#: 17055 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 14-Nov-92 20:46:03 Sb: #Hard Drive Advice Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Hard drives Does anyone have any advise concerning Hard Drives for the mm/1. I'm thinking of getting a 2nd and am considering a Maxtor 130mg. They are advertised for around $325--is this a good deal? Anyone have any experince particular brand? When I read the ads, I'm a bit confused by SCSI, SCSI-2 and (if I recall) SCSI-S. Any difference? Will '2' work on the mm/1? Any help appreciated... There are 2 Replies. #: 17068 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 16-Nov-92 06:06:30 Sb: #17055-#Hard Drive Advice Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, >Does anyone have any advise concerning Hard Drives for the mm/1. I'm >thinking of getting a 2nd and am considering a Maxtor 130mg. They are >advertised for around $325--is this a good deal? Anyone have any >experince particular brand? I know of no particular brand that is better or worse than any one else. >When I read the ads, I'm a bit confused by SCSI, SCSI-2 and (if I >recall) SCSI-S. Any difference? Will '2' work on the mm/1? SCSI and SCSI-2 will work just fine. Never heard of SCSI-S. Only difference between SCSI and SCSI-2 is the theoretical max transfer rate and some extra SCSI commands unique to the SCSI-2 command set. Nothing that will effect its performance in the MM/1. There is 1 Reply. #: 17078 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 16-Nov-92 22:22:59 Sb: #17068-Hard Drive Advice Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Thanks for the reply, Mark. Don't know what all the suffixes mean either. I just found the ad in the Shopper. Nov/92, page 671 'Direct Drives' have a list of stuff. The drives are labeled 'SCSI', 'SCSI-S', 'SCSI-2' and 'SCSI-2F'. Opps, no plain 'SCSI'--maybe '-S' means plain? #: 17086 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 17-Nov-92 05:32:27 Sb: #17055-Hard Drive Advice Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, When I went looking for a hard drive for the MM/1, my first choice was the Quantum that Mark was talking up. Unfortunately ... they were way way out of stock and didn't have any idea when any more would show up. Something about allocations all going to Apple. My next choice was a Maxtor drive. I have a good feeling about Maxtor as my company is a vendor of theirs. I have had very good dealings with their engineering department as well as their purchasing agent. HAving talent there speaks well of an organization, IMHO. Unfortunately ... at the time HDI was also out of stock on the size I needed. I ended up with a Connor 120 meg and have been very please. THe price I paid was in the same neighborhood you're speaking about. *- Steve -* #: 17058 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 15-Nov-92 01:07:32 Sb: #16883-#Desktop hacks Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Yeah, I've been thinking about a command line option for GIFShow to use the current screen and munge it to what ever it wants to. Thoughts on what letter to use? -c? - Mike - There are 2 Replies. #: 17069 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 16-Nov-92 06:06:37 Sb: #17058-Desktop hacks Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) Mike, > Yeah, I've been thinking about a command line option for GIFShow to use the > current screen and munge it to what ever it wants to. Thoughts on what > letter to use? -c? > Sounds good to me. Get right on that OK (grin)? #: 17099 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 18-Nov-92 05:32:05 Sb: #17058-Desktop hacks Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) Mike, On another note, I'm getting ready to finish up the OSK/UUCP port and need to know how you incorportated OXM into your mail setup. Also, I need a copy of OXM....seems I don't have one any more. I know I need to compile the UUCP code with a different flag, but then I need to know the directory structure and files that OXM expects to see. Any information you can give me is this areas would be greatly appreciated. #: 17059 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 15-Nov-92 01:07:42 Sb: #16831-#More Desktop Stuff Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Sigh! I have plans to expand GClock and write the other Gutils. Just haven't had the time. Using the 2nd mouse button is out. Kev's grabbed it for cutting and pasting text. I've changed the delete to overwrite any file it finds with the same name in the .TRASH dir. Also added you double-click editor thing. So far it seems dandy. The Utils menu will be filled with all sorts of System info utils like Procs, MDir, MFree and Free. Any utils you feel are essensial? Good suggestions, keep em coming, - Mike - There is 1 Reply. #: 17070 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 16-Nov-92 06:06:49 Sb: #17059-#More Desktop Stuff Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) Mike, > Also added you double-click editor thing. Is this in there to stay? I thought you didn't like the idea? What about forking the shell? I mentioned that apparently you only look at the shell environment variable when forking a shell to execute a script. What is needed, I'd suppose, is a variable for what shell to fork for an interactive session and what to fork for a script. Keep that work coming!! There is 1 Reply. #: 17082 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 17-Nov-92 00:21:45 Sb: #17070-#More Desktop Stuff Fm: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Depends how well you, Steve and I like it. I'm not sure how to make shell scripts run if I keep it in. I guess you could Open a shell script, yuk! It now uses the SHELL env var for all shell access, including forking basic i-code. Does smersh and sh both understand basic i-code needs RunB and automatically for it that way? - Mike - There are 2 Replies. #: 17089 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 17-Nov-92 08:26:01 Sb: #17082-More Desktop Stuff Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) Mike, I see you tidied up the little problem of loosing ones place with multiple deletes ... thanks! But (yeah ... I know) I just had occasion to do some multiple renames. Looks like you pop to the top of the directory there as well. Better choice may be to just reaccess and hold the spot. If I want to move, I'll use the mouse ... or the keyboard. *- Steve -* #: 17097 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 18-Nov-92 05:31:51 Sb: #17082-More Desktop Stuff Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Mike Haaland 72300,1433 (X) Mike, > Depends how well you, Steve and I like it. I'm not sure how to make shell > scripts run if I keep it in. I guess you could Open a shell script, yuk! I like it, but if it means I can't click on a shell script to run it, then I'd rather not have it in there. My original idea was to have Desktop check the execute attribute on the file and run it if it was set, otherwise pull it into the editor. If this is not possible, then I'd rather have it set to run the file by default. An alternative would be to allow the user to 'Open' the file into the editor. > It now uses the SHELL env var for all shell access, including forking basic > i-code. Does smersh and sh both understand basic i-code needs RunB and > automatically for it that way? Is this set in the version I have (last one you uploaded)? No, smersh doesn't understand BASIC i-code, and I'm sure sh and csh don't either. Could you make two environment variables, say SHELLRUN and SHELLINTER and let the user pick what they want? For the BASIC i-code problem, again, you should be able to look at the module header of the file and see it is an i-code file and then run BASIC directly. I know this makes more work for you, but I really believe you need to make this as user setable as possible. The more little touches you add like this, the more positive response you will get from your users. On another note, if you want me to do your docs, you should be sending me something soon so I can get started. #: 17064 S1/General Interest 15-Nov-92 18:58:05 Sb: #MicroEmacs Fm: Robert Richmond 70544,262 To: [F] All A friend of mine is looking for the documentation set for MicroEmacs. Can anyone help? There is 1 Reply. #: 17072 S1/General Interest 16-Nov-92 08:56:18 Sb: #17064-MicroEmacs Fm: Kevin Darling 76703,4227 To: Robert Richmond 70544,262 (X) See if UE31K6.AR in Lib 12 is what you need. best - kev #: 17065 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 15-Nov-92 21:47:15 Sb: Robots Fm: Bert Schneider 70244,427 To: steve mann 70740,741 Hey Robert, I remember reading about the Denning Mobile Robots back in the early 80's. I built a mobile robot for my Master's thesis then only it was a great deal cheaper and did the same thing (I used 6800 chips). If I had to do it over I would have used a 68K chip and OSK. I had lots of fun building it and got a great deal of press coverage as well. I used optical shaft encoders and ultrasonic transducers for range, orientation, and object detection. See ya! Bert Schneider #: 17071 S1/General Interest 16-Nov-92 08:28:09 Sb: Help with interface Fm: Greg Wathen 71401,225 To: all Does anyone here have the instructions for connecting an IBM keyboard interface made by Bob Puppo for the COCO3? I seem to have lost them. Greg #: 17073 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 16-Nov-92 09:29:26 Sb: #GNU C++ ported? Fm: Graham Ullrich/C.B.,CO 76506,2037 To: All I'm searching for a commercially supported source of the GNU C++ compiler (and related tools) that is ported to _both_ the OS-9 and OS-9000 operating systems. I need both because our product development is done in OS-9000 on PCs, and ported to OS-9 running on a 68xxx host platform. The latest stable version of this compiler is around 2.1 or 2.2, with the newest release v2.3? still acting up (bugs). Any help locating such a "support" company would be appreciated. P.S. I realize that GNU source code is free, but since the Free Software Foundation doesn't directly support OS-9/OS-9000, I think using another company who give the ported source for free and sells "support" for the compiler system is the best way to go for my company. There is 1 Reply. #: 17075 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 16-Nov-92 18:37:46 Sb: #17073-#GNU C++ ported? Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: Graham Ullrich/C.B.,CO 76506,2037 (X) Graham: The only version of gcc/g++ for OS-9/68000 that I know of is gcc V1.37, which is available on the InterNet fromcabrales.cs.wisc.edu. I think the OSK source code is there. It requires 4 or 5 meg of RAM to compile. There is no port of gdb and the gcc code does not generate the necessary debug info for MicroWare's SRCDBG to be very usefull. Gcc and G++ do work reasonable well though. MicroWare has recently come out with a a full ANSI C compiler (Ultra C). I don't know if a C++ front end is in the works or not... I don't think gcc 2.2 has been ported to any flavor of OS-9 (OS-9/68K orr OS-9000/386). I don't think the present version of gcc/g++ has been ported to OS-9000/386. (The present version for OSK uses the MicroWare assembler and linker, so making cross version should not be an imposible task, just some work.) Robert There is 1 Reply. #: 17079 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 16-Nov-92 23:25:37 Sb: #17075-#GNU C++ ported? Fm: Graham Ullrich/C.B.,CO 76506,2037 To: Robert Heller 71450,3432 (X) Well, if you are correct, that seems to rule out my use of the GNU compiler for development. I've got to have it for both OS-9 and OS-9000, and the source level debugger support is of paramount importance. Thanks for the information Robert. There is 1 Reply. #: 17094 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 17-Nov-92 20:39:36 Sb: #17079-#GNU C++ ported? Fm: Robert Heller 71450,3432 To: Graham Ullrich/C.B.,CO 76506,2037 (X) I don't know what would be involved in either porting gdb to OS-9/68K and/or OS-9000 or what would be needed to get gcc to spit out SRCDBG compatable debug info. It should not be an imposible task to port gcc to generate 80386 code for OS-9000 (gcc/g++ does exist for '386 UNIX and '386 MS-DOS). I guess you would need to diddle with the assembly code generator to generate the correct format for r86 (or whatever the OS-9000/386 assembler is called). All doable. But you may have to do it yourself -- this tends to be the case with FSF systems. Robert There is 1 Reply. #: 17121 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 19-Nov-92 21:22:33 Sb: #17094-#GNU C++ ported? Fm: Timothy J. Martin 71541,3611 To: Robert Heller 71450,3432 Microware is shipping their Ultra C compiler (ANSI) for OS9 now and within a few weeks should have their OS9000 Ultra C shipping. I've recently started using the OS9 Ultra C within the past few days. I could give a better reaction later, but so far looks good. ANSI mode will help in writing more bug-free code, portability goes up greatly. There is 1 Reply. #: 17132 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 20-Nov-92 23:28:55 Sb: #17121-GNU C++ ported? Fm: Timothy J. Martin 71541,3611 To: Timothy J. Martin 71541,3611 (X) OOPS, just talked to Microware marketing today, the estimated release for OS9000 Ultra C given to me was sometime in February. #: 17076 S3/Languages 16-Nov-92 18:45:57 Sb: C Development Tools Fm: Stephen Seneker 75020,3611 To: ALL Does anyone know of a any GOOD PD/Shareware C development tools. #: 17077 S1/General Interest 16-Nov-92 20:25:26 Sb: #17054-os Fm: Timothy J. Martin 71541,3611 To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 (X) Yup, for '386 and above. #: 17091 S1/General Interest 17-Nov-92 14:42:11 Sb: #17053-os Fm: Chris Perrault 75346,165 To: Fritz G. Schenk 71175,3375 Well I see you already got your answers, but if you want more info, type "go microware" and you'll have a ton of it at the first menu. I just discovered that service last night :> See Ya >Chris< #: 17092 S15/Hot Topics 17-Nov-92 14:51:51 Sb: #17024-#New Video for KiX\30 Fm: Chris Perrault 75346,165 To: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 (X) Frank, out of curiosity, what percentage of those kix-30's went out to personal users and what percentage to indiustrial? I'm not asking many kix-30's you've sold note, just somewhat of a ratio maybe so I cang get an idea of how many personal os9 users are out there. I am also very excited about the new machine. You know when I get the time and money to give to a new machine, it's gonna be either a tc-70 or a kix-30 which brings me to my next question... Are you still gonna sell tc-70's or are they going to be replaced by the kix-30? I know I asked this before but I forgot your reply. Good luck with your machines! >Chris< There is 1 Reply. #: 17111 S15/Hot Topics 18-Nov-92 20:55:03 Sb: #17092-New Video for KiX\30 Fm: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 To: Chris Perrault 75346,165 (X) 17110 was 'supposed' to go to you. I screwed up. Frank #: 17110 S15/Hot Topics 18-Nov-92 20:52:07 Sb: #17024-#New Video for KiX\30 Fm: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 To: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 (X) Chris, The split so far is about 50/50 but I suspect it will drift more towards business/industrial users as time goes on. Re TC70 vs KiX\30. Since we introduced the KiX\30 we have not sold ANY TC70s! Once the KiX\30 sale ends at the end of the year the TC70 sales may pick up. As we are a market driven company the market will determine what machines we will continue to make. So far the KiX\30 has caused us to discountinue the QT PC30 and QT 30/16. (Both can be easily replaced by the more powerful and less expensive KiX\30) When we get a call on the TC70 and tell the caller about the KiX\30 all interest in the TC70 fades away. Even though it is several hundred dollars more expensive. (The KiX\30 is actually less expensive than a expanded TC70) One of these days I must get around to making up a chart that compares the two. Maybe when sales slow down. Frank There is 1 Reply. #: 17116 S15/Hot Topics 19-Nov-92 09:50:06 Sb: #17110-New Video for KiX\30 Fm: Chris Perrault 75346,165 To: Frank Hogg of FHL 70310,317 Why what perfect timing it will be. Actually if the TC-70 is going to stay as cheap as it is, it will be good to have a good low end computer for the people who stillm won't be able to afford the 030. SOom er' I'm sure some Coco upgraders wouldn't mind moving on to a good cheap machine to see what osk is like. Of course at this point I would go with the 030 myself. >Chris< #: 17106 S1/General Interest 18-Nov-92 15:21:12 Sb: #Internet access Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: All What's the procedure for getting onto Internet through CI$, or can it even be done at all...??? Lee There are 2 Replies. #: 17108 S1/General Interest 18-Nov-92 17:55:32 Sb: #17106-#Internet access Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 (X) Lee - You can't "get onto Internet", although you can route mail over it to parties that have addresses. Example: to send me mail at US West, address the mail message thusly - >INTERNET:plyall@uswest.com My actual address is 'plyall@uswest.com'... the >INTERNET: alerts the CIS mail router that it's to be sent to the Internet. Pete There is 1 Reply. #: 17119 S1/General Interest 19-Nov-92 16:45:23 Sb: #17108-Internet access Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) Thanks... Lee #: 17112 S1/General Interest 18-Nov-92 21:25:29 Sb: #17106-#Internet access Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Lee Veal 74726,1752 (X) Lee, Pete's got you sending mail over the Internet ... here's what you need to do to receive mail. Your User Id is the ticket. For you to receive mail via the Internet in you CMAIL box, folks will need to address you as 74726.1752@compuserve.com . Note the dot, rather than the comma ... it's required. You may also want to take a peek at CCLIST.TXT in LIB 1. It details how to receive the CoCo List via CMAIL. Also be aware, Internet mail is billed differently under the BASIC plan. If you plan on doing a lot of traffic this way, the Standard Billing plan may be better suited. Go RATES for more info. Also, inside CompuServe Mail, type HELP INTERNET for some detailed online help. Steve There is 1 Reply. #: 17120 S1/General Interest 19-Nov-92 16:45:43 Sb: #17112-Internet access Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Thanks. Lee #: 17117 S15/Hot Topics 19-Nov-92 10:52:54 Sb: Custom Date Program Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 To: all Be sure and check the Hot Topics Database for a Description and Demo Programs for my latest offering from Sirius Software for both the OSK and 6809 User - a Special Custom Date Program. jim Press !> .