read new nonstop follow 87204 7-MAY 00:36 Telecom (6809) RE: Loading SC to another window (Re: Msg 87168) From: WA2EGP To: RANDYKWILSON (NR) Gee.....Randy. You'll be in my neck of the woods. Unforch, I'll be in Birmingham from May 7th to the 14th. I don't know when the fest is (cuz I have no chance to go) but I bet we will miss each other (again). Maybe we'll meet when we join the "choir invisible" (grin). -*- 87205 7-MAY 09:33 OSK Applications RE: G-WINDOWS for MM/1 (Re: Msg 87178) From: JOHNBAER To: EDELMAR Thanks for trying Ed. Just wondering, what was the final count ? -- John - *** Posted with Ved 2.3 & IX 1.0.1 *** -*- 87206 7-MAY 15:19 System Modules (6809) RE: Merging files (Re: Msg 87203) From: COLORSYSTEMS To: CHARLESAM > Randy, since os9 stores in 8k blocks, and SC (my version) is 17861 in > size, that would mean SC would occupy 23040 or 3 8k blks. Since the space > is there, could I merge a few commands in with SC and save paying rent. > For that matter would it work with other applications??? My startup file Absolutely! Magic maximum size for a merged module is n*8K - 1024 bytes, where n is some number. What I used to do on my CoCo was to merge together groups of the commonly used CMDS together in 8K chunks and would load them at startup. If you do an ident of the Shell that comes on the OS-9 System Master disk, you'll find several of the more commonly used CMDS merged onto the end of it. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions "We did not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrowed it from our descendants." Ancient proverb -*- 87207 7-MAY 16:01 System Modules (6809) RE: Merging files (Re: Msg 87206) From: CHARLESAM To: COLORSYSTEMS Yep, I have several merged modules that I use at startup. With grfdrv I have 10, shell has 7 boarders, runb has 9 tagalongs. I figure I could get from 6 to 10 good utils with supercomm and the same with Dynastar by merging to the next 8k border. These are all loaded at startup and are running before startup finishes. Oh, Presto Partner too. I timed the whole thing and it takes two minutes from DOS till startup finishes. this is with my HD of course. If I tried it from floppy, it would probably take 5 minutes. Thanx for the help, Charlie -*- 87210 7-MAY 18:11 System Modules (6809) RE: Merging files (Re: Msg 87206) From: CHARLESAM To: COLORSYSTEMS Correction on the time it takes to boot my system, 1:45 from DOS to prompt and that also includes merging fonts and cursors, putting up a pretty screen and a few other minor items. Not bad for a 8 year old machine running at 2mghz. Imagine what a 33mghz coco could do. Later Charlie -*- End of Thread. -*- 87208 7-MAY 17:36 General Information Partgen: split your HD From: JWILKERSON To: ALL I used partgen to try to get my hard drive to go into 2 drives.... However the patch fot my version of BBFHdisk didn't work. Seems that my version must be a later version than whapartgen package can handle... here is the ident for my bbfhdisk.... Header for: BBFhdisk Module size: $06B6 #1718 Module CRC: $1C330F (Good) Hdr parity: $68 Exec. off: $002F #47 Data Size: $024E #590 Edition: $04 #4 Ty/La At/Rv: $E1 $82 Dev Dvr mod, 6809 obj, re-en, R/O I would like to split my HD into 2 drives.... it'd make accounting for stuff sooo much easier... Any ideas? Thanks.... -- John -*- 87209 7-MAY 18:03 Applications (6809) RE: msdos (Re: Msg 87106) From: NETCRUISER To: COCOKIWI thanks -- i saw that one the other day and downloaded it. works pretty well. was hoping for one that goes directly to os9 w/o any decb between, but oh well, ill be happy with this (no more rs232 cables & null modem ! :->) -*- 87211 7-MAY 20:25 General Information PF From: VE3DAC To: WDTV5 Gene, did you get the Proportional font information you asked for a month or so back? Can send you my 11 71 -Y 21:53 General Information RE: PF (Re: Msg 87211) From: WDTV5 To: VE3DAC (NR) Gee, a mind is a terrible thing to lose! Mine that is! No, and at the moment, I'm tied up with 3 other projects. #1 being the ramdisk, I'm trying to get rid of the 504k limit, and it will be pretty much a "from scratch" effort when its done. But to see what its doing, I need a working os9p4, and the currant NITROS9 version is slightly broken, as in not reporting the stack value correctly. So thats project #2, with a +127 priority. Then I bought the missus (yeah, get him) an Amiga 2000-020 the other day, and its hard drive and controller are both junk. Can't get another drive into it before late next week since the UPS runs that slow around here, and alltho it boots from the existing drive, I have to give it a whap on a corner, sideways so's the heads will release from the disk and it can get started. The existing controller, an A-2090, has provisions for 2 mfm drives. I have NO setup info on it and can't seem to get it to access a 2nd drive to even format it. Next stop,, Amiga forum to ask about that Jurrasic controller. So don't worry about it just yet Merv, and I'll get back when I have time to attack it again. Cheers, Gene -*- End of Thread. -*- 87213 8-MAY 01:51 Telecom (6809) RE: Supercomm... (Re: Msg 87103) From: DBREEDING To: KSCALES > Yes, the ASCII upload in the Level 2 version of OSTerm does not work: > finishing the code (and forgot to remove it from the menu). The ASCII > upload isn't broken because of a problem with the code; it simply > doesn't work because it was never finished! This also applies to the I kinda figured that this was the case. > MM/1 release of TasCOM. > Northern Xposure has licenced the code for development of an enhanced > version of OSTerm (OSK only). The "prompted ASCII uploading" is fully > functional in the current development version of OSTerm 68K. > > Sorry, there are no plans for releasing an enhanced 6809 version, BTW. Well, I may have to give it a try. I have just sent in my order for a System 5 and of course will be on the lookout for a good telecom program. 'Course my Delphi/CIS msg stuff will be handled by "IX". BTW... is there any t'com support for something like XModem-G or some non-error-correcting protocol? I want to use V.42bis or '32, but as everyone has written, I found out that all the error-correcting protocols are actually slower with this turned on. I wanna go hi-tech with this -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 87214 8-MAY 01:52 Telecom (6809) RE: Supercomm... (Re: Msg 87085) From: DBREEDING To: 10BAUD (NR) Hey, thanks for your reference to "slowio". I've heard of it, but never did get it to use. OSTerm is a pretty nice app, could use a touch-up or two. One thing I could never get it to do was send CTRL-chrs correctly. Tried to get it to send CTRL-C for CIS logon and never did work. Learn produced a string "\3c" (I think) but didn't work. Aside from this and maybe another or two, it is really neat. If you refer to my rep to KSCALE's rep to your msg, I have a System 5 on order so may not be pursuing my coco stuff as avidly, bad as I hate to leave it. I hope to do some more with my coco, but I figure that OSK will occupy most of my time. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- End of Thread. -*- 87215 8-MAY 01:54 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 87118) From: DBREEDING To: WDTV5 (NR) > born! In My Own Not So Humble View, the prosecution really should oughta > go look for some gink that just held up the 7-11 & managed to get away > without being made rather leaky by that same sawed off shotgun! To me, you > have the God given right to defend whats yours *with* whatever means is at > your disposal. Maybe I'm a cranky old f--- but I've been working for a > living for 46 of my 59 years, looking for work maybe a total of 4 months > in the last 30 years. I pay my taxes and think they should *not* be used > for the latest so-called social engineering idea, but for pay and gear for > law enforcement, and jails to put them in the first 2 times, unless its > personal injury related, as in shooting the clerk. Once is more than > enough for that kind of person. End of sermon. > Sorry if I offend anyone, but its a first amendment and second amendment > freedom we're talking about here folks. Gene Heskett, You don't offend me! I agree with you 110%. RE: "the overwhelming majority of people who want some kind of gun control" WHERE ARE THEY? Everywhere I go, here, on our local netted bbs, etc. the overwhelming majority I hear is AGAINST! BTW. I captured a post last night.. haven't had the chance to check its validity yet, but it stated that the May 5 bill goes MUCH MUCH farther than the proponents claim. It: 1) contrary to their claim that it will not affect weapons already out there, it makes the "manufacture, sale, or POSSESION of such weapon illegal. 2) handguns weighing more than 50 oz unloaded will be illegal 3) the attorney general shall have the authority to add any weapon to the list that he/she/it deems necessary (without consulting with anyone). I have not checked this out yet, however, this surprised me, if it is true. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 87216 8-MAY 01:55 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 87095) From: DBREEDING To: JOHNREED > Right. I don't think this is a really big deal all by itself, > just like some well-intentioned lawmakers trying to ban certain To be honest, I question their being so "well-intentioned" > types of guns, "no-knock" searches, and a bunch of cops in > California who got tried twice for the same charge (yeah, they > should have been found guilty the first time, but they were not, > and that should have been the end of it). This is what I have said all along. They may have been guilt, but unless it could have been established that some foul play with or on the part of the first jury had occurred, that should have been it. It is SUPPOSED to be one of our constitutional rights to not have to face a condition of double jeopardy. > I heard a great quote the other day - can't remember who said > it or the exact words, but this is close -- > > " ... to take freedom away from Americans, you have to know how > to cook a frog. If you drop him in hot water, he jumps right > out. The trick is to put him in cold water, then turn on the > heat. By the time he figures out something is wrong, it's > too late .." And I think that that is just what is happening. -- David Breeding -- CompuServe : 72330,2051 Delphi : DBREEDING *** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 *** ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ -*- 87220 8-MAY 10:33 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 87215) From: COLORSYSTEMS To: DBREEDING (NR) > RE: "the overwhelming majority of people who want some kind of gun > control" WHERE ARE THEY? Everywhere I go, here, on our local netted bbs, > etc. the overwhelming majority I hear is AGAINST! You really need to get "out" more. According to national public opinion polls, a majority of Americans favor handgun control. Even more than that favor some kind of gun control legislation, such as the ban on assault weapons. > 1) contrary to their claim that it will not affect weapons already out > there, it makes the "manufacture, sale, or POSSESION of such weapon > illegal. I do not think this is the case. It is my impression that the possesion clause is intended to apply to possesion of assault weapons which were obtained AFTER the law is in effect. > 2) handguns weighing more than 50 oz unloaded will be illegal I don't have a problem with that. > 3) the attorney general shall have the authority to add any weapon to the > list that he/she/it deems necessary (without consulting with anyone). And I really doubt the validity of that claim as well. > I have not checked this out yet, however, this surprised me, if it is > true. It would surprise me if they were true, except for item #2. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions "We did not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrowed it from our descendants." Ancient proverb -*- 87221 8-MAY 10:33 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 87216) From: COLORSYSTEMS To: DBREEDING (NR) > > " ... to take freedom away from Americans, you have to know how > > to cook a frog. If you drop him in hot water, he jumps right > > out. The trick is to put him in cold water, then turn on the > > heat. By the time he figures out something is wrong, it's > > too late .." > > And I think that that is just what is happening. And I do not. Congress does not have the right to pass any law which supercedes a Constitutional Amendment. If the Second Amendment is ever repealed outright, it will be by the People, not Congress. ------------------------------------ Zack C Sessions "We did not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrowed it from our descendants." Ancient proverb -*- 87222 8-MAY 11:29 OSK Applications RE: PGP for OSK? (Re: Msg 87220) From: MITHELEN To: COLORSYSTEMS (NR) RE: Handgun oger 50oz being illegal. This would make many high quality target pistols illegal. The whole ide of gun control is a joke... It takes guns outa the hands of law abideing citizens. It has no effect on criminals. They will still get "illegal" guns/ weapons, by the same illegal means that they usually use. -- Paul -*- End of Thread. -*- 87217 8-MAY 09:12 General Information RE: COCO Fest Airport Ride (Re: Msg 87142) From: DISTO To: DOCBEAR (NR) I do still have a few 2-Meg boards left, but most likely will run out by the end of the Show. Maybe someone will buy the rights to it and make more? It is possible to mod a 1-meg address board to work with 2, but the memory board is completely different for SIMMs. Sorry I won't see you at the show, maybe next time? -Tony. -*- 87218 8-MAY 09:15 General Information RE: Disto 4n1 clock driver (Re: Msg 87141) From: DISTO To: DOCBEAR (NR) No problem! Send him the drivers he needs. -Tony. -*- 87219 8-MAY 10:17 OSK Applications New Toy From: JOHNREED To: ALL I have just uploaded a port for the `gnuplot' program for the MM/1 (and other OSK machines, I hope). The latest version I have seen is 3.5. This port is for version 3.2. It is based on an OSK port by Chris Thewalt. I changed a few things that the MM/1 complained about and added a Kwindows display. See docs for copyright and distribution info. Although it is called "gnuplot", and is distributed with other GNU software, it is not GNU/FSF material. It IS copyrighted, and freely distributable. Again, see docs for complete information. Using simple commands, gnuplot will plot anything from a simple line on a chart to a complex 3D surface. Output can be directed to any one of several printer types or to a Postscript or Latex file (or device). Even if you have no practical use for it, it is fun to watch it work. ******************************** "Don't take life too serious - it ain't nohow permanent" (Pogo) John R. Wainwright <> <> -*- FORUM>Reply, Add, Read, "?" or Exit> .