#: 14638 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Mar-92 00:24:47 Sb: #14635-source editor Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Joseph Cheek 71431,3466 (X) Joseph - I know that there are a couple of 'vi' clones for the 68K, but uEmacs is probably as good as it gets on the '09 (unless you want to use TSedit, which is a limited vi spinoff, which requires hacks to run in 80 column mode). #: 14639 S7/Telecommunications 20-Mar-92 02:41:47 Sb: #14609-PHONE Query Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Thanks, Bob, I'll check that possibility. Ches. #: 14642 S7/Telecommunications 20-Mar-92 03:40:41 Sb: #14609-PHONE Query Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Thanks for the tip, Bob. Changing DEFAULT solved one of my problems and a more careful scrutiny of your script versus mine solved the other. The reason PHONE was hanging my computer was that I wasn't quitting before label 9. I thought the script would go right through the label to the quit command. Making the last three lines \q \9 \q solved the problem. Thanks for your help. Ches. #: 14640 S7/Telecommunications 20-Mar-92 02:42:37 Sb: #14615-PHONE Query Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks, Steve, I'll do it! Ches. #: 14643 S7/Telecommunications 20-Mar-92 03:41:10 Sb: #14615-#PHONE Query Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks, Steve, changing DEFAULT solved the problem. Ches. There is 1 Reply. #: 14675 S7/Telecommunications 21-Mar-92 09:25:47 Sb: #14643-#PHONE Query Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) Glad we got you fixed up. One other thing to keep in mind about the DEFAULT area: You have a different set of defaults for _each_ baud rate you log on with. Expect this problem to reappear should you log in with a different speed. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 14676 S7/Telecommunications 21-Mar-92 09:27:40 Sb: #14675-PHONE Query Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks for that tip, too. I seldom come in at a different speed, but it could have confused me. Regards, Ches. #: 14645 S1/General Interest 20-Mar-92 13:42:48 Sb: #Hitachi 6309 Fm: Jay Truesdale 72176,3565 To: all All of the 'hidden features' of the Hitachi 6309 that we've tested seem to work as per the Usenet posting. Has everyone else come up with the same results? We doubt that Hitachi would go to the trouble of removing these features from future production runs and that it is probably fairly safe to use these features in a program that is always guaranteed to run on a 6309. Comments? Thoughts? -J There is 1 Reply. #: 14649 S1/General Interest 21-Mar-92 00:39:01 Sb: #14645-Hitachi 6309 Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Jay Truesdale 72176,3565 I only tested a few, but they all seemed to work fine. I hear that Kent Meyers has a 6309 now, so I'd bet that he's working on L-II modifications, btw. kev #: 14646 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Mar-92 18:28:39 Sb: #Printerr/Error Beep Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: All Dear Friends: I recently reconfigged my boot disk to include a patched version of Level 1's printerr. I had also used a patched version of cc3io which would beep on an error. Now with printerr, which for those who don not know, gives full error messages rather that just the error number, it no longer beeps. I got the printerr patch from Bob Santy's Patch.Ar which contains Ipatch and a few other things. Can I have the best of both, beeping on error and both the error number and error message for the errmsg file in /dd/SYS ? Thank you for your help, With all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW. There is 1 Reply. #: 14647 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Mar-92 20:12:41 Sb: #14646-#Printerr/Error Beep Fm: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) I had the same problem and solved it. I presume you gained the printerr function by adding os9p3. If this is the case, use dEd, EZGen, or whatever else you use to edit modules to change it. As you look at the ASCII part of the dump (the right hand part of the screen if you use dEd) you can read "ERROR #" (without the quotes). Change the "#" to a ASCII 07 then verify the module. You'll have beep on error again. (I think it's near the end of os9p3 so skip to the last LSN of the module and work toward the beginning until you find it.) There is 1 Reply. #: 14648 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 20-Mar-92 23:11:38 Sb: #14647-#Printerr/Error Beep Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Erich Schulman 75140,3175 (X) Actually, I patched the stock Level 1 printerr with a patch from Bob Santy. But I will try going the OS9P3 route and let you know. Thank you for your reply, Br. Jeremy, CSJW There is 1 Reply. #: 14670 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 21-Mar-92 08:04:20 Sb: #14648-#Printerr/Error Beep Fm: Bob Santy 76417,714 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) If you use DED on the patched file you will see the string "Error #". The "#" is at offset $37. You can change the "#" to $07 and get a beep instead of the "Error #nnn". What will be the message after the patch (and CRC update) is "Error nnn". Hope this helps. Bob There is 1 Reply. #: 14678 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 21-Mar-92 14:28:55 Sb: #14670-Printerr/Error Beep Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Bob Santy 76417,714 Dear Bob, thankyou for the advice. I will try it and let you know. With all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW #: 14650 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:29:38 Sb: OS-9 Community Network Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All What follows is a relatively new feature of the OS-9 Community Network. The OS-9 Community Network Board of Directors have a private online meeting place in Fidonet, where they can discuss how to improve the network without alot of noise from outsiders. This does not means we keep any secrets, but rather it is easier to get more done with less people around, just as in real life. So as not to keep secrets, we have allowed Eric Carson in for the purpose of reporting to the general membership our activities. The general membership is then encouraged to offer feedback in any forum a member chooses (that the BOD has access to). This includes CIS, as I am here every week. If anyone has any questions on these reports, or the OS-9 CN files in the library, feel free to ask, or leave me a message at the Internet address OS9CN@flex.com. Of course, I am always available on the Fidonet echos as well. #: 14651 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:31:34 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: all OCN Interface Copyright 1992 - Eric Carson A Report On The OS9 Community Network Board Of Directors For The Week Ending 02/09/92 -----------------------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: The content of the following text is solely the view of the author. I can only report on what I am able read in the OS9Net (BOD) echo, and will not write or reply to the activities within. Any comments or sug- gestions to the BOD, or to me, may be posted in a FidoNet(tm) COCO_CLUB or OS9 echo near you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------CURRENT B.O.D. ACTIVITY: Nancy Ward's resignation from the position of OS9 Community Network secretary is putting a semi-serious crimp in the activities of the BOD. John Wight (Int'l Co-ordinator) has taken to wearing the secretary's hat as well as his own. John Wight has made a motion for Tika Carr to take on the job of editor of the monthly NewsLetter for the organisation. He calls on her to prove herself worthy of the position, verbally, (that is, to tell the BOD what she thinks she can offer in skills to the position), [which is kinda like Reuben asking a newcomer how s/he justifies his/her existence, in Isaac Asimov's BLACK WIDOWER Mystery Stories]. (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14652 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:32:36 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All He also has a thought, about the way it is currently working out. Dave Kelly is the acting Editor right now, until someone else can take over. Tom Birt, Region 10 Library Co-ordinator, has had a hand in making sure the newsletter, and other Community related output, is correct in spelling, grammer and syntax. Since Dave has made it clear that his position was only to be temporary, it seems that the election will be between Tika Carr and Tom Birt. John's idea was that when one of them gets elected, the other will be their assistant. [You just can't lose, eh?] EDITORIAL: Since I volunteered for the honour of reporting on the activities of the OS9 Community Network Board Of Directors Echo to the general membership, and in doing so, placed a severe limitation on myself by standing firmly on the policy of my not posting any messages on that echo, so as not to clutter up said echo with messages by a non-voting entity, I find myself frustrated with some of the things which are (not) occuring. I imagine John Wight, out of official curiousity, wanted to know just how many of the BOD were actually reading the BOD ECHO within a given period. He posted a message around the last week of January, for people to take part in a roll call. As of this writing (2392) about half of the BOD has responded. 50% of the BOD have yet to speak up! (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14653 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:33:37 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All After giving the above some careful re-consideration, perhaps I am being unfair on the hard working people who make up the BOD. After all, this organisation is a not-for-profit venture...no one is getting paid for their efforts. It (the OS9CN) is just a way for Computer Geeks to get together with other Computer Geeks to discuss and expand interest in their mutual Compu-Love, OS9. Nothing important in the Universal Scheme of Things, right? No Big Deal. Well, maybe. But for some of us, it is rather important. And we would not be participating in this exchange of information if it weren't. Exciting things can happen if people join forces and work on a way to make life easier and/or more interesting for themselves and for others. I believe this was the major reason the OS9CN was put together. But, I also feel that, in order to make great things happen, it is not enough to have yourself labeled "A Member of The Board"; you have to participate. If you don't, then please, allow those who may have more interest in the matter take the position and help get things done. With that in mind...you will have read of certain positions within the BOD coming available, (ie, Int'l Librarian, NewsLetter Editor, Secretary). These positions are open to ALL, and not just to existing members of the Board. If you think you would like to run for one of these openings, by all means, contact John Wight! He will be keeping a tally of prospective candidates, and when the time comes, will be putting the matters up for a vote. Participate! Eric Carson - OS9 Community Network/Member Interface The Galactic Milieu (916) 893-5412 [FIDO - 1:119/13] #: 14654 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:34:34 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All OCN INTERFACE Copyright 1992 - Eric Carson A Report On The OS9 Community Network Board Of Directors For The Week Ending 02/23/92 -----------------------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: The content of the following text is solely the view of the author. I can only report on what I am able read in the OS9Net (BOD) echo, and will not write or reply to the activities within. Any comments or sug- gestions to the BOD, or to me, may be posted in a FidoNet(tm) COCO_CLUB or OS9 echo near you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------CURRENT B.O.D. ACTIVITY: Since I last reported, there have been some serious changes. Tika Carr, newly appointed Editor for the OS9CNetNews, was suddenly taken ill, and has expressed her desire to resign her position due to this sudden change in health status. She will be sorely missed. I, personally, wish her the best of luck. John Wight, International Co-ordinator, has brought up a couple of motions to vote on. 1) Should the BOD accept Tom Birt as the new NewsLetter Editor. 2) Specific voting procedures. 3) The formation of a commitee to delegate tasks in the job jar. 4) The formation of a commitee, composed mainly of librarians, to compile a master list of available files from the various regional libraries, headed by Gene Clifton. (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14655 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:35:27 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All Discussion on how long a position held by a member of the BOD should remain inactive before the position is deemed open for a replacement. (In other words, how long should a holder of a position within the BOD keep that position if there is no descernible participation observed.) A couple of new faces have shown up in the echos, and it seems they are from Australia. The BOD is working on getting a reliable gateway with them. We are getting truely international! EDITORIAL: The OS9 Community Network is a non-profit organisation developed by the CoCo community to promote OS9 and to further and keep interest in this Operating System. Contrary to certain beliefs, this does not mean that the OSCN is strictly limited to those interested in CoCo OS9 Level II, only! In fact, due to the "new" 680X0 machines which are becoming increasingly more popular, (MM/1 by Interactive Media Systems, Inc., Tomcat by Frank Hogg Labs, System IV by Delmar), interest in OS9 is growing. Also, keep in mind that there are versions of OS9 for the IBM, Atari and Macintosh computers. (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14656 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:36:27 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All [A Gilligan's Island-type vision suddenly fades to...] Three years ago, I was happily pecking my way across the keyboard of my new 128k CoCo3. I was content with typing in programs from The Rainbow, and running basic and machine-language programs I had downloaded from various BBSes across the country, (much to the consternation of my girlfriend when she saw the phone bills). I bought up all the books and magazines I could find having to do with Basic. When I had the money, I would truck on down to one of the local Radio Shacks, to see what I could blow my cash on. One day, I bought OS9 Level II. Took it home, and booted it up. I made many mistakes. But, because I only had 128k, OS9 left me with something like 48k of free memory. Can't do much with that, so I shelved OS9, and went back to my familiar RS-Dos Basic programming. Later, I happened to run across a semi-local BBS run on a CoCo3 with 512k and OSs9 Level II. After talking with the SysOp, Jim, he said his BBS was "homemade"; he had programmed it himself under Basic09. This impressed me. About a month later, he sold me a 512k memory upgrade and a second 40 track floppy drive. He had been into the CoCo since the CoCo1, and OS9 since Level I. He incouraged me to take my OS9 Level II off the shelf, and fire it up. I did, but because I was still making mistakes with it (simple 216 errors, File Not Found), I was reluctant to use it. I told him that I was happy with RS-Dos, and didn't need OS9. I had everything I need under Basic. No amount of persuasion could change my mind. What did I need with multiple windows? Why would I ever need to multi-task? I have trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time. (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14657 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:38:08 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All However, one day, I got bored, and booted up that OS9, and created a couple of windows, just curious to see what the excitement was about. I changed the color of them, did a dir in one and listed the Startup file in another at the same time. Hmmmm....What if I... Jim was a big help to me, but he was still long distance, and I had to learn quite a bit on my own. I didn't have access to Delphi, or the other pay services. I was the only active OS9 user in my area. [Another Gilligan's Island-type vision fades back to...] Now, I hardly ever use Rs-Dos. And thanks to the OS9CN, I can learn more about this fascinating Operating System. The OS9CN understands stories such as the one above. That was one of the reasons people formed the organisation: to help others understand OS9, and to encourage people to try it. But, they also respect those die-hard Rs-Dos users. In fact, the OS9CN is an excellent supplimental support for all phases of the CoCo; Rs-Dos, OS9, whatever! (Even Hard-Core Os9'ers had to start somewhere!) Sooner or later, you might get bored, too, and boot up OS9, just for curiousity's sake. When you do, remember that the OS9 Community Network is here for you! The OS9 Community Network - They Practice What They Preach! Eric Carson - OS9 Community Network/Member Interface The Galactic Milieu (916) 893-5412 [FIDO - 1:119/13] #: 14658 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:39:13 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All OCN/Member Interface Copyright 1992 - Eric Carson A Report On The OS9 Community Network Board Of Directors For The Week Ending 03/08/92 -----------------------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER: The content of the following text is solely the view of the author. I can only report on what I am able read in the OS9Net (BOD) echo, and may not write or reply to the activities within. Any comments or sug- gestions to the BOD, or to me, may be posted in a FidoNet(tm) COCO_CLUB or OS9 echo near you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------CURRENT B.O.D. ACTIVITY: Kim Bergman and Greg Morgan have been nominated for Secretary and Membership Co-Ordinator, respectively. Voting for these two positions have commenced. Tom Birt is the new NewsLetter Editor. After much wondering, the oft-missed Don Vaillancourt has resigned his position of Int'l Co-Coordinator from the Board of Directors. A motion has been made to look for nominees for that position. Kim Bergman has been nominated for the position of Co-Coordinator. Wes Gale has been nominated for the position of Co-Coordinator. (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14659 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:40:27 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All A motion has been made and seconded for a monthly Department-Head meeting. EDITORIAL: There seems to be a certain opinion out there in CoCoLand that the OS9CN is strictly a FIDONet-bound organisation. There is some justification for this opinion, but this is not necessarily so. The fact is, when people began tossing ideas around about starting a "club" to take the place of the now-defunct National OS9 Users Group, the majority of the discussion took place in the FidoNet. Much of the activities of this growing and evolving Community is still happening within FidoNet. It is not because the BOD wants to keep it that way, but because it is most convenient. FidoNet is not a pay service, (such as C-serve or Delfi [deliberate misspellings]), but it is the cheapest way for people who live thousands of miles apart, to communicate with each other. (Well, there is Snail-Mail, but FidoNet is more reliable). There has been an ongoing intent to get the OS9CN into other publicly accessible media. C-serve and Delfi are just two of them. There has been some success with Uucp and the Internet, as evidenced by our new Australian (and Belgian, etc...) members. And while I am talking about OtherNets, Our Fearless Leader, Int'l Coordinator for the OS9CN, John Wight, has finally gotten his InterNet address. If you have access to InterNet, you may mail him at: os9cn@flex.com (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14660 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:41:16 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All If you know of anyone who wants more info on our nifty organisation, and they have access to InterNet, but don't have access to FidoNet, this will probably be the route they should go. John is also doing some intense research in getting info through to STGnet, ACBBS, and RIME. [I never heard of this last, but, the more, the merrier!] The plain and simple truth of it is, there is just so darn much to do, and not a whole lot of people to do it. We, as a community, must rely on ourselves to get the message out to those who may not have access to the various nets. The BOD cannot do it alone. Another hard, cold fact, is that no one is getting paid for their efforts in trying to get this organisation into shape. Right now, all of the Board of Directors are vollunteers. Almost all of the positions that make up the BOD are open for elections, RIGHT NOW! The people who are in those positions are doing so as acting members of the Board. As you can see in the section labled CURRENT B.O.D. ACTIVITY, nominations for Secretary, Membership Coordinator, International Co-Coordinator, and NewsLetter Editor have been heard and are currently being voted on. What this means, is that the rest of the positions are waiting for you to fill them. (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14661 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:42:09 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All What follows is a current listing of the positions within the BOD, who is filling them, and which ones are available: International Coordinator: John Wight 814 Bannister St #4, Honolulu, HI 96819 BBS: 1-808-845-5299 FIDONET 1:345/200 CIS: 76370,2100 International Co-Coordinator: *available* International Librarian: Gene Clifton 2453 W. Sunny Meade Dr., Harvey LA 70058 BBS: 1-504-347-4320 FIDONET 1:396/27 Newsletter Editor: Tom Birt 5055 73rd St. #18, San Diego, CA 92115 BBS: 1-619-277-4618 FIDONET 1:202/624 Secretary: Kim Bergman 2020 Home NW, Calgary, AB T3B 1H5 BBS: 1-403-246-6943 FIDONET: 134/67 Membership Coordinator: Greg Morgan 9500 Telstar Rd., Richmond, VA 23237 BBS: 1-804-266-2515 FIDONET: 1:264/211.3 (Boss node: 264/211) International OS-9 Community Network Representative: Bill Nobel #21 1106 Ave. W, N. Saskatoon, SK, CA S7L 3G7 BBS: 1-306-384-0836 FIDONET 1:140/26 (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14662 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:43:00 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All Zone Coordinators and Librarians: We are starting to reach the point where we will need coordinators and librarians for the other zones of FidoNet. John Wight will continue to coordinate Zone 1 which covers North America. We also need volunteers to cover these Zones: Zone 2: Europe *Available* Zone 3: Australia (Possibly Bob Devries) Zone 4: Latin America *Available* Zone 5: Africa *Available* Zone 6: Asia *Available* Until these zones are covered, John will be making contact with OS-9 users in these zones. We also need a coordinator for each network that members of the OS-9 community reside in. Regional Librarians and Coordinators: Region 10: California Nevada Hawaii Librarian: John Reece BBS: 1-619-272-3643 FIDONET 1:202/617 Coord. : Tom Birt 5055 73rd St. #18, San Diego, CA 92115 BBS: 1-619-277-4618 FIDONET 1:202/624 (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14663 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:43:55 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All Region 11: Illinois Indiana Kentucky Michigan Ohio Wisconsin Librarian: Kerry Kowalski 11417 Co. Tr. R, Whitelaw, WI, 54247 BBS: 1-414-684-4115 FIDONET 1:154/888 Coord : *Available* Region 12: Ontario Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia Newfoundland Prince Edward Island Librarian: *Available* Coord : Ken Patience 66 Walpole Ave. Unit 117, Toronto, Ontario, CA M4L 3W5 BBS: 1-416-469-2681 FIDONET 1:250/610 Region 13: District of Comlumbia Delaware Maryland New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Virginia West Virginia Librarian: Bill Wittman 873 Johnson Rd., Churchville, NY 14428-9305 BBS: 1-716-494-2520 FIDONET 1:260/215 Coord : *Available* Region 14: Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota Librarian: Harold Kistner 3141 E. Beaumont, Springfield, MO 65804 BBS: 1-417-887-6048 FIDONET: 1:284/3 Coord : Harold Kistner "" "" *Available?* Region 15: Arizona Colorado New Mexico Utah Wyoming Librarian: *Available* Coord : *Available* (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14664 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:45:05 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All Region 16: Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Librarian: Brian Steward K31 Mill Pond Rd., Broad Brook CT 06016 BBS: 1-203-627-9264 FIDONET 1:142/264 Coord : *Available* Region 17: Alaska Alberta British Columbia Idaho Manitoba Montana Oregon Saskatchewan Washington (State) Librarian: (Canada) Wes Gale 11025 130th St., Surrey, B.C., Canada V3T 3M3 BBS: 1-604-589-5545 FIDONET 1:153/912 Librarian: (U.S.) Mark Johnson 807 Neveda Dr., Longview, WA 98632 BBS: 1-206-425-5804 FIDONET 1:105/641 Coord : Dennis Mott N 4103 Whitehouse, Spokane, WA 99205 BBS: 1-509-325-6787 FIDONET 1:346/9 Region 18: Alabama Florida Georgia Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Puerto Rico Librarian: Dave Spicer 15 Blackwell St., Ft. Rucker, AL 36362 BBS: 1-205-598-2100 FIDONET 1:18/75 Coord : Dave Spicer "" "" *Available?* Region 19: Texas Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Gene Clifton (Also International Librarian) BBS: 1-504-347-4320 FIDONET 1:396/27 Coord : Dave Kelly BBS: 1-713-942-1541 FIDONET 1:106/941 More regions will be added as we find coordinators and librarians to cover more areas of the globe. (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14665 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:45:48 Sb: OS-9 CN Interface Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All If you are interested in one of the above positions, or in becoming a member, please contact John Wight, or one of the regional coordinators. [The Interface will be carrying the BOD listing from now on] Eric Carson - OS9 Community Network/Member Interface The Galactic Milieu (916) 893-5412 [FIDO - 1:119/13] #: 14666 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:47:24 Sb: Fidonet testimonials Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All What follows are testimonials from happy Fidonet users, presented here for those who have doubts about the merits of Fidonet: To : Warren Hrach From : Howard Moore Subject : Hello Date : 92/03/13 WH> I run an OS9 BBS, 'RiBBS' and also am a Mfgr. Rep. for IMS Inc. WH> the manufacturer of the MM/1 computer, one of the best 'CoCo 4's' WH> available. Yo u may see in my origin line that RiBBS is fido WH> compatable. WH> WH> Hang on to those extra CoCo's they are valuable. WH> WH> -Warren Hrach, RiBBS beta sysop, IMS Mfgr. Rep, MM1_TECH echo WH> moderator Hi Warren, Just though I'd say hello. I've been working with the "RiBBS to go" packag e, that I got from you. I have a question though. Is there enough of an impro vement with ver 2.02 to go with it, rather than the 2.0, I got from you? I recently got access to the CoCo related FIDO echos and am really enjoying them. Thanks in advance, Howard Moore Milford, Del To : Scott Harrod From : Bill Figi Subject : Welcome O' Surprised One!!!! Date : 92/03/13 2::0:00 Welcome Scott, I was really happy to find this echo too. Lots of clever folks and not a lo t of BS. :) Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. What kinds of stuff do you d o with your COCO's? My kids and I use our three: (1 -#3; 2-#2) mainly for gamin g with a little word processing and my interminable struggles with OS9 & C.... Bill (Happy to make your acquiantance!) #: 14667 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:48:21 Sb: Our gift to you Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All If I were very nostalgic, I could say the OS-9 Community Network started when I purchased my first computer (an MC-10) in 1984. I liked this inexpensive computer so much, I gradually moved up to a very complete COCO 3 OS-9 Level 2 system. Or perhaps it got its start when I went to a community college for two years to earn my Associate of Technical Arts Degree in Computer Repair. It was there I first experienced the excitement of sharing my computer knowledge and experience by running a BBS on a Tandy Model 3 with a 300 baud modem and four single sided floppy drives. I enjoyed it so much, I started dreaming and began to plan my own BBS which went online a few years later. However this is the OS-9 "COMMUNITY" Network. There are many others in the COCO and OS-9 community who made it special, and have helped us to develop what is now becoming the OS-9 Community Network. For example, if it weren't for Lonnie Falk, Dale Puckett, and many others who had a part in Rainbow Magazine, many of us might never have gotten started with the COCO and OS-9, and come to realize what a powerful operating system OS-9 Level 2 really is - and at a steal price. Over the years, Lonnie told us many stories in the Rainbow about how it grew from some ideas and a couple of pieces of paper to a thick magazine that kept many of us in touch with the COCO and OS-9 community for many years. It is this community that kept the Rainbow going strong for so long. (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14668 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:49:19 Sb: Our gift to you Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All Then as the online COCO and OS-9 community evolved, Rainbow was getting thinner in pages, some of our favorite COCO and OS-9 experts left the Rainbow, and many hardware and software companies stopped advertising in its pages. Around the same time Rainbow started getting thinner, a community of COCO and OS-9 users started getting together on FIDONET, a worldwide amateur network of over 10,000 BBS systems. Many of us learned that it is an excellent, and cheap (in some cases free) place to keep in touch with COCO and OS-9 experts, and other members of our very friendly community. New users found they could get questions answered in a day or two (or less), learn where to get software, hardware, and the support that they were lacking from Tandy and other sources. After I had experienced the wonder and power of OS-9 Level 2 for a while, with its multitasking and windows, I learned about RiBBS which was written to be FIDONET compatible. So I decided to join the FIDONET network to further my aspirations of being a supporting member of our special community. After seeing Tandy drop its support for the COCO and OS-9 markets, and seeing that Rainbow was getting smaller yet, I decided to look for more ways to support this community and do my part to help keep it alive. I eventually took on the job of echo moderator for the FIDONET COCO and OS9 conferences, and continued to share my knowledge and experience of OS-9 with other users, and I continue to do my best to ensure that our community stays friendly. (CONTINUED IN NEXT MESSAGE) #: 14669 S8/BBS Systems/TSMon 21-Mar-92 05:50:14 Sb: Our gift to you Fm: John Wight 76370,2100 To: All Then ideas started coming in on the echos. Some wondered what Microware would do with OS-9 when Tandy quit its support. Someone mentioned the possibility of its release to a non profit group. So we thought, why not release it to members of the largest amateur network in the world. (We still have yet to see if this will be.) We also discussed the possibilities of routing and echoing files to OS-9 BBS systems in the same way FIDONET echo messages are efficiently routed at low cost. It was these ideas and many more discussed among members of this special community that is currently evolving into the OS-9 Community Network. My dream is to see it grow into the best group of quality computer users in support of one of the best operating systems in the world, just as Lonnie Falk's 4 page newsletter grew into a magazine that educated many of us to the vast potential of the COCO and OS-9 Level 2 in a mostly MS-DOS world. Just as Rainbow is now starting to include information on the new machines designed to be an upgrade to the COCO, we will be upgrading to include information on the new machines and OSK as well. I wish to thank all of you in the COCO and OS-9 community, as it is you that has helped us to keep our favorite computer and operating system alive. I would like to thank many individually, such as sysops who offered their BBS systems, software authors, hardware hackers, Rainbow staff, CIS and Delphi members - I could go on and on, but there are just too many to list that helped us to get where we are today. In apreciation, I offer to all members of our special community the OS-9 Community Network. m #: 14671 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Mar-92 09:10:53 Sb: #14617-MM/1 advice Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 Well, Here's hoping that the final version of windows that Kev releases for distribution 'accidentally' cures this problem as well! I hope to have my last paddle board by Monday. With that installed, I'll move the terminal to /t1 and see if the problem moves with it. IF it does, since both ports are manged by the 901 driver, I'd have to say we've found the culprit. Thanks for whatever advice you can offer. Steve #: 14672 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Mar-92 09:16:42 Sb: #14619-MM/1 advice Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 Carl, Thanks for reviewing the thread! I've moved the terminal to /t3 and found no problem at all. Incidentally, during the swap, the modem ended up on /t2. Trying to call CIS after that was interesting. A 'fuzzy' box appears as soon as sterm fires up and then it's dropped character city. Reminded me of the IRQ problem with the CoCo at high speed. Dropping the baud rate from 2400 to 1200 had no noticeable effect. Once I get a few more of the seral ports easily available (Mark's making a few cables for me), I'll investigate this a bit more. Still could be nothing more that a flow control issue. I've found my PPI modem to be a bit contrary in somme situations. :-) Steve #: 14673 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Mar-92 09:18:32 Sb: #14618-MM/1 help Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 Thanks for the comments Bill, (and I apologize for not responding sooner. Various hardware problems at the office have had me consumed for the last couple of weeks.) I'm expecting the /t1 paddle board Monday. With that installed, I can do a bit more testing on teh driver theory. Steve #: 14674 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 21-Mar-92 09:20:11 Sb: #14628-MM/1 help Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Heheheh .... yeah ...as impossible as it seems, I did consider sterm for a breif moment. Had to rule it out of my list of possible problems. Steve #: 14679 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 21-Mar-92 15:36:14 Sb: #HMI, CIS, and all that Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: All Greetings. I should say here right up front that what follows is purely my personal opinion. A couple or so years ago I first ran into an article in *Online Today* that described a program for the Macintosh that let one's Macintosh communicate with CIS via "HMI," Host-Micro Interface, so that the user interacted with the program (Navigator, I believe it's called), and the program in turn interacted with CIS. Gee, I said, this is nice--and sent feedback asking whether a specification for HMI would be available for download as the GIF format is. I've asked that question repeatedly from time to time over the past few years. In the meantime, CompuServe has come out with CIM, a program for PClones that uses HMI. I've gotten various answers, but it sure looks like CompuServe intends to keep it proprietary. Some replies have said HMI is Very Complicated, and not just anybody could write a program to use it. (Funny, I can get freely-copyable parser generators, compilers, text editors, communications programs. Is HMI more complicated than all of those?) Others have implied that CompuServe will eventually be more forthcoming. I guess what's set me off about this is that CompuServe has recently adopted a new pricing plan, supposedly in response to Prodigy and other information utilities--but this flat rate plan specifically excludes the forums. It would be nice if someone could write a program to efficiently access CIS; HMI would be a considerable help with this. (Text-oriented programs like TAPCIS could, in theory, be fooled--after all, I could Store Unformatted a message that contains text indistinguishable from CIS prompts, right?) Doesn't look like this can happen, though; CIS is keeping HMI proprietary, and unless you have a Mac or a PClone, you're out of luck. Over on PRICEFORUM, I've said I'd hang around for six months, to see whether CompuServe comes around. If they don't, I'm out of here. See you on Delphi. There is 1 Reply. #: 14680 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 21-Mar-92 21:46:18 Sb: #14679-HMI, CIS, and all that Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376 To: James Jones 76257,562 James, First off, I can't believe that the only thing that's going to make the difference between you accessing the forum here or not (never mind what you do on the other services - there's no loyalty oath you've gotta take, so you're certainly free to use more than one service! ) is the availability of the HMI specs. I personally don't see the HMI specs being released to the public in any forseable future. I can understand the thinking that might produce such a business decision. I can also understand the thinking that says that something so neat and groovy shouold be released to everyone, everywhere. Shades of the old-time spirit of the original hackers! Be that as it may... if you've got a problem with the new pricing scheme not including the forums, be sure and let CompuServe know via FEEDBACK. If enough folks say the right things, who knows what might happen. Finally... back on the HMI. IF you do decide to abstain from CompuServe and patronize Delphi exclusively, what you'll find (other than pricing differences) is a TTY-like interface that puts you into the same interactive mode as CompuServe. It appears as if there are two totally unrelated things that have gotten under your skin. Wayne Press !> .