The following was taken from a message posted by Bat Lang in the BATPOWER echo. ST> Could someone please point out to me how to rename my file extensions ST> to the Julian date. Such as having my batch automatically rename my ST> daily backup from backup.arj to backup.168 for todays date. The following can be found through BFDS, which will satisfy the above need. JULIAN2.ZIP 5582 01-04-95 JULIAN returns the day of year(Julian) using the system date, and inserts it into the environment Variable 'JULIAN'. So your batch file would run JULIAN, then there is a ENVAR called JULIAN whose value is the current Julian date. Then you would follow that with a statement like: Rename backup.ARJ *.%julian%. So your batch file would only *need* to have these two lines: Julian ren backup.arj *.%julian% .