@MSGID: 1:2320/38.0 3071c9cc Hi Tony, JK> It depends on what you want to do with it. If you TB> OK, how about just the basics? I.E. enough to do something but not a TB> lot. Just enough to run very simple (or I guess standard) Linux programs TB> but not everything else. I do not really know what everything else is, TB> but I would imagine, let's say, rather than installing all DOS utilities, TB> just the COMMAND.COM and the MSDOS.SYS and IO.SYS. Let say you set up the first 5 disks of the Slackware release..A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5. You probably would need say 10 meg for that... What could you do at that point? Well, you could look at directories with the ls command - the linux equivalent to DIR in DOS. If you installed the A series, *and* the AP series disks, you'd be be able to actually learn the *nix operating system and that would take about 30meg. There's a file on my BBS you probably ought to read.. it's a an info file outlining just this kind of thing. Magic name LNXINFO (LNX.INF) Take care, Janis -!- Maximus/2 3.00 ! Origin: PDN HQ 502-245-8117 VEverything, 245-1146 HST/V32B (1:2320/38) .