I don't think we'll be able to get one too soon unless David Graham is sucessful in buying out IMS. Microware will only sell the upgrades to the OEM, which in our case is IMS. From what I understand, there isn't anything in there that we really need to have. But yes, it would be nice to keep up with the rest of the world. /************* /\/\ark ************/ (uploaded with InfoXpress Ver 1.01) #: 18937 S1/General Interest 27-Sep-93 06:41:29 Sb: #18899-dumb terminals Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 (X) Zack, > I have two dumb terminals, DEC VT220 lookalike terminals from Tandy which > I do not have room for. If there is someone who will be in Atlanta for the > upcoming fest who would like to take one or both of them off my hands, I > can arrange to bring them with me. I'd be more than happy to relieve you of one of those terminals. Could sure use one here for testing and allowing the wife and kids to access the machine while I'm working on it. /************* /\/\ark ************/ (uploaded with InfoXpress Ver 1.01) #: 18928 S1/General Interest 26-Sep-93 17:50:04 Sb: dumb terminals for sale Fm: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 To: all The interest in those two dumb terminals was a lot more than I expected it to be! Both terminals have been promised to the requestor whose message had the earliest time stamp. Thanks to all who responded. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems via InfoXpress/OSK by Bill Dickhaus #: 18946 S1/General Interest 28-Sep-93 21:07:07 Sb: HD 3.5 disk for sale Fm: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 To: all I will be in Atlanta for the upcoming fest this weekend. I have a Sony 3.5 HD diskette drive, perfect for a second drive for an MM/1. If you are planning on being in Atlanta and are interested in this drive, please leave me EMAIL. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems via InfoXpress/OSK by Bill Dickhaus #: 18952 S1/General Interest 29-Sep-93 13:24:47 Sb: #X10 Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: Pete Lyall Pete, You were the guy who ported the X10 software to Os9 Level II, right? Did you ever do an OSK port? Hugo There are 2 Replies. #: 18960 S1/General Interest 30-Sep-93 09:57:07 Sb: #18952-X10 Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X) Nope... but I think someone else did.. (Bill D.?) #: 18961 S1/General Interest 30-Sep-93 11:47:03 Sb: #18952-#X10 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 (X) Hugo, What are you looking for? I have a X-10 program that runs under OSK written by Barry Bond. If you're interested, I'll ask Barry if I can post it. *- Steve -* There is 1 Reply. #: 18964 S1/General Interest 30-Sep-93 21:07:46 Sb: #18961-#X10 Fm: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Yes YES YES!! Please ask if you can post the OSK X10 stuff. The Coco is pretty much a goner if I can move X10 duty over to the MM1. Hugo There is 1 Reply. #: 18973 S1/General Interest 01-Oct-93 14:10:18 Sb: #18964-X10 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: Hugo Bueno 71211,3662 Hugo, I'm sure I'll be talking to him over the weekend. Sit tight! *- Steve -* #: 18958 S1/General Interest 29-Sep-93 23:59:48 Sb: Atlanta CoCoFest Fm: John Strong 72270,1555 To: all To all you lucky folks who are going to the Atlanta CoCoFest this weekend, please have a safe trip and a great time. Unfortunately, I'm not able to make it to Atlanta this year, however Sub-Etha will be representing StrongWare at the show. I'm told that Sub-Etha's Joel Heberg has been working on a top secret project for the MM/1, that is a must see, so be sure to stop by the Sub-Etha booth and check out Sub-Etha's products as well as StrongWare's. I'd say more about Joel's new program but it is suppose to be a secret until the show. Just the facts folks . John R. Strong StrongWare #: 18965 S1/General Interest 30-Sep-93 22:08:24 Sb: 3.5 HD disk for sale Fm: Zack Sessions 71532,1555 To: all Anyone attending the CoCofest in Atlanta this week: I will have with me a 3.5 Sony HD disk drive, the new small version. Makes an excellent second 3.5 for an MM/1!! If interested, leave me EMAIL. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions ColorSystems via InfoXpress/OSK by Bill Dickhaus #: 18939 S2/Tutorials 27-Sep-93 06:41:48 Sb: #Dirt Cheap Modem Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: All Hello All, In keeping with the spirit of the Dirt Cheap Computer Stuff Co., we are now offering a special modem deal. You can get a 14.4 kbaud, send/receive FAX modem, V.32bis, V.42bis, MNP Level 5 for $139.95. What's the catch? This is specially made for use with a Macintosh computer, so there is very little documentation, only a quick listing of the AT commands. However, it does work, and works well (I'm using it now to upload this message). Full support for this modem will be available from me. I can promise a detailed list of all the AT commands and the S register settings as soon as I figure them out. Also, send and receive FAX capability is forthcoming when Sterm-Pro is finished (I know, it is slow coming). Compuserve has recently announced several new 14.4 kbaud lines in cities around the country. I tried one and was able to download a 100k file in about 60 seconds. Pretty quick! If anyone is interested, please let me know via e-mail, or call 314-583-1168. /************* /\/\ark ************/ (uploaded with InfoXpress Ver 1.01) There is 1 Reply. #: 18943 S2/Tutorials 28-Sep-93 19:09:29 Sb: #18939-#Dirt Cheap Modem Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Do let me know when you get FAX added to sterm. This is very needed. There is 1 Reply. #: 18947 S2/Tutorials 28-Sep-93 22:29:55 Sb: #18943-#Dirt Cheap Modem Fm: Dieter G. Rossmann 70314,1766 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) I also am interested in the STerm-Fax option, soon as You have the program ready for shipping let me know the price, so that I can order it, Thanks! G'Day! Dieter There is 1 Reply. #: 18959 S2/Tutorials 30-Sep-93 06:22:28 Sb: #18947-Dirt Cheap Modem Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Dieter G. Rossmann 70314,1766 Dieter and Bob, > I also am interested in the STerm-Fax option, soon as You have the > program ready for shipping let me know the price, so that I can order it, OK! I'll let ya'll know when it is done. And thanks! /************* /\/\ark ************/ (uploaded with InfoXpress Ver 1.01) #: 18925 S6/Applications 26-Sep-93 16:51:25 Sb: #18906-NFM; Arcnet Fm: ole hansen 100016,3417 To: ROBERT S BAKER 100040,227 (X) Hello Robert There is a company in United Kingdom called BVM. They have a package called PCLINK. This is a superset of NFM and allows you to connect PC's and OS-9 systems via Ethernet. Is has the functionality of NFM plus a vt100-terminal- emulator on the PC-side. Phone +44 703270770. Contact : Jim Adamson. regards ole@danelec.dk #: 18935 S9/Utilities 26-Sep-93 22:05:37 Sb: #18894-#AR Fm: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 (X) Carl, Gosh, your comment about 13 bits is odd. Seems to me that in early August, shortly after 1.92 was posted, there was a flurry of correspondence from CoCo users who were unable to use 13 bit compression; all with the same "Can't get memory" error that I get. Did they all find a magic solution that I didn't? Perhaps some of them will speak up now. I'm not using L1; haven't used it for several years. Can't say if my friends have the same trouble; I don't have any friends with CoCo's. Bob van der Poel says he will give it a shot on his CoCo and let me know. Ian There are 2 Replies. #: 18944 S9/Utilities 28-Sep-93 19:09:30 Sb: #18935-AR Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 (X) I will download the program tonight and see what happens. #: 18966 S9/Utilities 30-Sep-93 22:26:44 Sb: #18935-AR Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76 To: Ian Hodgson 72177,1762 Umm, none of that flurry of messages found their way back to me. So I am confused still. It should work, 2 pages (less 512 bytes) is enough to bit (err fit) the object in and that leaves 6 pages or 48K for the tables, which is enough. Why doesn't it work? Can *anybody* help? I *know* that it does work on some machines (well, at least three). Carl #: 18957 S9/Utilities 29-Sep-93 22:00:49 Sb: #18894-#AR Fm: John L. Wilkerson Jr. 71140,77 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 (X) I have not been able to use the new .ar in any of its enhanced capabili- ties. I forget what the errors were.... Something to do with unable to access memory or somesuch. Same problems as with the first beta version. -- John There is 1 Reply. #: 18968 S9/Utilities 30-Sep-93 22:29:36 Sb: #18957-AR Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76 To: John L. Wilkerson Jr. 71140,77 What can you tell me about your configuration? What might be different than another person who doesn't have failure to get memory troubles? Is it that you only have 128K so there isn't enough? Any ideas at all? #: 18933 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Sep-93 20:01:00 Sb: #18917-#Accelerator Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) No 9meg boards that I know of. The problem is who finances it... I may once I get even on the accelerators. Or, the other option is the I/O board hack that allows 4MB simms on the I/O board. Mark has the instructions and is planning to try it. If he is successful, he plans to offer the service (at least that is what I hear). Don't know of any cpu boards for sale either. Strange Q .... Why another cpu board? There is 1 Reply. #: 18942 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 28-Sep-93 19:09:28 Sb: #18933-#Accelerator Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 (X) Opps, I didn't mean another cpu board...I was refering to the accelerator which is, after all, a cpu . Um, after the i/o board hack do you have to get 4MB simms in right away or do the 1MB still work? There are 2 Replies. #: 18950 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 29-Sep-93 05:58:20 Sb: #18942-#Accelerator Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, > Opps, I didn't mean another cpu board...I was refering to the accelerator > which is, after all, a cpu . Um, after the i/o board hack do you have > to get 4MB simms in right away or do the 1MB still work? You can keep the 1 Meg SIMMs if you want to. Either they or 4 Meg SIMMs will work. /************* /\/\ark ************/ (uploaded with InfoXpress Ver 1.01) There is 1 Reply. #: 18954 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 29-Sep-93 19:03:56 Sb: #18950-Accelerator Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Okay, I'll pack the I/O board in my suitcase. Hopefully someone in Atlanta can do the fixes for me. Then I can worry about getting some 4MB simms later. I'm starting to have regular memory shortages now that I'm using GNU C 2.4.5. It's a big sucker! #: 18967 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 30-Sep-93 22:27:39 Sb: #18942-Accelerator Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 I don't know for sure. Ask Pease in Atlanta. #: 18940 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 27-Sep-93 22:41:25 Sb: #18917-Accelerator Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, > Okay. I'll pack the i/o board in with my other valuables. Do you know if > there will be 9meg or cpu boards avail in Atlanta? If you need another CPU board, I might be able to sell one to you. I can't sell the ROMs along with it since they contain Microware code. You need one as a spare? I can bring one or two to the fest. /************* /\/\ark ************/ (uploaded with InfoXpress Ver 1.01) #: 18931 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Sep-93 19:36:03 Sb: #18851-#Accelerator Fm: Dieter G. Rossmann 70314,1766 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 (X) I like option # 2, I also checked my I/O board and the chips are in location U5, U6, and U7 and they are 74AC257's, so I gues I have the right chip already installed! Lucky me! So when ever the boards are ready for shipping, send my one please! Please advise of the price first, so that I can send You a cheque or money order... G'Day! Dieter There is 1 Reply. #: 18934 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Sep-93 20:03:22 Sb: #18931-Accelerator Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76 To: Dieter G. Rossmann 70314,1766 (X) The current plan is to market them via David Graham, who is perhaps doing business as BlackHawk Enterprises. In any case, he can be reached from here as ">internet: nimitz@delphi.com". You would need to place your order with him. We will be happy to fill it, though! Yes, you are fine on the mux chips. Carl #: 18972 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 01-Oct-93 03:52:15 Sb: #18851-Accelerator Fm: Eric Crichlow 71051,3516 To: Carl Kreider 71076,76 Carl, I realize its probably too late to respond to this, but let me put my 2 cents in anyway... Option 1 is out of the question; If I want a speed increase, I want the largest increase possible. Options 2 or 3 are highly preferrable. I'm sure I can find my own personal technician, (and you know who you are!) to do the hardware modification for me. ...Eric... #: 18926 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Sep-93 16:54:16 Sb: #18911-BASH Fm: ole hansen 100016,3417 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) I have been running bash without problems too. regards ole@danelec.dk #: 18923 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Sep-93 14:43:17 Sb: #18920-Upload Space Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X) Wayne, Gas got expensive, so cars became smaller and more efficient. Memory chips got cheap - so computers (and programs) got bigger and no real effort is made to conserve memory. Heavy graphics handling, like this program, is always the worst for hogging memory and storage. The "standard" beginners C program - prints "Hello There" on the screen - produces a file that wouldn't fit in the ram on my first COCO. Progress (GRIN). John R. Wainwright <> <> *********** InfoXpress ************ #: 18927 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Sep-93 17:48:11 Sb: #18920-#Upload Space Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Wayne Day 76703,376 (X) Might I suggest that you take the entire UG library and pack it into one or a small number of ar or lha files (hmmm, guess it'd have to be ar, or is lha avail for the coco?). Probably save a lot of save. There is 1 Reply. #: 18936 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 27-Sep-93 02:10:05 Sb: #18927-Upload Space Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Bob, It's been a long time since we've had the entire UG library online - we've been systematically purging the un-accessed files for the past few years, and what's still online is only that which is interesting enough for someone to access it at least one time in six months. And while packing everything might save some space, the UG library is not the largest one, by far, so the savings, while not marginal, wouldn't also be classified as 'a whole bunch'! Wayne #: 18969 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 01-Oct-93 00:03:43 Sb: #18890-Upload Space Fm: Wayne Day 76703,376 To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 OK, John... give it a try with the rest of the files, and lemme know how far you get if you don't get it all uploaded. Wayne #: 18929 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 26-Sep-93 19:35:54 Sb: #18918-Cribbage Fm: Dieter G. Rossmann 70314,1766 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) The Cribbage Game, can You ship it with the rest of the stuff? I will include an extra disk and a cheque for $ 19.95, will that be OK? The Cribbage game is for the MM/1... Please advise, will ship the Disk tomorrow right after work... Thanks! G'Day! Dieter #: 18945 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 28-Sep-93 19:09:40 Sb: #Magazine Index Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: All *** New Product Announcment *** Bob van der Poel Software is pleased to announce the availability of yet another new OSK product: Magazine Index System. This is the same program proven for years on Level II and RSDOS. We've rewritten it in C and added a termcap interface so that is will run on any OSK system. The program comes with a set of files covering 10 years of Rainbow and many other Color Computer magazines. This program is file compatible with the other versions we've sold. It will be demoed at the upcoming Atlanta Fest; however it is in stock right now for immediate shipping. Price is only $19.95 plus $2.00 s/h (those who have complained about high prices for OSK products should note that this is the same price we charge for the Level II version). For more information leave email or contact us at 604-866-5772, or PO Box 355, Porthill, ID, 83853. There is 1 Reply. #: 18948 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 28-Sep-93 22:29:58 Sb: #18945-#Magazine Index Fm: Dieter G. Rossmann 70314,1766 To: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 (X) Hi Bob, Can I have a copy of the Magazine index program for OSK. You could send it with the KVED and the other stuff, Let me know the full price and I will send it off pronto!!! Thanks! G'Day! Dieter There is 1 Reply. #: 18953 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 29-Sep-93 19:03:54 Sb: #18948-Magazine Index Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Dieter G. Rossmann 70314,1766 (X) Got your package today. It'll be off to you in Thursday's mail, so you should have it Monday. The MagIndex stuff is included. Thanks. #: 18949 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 29-Sep-93 03:39:27 Sb: #Errno Behaviour Fm: Hannu Heikkinen 100315,1011 To: sysop (X) Hello !! I have noticed following strange (??) behaviour concerning the global 'errno' variable. The problem occurs inside a trap handler, in this case my own library. If I for instance try to open a non existent file with 'fopen' inside the trap, and the want to clean up the 'errno' before returning to caller, just setting 'errno=0;' doesn't work. But if I do the same trick for instance by attempting a link to a non existent memory module with 'modlink', setting 'errno=0;' works perfectly ok. The problem is that I don't have complete access to the calling mechanism of this trap, as a matter of fact don't even want to have it, and the calling sw uses this 'errno' somehow, resulting to error on caller's side. What to do ?? Hannu There are 2 Replies. #: 18951 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 29-Sep-93 10:56:44 Sb: #18949-#Errno Behaviour Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 To: Hannu Heikkinen 100315,1011 (X) Hmmm... I have been know to zero 'errno' in a signal handler, but have not had occasion to do so in a trap handler. Also - I'm not sure if this applies to trap handlers, but Microware documents caution that if you do I/O in the main program (buffered), that you shouldn't do it in the sig handler, or vice versa. Given the similarity to trap handlers, I wonder if the same caution applies. Pete Lyall There is 1 Reply. #: 18956 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 29-Sep-93 19:03:58 Sb: #18951-Errno Behaviour Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Pete Lyall 76703,4230 (X) I wonder what happens when you call cio from another trap routine? #: 18955 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 29-Sep-93 19:03:57 Sb: #18949-Errno Behaviour Fm: Bob van der Poel 76510,2203 To: Hannu Heikkinen 100315,1011 (X) I seem to recall reading somewhere about not using 'errno' for signaling errors. The problem is you never know what other library routines are doing with it. It may be that it is another library function, not the trap. You might be best off to return a value in the function call so that the caller doesn't have to rely on errno for status. #: 18962 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 30-Sep-93 20:33:01 Sb: Errno Fm: John Strong 72270,1555 To: 100315,1011 (X) To: Hannu Heikkinen 100315,1011 Subj: Errno Trap handlers have their own static storage area, this is one of the main reasons for using trap handlers instead of subroutine modules. Register A6 points to this area in a trap handler, however the calling process's A6 register's contents can be found on the top of the stack upon entry to a trap handler. Hope this helps. John Strong StrongWare #: 18963 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 30-Sep-93 21:06:47 Sb: errno Fm: John Strong 72270,1555 To: all The main reason it is not recommanded to mess with errno in a signal trap is because register A6 (the gobal variable pointer) may contain a different value than the main program. OS9 F$Icpt (a0) address of intercept routine (a6) address to pass to intercept routine example: vsect signal: dc.w 1 ends movem.l a0/a6,-(sp) save registers lea SigTrap(pc),a0 lea Signal(a6),a6 os9 F$Icpt movem.l (sp)+,a0/a6 bcs error | | | error os9 F$Exit SigTrap: move.w d1,(a6) a6 points to the variable signal os9 F$RTE ends ----------------------------- John R. Strong StrongWare #: 18970 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 01-Oct-93 01:45:46 Sb: #/t3 & /t4 Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Mark Griffith 76070,41 (X) Mark, I am having a problem with trying to get /t3 & /t4 working on my MM/1, and I wonder if you could steer me in the right direction. Both ports are giving me the same results, so I wonder if something in common with them is bad. I can fire up STERM, then transmit a dialup string to the modem, that works fine. The modem receives the string, dials the number, I get a connect to Compuserve, but at this point I get nothing on the screen. I know that Cis is sending, I can see the receive light on the modem flashing when I press ENTER or control C, but I get nothing on the screen. At this point I have tried a number of things, I put an rs232 tester between the modem and port, and I am getting the receive signal too this point. I tried xmodeing /t3 (and /t4) to type = 80, I tried setting the P4 jumpers on the paddle board in both modes,(toggled or tied high), the P2 jumpers on the paddle board are set for DTE, I even tried using the paddle board that I was using on /t1 before I bought the MIDI board, same results. Having 3 bad paddle boards is possible but not probable, so all I can think of now is that there is some problem with the 68681. Would you have any other ideas about what I should try next ? Larry Olson There are 2 Replies. #: 18971 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 01-Oct-93 01:53:52 Sb: #18970-/t3 & /t4 Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) I forgot to mention that I also tried InfoExpress and Tascom as well as Sterm, but with the same results, transmit is working but no receive. These programs all worked fine when I was using them on /t0, but /t3 & /t4 are no go. Larry ex #: 18974 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 01-Oct-93 14:10:26 Sb: #18970-#/t3 & /t4 Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 To: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 (X) Larry, Check to make sure your modem's flow control settings match what you've got the paddle boards set for. (That should be &K3). I've been running a 14.4 bps modems on /t3 for a long time now without a problem. The paddle board should be strapped to toggle, the descriptor type should be type=80, make sure you've increased your input/output buffers to at least 2K (use moded). What kind of cable are you using? You didn't happen to do some creative wiring when using it on /t0, did you? There's a file in the Library called HAND.THD (I think) that details what I had to go through to get it to work. Maybe it'll help. *- Steve -* There are 2 Replies. #: 18976 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 01-Oct-93 15:58:36 Sb: #18974-/t3 & /t4 Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 (X) Steve, I did bump the in/out buffers up with moded, in=1024, out=512. I'll check out that file. Thanks Larry #: 18977 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK) 01-Oct-93 18:03:44 Sb: #18974-/t3 & /t4 Fm: LARRY OLSON 72227,3467 To: Steve Wegert 76703,4255 t0 so I'm not sure if thats the problem or not. Larry Steve, I went back and used DED to change T3 & T4 type bytes (offset $5c) to 80, made a new boot but still the same problem. On the paddle board P4 has pins 1&2 and 5&6 jumpered. I don't know if was line noise or not but I don't have a &K3 option on this 2400 baud Zoom modem, so I don't know what you are setting with that option. Would you have the correct cable connections handy, for going from a DB25 on the modem to DB9 on MM/1. When I made up this cable I wasn't absolutely sure I was tying the correct lines together, but it worked with Press !> .