#: 16960 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Nov-92 11:13:56 Sb: #16949-CIS and 9600 bps Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) > Oh yes, the buffer size thing. I remember now. I bumped mine up to 4k each, > plus I converted my /t1 to /t3 and all works well now. So you're all fixed up for 9600 baud, eh Bob. Well ... fixed up sans modem. Carl's posted some of his serial utilities in LIB 12 that may be of interest. Serstat lets you look at the inner workings of the port, rtson and rtsoff lets you set RTS on the fly. Let us know when the new box arrives. *- Steve -* #: 16988 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Nov-92 21:04:52 Sb: #16949-CIS and 9600 bps Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, > BTW, is 1k the recommended buffer size for B+ at 9600? Or would > something a bit larger be better? Does sterm reduce the size > dynamically if errors start to get out of hand (or does the protocol > even support that kind of thing)? B+ will back down to a "send and wait" protocol (like old B or XMODEM) if enough errors occur, and then go back to full B+ when the transmission starts going well enough again. B+ also specifies that the packet size is 1024 bytes at 2400 baud or above, 512 bytes for 1200 and 128 for 300 baud. Their reasoning is to keep the packet send time at 5 seconds or less to help reduce the cost of sending repeat packets in case of an error, and also to reduce the amount of time it takes for the protocol to recover from on error when there are several packets in the acknowledgement queue (since B+ is a sliding windows type protocol). BTW: Steve Wegert and I have the OSK version of Kermit 5A which also has sliding windows. Works real nice. Now if CIS or Delphi would implement it it would be better. Mark #: 16962 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Nov-92 11:21:27 Sb: #16958-#More Desktop Stuff Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Bill Dickhaus 70325,523 (X) > That seems to point to the mouse driver, rather than Desktop. BTW, which > version of windio are you using? I've just nabbed version 48 off of Ocean BBS. I _was_ running ver46 as I wasn't aware that Kev had released anything later. I've just returned from Ocean BBS and have rebuilt my boot with ver48 stuff. (yes Mark ... I'll bring that in as well!) I'll have to ask Kev if he minds us making v48 available. Seems Warren got it from Gary Lathem who got it from Paul. And you know how that goes sometimes! I agree the dissappearing mouse sounds driver related. Perhaps the stuff in v48 corrects it. Thanks for the pointer! *- Steve -* There is 1 Reply. #: 16978 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Nov-92 00:13:58 Sb: #16962-#More Desktop Stuff Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve - Edition 48 was put together for the CoCoFest. Since people said it had some sort of bug in an ANSI routine (it all seems to work to me?), I didn't post it. But you can if you want. I'm trying to finish up the next (final?) version which will have built-in menu support features/etc. I think we've tracked down the mouse thingie: it usually happens after hard disk access... the mouse serial driver gets an overrun error and locks up. Once we figured that out, I changed the v48 code in such a way that it should've fixed the problem, but for some reason it didn't. Then finally, either Kevin Pease or Carl found out that the *manuals* are wrong about the way the errors are handled on the chip. That figures. Anyway, I believe Pease is testing a version he custom wrote which should get around all that. I'll try to get the code from him and make all new modules. On another topic, I notice that Mike sometimes (usually?) forks processes with the same main screen type to the same screen as Desktop... on a small screen they end up overlapping all of Desktop and this is hard to tell (unless you click on the To-Back window control). We'll talk this method over. - kevin There is 1 Reply. #: 16985 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Nov-92 13:34:18 Sb: #16978-More Desktop Stuff Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kev, I'll make v48 public today. Thanks for the info on the mouse lock ups ... I'll be looking forward to the fix. One other area you might be able to assist with (and I'm not certain it's even related to windows) is having what appears to be stardard in locking up ... but all other paths are fine. Here's what happens: I'm running Sterm and connect to one particular type of modem (some kind of DEC). It is 2400 baud and supports upto MNP level 3. I get a solid error checking connect and the session will be fine for a few minutes. Then the screen freezes. I get nothing but anything I type is sent out the modem (I can see the lights flicker and the guy on the other end is reporting my data back to me). This has started to happen since I switched to my new SupraFax 9600 baud modem and started using the console more. I haven't been able to duplicate it from a terminal yet, but i'm still trying. I can't figure out any particular pattern as of yet ... exccept it generally hits me when I'm inside an OSK mail editor replying to mail. Do you have any ideas I can try that might help isolate this? Here are my possibilities ... have I left any out? 1) The modem. Swap in an old 2400 non error correcting modem and the problem never occurs. Set the new modem to no error correcting and the problem hasn't occured. However, I only have this happen with this one particular DEC modem in Southern FL. He swaps to a different modem and all is fine. 2) Serial driver related. I'm always on /t3 for the modem so perhaps there's still something with the sc68681 driver. 3) Windows. Perhaps some escape sequence is getting back and locking the screen? *- Steve -* #: 16967 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Nov-92 18:16:55 Sb: #16944-sback Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Inizing the floppy drivers at bootup clear(ed) up the problem with os9gen. I just mentioned that as a possible track to a bug in the drivers (my system?). The format problem which started this thread comes about regardless of the iniz/no iniz. If this is just my problem??? Could be a memory problem? Is there a memory test for the mm/1? Guess I could switch my 1meg simms around and see if that changes anything. #: 16976 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Nov-92 21:17:50 Sb: #atari osk u.k. Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: all Please read msg # 16776 - is there anyone that knows about Atari/OSK from a company in the UK? I thought this was the OS9 SIG .. maybe I'm wrong .. maybe I was wise to ditch this place a year ago and probably should stay away from OSK altogether if this is the kind of help I'm going to get. (e.g. NO help) An Atarian said the exchange rate a few weeks ago made him pay about $251. (US) and the original post I put here tells the rest - 8kg of books is over 17 lbs. to us non-metric types. And I'm wondering if this version of OSK has a windowing environment, too, even if I hafta get it from another company, does Atari/OSK have windows?? Whether or not windows for Atari/OSK exists, is $251 a good price for the package? I am dead seriously thinking about getting it. I do not have any kind of budget to get any other kind of 680x0-based machine -Atari-ST I already own, put on 4-meg RAM, upgraded to Turbo-16MHz board (with instruction cache), and I've even gotten a multisync monitor working with all 3 resolutions accessible (and I'm presently using that same monitor on my CoCo3, too). -- Thx, Paul S. There is 1 Reply. #: 16977 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 07-Nov-92 22:41:12 Sb: #16976-#atari osk u.k. Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X) Paul, Actually, I had thought your original posting was more of an informational nature... that you were going to get the package anyway and then tell the rest of us all about it :-) See, the Cumana port has only really been sold overseas. That's why it would be unusual to get a response here on US-dominated boards... nobody here has it! (People here had instead bought the ST port which Microware took over.) The only thing (besides the MIDI driver, which you mentioned) that I recall as being different from the MW version, is that supposedly all the drivers are completely standalone. (The MW version's drivers use some of the builtin TOS ROM code.) I *think* I've heard that the Cumana port has some form of multiscreen environment, but I can't swear to it. We're still trying to figure out if my KW driver works on all STs (so that people won't get it for no reason). I believe you can buy G-Windows for the Cumana port, but again, I just haven't seen it in person and can't swear to it. I'll try to ask on the internet for more details. Is it worth the price? I think so, if it's the Pro package with C compiler (which I believe it is). Does it come with Basic too? As you said, the ST is a good machine (and quite okay in speed)... and super inexpensive these days. - kevin There is 1 Reply. #: 17008 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Nov-92 20:35:49 Sb: #16977-#atari osk u.k. Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) I'd *greatly* appreciate some more input from internet folks if you could do that for me! I just got my access to internet/ftp/telnet on Delphi and will probably start "living" over there 'cuz of their cheap rates. Well the problem with MW's port is that I wouldn't get all that tonage of books & software with their back-level "personal" Atari/OSK, which is the only version MW sells that I can afford. The "Pro" is still around $600, isn't it? I'd rather spend $250 with fluctuating exchange rates to get something very close to MW's Pro package. Cumana's seems to be much more complete, too, with meeses & MIDI support (we gotta get Mike Knudson working on an Atari version if rewriting is needed!). And then I'm very apprehensive about ROM levels -- I almost ordered the TOS 2.61(?) hdwr upgrade which extends the buss to 24-bit I think going to/from the ROMs, and that could play havok with MW's OSK. So once again I'm talking myself into Cumana's being a "safer" port. I thought there was a trick in accessing the I/O circuitry directly, and MW's port would be "safer" in this regard. But I dunno! Ya know I can do some hacking & 'sperimenting, but this time I'm in the dark. Blowing a wad of money at the local RS store was a safe bet on buying OS9 there, but having to go overseas to get it -- I gotta get more input! I also forgot to ask if MW and/or Cumana can support my ICD SCSI adaptor? (only 1 40-meg h.d. is hooked up right now, but who knows, maybe we can get CD-I or CD-ROM going one of these days?! wonder if we could compete against Philips ;) Well lessee the bottom line is if there's some kind of multiscreen pkg or support for either MW or Cumana ports, and which support the ICD SCSI adaptor (prob'ly one of the older/original ones w/o its own SCSI ID except for the real-time clock circuit on it). Those two answers will sure help me pick which OSK to buy and then finally I'd be "in with da big folks", eh? -- thx, Paul Seniura. (p.s. lemme know if I can repay ya somehow) There are 2 Replies. #: 17009 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Nov-92 21:12:12 Sb: #17008-#atari osk u.k. Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 (X) Paul, Urrgh. I'm not sure that either port supports the ICD adapter. Back when the MW ST port first came out, I talked to ICD and they said they'd be happy to provide whatever info is necessary to do a driver. Dunno if tht still holds, tho. I asked about the port on usenet, so I'll post here with any info. It would seem likely that someone has done an ICD driver. kev There is 1 Reply. #: 17010 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Nov-92 21:24:54 Sb: #17009-#atari osk u.k. Fm: PaulSeniura 76476,464 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Oh I know ICD's BBS phone # so lemme ring 'em up (after 10:pm of course). Anyone can d/l their latest drivers, and boy that cache feature can really make things zoom. I bought Warp-9, too, and along with the 16mhz I dare say it'll run rings around a PS/2 model 70 or so. I had planned to get a "true color" card but other things ate up my yearly bonus check this time. With the tech info on all this stuff, and the right Pro OSK pkg, surely we can do some incredible things! But it's sure not easy adding RS232 ports or extra cards to an ST like the CoCo/MPI can do. Thanks for all your help! If OSK falls thru, there's a "real" port of UNIX for the ST I can think about .. *shudder* .. -- Paul S. There is 1 Reply. #: 17027 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Nov-92 00:47:03 Sb: #17010-atari osk u.k. Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 Yah, it's not easy to add cards to an ST... everything has to be done by "reads" from the ROM port. People use reads from 256 different addresses in order to fake "writing" a byte at a time, for instance. Starting to get some email feedback on the Cumana port question I posted on usenet. Standby. #: 17025 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 10-Nov-92 22:32:00 Sb: #17008-atari osk u.k. Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: PaulSeniura 76476,464 >> support the ICD SCSI adapter. The MW version since 2.2 supports all SCSI adapters, but only 1 physical drive. Don't know what the Cumana version supports. Kevin's simple multi-window hack works with the Microwave version. Microwave included some graphics hackery with version 2.3. Robert #: 16979 S1/General Interest 08-Nov-92 00:14:35 Sb: #16956-Dmode Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 (X) Yikes :-) It's been so long since I formatted my hard disk, that I can only vaguely remember the details. Do you have Disto manuals? First things first: what kind of controller board are you using? A SASI one with two hard drive connectors? Or are both drives embedded SCSI? It'll make a difference. If it's a separate controller board, then I believe that the default Disto descriptors are for 20Meg drives. You can check them to see. The main thing is that you'll be using 256-byte sectors instead of 512-byte sectors (eg: IBM style), so the sectors per track would be about twice the IBM style, or 32 sectors/track. Hmm. I don't have the Disto dmode around, so I can't recall if it took hex or decimal. Post the output of a dmode of your current hard drive and we can figure it all out. The init command and table, btw, usually contains something like this in hex: 0C -- sasi init command 0280 -- 640 cylinders 08 -- ?? number of heads 0280 -- reduced write current cylinder 0280 -- precomp cylinder 0B -- max error correction data length The drive number needs to be different for a second drive, of course. Try the Disto H1 descriptor. - kev #: 16981 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Nov-92 06:58:31 Sb: #A New Terminal Program? Fm: Keith H. March 70541,1413 To: All Guys; Is their a good terminal program for OSK besides sterm, aterm, tex. That works on the same setup as the COCO 3 ultmaterm 4.0 program. I would like to see one that would also do a autolog to say CIS. Have X,Y,Z Kermit, CIS B+, S/R Fax and any others that I can not think of! If we don't have one, could someone make a program like that. This could be the best terminal program for OS9/^*K68K. I have used PROCOMM PLUS on the IBM and I like the program that program best for the IBM world, but I don't want to move over to IBM. Thanks for listening. Keith There are 2 Replies. #: 16994 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Nov-92 23:55:33 Sb: #16981-#A New Terminal Program? Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Gee Keith ... you've just described many of the features Mark Griffith has already put into his Sterm PRO terminal program. Send and Receive fax was a late addition to the 'must have' list so be sure to let him know you think it's important such support be there. *- Steve -* There is 1 Reply. #: 17019 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 10-Nov-92 18:49:46 Sb: #16994-#A New Terminal Program? Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, if you all (sorry about that spelling , but us Canucks just don't speak the langauge like Kevin and Mark do) are keeping a tally on send/receive fax; add me to the list. If nothing else, that feature alone would make StermPro a worthwhile investment. There is 1 Reply. #: 17023 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 10-Nov-92 20:59:44 Sb: #17019-A New Terminal Program? Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, I have to agree. S/R fax capability is sorely needed ... and an open playing field. I haven't seen anything that supports it yet. Steve #: 17006 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Nov-92 19:55:03 Sb: #16981-A New Terminal Program? Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Keith H. March 70541,1413 (X) Keith, > Is their a good terminal program for OSK besides sterm, aterm, tex. That > works on the same setup as the COCO 3 ultmaterm 4.0 program. I would like to > see one that would also do a autolog to say CIS. Have X,Y,Z Kermit, CIS B+, > S/R Fax and any others that I can not think of! If we don't have one, could > someone make a program like that. This could be the best terminal program for > OS9/^*K68K. I have used PROCOMM PLUS on the IBM and I like the program that > program best for the IBM world, but I don't want to move over to IBM. > People are working on such things. Since most of us have to interleave our programming time with our regular jobs, family obligations, etc, it takes some time to get the things we are working on done. If you really need something that badly, why don't you write it up yourself? Most of the programs available for OS-9/OSK were done for that reason....the user needed it. Mark #: 16989 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Nov-92 21:05:05 Sb: #16951-#MM/1 - Sound Utilities Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Stephen Seneker 75020,3611 (X) Steve, > Hate to say it, but the way I'm working now I may not have time to get > SoundWorks out on time! 50-60Hrs a week can be KILLer... I'll know next > week how things are gonna work out. At least a preliminary release can be > made with more features added. What do you think? > I'd wait until you have it all together and working properly before you release it. Also, do some more work on the current versions and add some error messages to them. If you don't put a parameter on the command line or a wrong parameter is given, it just spits out the help message and doesn't tell you what you are missing. Mark There is 1 Reply. #: 16993 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 08-Nov-92 22:55:33 Sb: #16989-#MM/1 - Sound Utilities Fm: Stephen Seneker 75020,3611 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Mark, they do spit out error messages and then the help. That is, if a parameter is incorrectly specified it tells you so. Maybe you want me to complain about not specifying a parameter?? Well, the help should be enough to tell the user what XYZ expects. Like are you going to try to record a sound without specifying a sampling rate? No, hiffrecord will display help if any of the necessaries are omitted. Should I make the docs such that a 4th grader could use? I don't think so, but point well taken. %-) OH, I have most of it working just fine just not together. I've spent more time developing the componets instead of the actual interface. Though the interface is very important. What I've decided on is to display only a second of sound at a time with the screen divided in two(left/right) with indication of mode Stereo/Left/Right or both Mono etc... I'm open to any creative ideas. There is 1 Reply. #: 17001 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Nov-92 08:59:02 Sb: #16993-MM/1 - Sound Utilities Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Stephen Seneker 75020,3611 (X) Steve, When something is missing from the command line, yes you should put up a message for the user. If you think it is too much trouble to try and help the "4th grade" users, then you shouldn't be trying to sell your programs. Also, your help messages could be more specific. Again, the more info you give the better it will be. The interface is very important. If it is not up to snuf as the user sees it, then they won't have much confidence in the rest of the program. Look at the MS-DOS world, help messages are very detailed and context sensitive. Not that you need to go that far, but that is what the users want. Mark #: 16992 S15/Hot Topics 08-Nov-92 21:31:25 Sb: #16877-#New Video for KiX\30 Fm: David George 72240,134 To: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 (X) The internal cable I was using was an IBM internal cable. (The manual mentioned using IBM serial cables so I tried it and found out that you meant external only). I also figured out (from the supplied schematics that I could alternate the SIMM's starting at SIMM1 or SIMM2. I think that the Kix\30 is a great machine. I have been using an Atari Mega 2 ST that I upgraded to 4Meg RAM running OSK v2.2, and the Kix\30 is A LOT faster. One comment (no reflection on the Kix\30): I tried to frestore the disks that I fsave'd on my Atari and the index structure was bad (luckily I decided to try it before I reformatted my HD on the KiX\30). So I copied the OSK2.2 frestore and tried it on the KiX\30 and it worked fine (keep this in mind for anyone upgrading from Atari OSK2.2) The assembly went OK. Oh I almost forgot the holes in the MB need to be a little larger in diameter, I had to file down my standoffs in order to push them into the motherboard. There also is no mention on how to build the parallel printer cable. I assumed from how the serial pinout was done and from the schematics that I just had to wire it pin for pin to the DB25. I think it is a wonderful machine and I am hoping that it becomes very popular (mainly because I would like to see some interesting boards for it) David George 72240,134 There is 1 Reply. #: 17024 S15/Hot Topics 10-Nov-92 21:26:34 Sb: #16992-New Video for KiX\30 Fm: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 To: David George 72240,134 I'll add the comments about the internal cables to the Tech Manual. The holes in the MB are the right size but the board house over plated or over tinned them. We're afraid if we ask them to correct this it may affect the other holes. If you are very carefull you can ream them out with a 1/8" reamer. Mike is doing that on boards from here on out so it won't be a problem for future customers Interesting about frestore. Our fbu and frs are backward compatible. I'm surprised that MW didn't make frestore backward compatible. I'm glad you like your KiX\30. The first production run sold out within weeks. Orders are coming in very strong for it and interest is building as word gets out. Looks like we have a winner here. Frank Hogg #: 17007 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 09-Nov-92 20:26:29 Sb: More Desktop Stuff Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Kev, Here's an update on the hanging problem I described earlier. I had the same thing happen running off my Wyse terminal, so that lets windows off the hook. I've also had the same thing happen with just using Kermit as the terminal program, so Sterm seems to be in the clear. *- Steve -* #: 17011 S1/General Interest 09-Nov-92 22:07:38 Sb: #16926-#Hard drive Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 (X) Phil - Hmmm... it sounds as if the device descriptor bytes are set improperly. Most HD formatting routines simply issue a FORMAT TRACK 0 to the device driver. This in turn causes the driver to issue a formatting command to the hard disk controller, which handles the physical formatting. When the formatting is 'done', the hard disk driver causes all sectors on all platters to be read back to effect a physical verify. This part IS controlled by the computer, and is where you seem to be getting into trouble. Since os9 uses 256 byte sectors (not usually the 512 byte sectors used by DOS), there's typically more overhead per sector, and you can only get 32 256 byte sectors per track on a traditional MFM disk. Use the DMODE utility to verify that your hard disk descriptor is setup for 640 cyls (or maybe 639), 4 heads, and 32 sectors per track, both on track 0 and the regular tracks. Pete Lyall There is 1 Reply. #: 17016 S1/General Interest 10-Nov-92 06:26:37 Sb: #17011-Hard drive Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Thanks for the reply Pete!! I'll check into it tonight and get back to you. #: 17017 S1/General Interest 10-Nov-92 06:29:14 Sb: Hard drive Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Kevin Darling Sysop (X) Thanks very much for the info Kev--I'll try it along with the message from Pete Lyall tonight and let you know!! #: 17020 S1/General Interest 10-Nov-92 18:53:58 Sb: hard drive Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 (X) Hi Kev--I have a wd1002-shd controller--the dmode readings are now cyls=640, hds=4 step=4 sectrk=32 sectrk0=32 alloc=1 ilv=5 initcmd=0c inittbl=028004028 002800b000000000000000000000000. The drive is actually rated at 22meg. After using the info you sent, I set it up as shown and I was able to format for the first time. It then did a physical verify and came back with the statement that the number of good sectors was $0040000. I then tried a dir and got a 214. #: 17021 S1/General Interest 10-Nov-92 18:56:09 Sb: #Hard Drive Fm: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Hi Pete--If you can, will you take a look at the message I sent Kevin. It's #17020. All your input is appreciated! There is 1 Reply. #: 17042 S1/General Interest 12-Nov-92 20:05:20 Sb: #17021-Hard Drive Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: PHIL SCHERER 71211,2545 Well - #214 is a permission error. Does rebooting help? Also - is there a H0 or DD descriptor permanently setup with those parameters (cyls, heads, etc.)? Also - try a simple DUMP of H0@. Snag the first couple sectors to a floppy or printer, and we'll have a look at the LSN0 information. Pete #: 17033 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 11-Nov-92 18:26:28 Sb: 12 Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Drive settings How do I configure a 1.44 floppy to the correct drive number? I have a Citizen which I'd like to set as drive 1. I see a real small switch next to the stepper motor which seems to have two settings. I assume these are for High density/normal modes. There is a small jumper block behind the power connecter. It appear to have 6 pins; looking at the top it is set as follows: X--X X X--X X I assume this to be the drive number select. Anyone with a tech manual? #: 17046 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 13-Nov-92 05:06:33 Sb: #80 Trk Mizar Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 To: all Does anyone have the dmode settings for 80 trk Mizar format. There is 1 Reply. #: 17047 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 13-Nov-92 06:48:13 Sb: #17046-80 Trk Mizar Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 (X) Scott, > Does anyone have the dmode settings for 80 trk Mizar format. > Lemme see....type=$26, dns=$03, toffs=0, soffs=0, sct=10, t0s=10 I believe these are correct. Mark #: 17052 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo) 14-Nov-92 12:48:46 Sb: OS9P4 Fm: Brother Jeremy, CSJW 76477,142 To: Ron Lammardo, 75706,336 Dear Ron: Several people over on another srvice have asked about your REGDMP.AR, OS9P4 module. May I have your permission to upload it to Delphi? With all best wishes, Br. Jeremy, CSJW #: 17053 S1/General Interest 14-Nov-92 16:34:15 Sb: #os Fm: Fritz G. Schenk 71175,3375 To: all Do you know if there is an implementation of OS/9 for the Intel 80x86 machines?. Do you know of a version of the os which is embedable (rom based)? There is 1 Reply. #: 17054 S1/General Interest 14-Nov-92 16:36:59 Sb: #17053-os Fm: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 To: Fritz G. Schenk 71175,3375 Yes there is a version of os9 for 80X86 machines. It is called OS9000. And I believe it is Romable like os9. Press !>mdir % Invalid command Press !> .