Robert Kohl banged in a message to All: RK> Is there a FPK Pascal for DOS? There are a DOS, a Linux and an OS/2 version. Currently, only the DOS and Linux versions are in further developement. Current versions of DOS and Linux versions are 0.6.6 RK> I tried to get FPK Pascal and had loads of trouble. Never got it. RK> So before I go off to look for it, I'd like to know if there is a RK> DOS version. It's there! You can get a copy at 1) 2) On the www page, there's also a link to a download site at, which may be faster for you. Cya, Gamefreak -!- FMail/2 1.22 ! Origin: 'To be or not to be'... That's not a question! (2:292/624.7) .