, usually. best - kev #: 13007 S1/General Interest 12-Nov-91 16:18:35 Sb: #12977-The Computer Chronicles Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 Kevin: A guy said (COCO/OS-9 USER GROUP FROM CAL.) WILL last as long as fans support it with software. They showed OS-9 Level Two No one was from tandy (on the coco part). For more info watch the RERUN, MY TAPE WAS A bad COPY. KEITH #: 12975 S15/Hot Topics 10-Nov-91 18:27:27 Sb: #12897-#updates? Fm: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X) Thanks for the offer! I will be using the tc70 to replace my coco in my printshop. We do estimating invoicing, collect production data, we even use deskmate wordprocessing to type up quotes for customers. I will be able to extend the system to control more terminals and printers and do accounts recevable and payroll with the speed and memory. How do you use your tc70? There is 1 Reply. #: 12989 S15/Hot Topics 11-Nov-91 09:20:28 Sb: #12975-updates? Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 To: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 I am using my TC70 for R&D of OSK software, Bruce...seems like it'll be a good marketplace for some new ideas I have. When I get the GWindow delveopment package, I'll be all set, and ready to really get into it.... jim Sutemeier #: 12979 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Nov-91 00:21:07 Sb: #It's working! Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Mark; Please pass this info on to Paul, as I have an unusually hard time contacting him. I have replaced the pallette controller chip on my board and the system is now operational. What I found to be the cause of the trouble is that the aluminum standoff nearest the keyboard connector had worn thru the trace that runs _very_ close by the mounting hole and was grounding the whole board. I used some liquid PVC to re-insulate the trace and also used some nylon spacers to get the board off the standoffs. The original power supply is now powering the setup after I replaced the original defective fan. The replacement PS will not switch in without a HD connected, as the power draw of the single board is just too low. There is only one more problem to solve and I'm not quite sure yet what's happening... drive /d1 now gives 247 seek errors when trying to access that drive. It'll do a 'dir' OK, but accessing any file or subdirectory on the disk results in the 247 seek error. If I copy a new file over to the disk, it'll read that OK, but not any of the data created previously. Also, trying to format a disk in /d1 results in a 246 error. In your opinion, do you think that my 'short' could have fried the drive electronics in a way to give the above errors?? Thanks, ...Jim There is 1 Reply. #: 12988 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Nov-91 07:09:46 Sb: #12979-It's working! Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X) What kind of dmode is set up on your /d1? What kind of diskettes are you formatting? (Highdensity? Normal?) etc. How big a file goes over okay? Does copying another one mess things up? Sounds kinda like no side select, or something. I've met one other person whose board wouldn't work without spacers... I thought they were supplied with the kit tho (nylon spacers)(?). cheers - kev #: 12984 S1/General Interest 11-Nov-91 06:06:36 Sb: #Thanks Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: All To whomever sent me the floppy disk controller: I' errrr I'm sorry I forgot your name (sheepish grin), but many many thanks for your help. I'll send it back as soon as I havemy Disto controller fixed. May be a while tho since I have lots of things to fix. Sheeeesh. Thanks again, Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 12990 S1/General Interest 11-Nov-91 10:10:22 Sb: #12984-Thanks Fm: David Betz 76704,47 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 That was me! I'm glad to have been able to help. Don't worry about sending the controller back anytime soon. In fact, I don't really *need* it back at all. It's just that I'd rather you send it back than throw it away if you find you don't need it anymore. Good luck getting your Disto controller fixed! David Betz #: 12985 S7/Telecommunications 11-Nov-91 06:26:43 Sb: #12908-#Help w/ Sterm Fm: BRUCE BAKER 73747,3137 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 (X) Thanks, I have Rsdos which I use a lot, RSsave which I can't get to work yet, and IPatch which works fine. I have NO idea what an IRQ Hack is. I have a 3001200 baud modem, so it sounds like I'll need it. I'm not much with hardware so the software equivalent sounds good. Please inform? Thanks, Bruce Baker There is 1 Reply. #: 12993 S7/Telecommunications 11-Nov-91 15:52:02 Sb: #12985-Help w/ Sterm Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: BRUCE BAKER 73747,3137 The IRQ Hack is normally a simple hardware modification. Details can be downloaded. I believe it's IRQHAK.TXT in some lib. You might want to bro lib:all key:irq to find it. There are TWO RSSave's. One is Basic-09, the other is not. Check your docs to see which you have. Or use Ident on your Rssave command. If you have the Basic-09 one, delete it and get the other one. It's better than the B09 util on which the "other" one is based. If you are NOT using the Basic-09 one, what do the problems seem to be; mine works fine. The software IRQ Hack will work only if you are using the original Clock module. If you have a hardware clock and installed a new Clock module you cannot use the software fix as published. I believe the software fix was in the August 1990 issue of Rainbow. The Telecom article in the current issue (11/91) may also be helpful. At 300 baud the IRQ Hack is probably not necessary (it wasn't for me anyway). But at 1200 you should have it. Consider it a must-have if you want to go to 2400 baud. #: 12986 S7/Telecommunications 11-Nov-91 06:31:39 Sb: #12919-#Help w/ Sterm Fm: BRUCE BAKER 73747,3137 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks very much Steve. I'll check LIB 7 right away. By the way, I have RSdos (and Ipatch, Ipattched CC3) and they work just fine, but I can't get RSsave to go. Any pointers? Yours, Bruce Baker There is 1 Reply. #: 13006 S7/Telecommunications 12-Nov-91 08:05:06 Sb: #12986-Help w/ Sterm Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: BRUCE BAKER 73747,3137 Sorry Bruce ... but I use 'RSDOS' utility for my system to system conversions. And even that syntax is pretty convoluted for me. 'fraid I can't offer any help with RSsave. Steve #: 12998 S9/Utilities 11-Nov-91 23:11:17 Sb: #Using DMode Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: ALL I've heard that DMode can be used to access the back of a flippy without having to turn the disk over. How do I set that up? Can DMode be used to allocate more RAM for disk use so i/o can go faster? Finally, a Rainbow article by Marty Goodman said some 3.5" drives will work at a 3mS step rate. How can I dmode /d1 to try it out before Cobblering the change? There is 1 Reply. #: 13004 S9/Utilities 12-Nov-91 02:22:41 Sb: #12998-Using DMode Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 Erich - ummm... I can't imagine how dmode'ing a descriptor would allow using the backside of a flippy (without a custom driver, that is). Nope, the coco doesn't support disk caching (again, stock drivers), so there's no way to allocate more ram for disk use. I think the coco disk controller chips don't know how to do 3ms stepping, so that's out too. I think. best - kev #: 13000 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Nov-91 23:20:09 Sb: #Hard Drive Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: all I have been working on building a new boot disk. I have a hard drive that I would like to set up as /dd. I tried copying /h0 to /dd but when I did an ident on the boot file, I could not find /dd. Then I used DeD to internally patch /h0 to /dd, now the disk wouldn't boot. What I want to do is boot from a disk in /d0 and then switch over to my harddrive to function as /dd. If I have it come up under Multivue,(Autoex) how do I change the execution directory to find /dd/cmds on the harddrive? Btw, I have patched INIT to look for /dd instead of /d0. Should I have made it look for /h0 instead. I have a Seagate 138N drive, which is a 30 me g drive if that makes any difference. I know that this should be a simple thing to do, but at the moment it is simply beyond me. Please help and do not be afraid to be general and insult my intellegence. If ignorance is bliss, then I am quite happy. With all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 13002 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Nov-91 00:08:22 Sb: #13000-#Hard Drive Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) You want two device descriptors, one for /h0 and one for /dd--of course, they will refer to the same device. Once you make a copy of the device descriptor for /h0, edit the copy, change "h0" to "dd", and *don't* forget to set the most significant bit of the last d. Then verify the module, and put both of them in your boot file. There is 1 Reply. #: 13008 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 12-Nov-91 21:39:13 Sb: #13002-Hard Drive Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: James Jones 76257,562 Dear James: I am not certain what you mean about setting the most significant bit of the last d. I am looking at a dump of my stock /dd (40 track single sided) and I have a line 64e4 5242 c643 etc. I think that the 64e4 refers to dd but I am not sure. Please explain further. Thank you, with all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW Press !> .