#: 14851 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 07-Apr-92 23:01:38 Sb: #14844-I Give Up Fm: James Jones 76257,562 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Believe me, gratuitous insults and flamage *are* wasted effort, and I think that we now have more than enough examples of that. Perhaps further study of how to motivate people is in order. (Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author.) #: 14852 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 08-Apr-92 00:30:32 Sb: #14844-I Give Up Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Sure, a few people have had prototype machines for years. What's your point? There aren't a bunch of OS-9 developers with any graphics experience, and even they only work on programs in their spare time. So I don't think anyone expects a multi-color Lotus 1-2-3 clone to suddenly spring forth. I think we *will* see some neat stuff, but it takes time and money... which are both in short supply during this recession. But going around posting morose messages with "I don't think the windows will ever be finished" and crap like that sure doesn't help any. And no, insults don't make difficult code easier to write. What a strange idea. Hey, doomsayers are a dime a dozen everywhere. Try stopping into Amiga or Atari groups sometime... there's always a heavy thread going on about how "Ohmigod it's too little too late" or "Our system is doomed" or you-name-it. It's so sad it's almost funny. What a misdirected waste of time and effort! And frankly, it's a slap in the face to people who're still working hard. #: 14862 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 08-Apr-92 20:10:41 Sb: #14844-I Give Up Fm: Dan Robins 70007,3264 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Mark, RE: "I seriously doubt if the MM/1 effort will make it now"..... Seems to me that you shouldn't be blaming anyone for this statment other than the folks at IMS. From someone who's been burned by their meaningless promises (namely, yours truly)....you'll get no sympathy. My faith in them was lost a while back. Dan (who's been biting his tongue for a long time) #: 14853 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 08-Apr-92 00:30:55 Sb: #14845-I Give Up Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 (X) Frank, Don't nitpick :-) I meant $300 for the additional G-Windows developer's package if bought separately, of course. The point being: you need it if you want to program G-W specific stuff, vs just being a user. I've got nothing against that, of course. I can no longer live without charging something either :-) Hate to admit it, but I haven't fully hooked up the TC70 yet. It ended up arriving a week or so after I got in Tony's color digitizer, and things got clogged up around here. You know how that goes . Should have it working by this weekend, I think, tho. Give a call Sunday night. kevin #: 14854 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 02:06:11 Sb: #14810-#GNU C Compiler Fm: Tom Birt 76640,1205 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 (X) I'll answer in the order of your questions: On FidoNet (OS9), the regional libraries are posted monthly. On other networks, they have been posted irregularly (this should change to monthly, soon). Our services include: The NetNews 8 OS-9 file areas Member directory (international) Vendors listing (1st in 2 mos.) Job listing (time?) Microware (and other relevant vendor's) product announcements Our former secretary was overburdened with too many resposibilities. Her duties are now assumed by two officers. If I can help answer any other questions you may have, concerning the OS9CN, please feel free to ask. Tom Birt - OS9CN Editor There is 1 Reply. #: 14868 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 21:48:48 Sb: #14854-#GNU C Compiler Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76 To: Tom Birt 76640,1205 (X) Thanks very much for the answers and candor. I have to admit to being a bit disappointed that the excitment that surrounded my sending in my membership request (at the prospect of some form of UG forming) was dashed by the months of silence that followed and the difficulty of getting a simple answer like yours from John, but maybe there is hope here after all. I hope I don't seem hostile, because that isn't the intent. Again, thanks very much. There are 2 Replies. #: 14875 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Apr-92 00:24:46 Sb: #14868-GNU C Compiler Fm: Tom Birt 76640,1205 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 We certainly have drifted off of the subject of the GNU compiler, but I hope our correspondance will help all who read this thread to become interested in getting involved with the OS9CN. It should become a real "shot in the arm" for perpetuating interest in my (and I hope your) favorite operating system. Stay tuned here for further news on our communications progress (with the proper Sb: heading). :)* Tom Birt - OS9CN Editor #: 14877 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Apr-92 03:48:10 Sb: #14868-GNU C Compiler Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 This OS9CN sounds interesting. What is it?. #: 14891 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Apr-92 16:28:06 Sb: #14759-GNU C Compiler Fm: ole hansen 100016,3417 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Yes, I must admit that I have an ST1040FM running OSK(V2.4), allthough I don't run it every night. The problem with the GNU-c-compiler is that it will most likely not run in the Atari, because of to little memory. The ansi-c-compiler is almost 500k in object when it is unpacked, and the C++ is over 700kb(it takes a bit to load it the first time). I have used it a bit, to port 'unix'-stuff to os9. Using the 'v7make' from top-munic-package and the GNU-c-compiler made the ports not so painfull as with Microwares compiler. regards ole #: 14855 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 02:49:58 Sb: #14848-#MM/1 Tech Manual Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 (X) Glen, Yes, I just happen to catch a message that gave Signetics phone number. There is probably quite a number of people that would like that chip info, and don't know that it is available. We need to spread the word. Oh, I bet Signetics will like that ;-) There is 1 Reply. #: 14873 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 23:27:35 Sb: #14855-#MM/1 Tech Manual Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) Hi Larry... Yeah, I hope that a sudden flurry of requests for free info won't make them consider charging for it to pay for costs. Who knows? Guess it depends on how well they're doing financially... There is 1 Reply. #: 14876 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Apr-92 00:25:29 Sb: #14873-#MM/1 Tech Manual Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 (X) Glen, Thats what I was wondering, if they would notice all the sudden requests, realize whats going on, and decide to make some money. Maybe not, it might be that a BIG company like them with lots of tax lawyers, uses these give-aways in a big tax write off. There is 1 Reply. #: 14921 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 03:08:41 Sb: #14876-MM/1 Tech Manual Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) Hi Larry... Yah, probably so... #: 14858 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 15:21:17 Sb: #14830-#MM/1 Tech Manual Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 (X) Glen, Do give Paul a call. He wants your feedback. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 14874 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 23:30:37 Sb: #14858-MM/1 Tech Manual Fm: GLEN HATHAWAY 71446,166 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Hi Steve... Yeah I guess I should call Paul (PKW). I used to try several times a day when I was waiting for my base unit - was never able to get him on the line, though he did return my call once. I hope I still can't cause that probably means he's working hard on getting me my manuals and I/O board. #: 14856 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 06:37:20 Sb: #14847-MM/1 Tech Manual Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, You're right about that pinout on the parallel ports. I'll change it in the next edition. I did give Mark Sheffield pinouts for all the chips in the MM/1. Most of them did not appear though and I don't know why. Mark PS. I won't flame you. You are normally a good decent person. I tried lots of other methods to get some people to do things over the years and it all didn't work. #: 14859 S7/Telecommunications 08-Apr-92 15:38:34 Sb: #14850-#OSTerm Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul, Can't help fixing the OSTERM problem but I can offer a work around for the bit with needing a control C to log into CompuServe: Instead of hitting a ^C, just thump return. You'll be prompted for a HOST, to which you need to reply CIS or CPS. After that it's just like you're used to. There is a big advantage using this method over the ^C, in that you won't inadvvertantly drop the line. You're always taken back to the HOST prompt for a final OFF command. Hope this helps. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 14893 S7/Telecommunications 09-Apr-92 21:26:47 Sb: #14859-#OSTerm Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Yeah, that does help except that if I leave OSTerm in learn mode while I log onto CIS, by the time I'm typing the last characters of my password something goes awry and the program terminates with this divide error. Know of any full featured terminal programs that run under OS9 ? Paul There is 1 Reply. #: 14909 S7/Telecommunications 10-Apr-92 21:13:29 Sb: #14893-#OSTerm Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 (X) Paul, Depends on what you mean by full featured. I've been using Sterm for years. It meets all my need. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 14939 S7/Telecommunications 11-Apr-92 18:20:51 Sb: #14909-OSTerm Fm: Paul Rinear 73757,1413 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) I'm using Sterm right now. When going onto other BBS's I like to be able to change baud without quitting and xmode'ing, Y-modem is nice, and a dialing directory is kinda nice. Sterm works real well on CIS. Paul #: 14860 S7/Telecommunications 08-Apr-92 17:15:15 Sb: #14801-Garble? Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks for the feedback, Steve. I've been out of town and will have to get back to the missing LF problem now. I will look (again) at DEFAULT, but that was source of some problems of a different nature a couple of weeks ago and I think it's all ok now (but will recheck). I'll also have to try to be more critical in my observation of the glitch to see as exactly as I can when and where it happens. I'm inclined to a belief that it is something related to the scrolling of the screen at the end of a message. I suspect there's something a bit different about the sequence of characters at the end of a message that at the end of a line in the middle of a message; and that this is somehow tangling with the scrolling of my local monitor. I don't know of anything unusual in my setup; Magnavox monitor connected to the RGB output of COCO3; running Shell+; using the Shack Serial Pak; using the Disto Super Controller and the OWL/LR hard disk controller. I don't really believe any of the disk controller paks likely since I'm not logging when the line feed gets dropped. So.o.o.o, I'll ponder and watch closely and see what occurs. Thanks for encouragement. Ches. #: 14863 S7/Telecommunications 08-Apr-92 20:32:40 Sb: #14801-#Garble? Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, it may be a longer search than I feared. Apparently, STERM is inserting a $09 at infrequent intervals. The result is to bump the cursor up one line part way thru the line, then the next $0D starts the next line and over writes what was on that line. The $09 apparently comes in just after the * Replies: so the reply msg number(s) show up in the body of the message and the next line writes over the * Replies . Interesting but somewhat confusing. The message that had the garble is quite repeatable as to the insertion of the $09 on STERM but no such garble when that same message is received on WIZ. Wiz and STERM use different drivers so that may give me a clue. But why is a $09 always inserted just before the reply msg numbers??? Cute, huh. Ches. There are 2 Replies. #: 14869 S7/Telecommunications 08-Apr-92 22:09:05 Sb: #14863-Garble? Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) Hmm .... Interesting that $09 is the COCO/MM1 control code for cursor up. Sterm is just doing what it's told to do ... passing the $09. Your screen is just acting upon it. Sterm is not inseting it ... but it must be getting it from somewhere. Now ... why doesn't this happen on my screen? What do you have your CIS default terminal type set to? Steve #: 14872 S7/Telecommunications 08-Apr-92 22:26:25 Sb: #14863-#Garble? Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) Ches, Take one more trip to Default. I'll bet your TABs are set to REAL. Since the CoCo windows interprets a TAB (^I) as a cursor up, your screen is gonna dance whenever an $09 is in the stream. Change that puppy to SIMULATED and I'll bet the problem dissappears. Steve There are 2 Replies. #: 14883 S7/Telecommunications 09-Apr-92 06:47:16 Sb: #14872-Garble? Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, You're probably right, and that would explain why it doesn't come in from WIZ which probably interprets the TAB as a TAB. I'm on my way to DEFAULT (again). I didn't know CoCo windows interpreted a $9 as cursor up; I thought $11 (^K) was cursor up. Thanks much for your guidance. Regards, Ches. #: 14884 S7/Telecommunications 09-Apr-92 06:51:33 Sb: #14872-#Garble? Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, as you predicted, simulated tabs removes the error. Thanks much for your guidance. Regards, Ches. There is 1 Reply. #: 14885 S7/Telecommunications 09-Apr-92 07:09:53 Sb: #14884-#Garble? Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) Sorry it took so long, Ches. It finally dawned on me when I looked at a cheat sheet I had for control codes. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 14898 S7/Telecommunications 10-Apr-92 05:14:44 Sb: #14885-Garble? Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Didn't seem long to me, Steve. I sure appreciate your guidance. Ches. #: 14864 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 20:36:34 Sb: Kwindows Fm: BRUCE MOORE 70075,143 To: 76703,4227 (X) I am having trouble with the vt70 driver on my tc70.......random blank lines after using dynastar, cant see the top line on the magnavox monitor, the 24 line screen is hard to read since the characters are so narrow they fit over 100 on the screen, does not work with some software. I wonder if kwindows will make some improvments here. Does the version Frank is now selling use a different font or graphics mode? Does it hot key instantly between screens like coco windows or does it paint the screen in relatively slow brush strokes? I know that a volonteer is rewriting vt70 for vt100 emulation - will your current package be compatable? Do you have some docs for the do you have some docs for the package being sold? I s there a gif viewer for the tc70 under kwindows and does it show 256 colors? If frank pushes vga with the pcxt card adapter will kwindows be changed to work with it? What monitor are you using on your tc70 ? Do you feel it is sharp enough to use all day? Hope to hear from you soon... thanks for supporting the tc70! #: 14865 S1/General Interest 08-Apr-92 21:38:18 Sb: #14818-#New AR Developments Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76 To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 (X) Duly noted. How much of a speed hit are folks willing to absorb for new features in ar? Reason being that better compression might require keeping tables on disk, thus slowing ar by a factor of 10 or more. There are 2 Replies. #: 14888 S1/General Interest 09-Apr-92 07:56:19 Sb: #14865-New AR Developments Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 I'll check... Lee #: 14914 S1/General Interest 11-Apr-92 01:31:34 Sb: #14865-New AR Developments Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 re Ar improvements: on the other hand the latest version of lharc seems to have most the requested improvements. But it is painfully slow, proving that you don't get nothing for nothing! #: 14866 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 21:41:03 Sb: #14820-#more serial wierdness Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) I got the board today 8-Apr-92. If you want proof to beat up the carrier I can provide it. I hope to be on the air in a day or so (have to go scrounge monitor and keyboard again - forgot about that) and with any luck at all I will be able to duplicate the problems. Usuall I can find it if I can see it ;). There is 1 Reply. #: 14870 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 22:11:05 Sb: #14866-more serial wierdness Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 Great news, Carl! I'll let my shipping department know of the delay and let them take it up with the carrier. The important thing is you've got the board! Steve #: 14867 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 21:43:06 Sb: #14822-MM/1 help Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Ok. I understand. We may want to consider mailing me your boot file. I don't have any old stuff left around for the MM1. #: 14871 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Apr-92 22:12:18 Sb: #14822-MM/1 help Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) No problem on that, Carl. Let me know when you're ready and I'll shoot it to ya. Steve #: 14878 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 09-Apr-92 04:14:36 Sb: #Wish List Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: All Too All Developers or those that wanna be: I have uploaded a wish list of things I'd like to see developed for the new machines or the CoCo. Please give it a look and see if there is something in there you might be interested in doing. This list is my personal opinion only. Fee free to disagree with anything I said. Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 14879 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 09-Apr-92 05:20:56 Sb: #14878-#Wish List Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) I thought it was a pretty comprehensive list, myself! Looks like you put a lot of thinking into it. kev There is 1 Reply. #: 14892 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 09-Apr-92 18:44:10 Sb: #14879-Wish List Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kevin, Tank you (grin). Mark #: 14880 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Apr-92 06:04:20 Sb: #14709-E.A.R.S. Fm: Mike Guzzi 76576,2715 To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 (X) great. if you can get me his number email it to me thanks! Mike #: 14881 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Apr-92 06:06:31 Sb: #14803-OS9 level 2/disk basic 2 Fm: Mike Guzzi 76576,2715 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) yeah all you do is put in the second disk (boot/config/basic09) and it has the loader. if not type in the boot program on any os9 program. #: 14882 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Apr-92 06:22:06 Sb: #link count bug Fm: Mike Guzzi 76576,2715 To: all Hey check this out! I have left my system on for over 2 months and i did an mdir a few days ago and RBF and BBFHdisk showed FFFF for link count but today i did it again and look at this. Module Directory at 22:05:56 Block Offset Size Typ Rev Attr Use Module Name ----- ------ ---- --- --- ---- ---- ------------ 3F D06 12A C1 1 r... 0 REL 3F E30 1D0 C1 1 r... 1 Boot 3F 1000 ED9 C0 8 r... 2 OS9p1 1 A00 CAE C0 2 r... 1 OS9p2 1 16AE 9F3 C1 1 r... 1 IOMan 1 20A1 2E C0 1 r... 1 Init 1 20CF 1AE 11 1 .... 1 CC3Go 1 227D 23E C1 1 r... 4 Clock 1 24BB 12CB D1 1 r... Lock RBF 1 3786 65D E1 2 r... Lock BBFhdisk 1 3DE3 39 F1 1 r... Lock dd 1 3E1C 39 F1 1 r... 432D h0 1 3E55 39 F1 1 r... 41F6 h1 1 3E8E B9A E1 1 r... B8 SDisk3 1 4A28 33 F1 3 r... F D0 See? RBF,BBFhdisk and DD show "lock" for a link count. What does this mean? Mike There is 1 Reply. #: 14887 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 09-Apr-92 07:49:30 Sb: #14882-#link count bug Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Mike Guzzi 76576,2715 (X) Mike - It's not a bug, just something you don't see very often :-) Actually, you probably did a "dirm" and it showed FFFF as the link count. The stock command "mdir e" more appropriately shows "Lock" for the same value. As you know, $FFFF is the highest possible value for a module link count (max value that can be held in two bytes). Any links afterwards won't increment the count (because you'd roll over to 0000, then 0001, etc). Therefore, unlinks can't be honored either (the link/unlinks might not match up). So the module can't be unlinked and is considered "locked" into memory. You could write a util that did that many links to any module if you wanted it to stay around for sure :-) best - kevin There is 1 Reply. #: 14902 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Apr-92 13:34:43 Sb: #14887-link count bug Fm: Mike Guzzi 76576,2715 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) well one thing for sure is OS9 is stable! The longest record for running the machine without re-booting is 4 months. Im sitting about 2-3 months now and unlike that time I use the machine more. (that 4 months i was away at college the bbs was the only thing running) I assumed it would roll over and i was told that it would unlink from memory (roll over to 0 and drops out) but obvoisly this proves that wrong. Mike #: 14889 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Apr-92 08:32:55 Sb: #OLD OSK Manuals Fm: Jay Truesdale 72176,3565 To: all I have a stack of old OSK manuals for versions 2.0 and 2.1 that I am going to throw away unless someone has a need/use for them. Drop me a line in email SOON if you're interested. -J There is 1 Reply. #: 14903 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 10-Apr-92 16:55:04 Sb: #14889-OLD OSK Manuals Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Jay Truesdale 72176,3565 (X) Jay, I'd be happy to stop by the house and take them off your hands if you're just gonna toss 'em. Steve #: 14890 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Apr-92 16:18:11 Sb: OS9MAX r/w OS9disk in PC Fm: ole hansen 100016,3417 To: 71071,2003 (X) hello George. I have just posted 'OS9MAX'-demo in lib 12 of OSK. Unfortunate I couldn't find 'lharc', so had to use 'pkarc'. As this is a demo-version, there is some limitation in what you can do, but if those commands work, it is very unlikely, that the full-featured program should not work. best regards ole b. hansen 100016,3417 #: 14894 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 09-Apr-92 21:52:17 Sb: #Don't Give up Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: All Dear Friends: During the past few weeks I have noticed a lot of negative comments on the networks regarding certain members of our COCO community. I realize that some of these comments are made out of frustration. Folks have bought MM1's or one of the new systems and are waiting for he bugs to be worked out. Others are continuing to use the COCO3 and are worried about a lack of support. But I would like everyone to step back for a moment and look at the situation. Our machine has officially been out of production since Sept '89. The COCO's are gone. Tandy is no longer interested...Microware...? Mcuh of what we have seen come out since has been the work of "hobbyist" Sure some of the people are professional programmers, but many have gone way beyond just developing commercial products. If I had to pay for all the free advice I have gotten from Kevin Darling, James Jones, Lee Veal, Mike Haaland, Shawn Driscoll, Marty Goodman, and many others who I don't have space to name, it would far exceed my connect charges. If I might be so presumptious, I have come to consider these people my friends. It was very exciting for me to meet many of you last year at Rainbowfest. As you introduced yourselves to me, (I do have a way of standing out in a crowd, you know) I was like a little kid. I felt, my goodness I'm meeting the famous (you fill in your own name.) I feel our community is special. Oh sure, I have hounded Kevin about the level 2 upgrade to the point that I am surprised when he answers my messages. I bemoan the lack of an OS-9 Version of Max-10, while making very slow progress on writing one. And I publically apologize to all of you. But you folks have been wonderful. Please, keep criticisms directed in valid ways, not personal attacks. I'm not trying to be the COCO Chaplain, (but I would accept the nomination...), but I hate to see people discouraged in their efforts , on all of our behalf, by comments said in anger or frustration. With all best wishes, to all of you, my dear friends, Br. Jeremy, CSJW There are 2 Replies. #: 14899 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 10-Apr-92 05:23:48 Sb: #14894-Don't Give up Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 (X) Very nicely said, Chaplain. As one of many "lurkers" on the MM comments, I have also been somewhat saddened by the occasional vitriol that appears. Folks, we have a mighty fine computer in the CoCo and some mighty fine potential in the MM and others; they're worth a bit of struggle to keep and enjoy. But even more important is the camaraderie and joy of accomplishment represented by the Kevins, Steves, and Martys (please excuse the shorthand for naming so many helpers) who so willingly and patiently explain (again and again) the mysteries of OS9 etc. The frustration is evident, but it would be nice to see comments focused on tangibles and not on personalities. It is a real pleasure to be associated with you all. With highest regards, Ches. #: 14942 S14/misc/info/Soapbox 11-Apr-92 20:34:40 Sb: #14894-Don't Give up Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 Of course, you are 100% correct. The only problem is that everyone around here is only human, and such are subject to getting pretty frustrated at times. I just hope that when someone dumps on another member of our commnunity it is taken in the most charitable manner possible. Not only do we have to remember the human frailities we all have, but also the very real problem of this written communication medium which is so unforgiving (it's real hard to read between the lines like you can in a face to face conversation). Thanks for reminding us all. #: 14895 S4/MIDI and Music 09-Apr-92 22:58:52 Sb: #14798-#Umuse3 Help Fm: Larry J. Mohr 76120,1642 To: Ches Looney 73016,1336 (X) According to the information on the Umuse addendum Second City Software is now Kala Software 3801 Brown Bark Drive Greensboro, NC 27408 no phone number though. I got my copy from Coco-Pro. It is hard to believe how much has been added to the shareware version to become 4.7.5a. I tried out the part block copy yesterday and I can see it saving me HOURS of time. The crescendo/diminuendo give the music a much more REAL feel. I hope to upload some tunes when I get a few complete the way I want. Thanks for the help. Larry Mohr There is 1 Reply. #: 14897 S4/MIDI and Music 10-Apr-92 05:13:48 Sb: #14895-Umuse3 Help Fm: Ches Looney 73016,1336 To: Larry J. Mohr 76120,1642 Thanks for info, Larry. Referring back to your last message and your interest in "a more elegant solution"; I think your approach is probably better than the one I was using with a patched Shell+. The problem with a non-standard approach is exemplified by my loss of the patch info and thus the loss of a useable method. What I'm doing now works with either MultiVue or without by using the following script under the title of MUSE in the CMDS directory: xmode /w7 type=1;tshell umuse3<>>>/w7& . tshell is the original tandy shell patched to have the name tshel but saved as tshell. Typing MUSE starts UMusE in a VDC window, but I still have to to go to that window and use UMusE. Regards, Ches. #: 14896 S5/OS9 Users Group 10-Apr-92 01:12:46 Sb: OS9CN Membership Fm: Tom Birt 76640,1205 To: Mark Sours Got your mail. Please include your phone number and machine types you use for OS-9. Tom #: 14904 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 10-Apr-92 18:30:53 Sb: #Mouseman and the MM/1? Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: 76070,41 (X) Mark: Is this any way to get a mouseman (righthanded) from Logitech to work with the MM/1? If a NEW driver needs to be written could you do it? I have model M-MC13 There is 1 Reply. #: 14926 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 09:07:21 Sb: #14904-#Mouseman and the MM/1? Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Keith, The Mouseman is a Microsoft compatible mouse, not a Logitech compatible mouse. Go figure that one out. It would take a new driver, but I can't do it. The MM/1 mouse drivers are not drivers per se but interrupt handlers as far as I know. I don't know how it could be interfaced unless Kevin wants to make a mouse driver for the Microsoft mouse. Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 14932 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 14:37:26 Sb: #14926-#Mouseman and the MM/1? Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Kevin: So how about it, could you do it? See mess number 14904 Keith There is 1 Reply. #: 14941 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 20:32:10 Sb: #14932-Mouseman and the MM/1? Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 Keith, >So how about it, could you do it? No. Mark #: 14905 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 10-Apr-92 18:34:50 Sb: STAR NX-1000 & the MM/1 Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: ALL I got my STAR NX-1000 Rainbow printer to work with the MM/1 you have to set LF to NOLF if you want to move it back and forth from a CoCo 3. You have to use SC68230.pols{le{~{oku! P.polled Keith #: 14906 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 10-Apr-92 19:17:28 Sb: GUI Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: ALL Dear Friends: I just uploaded GUIB.AR and GUIB11.PAK by Shawn Driscoll into LIBRARY 10, key word GUI. If you want to see some incredible things on our little COCO, get these files. I know that anything I write will be based on these from now on. With all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW #: 14912 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 01:10:10 Sb: #scsi formatting Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: all I reformatted my scsi hard drive the other day (after a crash, but that's another story....). I found that doing a physical format really didn't do anything. Is there a way to do a real physical format on these? I would think that physical format should do all the neat stuff like allocating alternate tracks when bad sectors are found, etc.? There are 2 Replies. #: 14928 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 09:38:52 Sb: #14912-scsi formatting Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, >Is there a way to do a real physical format on these? If you have a Quantum or a Conner, no. I take it from your message that you did select a physical format but it only took a couple seconds. This is what the drives above do. They are already formatted from the factory and use a special format to get the increased speeds. When you send a SCSI format command to the drive, it just does a check on itself and returns a success (or something like that). If you need to do a real format, you'll have to send the drive out to a depot repair site or return to the manufacturer. You can still mark out bad sectors by doing a physical verify and it will mark out in the bitmap those sectors that it can't read. Mark #: 14935 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 16:58:44 Sb: #14912-scsi formatting Fm: Jay Truesdale 72176,3565 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) If you have a Quantum Drive, you can use the SCSI Mode Select command to set the "Fill Data Pattern Enable" bit in one of the Quantum Unique Drive Control Parameter pages. Then you can specify a data pattern in the SCSI Format Unit command. I have not actually done this myself, but this is what the "Product Manual" for my Quantum drive says. The Quantum drives seem to be so reliable that I just let the drive take care of itself. Well, most of the time anyway :) -J -J #: 14913 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 01:10:39 Sb: #terminal info needed Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: all Can anyone help me to decide on which terminal to purchase for my MM/1? I think I just want a text term which runs at 19,200? But I'm not sure what else to look for. Looking in The Shopper I see Wyse 30/40/50 and 150s. Not too much else. Anyone know the difference between the 30/40/50 models? Anyone got a good used tube for sale? There are 2 Replies. #: 14936 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 16:59:06 Sb: #14913-terminal info needed Fm: Jay Truesdale 72176,3565 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) I personally like the Televideo 965 terminal. We used to get 955s until they were priced more than the 965. The 965 is a better terminal anyway. I like the fact that they are one of the few terminals on the market that DO NOT come with a BRAIN DAMAGED PC style keyboard layout (but this is just my opinion). It has a lot (16 I think) of programmable function keys. It has a good number of specially labled editing type keys like "page", "home" "line insert/delete", "char insert/delete," etc. The cursor keys are laid out in a reasonable pattern. The CTRL key is only separated from the "A" key by a caps lock key. I would have preferred that it be RIGHT next to the "A" but this is as close as they come (I looked at a lot of terminal keyboards). At least it isn't off down by the space bar. We've had some trouble with reliability of 955 keyboards but so far the 965 keyboards (which are newer) have not given us any trouble. The 965 can go at least 19.2 KB, if not 38.4. I know the 955 goes 38.4 but can't remember for sure if the 965 does. Since it is newer than the 955 I would expect it to. Just my .02. -J -J #: 14938 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 17:07:35 Sb: #14913-terminal info needed Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, I'm running a Wyse 50 for the most part at home, with a Televideo clone I picked up for free on the porch. I also use Wyse 60's (I think) at the office. What I like about the Wyse is there is only 4 things to break: The keyboard, the tube, the power supply or mother board. Makes repairs a snap. Steve #: 14915 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Apr-92 01:41:01 Sb: #14838-Need GIME Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Thanks for the info. I called up Radio Shack today to see if they had any GIME's and they said they did but I would have to come in to order it and prepay the bill. Do they have that new GIME you think? #: 14918 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 11-Apr-92 01:46:16 Sb: #14846-Need GIME Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 Thanks. I'll give you a call real soon if not sooner! #: 14920 S9/Utilities 11-Apr-92 02:03:40 Sb: LZH Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: all I've seen the LZH decompress utility and was wondering if there is a LZH compress utility for OS9? Has anyone made this program yet? It would be pretty handy for OS9. Especially for us OS9 Sysops with lots of dloads and a small HD... #: 14922 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 03:37:33 Sb: os9max Fm: George Hendrickson 71071,2003 To: 100016,3417 (X) Hi! I thought I'd let you know how OS9MAX went..First of all, I had trouble with the documentation. I can't read German although I'd like too. Interesting language... From what I could tell from the parameters thing, I was doing it correctly as far as I could tell but I couldn't read my 360k OS9 diskettes in my AT high density disk drive on my 386. any help would be appreciated. Thanks! #: 14933 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Apr-92 14:40:21 Sb: Mouseman and the MM/1! Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 Kevin; See message 14904. Keith Press !> .